Maria Alpuente Roberto Barbuti Isidro Ramos (Eds.) Declarative Programming 1994 Joint Conference, GULP-PRODE'94 Peiiiscola, Spain, September 19-22, 1994 Proceedings Volume I GULP -PRODE'94 SPUPV-9 4.2046 UNIVERSIOAD POLITtCNICA DE VALENCIA Foreword 'l'ht· Gruppo Ricerca.tori ed utenti di Logic Programming (GULP, which stands l••t Lul(ic Programmjng Researcher and User Group), is an affiliate of the Association 11 1 l.oKk Programming (ALP). The goals of the group are to make logic programming u1m1l popular and to create opporturuties for the exchange of experiences and infor­ ttllltiOn between researchers and users working in the area for both public and private •ur,n niv.ntions. 'J'o this purpose GULP promotes many different activities such as the exchange of 111 f••r111al.ion among its members and the orgaruzation of workshops, advanced ;chools 1111rl il.r; aunual Conference. 'l'hi"s time the Conference is going to be held in Spain together with the Spanish ( :11 ufercnce PRODE on Declarative Programming. This represents a significative step l11warrls the exchange of research experience among European latin countries. Such a w•nl had already been pursued by GULP with the enlargement of its conferences to ~pu ni s h and French researchers. Tile main aims of this Conference are: 1) to serve as an occasion for those working i11 this area which are interested in meeting and exchanging experiences; 2) to illustrate I l11• current state of the art in the area through invited talks given by well known lt'HCarchers; 3) to enable students and researchers to learn more about logic and declarative programming by means of introductory tutorials. The previous annual conferences were held in Genoa, Turin, Rome, Bologna, l'nduu, Pisa, Tremezzo, and Gizzeria Lido, and were attended each year by a growing nutnber of participants. The scientific program of this joint Conference GULP-PRODE includes papers from colleagues from many countries. The large international participation, consid­ f'Ted together with the good technical quality of the papers accepted for presentation, 11.1 a further confirmation of the success of this joint event. · Disefio Portada: SUSANA VIDAL On behalf of GULP I would like to thank Marla Alpuente and all the other col­ lcugues from the Technical University of Valencia for the organization of this year Conference. ~d ita: SERVICIO DE PUBLICACIONES Camino de Vera, s/n July 1994 Maurizio Martelli 46071 VALENCIA Genoa President of GULP Tel. 96-387 70 12 Fax. 96-387 79 12 mprime: REPROVAL, S.L. Tel. 96-369 22 72 >ep6sito Legat: V-2559-1994 Preface This book contains the Proceedings of the 1994 Joint. Conference on Declarative l'rogramming G ULP-PRODE'94 held in Peiiiscola (Spain) September 19-22, 1994. <:tJ LP-PRODE'94 joins the ltaUan GULP Conference on Logic Programming and I ht• Spanish PRO DE Congress on Declarative Programming. This is the first time !.I ant. GULP and PRO DE join together. GULP-PRODE'94 was preceded by the eight pn•vious GULP conferences in Genova (1986), Torino (1987), Roma (1988), Bologna { 1!189), Padova (1990)1 Pisa (1991), Tremezzo {1992) and Gizzeria (1993) and the thrl'e previous PRODE meetings in Torremolinos (1991), Madrid (1992) and Blanes ( 1993). GULP-PRODE'94 has been organized by the Universidad Politecnica de Vt~lencia. The technical program for the conference includes 60 refereed papers, 8 posters, :1 invited lectures by J.W. Lloyd (U. Bristol), J.-P. Jouannaud (U. Paris Sud) and P. Van Roy (DEC-PRL) and 2 tutorials by J.J. Moreno-Navarro (U.P. Madrid) and R. Nieuwenhuis and A. Rubio (U.P. Catalunya). We thank them for their willingness in nrrcpting our invitation. T he papers in this book are printed in the order of presentation and thus grouped int.o sessions, al1 of which are thematic. AU the papers were evaluated by at least two n•viewers. In order for more work to be presented than would be possible from just t he contributed papers, a poster session bas also been incorporated into the program nnd the abstracts appear in this book. We wish to express our gratitude to all the members of the program committee .u.ud all the referees for their care in reviewing and selecting papers. We gratefully acknowledge all the institutions and corporations who have supported this conference. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all authors who submitted papers and nil conference participants. We would also like to thank Riki Vandevoorde for her invaluable advice about the organization. Finally, we would like to especially highlght the contribution of the organizing committee whose work has made the conference possible. July 1994 Marla Alpuente Valencia Roberto Barbut,i Isidro Ramos Program Committee Mnrfn Alpucnte (U .P. Valencia) M arisa Navarro (U. Pais Vasco) Uullt-rto Barbuti (U. Pisa) Robert Nieuwenhuis (U .P. Catalunya) Lutgia Carlucci Aiello (U. Roma.) Mario Ornaghi (U. Milano) Paolo Ciancarini (U. Bologna) Catuscia Palamidessi (U. Genova) Ntroletla Cocco (U. Venezia) Inmaculada Perez (U. Malaga) Philippe Codognet (fNRIA, France) Maurizio Proietti (IASI-CNR) ( ~a rlos Delgado (U .P. Madrid) Isidro Ramos (U .P. Valencia) Moreno Falaschi (U. Padova) Mario Rodriguez (U .C. Madrid) Ann Garcia (U.P. Madrid) Gianfranco Rossi (U. Bologna) l'l're Garcia (IITA Blanes) Jose Jaime Ruz (U .C. Madrid) Lnura Giordano (U. Torino) Domenico Sacca (U. Calabria) Mauuel Hermenegildo (U.P. Madrid) Maria Sessa (U. Salerno) Maria Teresa Hortala (U .C. Madrid) Jaume Sistac (U .P. Catalunya) l':w•lina Lamma (U. Bologna) Jose Maria Troya (U. Malaga) Paolo Mancarella (U. Pisa) Felisa Verdejo (UNED) Juan Jose Moreno (U .P. Madrid) Organizing Committee Asuncion Casanova Salvador Lucas Maria Jose Ramirez Carlos Garcia Javier Oliver Maria Jose Ramis Vicente Gisbert Javier Piris German Vidal List of Referees J. Agusti M. Celma R . Giacobazzi D. Nardi G. Puebla L. Araujo P. Ciaccia F. Giannotti J. Oliver J. Puyol R. Bagnara C. Codognet A. Gil N. Olivetti C. Quer E. Bertino M. Diaz S. Greco A. Omicini M .J. Ramirez A. Bossi A. Dovier A. llerranz F. Orejas J.M. Rivero PT. Breuer M. Fabris J. Leach L. Palopoli B. Rodriguez A. Brogi M.M . Gallardo J. Marino M.A. Pastor A.Ruiz F Bueno J. Garcia A. Martelli D. Pedreschi F. Saenz N. Busi M.J. Garda C. Martin W. Penza L. Sanchez D. Cabeza M.J. Garcia F. Massacci A. Pettorossi M.L. Sapino M. Carro A. Gavilanes P. Mello E. Pimentel F. Scarcello J .C. Casamayor G. Ghelli L. Moreno E. Plaza E. Teniente Table of Contents Volume I Tutorials Automated Deduction with Constrained Clauses Robert Nieuwenhuis and Albert Rubio lntegration of Functional and Logic Programming 2 J.J. Moreno-Navarro Invited Lecture Practical Advantages of Declarative Programming 3 John W. Lloyd Session A.l: Constraints Analysis and Refinement of Constraint Answer Sets i.n a Planning System 18 M. Nitsche Types as Constraints in Logic Programming and Type Constraint Processing 31 H.-J. Goltz Session A .2: Program Analysis and Program Transformations Proving Termination of Prolog Programs 46 P. Mascellani and D. Pedreschi A Compositional Semantics for Conditional Term Rewriting Systems 62 M. Alpuente, M. Falaschi, M.J. Ramis and G. Vidal Characterizing Abstract Program Properties by Abduction 77 R. Giacobazzi An Abstract. Interpretation Framework for (almost) Full Prolog 92 B. Le Charlier, S. Rossi and P. Van Hentenryd: Session A .3: Concurrency and Parallelism Semantics of Concurrent Logic Programming as Uniform Proofs 107 P. Volpe El .X-Calculo Etiquetado Paralelo (LCEP) 125 S. Lucas and J. Oliver Confluence and Concurrent Constraint Programming 140 M. Falaschi, M. Gabbrielli, K. Marriott and C. Palamidessi S<•sHiou A.4: Theory and w:.o d t' Session A .8: Program Analysis and Program Transformations s 1 ~, un a aons . p at Resolution Tailoring Tableaux to Ref te CJ S Deriviug Polymorphic T ype Dependencies for Logic Programs using F'. Buffoli u ause ets 155 Multiple Incarnations of Prop 327 An Algebraic Theory of Observables M . Codisll and B. Demoen M. Comini and G. Levi 170 Granularity Analysis of Concurrent Logic Languages based on Fixpoint Semantics of L>.. Abstract Interpretation 342 . 187 M. Martella, A. Messora and C· p al ama . dessa M.M. Gallardo and J.M. 1toya Improving Abstract Int.erpretatiollB by Systematic Lifting to Invited Lecture' tbe Powerset 357 MJ odula_rity of Term Rewriting Systems Revisited G. Fili and F. Ranzato ean-Paerre Jouannaud 202 The Quotient of an Abstract Interpretation for Comparing Static Analyses 372 Session A.5: Program Analys· d p A. Cortesi, G. Fili and W. Winsborough Total Correctness of a Goal Re I IS an rogram Transformations p acement Rule Based on the Unfold/Fold Proof Method Session A.9: Theory 8Dd Foundations M. Proietti and A. Pettorossi 203 Loop Checking for Reduced SLD-Derivations 388 Modular Transformations of CLP Pro ams F. Ferrucci, G. Pacini and M.l. Sessa S. Etal/e and M. Gabbrielli gr 218 Solving Systems of Equations over Hypersets 403 A. Dovier, E.G. Omodeo, A. Policriti and G. Rossi Session A.6: C_oncurrency and Parallelism Termination is Language-Independent 418 Towards a Functaonal Process Calculus D. Pedreschi and S. Ruggieri K. Bohlmann, R. Loogen and Y. Orte a 234 El modelo RPS para Ja G est10n· . del Paralelismog AND inde d' t Session A.lO: Negation en P rogramas L6gicos pen 1en e Semantics for Reasoning with Contradictory Extended Logic Programs 434 251 R. Varela A. Analyti and S. Pramanik M6nadas Y Procesos Funcionales Comunicantes A Non-Deterministic Semantics for Ordered Logic Programs 449 J.E. Gallardo, P. Guerrero and B C R . 266 F. Buccafurri, N.
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