ELECTIONS EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 22-25 May 2014 efficiencyEnergy Unity in Diversity politicalYour party Biodiversity Reduction of public deficits Social justice Diversity Solidarity Sustainable cohesionand Cooperation growth Assembly of Regions Diversity in and Peoples farming/ Regions fishing Tackling Autonomy tax fraud Human Renewable Self- Rights Government Energy Linguistic determinationSelf- Support equality Recognition SME Languagesof all Transparency Internal enlargement Subsidiarity Independence Sustainable Democracy Local supply development Peace of food Energy Diversity Transparent sovereignty of energy Energy sources markets disciplineFiscal Equality Stateless (supportnations for) Europe of the Peoples your European Political partyEFA www.e-f-a.org It’s time for self-determination Our manifesto very much reflects this 6. Developing sustainable fisheries and for all the peoples of Europe diversity, and while respecting our differ- aquaculture; ences, works to build on the overarching 7. Facing the challenges to our languag- values and aspirations that we share es and cultures and working towards Welcome to the European Free Alliance whelming support of their people, now in common. Therefore, the manifesto linguistic equality. European election Manifesto for 2014. have the opportunity to decide on their focuses on these shared values of our future and whether they want to become member parties with seven general pol- It is an honour to be your EFA president We live in historic times. Across Europe free, independent states. icy proposals: at such a momentous time for all of ancient nations, regions, and peoples, 1. The right to self-determination, the our parties. I warmly commend this EFA currently under the jurisdiction of var- In May many of our EFA parties are look- internal enlargement, and EU recog- Manifesto to you as we launch our cam- ious states, are increasingly calling for ing forward to success in the European nition of this process; paigns for the 2014 European elections, either enhanced autonomy or outright Parliament elections. 2. Improving democracy and transpar- and wish you all good luck and great suc- independence, and all the benefits that ency in the EU; cess in the elections. The time has come go with bringing decision-making power The European Free Alliance is best 3. Overcoming the euro crisis; for self-determination for a true Europe back home. described as a broad alliance as it gath- 4. The development of sustainable of the peoples, the time has come to ers a diverse range of parties from across energy sources; make this aspiration a reality. Scotland and Catalonia, because of Europe each with their own unique 5. Developing sustainable agriculture the success of their pro-independence approach on how to better the prospects and reforming the Common Agricul- Veel geluk, parties and most importantly the over- for their people. ture Policy; Eric Defoort - President of EFA 1 Internal enlargement 2 Improving the democratic quality of the European Open doors to new states of old nations: be inconceivable that the EU would block institutions the EU must be committed to the recog- access to new states that have reached nition of new member states arising from their statehood through flawless demo- self-determination and democratic pro- cratic processes. The Lisbon Treaty was concluded after a The legislative capacity of the Council has cesses within current member states protracted process. Hopes that it would to become transparent. All legislative de- (which we refer to as the internal enlarge- The nations at sub-state level and / or lead to more democracy and account- liberations and relevant documents must ment). regions with legislative powers must ability were not fully realized. Following be freely available to Europeans in the have a role of their own in European deci- enlargement and the worst financial crisis same manner as the documents of the In the same way, the EU must ensure the sion-making through a strengthened that the euro has faced, the EU needs to European Parliament. The position of each continuity of European citizenship to citi- presence in an “Assembly of regions and set new and ambitious targets in order to member state should be made public. zens of these new states. Democracy is a peoples” replacing the toothless Commit- be a key player in the international arena, fundamental principle of the EU: it would tee of the Regions. a leader in the drive towards a sustainable The President of the European Commis- economy, a model of democracy, social sion should be democratically elected. justice and cohesion. In member states with a devolved struc- ture, all governments of their constituent The legislative capacity of the European nations will be required to be part of the Parliament must be further increased, process of proposing a candidate com- giving it true powers of legislative initiative missioner. and of amending the treaties alongside the competent parliaments within the The international vocation of the EU as a member states. player which acts on the basis of the values of democracy, peace, solidarity and re- Sub-state constituencies for the spect for diversity has to be clarified and European elections should be created in strengthened. the member states that have not yet done so. 6 - EFA MANIFESTO 2014 EFA MANIFESTO 2014 - 7 3 Overcoming the Euro-crisis The current crisis has highlighted how of the (financial) markets. The measures the EU can mean an added value) and a economic conditionality in the cohesion in recent decades several governments taken to improve the economic govern- stricter control on all EU agencies, avoid- policy. A (regional) government should not spent in an irresponsible way without ance of the EU (six-pack, two-pack, fiscal ing overlaps and duplications, should be be punished for the mistakes of another stimulating economic growth and gua- compact) should be applied effectively. installed. government. ranteeing social cohesion. In the first EFA believes that the European Central instance it is up to the member states Bank (ECB) should fully play its role. A European Rating Agency should be set EFA recognizes the vital importance to take the necessary steps, but we also up to control in a transparent way interest played by small and medium sized enter- need to formulate a European framework Austerity measures have to be com- on debt and risk premiums. prises (SME). EU policies should foster the in order to avoid repetition of similar cri- plemented by investments in future competitiveness of SME’s. sis-prone policies in the future. orientated policies and by other stimulat- EFA welcomes the recent EU legislation on ing measures, in the countries hardest hit bonuses paid to bankers. The current international financial and The member states have to make public by the current crisis. On that healthy basis, economic crisis has an important negative finances and the broader socio-economic Europe will have to re-launch an econ- The European Commission should be effect on the labour market and employ- context healthy by: (1) budget consolida- omic recovery policy based on European allowed, alongside national and region- ment situation in the EU. In this context tion and reduction of public deficits, (2) high added value investments. al authorities, to create efficient tools our main focus should remain on the EU structural reforms and (3) investing in to tackle fraud and to fight against tax targets to realize an overall employment smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. EFA supports fiscal harmonization havens and tax evasion outside the EU. rate of 75% in 2020. As a priority the low More fiscal discipline is also necessary throughout the different Member States employment rates for groups at risk such because of new challenges concerning and regions, respecting the fiscal diver- The reformed European Structural and In- as young people, the elderly and the pop- demography, the labour market, social sity and the subsidiarity principle (the vestment Funds should be conditioned to: ulation with a migrant background should security and pensions. Fiscal and bud- rate should be decided by the nation con- ¬ recover competitiveness, be tackled. getary discipline is an essential condition cerned within an EU-wide framework as is ¬ boost public investments in R&D&I, to get access to the European Stability the case for the VAT). In order to improve ¬ encourage productive investments, With youth unemployment at an all-time Mechanism. Solidarity can only be provid- the efficiency and social justice of the cur- ¬ enhance energy savings, high in the EU, it is essential that the pol- ed in combination with more responsibility rent tax system, EFA wants to modify the ¬ improve job training, icies of all levels of government empower from all governments. tax burden imposed on our citizens. ¬ fight against social exclusion, our future generations, inter alia through ¬ Territorial cooperation, including the quality education, skills development and In addition Europe has a task. Solid The EU budget has to be managed bet- emerging macro-regional strategies the validation of informal education, and mechanisms at the EU level will enable ter (smart fiscal consolidation, better develop an inter-generational dialogue. decision-makers to regain the confidence spending and focus on areas where EFA rejects the introduction of macro- In this context priority should be given to 8 - EFA MANIFESTO 2014 EFA MANIFESTO 2014 - 9 4 European Energy policy realize the EU target to reduce
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