Species Sp Su F W Species Sp Su F W SHRIKES & VIREOS WOOD-WARBLERS (cont.) Northern Shrike R Black-throated Blue Warbler C C BIRDS Yellow-throated Vireo C C Black-throated Green Warbler C C Red-eyed Vireo C C Blackburnian Warbler U U OF Warbling Vireo C C Prothonotary Warbler U U Blue-headed Vireo C C Black-and-white Warbler C C JAYS & CROWS Mourning Warbler U U SCHODACK ISLAND Blue Jay A A A A Cerulean Warbler*# U U American Crow* A A A A Canada Warbler U U STATE PARK Fish Crow O O O American Redstart* C C 1 Schodack Landing Way SWALLOWS Common Yellowthroat C C Schodack Landing, NY 12156 Purple Martin U C Pine Warbler U U (518) 732-0187 Tree Swallow* U C Prairie Warbler U C Barn Swallow* U C Blackpoll Warbler U U Bank Swallow* U C Hooded Warbler U C CHICKADEES, TITMICE & NUTHATCHES Yellow-throated Warbler O O Black-capped Chickadee A A A A SPARROWS Tufted Titmouse C C C C Eastern Towhee C C White-breasted Nuthatch C C C C Field Sparrow C C CREEPERS, WRENS & KINGLETS Song Sparrow* C A C C Brown Creeper U U U U Swamp Sparrow C C House Wren* U C American Tree Sparrow C C C C Carolina Wren C C C C Chipping Sparrow* C C Marsh Wren U C U Savannah Sparrow C C Ruby-crowned Kinglet U U White-throated Sparrow C U U U Golden-crowned Kinglet U U White-crowned Sparrow U U Blue-gray Gnatcacther C Dark-eyed Junco C C C C Cerulean Warbler THRUSHES, MIMICS, STARLINGS & WAXWINGS CARDINALS American Robin* A C C O Northern Cardinal* A A A A Located on a peninsula in the northern region of Eastern Bluebird* A A C O Scarlet Tanager U C the Hudson River Estuary system, Schodack Island Veery* A C U Rose-breasted Grosbeak* U C State Park’s 864-acre Bird Conservation Area is Wood Thrush* A C U Indigo Bunting U C critical breeding habitat for many species, including Hermit Thrush C C U ORIOLES & BLACKBIRDS species of special concern such as Cerulean Warblers. Gray Catbird* A A Baltimore Oriole C C The western shoreline along the Hudson River Brown Thrasher C A Common Grackle* C C U U Northern Mockingbird R R Red-winged Blackbird* C C O supports Bald Eagle and Osprey populations, and the Cedar Waxwing C C U U Brown-headed Cowbird* C C C C eastern habitats along Schodack Creek are diverse WOOD-WARBLERS FINCHES & ALLIES ecological communities that support a large variety of Ovenbird C A U Purple Finch U U U U both resident and migrant birds, including a Great Blue Worm-eating Warbler R R House Finch* C C C C Heron rookery that contains about 50 nests yearly. Northern Waterthrush U U American Goldfinch* C C C C We encourage you to explore our trails and Blue-winged Warbler* U C U Common Redpoll U waterways by foot, boat, or bike with the following Golden-winged Warbler# O U Pine Siskin C checklist of birds: Tennessee Warbler C U ADDITIONAL SPECIES Nashville Warbler U U Northern Parula C C Yellow Warbler* C C Chestnut-sided Warbler U C Pamphlet created by Lauren Miller in affiliation with SUNY Cobleskill Magnolia Warbler U U Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Environmental Science. Yellow-rumped Warbler U C Please send suggestions for species listing updates to [email protected] OBSERVER FIELD DATA Species Sp Su F W Species Sp Su F W Name: WATERFOWL (cont.) GULLS & TERNS Date/Time: Blue-winged Teal R O R Bonaparte’s Gull C C Weather: Green-winged Teal O U U Ring-billed Gull C C C C Notes: American Black Duck U U U Herring Gull C C C C Mallard* A C A C Iceland Gull R Ring-neck Duck U Lesser Black-backed Gull R Please take a moment to report your sightings to Ruddy Duck O O Great Black-backed Gull O O U ebird.org (Cornell Lab of Ornithology). Gadwall O O Glaucous Gull R To report rare birds, please visit: nybirds.org American Wigeon U U Caspian Tern O O PERIODS OF OCCURRENCE Greater Scaup O O Black Tern O O Sp Spring: Mar. 1 - May 31 Lesser Scaup O O Common Tern# O O Su Summer: June 1 - Aug. 31 Northern Shoveler O O PIGEONS & DOVES F Fall: Sep. 1 - Nov. 30 Redhead O O Rock Pigeon A A A A W Winter: Dec. 1 - Feb. 28 Canvasback O O Mourning Dove C C C C Northern Pintail U U CUCKOOS STATUS Long-tailed Duck R R Yellow-billed Cuckoo U A Abundant: Hard to miss in proper habitat Common Goldeneye C Black-billed Cuckoo U C Common: Very likely to be seen in proper habitat Bufflehead R O O HUMMINGBIRDS U Uncommon: Present but not likely seen Common Merganser C C C Ruby-throated Hummingbird C O Occasional: Seen 1-3 times per season Hooded Merganser C U U KINGFISHERS R Rare: Seen at intervals of 2-5 years Red-breasted Merganser U U U Belted Kingfisher* U U U U * Breeding: Breeding confirmed within park OWLS boundaries (BBA) VULTURES, HAWKS & FALCONS Barn Owl R U # Species designated by the NYSDEC as endangered, Turkey Vulture C C C Long-eared Owl U U U U threatened, or of special concern Osprey# C C Bald Eagle*# C C C C Great Horned Owl U U U U Please note that this pamphlet is not a definitive list of all bird Northern Harrier# R R Barred Owl U U U U species found in New York state – please use the “Additional Sharp-shinned Hawk# U U O O Northern Saw-whet Owl U U U U Species” section for unlisted or invasive species. Cooper’s Hawk# U U O O Eastern Screech-owl U U U U Northern Goshawk# R R R R NIGHTJARS & SWIFTS Species Sp Su F W Red-shouldered Hawk# O O Common Nighthawk# C LOONS, GREBES & CORMORANTS Red-tailed Hawk C C C C Eastern Whip-poor-will# U Common Loon# U R U American Kestrel# U U U U Chimney Swift O Red-throated Loon R R Peregrine Falcon*# U U WOODPECKERS Horned Grebe R U U RAILS & SHOREBIRDS Red-headed Woodpecker# U U U Pied-billed Grebe# O O O Virginia Rail U U Red-bellied Woodpecker C C C Double-crested Cormorant C C O Sora U U Yellow-bellied Sapsucker C C C U WADING BIRDS American Golden-Plover R R Downy Woodpecker* C C C C American Bittern# U U U Semipalmated Plover O O Hairy Woodpecker C C C C Black-crowned Night Heron U U U Killdeer C C Northern Flicker C C C C Great Blue Heron* C C O Spotted Sandpiper U Pileated Woodpecker U U U Green Heron* O O O Solitary Sandpiper U U FLYCATCHERS Great Egret O O Greater Yellowlegs C C Olive-sided Flycatcher U C Snowy Egret R R Lesser Yellowlegs C C Eastern Wood-Pewee U C WATERFOWL Least Sandpiper C C Acadian Flycatcher U C Tundra Swan R R Pectoral Sandpiper O O Alder Flycatcher U C Mute Swan O Stilt Sandpiper R Willow Flycatcher U C Canada Goose* A C A O White-rumped Sandpiper O O Least Flycatcher U C Snow Goose O O Short-billed Dowitcher O O Eastern Phoebe U C Brant O O Wilson’s Snipe U Great Crested Flycatcher U C Wood Duck U U U Eastern Kingbird* U C American Woodcock U U .
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