LIBRA I. N 1876 THE CAMPUS 1914 OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE MEADVILLE, PA., MARCH 24, 1914. VOLUME XXXII.-NUMBER 23. institution. Later he became a stu- BASKETBALL CUES PROFESSOR DUTTON dent at Dartmouth College, and grad- BOTH DEBATES LOST SUCCESSFUL CONCERT uated as a civil engineer in the year Team Wins From Geneva But Loses DIED LAST THURSDAY 1878, when he was twenty-six years BY GOLD AND BLUE to W. and J.-Summaries of Games. GIVEN LAST FRIDAY old. After his graduation from col- Glee Club and Orchestra Please Large Death Caused by Heart Failure. lege he .was appointed professor of Pitt and Wooster Win Close Decision Allegheny's basketball season for Audience at Union City. Funeral Held Yesterday Afternoon. Mathematics and vice-principal of the in Triangular Debates. this year closed on last Friday even- Cumberland Valley State Normal ing, after the team had played Gen- In the fifth intercollegiate debate The College Glee Club and Orches- Of all the announcements made in School, which position he held until eva at Beaver Falls on Thursday held between Allegheny and the Uni- tra gave a delightful concert on last years 'by President Crawford in 1386. After that he was professor of evening and Washington and Jeffer- versity of Pittsburgh, Allegheny lost Friday evening at Union City, under Chapel, none was a greater shock to Mathematics in the Eiinboro State son at Washington on last Friday to the Pittsburgh debaters on last the auspices of the Baraca Class of the student body than when the pres- Normal School until 1890, when he ac- evening. The contest with Geneva Friday evening in Ford Memorial the First Methodist Episcopal church. ident made known the sad news of cepted the position here at Allegheny. resulted in a 28 to 18 victory for Al- Chapel by a decision of two to one. A large audience was out to greet the the sudden death of Professor William Professor Dutton was a member of legheny, while the night following W. The question, "Resolved, That the Allegheny musicians and greatly ap- Tenny Dutton, head of the department the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, a mem- and J. took a close game from the United States should, as a matter of preciated their work. The listeners of Mathematics and Engineering. ber of the Masonic lodge, and of the Gold and Blue by a score of 25 to 21. Policy, exclude all foreign unskilled were unlimited in their applause and Many members of the student body First Methodist church of this city. The game at Washington was espec- labor" furnished an excellent subject praise of both the Glee Club and Or- had heard a rumor earlier in the He also was a member of Phi Beta ially closely contested. With these for a debate and was most ably ar- chestra. Every selection was encored morning that Professor Dutton had Kappa. two games the basketball season clos- gued by the members of both teams. at least once and sometimes several suddenly died of heart failure while The deceased is survived by his ed: with eight victories, one tie game P. F. Barackman, '14, 0, A. Parment- times. The solo work of Robert H. coming up to his 8:10 class-but the wife and two children, Miss Bess Dut- and five defeats. Although the number er, '14, and C. S. Burwell, '14, upheld Downing, '15, made a fine impression report was not confirmed until the ton,' '04, a teacher in the public of defeats is larger than an Alle- the affirmative argument for Alleg- on the audience at Union City. Al- announcement was made in Chapel. schools of the city of Pittsburgh, and gheny quintet has sustained in some heny, while W. I. Moyer, L. S. Brodio, though this was the first time that It will be remembered that about Lieutenant Benjamin Dutton, of the years, the schedule was probably and J. Simon argued on the negative the College Orchestra has made a two years ago Professor Dutton was United States Navy. Mrs. Dutton was harder, this being so especially in side of the question for Pitt. Only a trip as a part of the musical clubs seriously ill from the same ailment, ill in a hospital in Pittsburgh when some of the games played away from small audience was out to hear the representing Allegheny, their work but since his recovery he seemed to the summons came to her husband. home. Syracuse, Rochester and Ohio debaters, in fact about the smallest was of such a pleasing variety last enjoy his usual good health and was Mrs. Dutton and Miss Dutton arrived Wesleyan are three of the best bas- attendance that ever attended an in- Friday evening that they will proba- most active in all the affairs of the in the city as soon as they were able ketball fives in this part of the coun- tercollegiate contest of this kind. bly be taken along more frequently. college and city. to get up from Pittsburgh, but the try and probably throughout the Dr. G. E. .Snavely presided and in- Several important numbers on the Professor Dutton left his home on friends here had a hard time locating whole United States. When it is -in their order. program had to be dispensed with on Locust street to go to the corner of Lieutenant Dutton, as he was away on troduced the speakers taken into consideration that the Park Avenue and Randolph street to 13arackmau started the affirmative by account of the illness of the leader, a cruise on the battleship Kansas. He Gold and Blue lost four of the five take the 8 o'clock car up the hill, and attempting to show that to restrict G. D. Rose. '14. The program was as was finally located by wireless in the games to teams of such caliber, the after he had not walked more than unskilled labor was only a logical ex- follows: Hampton Roads, but was not able to season was a fair one although not fifty feet down Park avenue he was tention of our immigration policy, Part I. reach the city until late Sunday even- as successful as many others. that this restriction was frequently ing. For this reason the funeral was "The Anvil Chorus" Verdi made. He also made the •points that The Geneva Game. postponed from Sunday afternoon un- Orchestra it will protect American citizenship In order to save some of the men til yesterday afternoon. "When Mabel Sings" Speaks and that such a restriction would be for the contest the night following Glee Club That Professor Dutton's former stu- an economic test. His arguments with Washington and Jefferson, Orchestra. dents held him and his work in high were based on the three main divis- Coach Hammett started the Alle- Reading-"How Old Mose Counted." esteem was evidenced by the fact that ions of the affirmative side, namely, gheny line-up with Nicholls and Bash Mr. Hutchinson Mr. A. W. Thompson, '97, made a that it is the logical policy, the pur- at forward, McKay at center, and Baritone 'Solo-"A Song of Steel," special trip from Chicago, leaving a pose of it is to get good men, and it Thomas and Graham at guards. The Spross great deal of important work there is much needed in an economic way. contest proved to be slow and unin- Mr. Downing behind him as manager of the Balti- Brodio, of Pitt, outlined the nega- teresting from the start. A number Gypsy Trail. more and Ohio railroad, in order to be tive side of the argument. Maintain- of fouls were called on both teams, Glee Clue one of the honorary pall hearers and ing that the exclusion of foreign un- which greatly slowed up the play as Hungarian Dance. V. ..Brahnias mourners at the funeral of his late skilled labor would not raise the well as affording both fives plenty of Orch est re friend and professor. ()la amount of opportunity to make point`; from the -a:ague-4347 the Americanevterk.men, -that Part the date of the funeral being changed, foul line. The first half ended 10 to it would not help present conditions, Rewrote; ..................Selected Mr. Thompson was unable to be pres- that it would cause a still higher cost 6 in favor of Allegheny. In the see- ent, yesterday, Mr. lititehinaon because his 'presence of living, that the unskilled labor is mid period the Gold and Blue Iliad,- Professor W. T. Dutton. Ile- air! That 1 ' ,1-1.tad in Mind," eats i'llsolutely necessary at weeded for industrial expansion, and twelve points to the six made by c S1-ssi oaliY1. pG0 u ton, D. C., where he was to appear be- that the condition of so many unem- Geneva. Dunbar was substituted for (From "Freckles") Friedland seen to fall forward. This was just fore the Interstate Commerce Com- ployed is not due to the unskilled for- Graham in the last few minutes of Glee Club after he had spoken a cheerful word mission. The family were the recip• eign labor in this country, the Pitt play and Cox for Nicholls. McKay Baritone Solo-"Young Tom O'Devon" to a neighbor when passing by. Mr. ients of innumerable telegrams ex• played an excellent game at center debator gave a complete outline of Russell Dutton was carried into a home near- pressing the deepest sympathy in the argument of the negative. Par- by securing two field goals and at the Mr. Downing by, and Dr. F. A. Clawson was sum- their recent bereavement. menter followed next for the affirm- same time holding his man to none.
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