In Section 2 In Sports An Associated Collegiate Press Five-Star All-American Newspaper Swim & runl No and a National Pacemaker The crazy problem, Kyal things we, can Hackett do for love _l'i · ~ page B1 ....· <&>.;...,.,Aai:...._ . .. ·j FRIDAY Trash-to-steam proposal stirs controversy Students, scientists attend Solid Waste Authority hearing to discuss the risks and benefits of the plant By Michael Regan of over 200 names of. Newark Ciry News Editor residents who opposed the DOVER - University students, possibility of a trash-to-steam Newark residents and other plant in Delaware. Delawareans gathered Wednesday Tuerk said the petition only rtight at a public hearing held by a took a few hours to compile. nate agency to debate the potential The hearing was attended by ievelopment of Delaware's first State Senator David McBride of :rash-to-steam plant. Delaware's 13th district, who is The Delaware Solid Waste chairman of a Senate committee o\uthority (DSWA) held the on environmental research. 1earing to receive public reaction McBride said he thought the :o the release of its solid waste DSWA 's plan was unclear in nanagement plan. several areas, citing the plant's The release outlines goals to proposed treatment of recycling. · ·ecover energy from at least 50 "I think the plan should >ercent of current household waste definitely give more emphasis to >y 2001 and 70 perc~nt by 2010 recycling and source reduction," ,.-ith the construction of at least he said. me trash-to-steam plant. Eric Marchese, another recent Trash-to-steam incineration uni verslty graduate. said the >!ants have created controversy in DSW A • s plan to burn waste "is ·ecent years for allegedly causing not compatible with recycling." Lir and water pollution, as well as Marchese said: "Burning waste owering local property values. destroys resources. Much of the combustible material has the fhe voices of opposition potential to be recycled, Members of the Student composted or just not produced in ~nvironmental Action Coalition the first place, saving money and .SEAC) were among those who material that can be used in the :poke in protest of the potential future." >I ant. John Super, a resident of Dover, . THE REVIEW /Mike Regan · Karen Tuerk, a recent university said j1e has lived in Delaware for At a Wednesday night hearing sponsored by the Delaware Solid Waste Authority (DSWA), Eric Marchese, a recent university graduate, ~raduate, helped gather a petition · see TRASH PlANT page A7 voices his opposition to the trash-to-steam plant proposed by the DSWA. :DelaWare senior dies in car accident Student mugged· 22-year-old male student kiLled in Maryland after head-on coHision Sunday morning By Kelly Gilbert ended in tragedy when a vehicle future. Kevin adjusted very quickly, behind Lane Hall Student Affairs Editor lost control, swerved into on­ The 22-year-old chemistry. major Burmeister says. His hard work and dedication coming traffic and hit Kevin's car worked part-time while attending "Kevin was one of the crowd. A female student was $20 from her coat pocket. He promised him a bright future. head on near his home in the university at such companies as He was extraordinarily polite and robbed at knife point early then told her to walk away and His genUe disposition and sense Gaiiliersburg, Md. Hoffmann LaRoche and DuPont. he fit right in with all the other Sunday evening, University the suspect took off running. of humor tot;ched those around Kevin died on the scene of He also wrote two undergraduate students." Police said. Police said the student him. multiple injuries. Charges are research articles that have been His parents recall Kevin's According to police, the received a scratch on her chest, But for friends and family of pending and an investigation is accepted for publication and are in sensitive and caring side. student was walking next to but did not require any medical university senior Kevin Scott continuing, Montgomery County press for the "Acta Mrs. Timothy Rogers. Kevin's the Lane residence hall when a treatment. Beall, the qualities that made him a Police say. Crystallographica," a monthly mother, says: "He was a very kind man came from behind and The suspect was wearing all remarkable and unique individual John Burmeister, professor of journal dedicated to the research of and generous person. He would do grabbed her. black, including a black ski exist only in memory since his chemistry· and biochemistry, crystallography. anything for anybody and he could Police gave the following mask, police said. He is death on Feb. 7. remembers Kevin as a optimistic Transferring from The Citadel, a never hurt a soul." account of the incident: described as 6 feet tall. A night spent with close friends student with an extremely bright military school in North Carolina, see SENIOR page A4 The man put his hand over Police said they are her mouth and held a knife in currently investigating, but front of her. He told her to take have no further comment at off her coat, then cut her this time. Dining hall "Revolution is the only solution. " blouse and bra strap. The man then demanded - Compiled by Rebecca To/len to undergo money, and the girl gave him change for September Faculty Senate: 'Not By Robyn Furman lldministr•tive News Editor our jurisdiction' Harrington Dining Hall may have a future burning calories rather than its food. House monitor system not a university concern David Hollowell, senior vice president, said since· the demand By Ron Porter However, the senate decided for dining space is low, the Assisblnt Sports Editor last year to study the possibility of university plalls to put a fitness On Monday, the Faculty Senate forming a commillee to analyize center, convenience store and permanently s'erved its eviction the. potential for a system similar computing site into the East notice on the house monitor to the house monitors. Campus dining hall. system with a vote rejecting the But on Monday, the Committee The university decided to formation of a committee aimed at on Committees and Nominations con vert the building into further studying the defunct s tated it did "not have the ' something more useful to students proposal. jurisdiction nor the expertise to because they were utilizing Kent Last Spring Semester. the Greek make meaningful and Russell dining halls to a Life Task Force proposed a recommendations on this subject, greater extenr than Harrington, resolution to remove house and that it is not an appropriate · Hollowell said. monitors from fraternity and mauer for the university Faculty "This gave the opportunity to do THE REVIEW I Maximillian Gretsch sorority houses, a trial system · Senate to take up." something with the space to Kwame lure, radical activist, spoke Tuesday night about the evils of capitalism and apartheid. which took effect . in Fall 1991 David Smith, chairman of the directly benefit the students," he after a proposal from Faculty Commiuee on Committees and explained. Senator Edward Schweizer passed Nominations, said circumstances Hollowell said students have Activists join to fight 9ppression the Faculty Senate on Apri I 22, surrounding the house monitor asked for more access to the 1991. see FACULTY SENATE page A7 fitness center as well as to computing sites. &t J. Matthew O'Doonell He summarized the European migration to North Newsf-..e&litot Although all the plans are America and said. 'They came to exploit our ~ our tentative, Hollowell said these A unioo of two struggles was about to begin ~ alrmst labors arx1 our J"C50lll'CeS." . ~-----INDEX~~------------~----~ D> peqlle in Smith Hall TIJelllay night After years of conflict with European-Americans, he types of facilities are in the galhered News Analysis ........................ .A2 Kwame Ture, a rmnber of the All-African Prople's said inligenous ~les were foo:ed into internrrent camps greatest demand. campus Briefs ........................ .A2 Revolutionary Party and Vernon Bellecourt, a national that ''have since become our reservatioos." "The computer site in the Classifieds ............................... 88 student center Is small, and representative of the American Indian Movement, both In response to the U.S. government's demands that spoke before a diverse crowd of students, faculty and Native-Americans assimilate into American cities and Comics .................................... B9 C~penter Fitness Center is' over· National Collegiate Report ...... .A9 subscribed," he said. a:tivists. urban life, he said, "No, we don't Will1t to become part of Police Report .......................... .A2 Although the lllliversity has not Bellecoun, a Native-American, began his speech by the American death rult" Review and Opinion .............. A10 yet consulted an · architect about greeting the I.I'OWd in nwmuos lalguages. 1-k: introdlx:cd He claimed those who had caused the Native­ Spons ...................................... B4 the estimated cost and space himself as m IOOia1 from the Oanc family, Or a tribe that Am:ricans' ~rief will ftnd that "your time of decay wiU availability, Hollowell said the he said refers to themselves as "the people." surely come. ---Also iNsitlt:--- ''You will see the parallels of [the Native-Arrx:rican] Bcllccourt. a I'CJX'CSCiltati vc of the Natiooal Coalition on university hopes to have the Lunatic Ringe .......................... .AJ conversion completed by Slruggle and the coolinued struggle of Africa'IS," Bellerourt Racism in Sports and Media (NCRSM), has frequently Clinton's nominee withdrawai.AJ September. said. see ACTIVIST page AS · Hockey's Caum in the storm Med Tech hanging on .......... :.. .A4 Lindsay Groom (AS. FR) said 85 . see HARRINGTON page A7 ' •.. A2 • THE REVIEW. February 12, 1993 News Analysis President Cli.nton confronts early criticism to his plans. By Usa tvk'Cue rushed ~ make good on his campaign Spring music programs Week, the celebration, free and Auodllr Nrws &lila promise to overturn most of the open to the public, will begin Nearly three weeks have ~ since Republican-mandaled atotim laws.
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