2061 Life " N 17 V:JI.Ln )~1 GNV1H~\H 6\00 5V\<tJHl 3 ~ ZlCIZOIH811CH So Compact ••• A startling achievement-an ultra­ compact (7U,/1 H, 13/1 W, 4%/1 D ) 2-speaker system capable of sound you'd expect from a much larger unit. Volume control on front. P er­ fect for FM Multiplex, very low cost stereo, other-room extensions. x-1O ' .speaker 2- mIV way system for use with amplifier having 4, 8, or 16 ohm output. Power rating 6 watts. Adequate room sound with 1 watt to speaker. In Oiled Walnut. ••••.•••••••• $29.15 So Big in Sound ... Strikingly bea~tiful compact bookshelf systems-perfect for every ...........•••................ stereo or mono hi-fi need. Recent " blindfold" tests by audio experts proved a preference for the TF-3 and TF-2 over " rated" systems costing much more. Make your own careful comparison. You wiII be delighted with such big sound in small space. TF-2 3-speaker 2-way TF-3 4-speaker 3-way system. Covers full frequency range with system. Full size Flexair* Flexair* woofer In Bass-Superflex* enclosure, two coloration-free woofer for distortion­ midrange units, and the sensational Sono-Dome* Ultra-Tweeter. free bass response, plus 13X" H, 23%" w, 11%" D. two special direct radia­ In Oiled Walnut. ......•........•.......•... •.. ............ $99.50 tor tweeters giving ex­ Decorator Styling . ... .. .. ......•...........•..... .• ...• $109.50 tended smooth highs. 13X" H, 23%" W, 11%" D. Unfinished Hardwood .•.•......•..•..•..........• ... ... $79 .50 In Oiled Walnut. .......•....••••.•.•... $79.50 Unfinished Hardwood . .. •. .....•....... $64.50 · T.M. Reg. 6601 S. Laramie Avenue, Chicago 38, lliinpis In Canada: Renfrew Electric Co., Ltd., Toronto In Mexico : Universal De Mexico, S.A., Mexico, D.F. "BIG SYSTEM" SOUND from your present speaker with easy-to -install EV BUILDING BLOCK KITS! Records, tape, and FM all sparkle with new life and new presence .. stereo takes on added realism with Electro-Voice '. Mid-Range or High-Frequency Building Block :{<.its! The wide variety of E-V Building Block Kits ensures an exact match to your present full-range or coaxial speakers. They include every item needed to dramatically smooth and extend frequency response, lower distortion and widen dispersion so essential to balanced stereo reproduction. Complete instructions with every kit. Installation is easy ... results are GUARANTEED! Prove to yourself today, to truly "Bring 'Em Back Alive" simply add an Electro-Voice Building Block Kit! 'EM BACK VERY-HIGH-FREQUENCY' BUILDING MID-RANGE SUtLDING BLOCK KITS ~LOCK KITS T he ex c Iu s i ve E -V Add "front-row" presence, reduce harmonic Sonophase design extends high-frequency and intermodulation distortion and improve response beyond the li mit of aud ibility, sound distribution of any fu ll-range or coax ial reduces distortion, improves transie nt speakerl So lo instruments, voices sta nd out response fo r more natural-sounding perform­ in natural perspective ••• anywhere in you r ance. The E- V developed diffraction horn listen in g area. provides uniform sound energy in every part BB3 For use with medium-efficiency of the room for superior stereo coverage. speakers. Range, 800 to 3800 cps. In cludes BB1 For use with medium-e f f i ciency T10A comp ression driver,-8HD diffraction speakers. Extends response to 18,000 cps. horn, X825 crossover network, AT37 level Features T35B VHF driver, X36 crossover net­ control and wirin g harness. ' work, AT37 level control and wiring harness. Net each ... ... ........' ............. $86.00 Net each _.• ' _. ... __ . _............ , .. $37.00 BB4 For use with 'high-efficiency speakers. BB2 Desi g'ned for hi gh-efficiency speakers. Range ± 2Y, db 700 to 3800 cps. Features Silky smooth response to 19.000 cps. Includes T25A comp ression drive r, 8 HD diffraction T35 Super-Sonax VH F 'driver, X36 crossover horn, X8 y, section crossover network, A T37 network, AT37 level control and wiring harness. leve l control and wiring harness. Net each .......... _. _. __ ... ', ...... $50.00 Net each. _. • _• . •...•.... .. .. .... $114.00 BBS Designed for de luxe, systems >;lith r----~ --------~ extended bass range. such as Patri cian 700. Forcustom applications, al l of the components Provides ultimate in response range and above plus other specialized'E-V drivers, horns I ELECTRO-VOICE, INC., Consumer Products Di vision, I smoothness to beyond 20,000 cps. Features and accessories are avai labl'e sepa rate ly. I D ept. 814F, Bu chanan, MIchigan I 1 '1>'01) U\\ ra-Sonax VH F' driver, X36 crossover Write today for complete catalog in formation I Send catalog on how E-V Building Block Kits can improve I network, AT37 level control and wiring harness. on how you can improve your present speaker I my present speaker system. I Net each .. ........... ..... _..... _.. $75.00 system with El ectro-Voice components. I I I Name I I I Address I ELECTRO-VOICE, INC. I I I Consumer Products Division, Dept. 814F, Buch anan, Mich. I City Zone __State___ I ~~----------------~ Is this man an audiophile or an audio engineer? In view of the many 'good music' FM stations now using Empire Audio engineers know the importance of component quality to turntables, arms and cartridges, he may very well be an engineer. playback performance. People in other walks of life are beginning On the other hand, he may be an audiophile. We're not sure. The to recognize this too. They are discovering a quality of performance appreciation of fine equipment is not limited to professionals. Neither in the Empire Troubador, they believed to be unattainable in high fidelity music systems for the home. are we sure whether he is using a stereo or monophonic system. The Empire Troubador comprises the finest components ever de­ ,The Empire Troubador is known to be fully compatible with both. signed for the playback function: the Empire 208, 3-speed, hysteresis However, we are sure of the quality of his other components. They belt·driven turntable; the Empire 98, dynamically balanced arm; are undoubtedly the finest obtainable. For, it is hard to imagine this and the Empire 108, truly compatible mono/stereo cartridge. man having exercised such meticulous care in the selection of his See and hear the Empire Troubador at your high fidelity dealer. playback equipment being any less discriminating in the choice of Price of $180 includes cartridge, arm, turntable and walnut base.'. his amplifier and speaker components for his music system. Price, less cartridge, $145.50. For full details, write to: August 1961 Volume 7 Numbe.· 2 THE MUSIC Martin Bookspan 20 THE BASIC REPERTOIRE Schumann's Piano Concerto in A Minor Edward Cole 25 MUSIC IN 2061 .... Bernard Seeman Looking at musical life a hundred years hence ,/ Russ e ll Smith 39 IS MUSIC APPRECIATION STILL A RACKET? ... or has Bernstein reformed it? Jill BengelsdorJ Randall Jarrell 42 FOUR SHAKESPEARE PLAYS Barbara Gluck New recordings by Thf! Marlowe Society 51 BEST OF THE MONTH CONTRIBUTING EDITORS - The outstanding new releases Jlfarlin Bookspan Nat Hentoff 73 A LIFE IN THE BLUES William Flanagan Big Bill Broonzy's American Odyssey Stanlev Grem iVat -J Il'lItO/f THE EQUIPMENT George JeLLillek J . G o rdo n H olt 16 FREQUENCY-RESPONSE CURVES Igor Kipnis How to interpret the ups and downs Peter]' Welding 32 LABORATORY REPORT ON INTE­ EDITORIAL CONSULTANT GRATED STEREO AMPLIFIERS: Oliver Read PART II-Tests of the Bell 2440, the Sher­ wood S·5000 11, the Scott 299C, the Fisher ADVERTISING MANAGER X ·202, the Pilot 248, and the Bogen AP-60 Lawrence Sporn 41 INSTALLATION OF THE MONTH Designed for stereo depth ~~~\~ . ~~ .~ I~ l,u~ ~ ' ~.H I~ ~I :r~: P:' Nit'ff~nah~T~~:n v eo i Leo nard C arduner 45 HOW TO GET THE MOST FROM the Honnl (1946-1953); William Zifr, P r esident; W. R~·nd£~ ,'.gl n~l'lt;~e ~~.:~~J~~; ~i~d I'J:~!~~rt;M~I~~~~ ~ ~ YOUR RECORD PLAYER Michnel Mlchael.son . Vice Presiden t nnd Ci r cul ati on DIrector ; M. T. Birmingham, J r., Vice Presid en t and Simple rules for to p performance Business Manager; Richard Kis Jlk, Treasure r; Cha rles Housman. Finan cIal Vice P resident. Fred Reynolds 4 8 PING-PONG, ANYONE? . BRA.NCH OFFI CES: Midwest ern Office, 434 S. Wabash A1.Jc . , Ch icago 5. I ll. , Jack Ticl'fley. Midwest Adver ­ Candid comments on demonftration discs / tising Manager ; Westem Office, 9025 Wilshire B lvd., 't3cvcl'ly Hl11s, Cnllf .. Bud Dean. Western Advertising ~fg~::li r ;Lr:t:e~n:g~:er~\~~ft ~fl1~enscf~ t~lc~~~ ¥~il; J . Gordon Holt 50 SOUND AND THE QUERY "nl wCI'p nnd nU F.;R" lcl or{. Prerequisites for hi-fi sound :V4i~T.D~Y{r. ~ , ~ THE REVIEWS ~ ~ Marfin Bookspan, William <r""/NG CO~ Flanagan , David Hall, George 57 HIFI/STEREO CLASSICS SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE: Forms 3579 and nIl s ub· Jellin ek, Igor Kipnis, ift'~r)~°t'! r c~oI'R~~~~d.e"drrc~ra~~~~ B: :r~~:~~~d 4J~ South Wabash Avenue. Ch icago 5. Iftinois. P lease David Randolph 71 HIFI/STEREO JAZZ a llow nt least four w eek s for change of address, Include your old address as well as new-enclosing Nat Hentoff , Peter J. Welding If possible an address label fr om a r ecent issue. 78 HIFI/STEREO REEL AND Edwin S. Bergamini, David Hall, .CONTRIBUTORS: Con tributors are advised to retain CARTRIDGE ~'Ig~~ro~: S~~~rd b:n~:~[~:J \~"~ge ~~~! t ~~t~~nF!d It~:1~ i John Tho rn fo n, Pefer J. Welding office and must be accompanied by return pos tage. Sfanley Green, Naf Henfoff, 81 .HIFI/STEREO ENTERTAINMENT g~\'~tl'~~i~~~~earaesshua~~!e~;'~:s;~~ ~?~W ftl: ~g~e'th~Y: surety.
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