NATIONAL LOCAL NEWS NATIONAL LOCAL BUSINESS President U Htin Sittway Court gives death Investigation Commission on FDI hit over US$ Kyaw receives Thai sentence to culprit involved Maungtaw continues fact- 5.81 billion in 10 Ambassador in Kotankauk Outpost attack finding mission in villages months of this FY PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 3 PAGE 5 Vol. III, No. 304, 3rd Waning of Tabodwe 1378 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Tuesday, 14 February 2017 A DAY FOR BOGYOKE & CHILDREN State Counsellor celebrates birthday of her father, Bogyoke Aung San IN commemoration of the 102nd birthday of her father, Bogyoke Aung San, the architect of My- anmar’s independence, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi made a pilgrimage to the Pa- godas — Shwe Hpone Pwint, and Cula Mani, in Taunggyi, Shan State — to pray and share her meritorious deeds to all beings. The State Counsellor gave holy offerings of flowers, water ablutions and 102 lighted candles, one for each year since her father’s birth, to the Buddha image con- Above, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, left, speaks with children and staff members in Taunggyi yesterday. Below, with a statue of General Aung San in nected to the star under which Bo- the background, the State Counsellor gives a gift to a child from a philanthropic group in Taunggyi, Shan State. PHOTO: MNA gyoke Aung San was born. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi also of encouragement to the student. received the Five Precepts from Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was Yangon celebrates the Reverend Sayadaws presided also present at a ceremony dur- over by Soon Loon Sayadaw at ing which a nutritious lunch was Day for Children the Shwe Hpone Pwint Religious given to disabled children and or- Community Hall. phans in commemoration of Bo- marking Bogyoke At the Cula Mani Pagoda, gyoke Aung San’s Birthday, held the State Counsellor similarly at the City Hall of Taunggyi. Birthday offered flowers, water ablutions “The meal was given in com- Zaw Gyi (Panita) and 102 candles. memoration of my father’s birth- While at the Cula Mani Pa- day, and concurrently in honour THE 102nd anniversary of Bogy- goda, she signed the guest book of the Day for Children in My- oke Aung San’s birthday, which and greeted fellow pilgrims. anmar. I would like to pray for is also designated as the Day for During the greetings, a first-year them, to be blessed with health Children in Myanmar, was cele- university student majoring in and pleasure, a long life and hav- brated at the Office of the National Myanmar language and litera- ing an access to serve the coun- League for Democracy in Bahan ture asked the State Counsellor try. Enjoy the meal well. Only if township, yesterday morning. whether she had a right to take you take such a meal will you be At the ceremony, Thura U part in the Peace Process. The healthy. Thank you all.” Tin Oo, patron of the NLD who State Counsellor replied that In a separate event, donation presided over the ceremony, anyone has access to participate money and offertories were later spoke of the importance of recog- in the Peace Process, as does an given by the State Counsellor to nising the nation’s children. unhealthy but strong-minded the association of yellow genera- “There is a day that the world traveller in the journey of life. tion youth philanthropists and designated as the World Day for The State Counsellor gave words SEE PAGE 3 >> Children. SEE PAGE 3 >> 2 NATIONAL 14 February 2017 Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Performance, fund raising Pyidaungsu Hluttaw discusses Union Tax Bill, Territorial River and River Zones Bill ceremony held marking THE PYIDAUNGSU HLUT- istry of Natural Resources and Union Peace Year-2017 TAW held its regular meeting Environmental Conservation and yesterday during which its bill Ministry of Planning and Finance committee submitted findings on clarified the Union Government’s the Union Tax Bill, the Territori- tax report for the first six months. al River and River Zones Bill. In other action, the Py- During the meeting, the Min- idaungsu Hluttaw rejected the istry of Home Affairs, Ministry controversial bill revoking the In- of Agriculture, Livestock and land Water Transport Authority Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Irrigation, Ministry of Transport Act yesterday, following a debate Livestock and Irrigation U Hla and Communications, Ministry on the issue.— Myanmar News Kyaw. PHOTO: MNA of Electricity and Energy, Min- Agency Pyidaungsu Hluttaw nods motion of borrowing 10.787 billion Yen for maintenance of hydro power plants Traditional dancers perform together with comedians at the performance held in conjunction with fund raising for peace process. A MOTION on borrowing 10.787 and found it was necessary to PHOTO: MNA billion Yen (Ks129.87 billion) carry out extensive maintenance from the Japan International Co- tasks from 2017 to 2023 for the A PERFORMANCE and fund Maung Mhway and family from operation Agency for the mainte- plant to reach its full capacity. raising for peace process was Yangon, 50 Lakhs from Linn nance of hydro power plants was Similarly, the Hsedawgyi held at Myanmar International I.T Solution Co.Ltd, 40 Lakhs passed by Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Hydropower Plant, which has Convention Center -2 in Nay from CCD CO.Ltd, and a repre- yesterday by a vote of 506 to 3. been operating continuously for Pyi Taw yesterday, with an sentative from the University of Dr Tun Naing, the Deputy 28 years, has suffered from wear opening speech by Chairman of Taunggyi donating 30 Lakhs. Minister for Electric and Ener- and tear of its machinery and the Union Peace Commission This was followed by a for- gy, said that the ministry would needs major maintenance. Dr Tin Myo Win. mal announcement of the list of proceed to borrow the money in As a result, mainte- Afterwards, Union Minister donors and amount of donations. accordance with the rules. nance tasks will be carried out for the Office of the State Coun- Afterwards MyaPunnamar Japanese and Myanmar en- from the 2017-18 fiscal year sellor of Myanmar U Kyaw and ThiLayThi Troupes per- gineers inspected the Beluchaung to the 2023-24 fiscal year. Dr Tun Naing, the Deputy Minister Tint Swe awarded congratu- formed with music, dance and power generation plant six times — Myanmar News Agency for Electric and Energy. Photo: MNA latory certificates to MyaPun- a-nyeint comedic entertainment namar and ThiLayThi Troupes for the Union Peace Year (2017) Representative U Zarganar and celebration. Main Sponsor Diamond Wall In attendance were Pyithu Pyidaungsu Hluttaw passes Ks3.65 billion Co.Ltd’s Managing Director U Hluttaw Speaker U Win My- Kyaw Zaw Ya. int, Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker allocation for development of Rakhine Following the programme Mahn Win Khine Than, Amyo- Nay Pyi Taw Council Chairman, tha Hluttaw Deputy Speaker U A MOTION for spending Ks3.65 funds under the 2016 Union concrete road passing through 13 Mayor Dr Myo Aung awarded Aye Thar Aung, Union Elec- billion for the development of Budget Law, according to the villages in Rathedaung Town- certificates of honour to donors tion Commission Chairman and Rakhine State was passed yes- clarification by ministries con- ship and a bridge, said Deputy for the National Reconciliation wife, Union ministers and wifes, terday at the Pyidaungsu Hlut- cerned at the parliament. Minister for Agriculture, Live- and Peace Center, donations Nay Pyi Taw Council Chairman taw. Under the progamme, de- stock and Irrigation U Hla Kyaw. include 500 Lakhs from Mu- and wife, National Peace Com- The allocation of Ks3.65 velopment tasks would be car- Plans are underway to hand don Maung Maung Co.Ltd, 250 mission Chairman and wife, billion for socioeconomic de- ried out in 17 townships in the over the project to the Ministry velopment of Rakhine State pro- state. of Construction, which would Lakhs from Authentic Co.Ltd, deputy ministers, MPs, donors posed by President U Htin Kyaw Among them, priority has start in the 2017-2018 fiscal year. 200 Lakhs from Good Broth- and local residents from Nay Pyi would come from the reserved been given to construction of a — Myanmar News Agency er Co.Ltd, 100 Lakhs from U Taw.—MNA Prevention of collapse of river banks, Gov’t, CSOs to raise improving water way made in Sagaing collaboration on disaster prevention projects in Mandalay THERE are 45 projects for pre- experiences. The prevention of implemented with the use of Ks vention of collapse of river banks collapse of river bank will be 908 million of Union reserve A COLLABORATIVE effort to later this month by the Social and improving of water way for conducted on the Sagaing region fund. carry out disaster risk reduction Welfare, Relief and Resettle- smooth transportation Sagaing side,” U Phone Kyaw Sein, direc- “There are many ways to activities will be implemented ment Department, local ad- Region, according to Sagaing re- tor of Sagaing region directorate prevent the collapse of river in six townships in Mandalay ministrative bodies, residents gion directorate of water resource of water resource and improve- banks,” said U Myat Min Tun, which experience natural dis- and civil society organisations and improvement of river sys- ment of river system department. assistant director of Sagaing re- asters on an annual basis, the through a sector-by-sector ap- tems department. Thirty-six projects for pre- gion directorate of water resource Region Minister for Natural Re- proach. A powerful wind hit The project was started at the vention of collapse of rivers are and improvement of river system sources said. townships across Mandalay beginning of January ad targeted being implemented with the use department. The projects will The government hopes to Region between 21 April and to finish in April.
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