Dedicated G.C. Revised to tlie Story pg. 3 Class of 1968 •LUME LIV Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia. Friday, June 7, 1968 Number 30 X FINALS livards Given Class of '68 'o Outstanding Become Our hiring Parades Newest Alumni pi pliliiitiary and athletic awards were Resented to twenty-one cadets at Belt Line '68 Ae ftrst awards review parade of See page 3 "le year on Friday, May 24. The •esenitations were made by Miaj eneral George R. E. Shell, VMI iUperinitendent. MAKEOVERS y In addition ito honors in these Story page 2 elds, the Regimental Band re- eived the VMI Blood Donor Tro K Finals Weekend got underway >by for the fourth consecutivr on Friday and reached its climax 'ear. The trophy is awarded annu- Sunday at graduation exercises. •liy to the oadet company having' About 217 first classmen were GEORGE H. ROBERTS, JR. KENNETH J. PERKINS, GUY A. WILSON he highest percentage of contri- candidates for the baccalaureate de- First Jackson-Hope Medalist , Second Jackson-Hope Medalist Cincinnati Medalist •utionis to the Red Cross blood grees Sunday afternoon when the >rogram. Cadet Captain T. B. Bar- commencement ceremony was held on Jr. accepted the award for his in front of Preston Library at 2 company. o'clock. Judge J. Randolph Tucker Martin Award Roberts Wins First Jackson Jr. of Richmond Hustings Court, Th« Charles R. Martin. '55 award a VMI graduate and former presi- was presented to cadet Captain W dent of the Board of Visitors, gave P. Cobb, Echo company commiandi. the commencement address. Maj. er. This is a memorial to Charles Gen. George R. E. Shell, VMI su- R. Martin, who died in an automo Hope Medal, Perkins Second; periritendent, conferred the de- bile accident on the day cf hi- grees upon the graduates. graduation, June, 1955. His par- Baccalaureate ents have esitablished a- prize con Sunday morning Rear Adm! sisting of a silver tray which Cincinnati Medal Goes To Wilson James W. Kelly, Navy chief of awarded to the graduate accepjtin? chapliains, delivered the sermon at 0 regular commission in the armec' Winner of the first Jackson-Hope academic achievement, since he Haraway Scholarship, Lemuel-Mc- the baccalaureate service in Jack- forces who has demonstrated spe Medal, VMI's highest award for served as co-captain of indoor and Kenzie-Long-Jarman Award, Army son Memorial Hall. cial excellence in military situdie. scholastic achievement was award- outdoor track and holds several ROA Medal, Honor Court and One-hundred and seventy - two and outstanding leadership in the ed to George Hubert Roberts Jr. school records in distance running. Who's Who in American Ccllcges. graduates received regular or re- 1 Corps of Cadets. from Petersburg, Va. He is further distinguished by be- After gradivaiton he will work for serve commissions in the armed Cadet Cobb has also received an Second Jackson-Hope Medal went ing named to Who's Who in Ameri- Bell Telephone Co. in manage- forces, 102 in the Army, 58 Air Air Force Commendation Award to Kenneth James Perkins from can College and Universities. His ment training, until later this year Force, and 12 Marine Corps. Gen- the Richard H. Lovelace Memoria' North Bergen, New Jersey. The plans after graduation include grad- when he reports to Georgia to be- eral officers of the three services gin his basic Army training. Award for the outslaiuunf' Air second medal is presented to the uate work in history and marriage presented the commissions and al- this summer. Force oadet in the aren, and ha'- second-standing cadet academically i See FINALS WEEKEND Page 2 been named a Distinguisihed Ai- in his graduating class. Ken Perkins, a history major, has Force GTaduate.. Cobb has consid Winner of the Society of Cin- extended himself in a variety of ac- ered flight training in the Air cinnati Medal was Guy Alpheus Wil- tivities during his cadetship. While Finals Exercises Force, and commented that "FIP" son from Columbus, Georgia. The maintaining himself as a Distin- fwill certainly be a big help fo- Cincinnati Medal is awarded to the guished Academic Student he was June 7-9, 1968 bight school.'' member of the graduating class Managing Editor of the CADET, The sons of the American Revo "who has most distinguished him Vice President of the IRC, Vice FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1968 self by efficiencv of services and President of the Political Science lution annually presents bronze me- CORPS OF CADETS DAY lals to two outstanding members of excellence of character thoroiigh- Society and Who's Who in Ameri- Board of Visitors meeting. ;he graduaiting class. The me^tal'^ out his cadetship." can Colleges. His plans after gradu- 9:00 a.m. 'ere awarded this year to Cade' Skip Roberts, a history major, ation include graduate school at 3:00 p.m. Review before Board of Visiters for aptains G. C. Williams and W. M hns pot'vities which extend beyond Princeton in Far Eastern studies. presentation of military and athletic awards. ^effress for "leadership, soldierl.v' Guy Wilson, a biology major, has Parade Ground. made excellence the keynote of his .•"bearing and general excellence." 4:00 p.m. Presentation of awards in scholastic Air Force Awards cadetship. His numerous honors and Sounding B. competition. Superintendent's Office. For the outS'tanding A'r Forco aotivHiPs inHude Rat basketball, See FINALS AWARDS Page 8 Annual Issue 8:30 p.m. Superintendent's Reception. 10:00 p.m. Final Bali, William H. Cocke '94 Hall. Gen. Almond SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1968 iHonorary Brother Rat \ow Available ALUMNI DAY The "Sounding Brass" is now on MESSAGE FROM BEN ISeiv President Alumni Review, Parade Ground. sale in Lejeune iHall, the Rat PX, 11:00 a.m. To the Class of 1968: and room 347. Due to late publica- 11:40 a.m. Annual Meeting, VMI Alumni Association, I had hoped for another tion ,the poetry award for this Bd. Of Visitors Jackson Memorial Hall. chance to address you as a year has been cancelcd. The fiction Lt. Gen. Edward M. Almond, 12:00 noon Dinner for Corps of Cadets and announce- group, possibly because I like to award for this year hart previous- USA, retired, of Anniston, Ala., has ment of appointments in the Regiment of talk, but also to say I am proud ly been canceled due to the lack been elected president of the Board Cadets. of you, and that the latch sti-ing of fiction submitted to the Sound- of Visitors. 1:30 p.m. Alumni Lunchecn, Crozet Hall. will always be out for you at ing Brass staff. A 1915 VMI graduate. General "Wolf Hollow" (on Rt. 39 next In spite of everything, we feel Almond succeeds Judge J. Ran- 2:30 p.m. Commissioning ceremonies, Jackson on the left after Totten's farm.) that this year's Sounding Brass dolph Tucker Jr., of Richmond Memorial Hall. There will always be coffee—at contains much of value. There are Hustings Court, who had served 3:30 p.m. Graduation Parade, Parade Ground. least—and Mrs. Clark joins me. stories by Tom Province, Steve two terms as president. Judge 8:00 p.m. Glee Club Concert, Jackson Memorial Hall. Now there are other things. MiMeir, and Tom Boyd, an essay by Tucker resigned his position on the 9:00 p.m. Graduation Hop, William H. Cocke '94 Hall. U is so very easy to get sloppy Jack Andrews, and a wide assort- VMI board upon his appointment at times like this that I shall ment of poverty by Creigh Kelly, to the Richmond Judiciary post. SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1968 simply say "thank you" for Bill Boyer, Tappy Jones, and oth- Both were appointed to the Board GRADUATION DAY adopting me—and for all my ers. in 1960. 10.00 a.m. Baccalaureate Sermon, Jackson Memorial loot—the Bomb, my sweater. The mere existence of the Army Service Mrs. C's ring, and a wonderful Hall, Rear Admiral James W. Kelly, Chief of Sounding Brass at VMI is a grati- General Almond retired from the experience. Chaplains, U.S. Navy. fying thing, and it is hoped that it^i Army in 1953 after 38 years ser- Yours in the bonds, readers will be many, and that vice. 2:00 p.m. Commencement Exercise, in front of I BROTHER RAT BEN they will enjoy reading it as much Since his retirement he has been Preston Library. •as the staff enjoyed compiling il. See GEN. ALMOND Page 12 The VMI Cadet. Friday June 7. 1968 L ^Orange To Be '71 Names Its Officers Corps First Capt, Essenber^, Davis The SuperintenderVs Office has TO BE CADET SECOND And Lock rid ^e anncuiiTed the following promo- LIEITENANTS ticns in the Regimer.'. cf Cad£t> to 1 Snow. R. A. Are Elected beccme effective upon Ihe rt'urn 2 Easterly. F. B. of the Ccrpi from rummer fur- 3 Parks. G. M. Last Monday night the Class of lough: 4 Baker. J. W. "71 elected officers to guide them 5 McGrady. L. W. through their 3rd Class year. After 6 Marks. P. D. C.. Jr. debate the 4th Class decided upon 7 Updike. G. W.. Jr. Jan Essenberg for President. A1 8 Ilagan. D. B. Davis for Vice President, and Bob 9 Mattozzi. R. A. Lockridge for Historian. 10 Market. G. H. Jan Essen berg 11 Petrella. V. J. Jan Essenberg was born in Des 12 Butler. H. Ill Moines. Iowa and went to high 13 Morris. T. J. school in Warsaw. Indiana. While 14 Hickman. T. E. in high school he played basket- 15 Fresia. G.
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