Resource List: well as a hotline providing advice, informa- contains information regarding HRIC’s tion and international exchanges, and small research, advocacy and communications Rights Defense financial subsidies. work, which targets a broad cross-section in China of citizens, activists, government officials, Chinese Rights Defender lawyers, scholars, corporate leaders and (Gongmin weiquan) journalists. HRIC’s Web site includes spe- COMPILED BY MILY MING-TZU KAO www.gmwq.org cialized Web pages relating to the 2008 AND E.N. Chinese Beijing Olympics (www.ir2008.org) and to This Web site, operated by rights activist Li the journalist Shi Tao, imprisoned on the Jian, tracks recent media reports concern- basis of evidence provided by Yahoo! WEB SITES ing civil rights, offers access to copies of (http://www.hrichina.org/public/highlight). legal and political documents such as the Following is a list of mainland and over- Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Human Rights Watch seas-based Web sites and printed hosts a discussion forum. http://www.hrw.org/doc?t=asia&c=china resources relating to rights defense in English, Chinese China. There are many more Web sites that Chinese University of Hong Kong Established in 1978, Human Rights Watch could be included in this list, given the Universities Service Center is committed to protecting the human broad ambit of rights defense. For special- (xianggang zhongwen daxue zhongguo rights of people around the world. Its Web ized topics, we refer readers to previous yanjiu fuwu zhongxing wenku) page for China includes a number of resource lists relating to labor, freedom of http://www.usc.cuhk.edu.hk/wk.asp reports and statements relating to rights religion, legal reform, minorities, children Chinese defenders. and education, etc. For this list we have This Web site is not devoted to rights focused on resources that make specific defense, but contains many articles rele- Mainland Rights Defenders Newsnet mention of “rights defense” or “weiquan,” vant to the issue. (Zhongguo neide weiquan ji renshi xunxi and that relate more directly to specific arti- wangzhan) cles in this issue of CRF. Civil Rights Forum http://www.alliance.org.hk/weiquan/ (Gongmin quanli luntan) Hosted by the Hong Kong Alliance in Sup- CIVIL & POLITICAL RIGHTS http://gcgfx666.fyfz.cn/blog/gcgfx666/ port of Patriotic Democratic Movements, index.aspx?blogcatid=-1 this Web page focuses on lawyers and China Elections & Governance Chinese with some English other rights defenders in China. (Zhongguo xuanjuyuzhili) Operated by activist Guo Feixiong, this Web www.chinaelections.org site focuses on rights defense trends in The Open Constitution Initiative Chinese, English southern China. (Gongmeng) Operated by Renmin University’s Institute www.gongmeng.cn of Comparative International Economics Free China Forum Chinese, English and Politics, the Web site provides articles (Ziyou zhongguo luntan) Operated by prominent rights defenders Xu and other resources related to political www.zyzg.org.ru Zhiyong, Teng Biao, Yu Jiang and Zhang Xin- reform in China. Founded in 2002, the Web site provides shui, this Web site provides information on mainland netizens with a forum for dis- public welfare, citizen action, constitutional- China’s Human Rights cussing political issues. ization in China and updates on individual (Zhongguo renquan yanjiuhui) cases. www.humanrights-china.org Guo Guoting Essays Chinese, English (Guoguoting lushi zhuanlan) Peking University Human Rights Research An official Web site providing information on http://www.boxun.com/hero/ Center (Beida renquan yanjiu zhongxin) laws and organizations relating to human guoguoting/811_1.shtml www.hrol.org rights in China. The English content has a Chinese with some English Chinese more international focus. This Web page on the Peacehall Web site The Web site includes news and informa- collects articles by the well-known rights tion relating to human rights and related Chinese Human Rights Defenders defense lawyer Guo Guoting. organizations, including links to relevant (Weiquanwang) Web sites. www.crd-net.org Human Rights in China (HRIC) Chinese http://www.hrichina.org Relay Hunger strike for Human Rights in Operated by an international open network English China (Quanqiu weiquan jieli jueshi) for human rights defenders and non-govern- HRIC, an NGO established in 1989, aims http://jueshi.org mental humanitarian organizations, the to promote universally recognized human Chinese, English Web site tracks human rights cases and rights and advance the institutional protec- This Web site provides information and offers information on citizens’ rights, as tion of these rights in China. The Web site solicits support for a global hunger strike on behalf of rights defenders in ward complaints and reports to relevant Bureau in 2002 (see “How Many Li Wen- China. government offices. Jiang also operates juans Need Protection?” in this issue of 2006 two blogs, zhongguo minjian weiquanwang, CRF). 3, Skynet (Tianwangxunren) http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1212723523, NO www.64tianwang.com and zhongguo minjian jianduwang Rights Defense Times Chinese, English http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1094566415, (Weiquan shibao) Also known as June 4th Skynet, this was which focus on the legal rights of individu- www.ok315.cn China’s first human rights Web site, set up als and enterprises and on dealing with Chinese by Chengdu-based rights defender Huang infringements of legal rights. This Web site posts readers’ reports of cor- Qi and his wife in June of 1999 as a miss- ruption, wrongful convictions, petitioning, ing-persons search service. The Web site Dalian Sunshine Rights etc. It also tracks relevant news reports has since become a forum for users to (Dalian yangguang weiquanwang) and op-eds in major news sources. RIGHTS FORUM post information about human rights and www.dlsun.org government corruption. It also posts recent Chinese Voice of the People CHINA media reports of human rights abuses in This Web site focuses on a major land (Zhongguo baixing zhishengwang) China. rights case in Dalian. www.daixn.com 95 Chinese Weiquan Aid (Weiquanziyuan) Defending Rights by Law Operated by Dai Huaming and Jin Xue- www.weiquan-aid.org (Yifa weiquanwang) meng, this Web site reports on less well- Chinese, English www.xing1946.net known human rights cases and reports of TURES Operated by Chinese and Western human Chinese official misconduct. rights activists abroad, this Web site con- The Web site provides information and tains information on China’s rights defense analysis of the case of Xiang Jinsheng, who Wang Ganlin Investigates movement. was given three years of Reeducation- (Wang Ganlin duli daicha) Through-Labor and faces continued oppres- www.wglcn.com REGULAR FEA CORRUPTION sion after requesting that local authorities Chinese grant property rights to religious organiza- Set up by a famous investigative journalist, China Public Opinion Surveillance Net tions. Wang Ganlin, the Web site contains reports (Zhongguo yulun jianduwang) and articles relating to basic rights, rule of www.yuluncn.com Justice and Clean Government law, etc. The site was once closed down by Chinese (Zhengyi fanfuwang) the Shanghai authorities, but was report- This Web site aims to eliminate official cor- www.zyff.com.cn edly allowed to re-open after criticism from ruption by exposing individual cases Chinese foreign media. through articles, essays and a discussion This Web site provides information on how forum. The site has been closed down sev- laws can be used to protect individual Western China Anti-Corruption Net eral times during various crackdowns. rights and fight corruption. Along with rele- (Zhongguo xibu fanfubaiwang) vant laws, contact numbers and news www.xbfantan.com China Rights Defense reports, the Web site includes a Q&A forum Chinese (Zhongguo weiquanwang) for advice on legal issues. The Web site tracks news reports and pro- http://www.zgwq.net vides a compilation of articles on anti-cor- Chinese Lao Huang’s Legal View ruption efforts and development in western This Web site, which appears to be officially (Laohuang fayan kantianxia) China. sponsored, focuses on basic human rights, http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1218258350 in particular consumer and economic rights. Chinese Zhao Ming, Rights Defender It also answers readers’ queries regarding Operated by Huang Fengrong, this Web site (Zhao Ming weiquanwang) protection of their individual rights. provides information on specific cases of http://www.zhaoming.net/ official abuse and malfeasance. Dalian-based police officer Zhao Ming Citizen Whistleblower became a crusader against official abuse. (Zhongguo minjian jubaowang) Li Wenjuan This Web site relates his story and the www.jubao007.com/ (Li Wenjuan zhuantiwang) issues he pursues. Chinese www.liwenjuan.com Operated by Jiang Huanwen, this Web site Chinese promotes social harmony through the elimi- The Web site has a compilation of articles nation of corruption and illegal activities. It and news reports on Li Wenjuan, who was provides news on corruption cases and dismissed from her job and sentenced to contact information for official administra- administrative detention after she reported tive branches, and the editors offer to for- corruption in her work unit to the Tax RURAL AND WORKER ISSUES China Disabled Person’s Federation China Digital News Web Log (Zhongguo canjiren lianhehui) http://chinadigitaltimes.net Heaven-sent www.cdpf.org.cn English (Tianyi zhinongwang) Chinese Operated by the Berkeley China Internet www.zhinong.cn This Web site of China’s main advocacy Project, China Digital Times provides read- Chinese group for the disabled (headed by Deng ers with links to articles and photos on This Web site has a compilation of scholarly Pufang, son of former Chinese leader Deng China appearing in news reports, blogs and articles, including pieces by Yu Jianrong and Xiaoping) provides information relating to BBS. Its “Sci-Tec” session contains news Li Changping, on village governance, rural the rights of the handicapped. and articles related to Internet censorship tax reform, land policy, economic develop- and crackdowns on cyber-dissidents. ment, migrant workers, etc., and reports, CHILDREN/YOUTH articles and news on rural development.
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