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PLEASE NOTE: Soma pages may have indistinct print. Filmed as received. Xsraa Unhrarslty Mon N m set Na*ei Sm* hn * Am awst , mm*sm sates 75- 11,415 QUINN. NIchMl John. 1946- THE GLACIAL GEOLOGY OF ROSS COUNTY. OHIO. Tho Ohio Stat* Uhlvtrslty* Ph.D.. 1974 Otology Xsrox University Microfilms, Ann Mmr. Michiganw o t THIS DISSERTATION HAS K E N MICROFILMED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED. THE GLACIAL GEOLOGY 0? ROSS COUNTY, OHIO DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Michael John Quinn, B.S., M.S. ****** The Ohio State University 1974 Reading Committee: Approved By Richard P. Goldthwait Sidney E. White Robert L. Bates Advise? Department of Geology and Mineralogy ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my gratitude to the Ohio Division of Geological Survey for financial assistance during the field investigation. Thanhs are also due Mr. James Petro of the Soil Conservation Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, for discussing characteristics of soils in Doss County and providing unpublished information on the pedology of the region. My sincerest thanks go to Dr. Richard P. Goldthwait, my adviser, for his continual guidance through all facets of this study. The manuscript was appreciably improved through the critical reading and suggestions made by Dr. Goldthwait, Dr. Sidney E. White, and Dr. Robert L. Bates. I want to thank my fellow students John McKeon, Steve Derksen, Marc Hoyer, and John Muskopf for helpful suggestions during the laboratory and writing phases of thi3 study. Special appreciation goes to my wife, Anne, for her help in preparation of the manuscript and glacial map. VITA August 14, 1946 . • • Born - Plattsburgh, New York 1968 ............• B.S. Geology, St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York 1968-1970 .......... United State3 Army 1970-1971 .......... Teaching Assistant, Department of Geology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1971-1972 ...... Research Assistant, Department of Geology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1972 • •••..»• M.Sc. Geology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1972-1974 .......... Teaching Associate, Department of Geology and Mineralogy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio PUBLICATIONS "Late Glacial History of the Cedar Bog Area"; Ohio Biol* Survey, Info. Circ. no. 4, pp. 7-12, 1974. "The Glacial Geology of Champaign County, Ohio"; in press, with R. P. Goldthwait; Ohio Div. Geol. Surv. Kept, of Investigation. FIELDS OF STUDY Ma.jor Field; Geology Studies in Glacial Geology. Professor Richard P. Goldthwait iii VITA (CONTINUED) FIELDS OF STUDY (CONTINUED) Studies in Geomorphology. Professor Sidney E. White Studies in Glaciology. Professors Colin Bull and Walter Schytt Studies in Agronomy. Professor Larry P. Wilding. Studies in Hydrogeology. Professor Wayne A. Pettyjohn TABLE OP CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................... ii VITA ......................................... iii LIST OP T A B L E S ..................................viii LIST OP ILLUSTRATIONS.......................... x Plates Figures INTRODUCTION................................. 1 Regional Setting Purpose of Investigation Methods of Investigation Economic Aspects of Glacial Deposits Chapter I. PREGLACIAL ENVIRONMENT................ 13 Bedrock Geology Preglacial Surface and Topography II. DRAINAGE H I S T O R Y ...................... 18 Preglacial Drainage - Teays System Deep Stage Glacial Modifications of Drainage III. GLACIAL STRATIGRAPHY - METHODS, IDENTIFICATION, AND CORRELATION........ 35 Stratigraphy Rainsboro Till Boston Till Caesar Till Darby I Till TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Pedology Till-Soil Associations Depth of Carbonate Leaching Loess Faleosols Granulometric Analyses Calcite-Dolomite Analyses Clay-Mineral Analyses Pebble Counts Heavy-Mineral Analyses Till-Fabric Analyses Radiocarbon Dating IV. DESCRIPTION OF GLACIAL DEPOSITS AND FEATURES ............................... 126 Illinoian Margin and Glacial Boundary Illinoian Ground Moraine Late Wisconsin Moraines Knockemstiff Moraine Lattaville Moraine Reeseville Moraine Yellowbud Moraine Ice-Contact Deposits Outwash Illinoian Stage Higby Outwash Early Wisconsin Substage Late Wisconsin Substage Bainbridge Outwash Kingston Outwash Circleville Outwash Worthington Outwash Lacustrine Deposits Minford Silt Deposits in the D-ring Glacial Lake Humboldt Glacial Lake Massieville Glacial Lake Boumeville "The Prairie" Beech Flats Boulder Concentrations Directional Indicators V. GLACIAL HISTORY ........................ 202 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Nebraskan Glacial Stage Kansan Glacial Stage Illinoian Glacial Stage Wisconsin Glacial Stage Early Wisconsin Substage Middle Wisconsin Substage Late Wisconsin Substage APPENDIX................ * ..................... 229 Section A •••••••*•••••••••• 229 Sample Locations Pebble-Count Locations Section B •••••••••••#•••••• 240 Results of Laboratory Analyses Section C ••*»••*•••••• ........ 257 Sections With Significant Stratigraphy BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................... 260 vii LIST OF TABLES Page Generalized bedrock section of P.oss County ............ .......... 15 Characteristics of till-soil associations in Ross County . ........ 50 Soil characteristics associated with the till units in Ross County .............. 56 Confidence levels for significance of difference between mean depths of leaching in Ross County till units »••••••• 57 Comparison of rates of carbonate leaching in Ross and Highland counties .......... 61 Heavy mineral data of the Massieville and Seymourville loess sections • .......... 70 Particle-size distribution of Ross County till units •••••••••••••••• 85 Confidence levels for significance of differences between particle-size analyses for Ross County till units ......... * 85 Calcite and dolomite content in the less than 2mm fraction of Ross County tills • . 87 Confidence levels for significance of differences between mean carbonate content for Ross County till units • ............ 89 Clay mineralogy of Ross County till and loess units ....... 91 Pebble lithologies of Ross County tills » 99 Pebble lithologies of Ross County outwash units 103 v* m• * LIST OF TABLES (CONTINUED) Table Page 14 Heavy-mineral data from Ross County tills 108 15 Radiocarbon dates from Caesar Till in the southern Scioto Sublobe • • • .......... 121 16 Radiocarbon dates from Ross County • . 123 17 Pebble lithologies of Ross County ice- contact deposits ••••••••••*. 158 18 Characteristics of Ross County outwash deposits 168 19 Results of laboratory analyses from the Lickskillet lacustrine section • • • * * 188 20 General stratigraphic section in the Buckskin Creek valley • ••**••*** 192 21 Relative percent of clay minerals in Ross County stratigraphic units ••••••• 243 22 Particle-size distribution of bulk samples from Ross County 243 23 Chittick analyses data from Ross County stratigraphic units •••.«•••••• 248 24 Heavy-mineral data of Ross County stratigraphic units ••••••••••• 231 23 Pebble lithologies of Ross County stratigraphic units 233 ix LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Plates Plate Page I Map of the Glacial Geology of Ross County, Ohio ............
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