The Dcrily Skiff Vol. 77, No. 91 Wednesday, April 4, 1979 Texas Christian University Bubble danger gone; may scrap reactor I i implied from Assoc iated Press safet) instruments have tailed A troublesome gas bubble no because of Intense radiation in the longer poses an> significant danger reactor. Denton said some sensors Schlesinger ol explosion at the disabled Three were lost but most are redundant Mile Island nuclear power plant, a "and we have other means ol federal official said TIICSCI.IN. getting the information." wantsfaster "I think the danger point is Whatever success authorities base Considerable down from where it in achieving a cold shutdown, nuke OKs was a lew days ago,'' said Harold Denton said the plant's crippled No. Denton ol the Nuclear Regulator; 2 unit was not like!) to hi' hack in w VSHINGTON (AP)—Energy Commission 'We no longer operation lor "a considerable Secretary James R. Schlesinger consider a hydrogen explosion a period ol time." s;i\ s Congress should act to speed significant problem. The site Denton said the temperature in up licensing tor nuclear power remains stable,..." the nuclear core remained stable at plants despite the Three Mile Meanwhile,' speculation arose 280 degrees Fahrenheit. Island accident that the crippled reactor might have Schlesinger acknowledged the Robert Bernero, an NRC to be junked, but one NRC official red c1 oi accident near decontamination expert, arrived saiil he doubted (hat. Harrfsburg, Pa., will make it from Washington to assess ways <>l While Denton, President, ('.liter's more difficult lor the ad- e\ eiitualK cleaning up the radiation special representative at the scene, ministration to gel such in the Facility + a task he said held the briefing, tension was easing legislation through Confess. would take' "many, many months, in the weeklong crisis caused 1>\ the. But he said there's no real way ma) he a year or two." Tripping on music worst nuclear mishap in U.S. around nuclear power it the However Bernero was skeptical ol history,. Civil defense officials, nation wants to reduce its heavy Tanglefoot, a seven-member singing and I .uptou Student ('enter. lonuerK known suggestions on Capitol Hill that the estimated that between 80.000 and dependence <>n Mideast oil. reactor was so contaminated by instrumental group from Aspen. Colorado, as Stapenhorst Airport, it performs tolk. 250,000 ul the region's 950.000 "It's a question ol trading Iran i.idi,it that it would have to be will give a free outdoor concert at TCU at country, rock, hluegrass, gospel, ragtime people had lellipol.il il\ pulled out, oil against Three Mile Island," abandoned. "I doubt that it cannot 2 p.m. on April 8 in front of the Brown- and some jazz. but ihons Is were returning the energy secretary told a he used again I don't know he Tliesda\ and some schools were reporter. said reopened. Schlesinger predicted President Asked when the emergent) would . In Washington, Sen. Gary Hart, Carter soon would resubmit to Astronomer to tackle Einstein be nvei at Three Mile Island. chairman ol the Public Works Congress his hill unsuccessfully Denton said "We are righi now subcommittee on nuclear proposed in 1978- to reduce . developing and looking at plans ol regulation, said it might be more from 1 I years in about six wars the niosl effective wa\ to In ing tins expensive to clean up the plant than the time it now takes to approve, at Honors Convocation tomorrow realtor to cold shutdown." He it was to build it. It might be a $1 license and begin building a new declined to predict exact!) when billion mausoleum." The $1 billion nuclear plant. One ol the nation's Foremost Honors Week chairman, will 1979 observance of the "Einstein that might he ac( iiinplished Figure is generall) used as the cos! ol Test il\ ing liehM'e Congress, professors in astronomy is a guest .it preside, ('lasses that normally meet Year." is the director ol Cornell Asked about concerns that some the entire Facility. which includes Continued on page three TCU throughout this week, and is a at I I a.m. Thursdaj will be l; n is ersi t y 's Center lor special participant in the Honors dismissed so students tan attend the Radioph) sics and Space Research. Week activities. < on\ (nation. Violin recital next event Physicist-astronomer Thomas Thlirsda\ night, the Honors Day His contributions include the Gold, duel lor of Cornell Banquet will feature Dr. Don development of the the Steads Stale University's Center for Jackson, political science depart- theors of Cosmolog) which Hadiophvsics and Space Research, ment chairman and recipient ol the stilnul-nted obseiw at ion and will speak on "Kinstein: The Cleat 1978 Honors Professor recognition, cosmological thought tlin lUghOui Arts Festival underway Ideas of Relativity" Thursday speaking on "Whatever Happened the world. during the formal Honors Day lo Popular Democrat \ Hit .Sth annuaid F Krti Tung Chin ot the TCU music Chamber Music Society. Convocation assembly at I I a.m. The banquet will also include lie had responsilulitN Hi, ,il ill present 7 c\ cuts faculty and pianist Tong-H Han ol Also included arc programs bv He will also meet today with Fort presentation ol students designated construction and the Firs! io years' featuring faculty members or the North Texas State University the Concert Chorale on April 23, Worth high school science students, as "Senior Scholars." the Phi Beta operation ol the Arecibo Radio student performing groups during musk faculty the Symphonic Baud on April 2S and will meet in an open forum with Kappa award to the outstanding Observatory, the world's largest the coming 3 weeks a! \\{' The) will pla\ an 8:15 program and the TCU S) mphony and Choral students and faculty in the Student senior in liberal studies, and the radio antenna and a major in- The tesli\ ,i| began with the opera in lid Lindielli Auditorium con- Union on \pril ~~. Center Caller) Thursday at 2 p.in Sigma Xi awa/d as outstanding strument in the development ol "Dialogues ol the Carmelites" on sisting ol sonatas h\ Brahms, ("Inn has performed extensively The Convocation will include an senior in science, radio Astronomy, planetar) radar, March 30 and April I. Beethoven and Kranck. across the tinted Stales anil in academic procession with faculty in Cold, whose choice as Featured the discover) ol quasars and The next ewul in (he sci ies will be (tther performances include an South America and the Far East as lull regalia. Dr. Richard Lvsiak. guest at TCU coincides with the analysis ot pulsars. an April I I recital by violinist Sin- April 16 recital by pianist Tamas soloist, chamber musician and L'ngar and cellist Barbara Thiem, a member ot the Orpheus Chamber. ■ recital April 17 by pianist Liu/ i\v Ensemble in New > <nk. Theater Mom a Castro with violinist The festival is under direction of Kenneth Schanewerk and a Bach Di Michael YV inesanker. chairman now shows concert April 18 by the Faculty ot the music department Spanish House approves TEG By Ester D'Amico increase to half-tuition TCU Theater, located across University Drive from main AUSTIN I.M'J- --Church-related Rep, Bill Hollowell, DGrand campus, now shows only Spanish colleges and other private in- Saline, said the hill would hurt some movies, according to Van Johnson, stitutions of higher learning won an state colleges thai are losing new leaser and general manager. easy victory in the House on enrollment, 1 le also attacked it as a The theater was formerly leased Tuesday with a 123-19 vote ap- further Intertwining of church and by Cinemark, but that lease expired proving higher stale subsidies For state. Saturday, John Aguirre, former their students. ^ Clements recommended the $44.3; manager of the theater said. Final passage is expected Wed- million in his budget, hut Nabers. Texas National Theaters is the nesday, and that would scud hill said the grant program can cost no new owner, as of April I, Aguirre SB35fi to Cov. Hill Clements, who more than the Legislature, ap- said. recommended it in his budget propriates. The Legislative Budget The grand opening hit the movie message. Board has recommended $23.7. house Sunday with a live band, The hill would raise the million for 1980-81. "Los Cautivadores de Juan Parra." maximum grant from $000 to hall Grants now average $335 and People gathered to the theater the cost ol educating a student at a Clements said his budget would where free beer, popcorn and publicly supported college. Thai raise that to $900. balloons were handed out. cost is $2,SOD a year now. so the top That day the house was filled grant would IK' $1,250. The figure twice, Ellen May. assistant manager would rise each year as the cost per Business student at public colleges rises. of the theater, noted. May also said Stocks rallied sharply as concern' For the first time since the grant that about two times a year this type over the situation at the Three Mile I program began in 1971. part-time of entertainment will be provided. Island power plant near Harrisburg, students could receive a check from "(It) has been our pattern in the past Pa. eased and from continued' the state to cover part of their as kind of an appreciation for the strength in the dollar in foreign • customers," she said. tuition. exchange The films now showing—"El Rep. Lynn Nabers, D- Dow Jones was up 13.08 to-- Extra" and "Bajo el Imperio del Brownwood, the sponsor, said the 868.33.
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