GEOPHYSICALRESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 10, NO. 12, PAGES1137-1140, DECEMBER1983 THE OCTOBER 1980 EARTHQUAKE SEQUENCE NEAR THE NEW HEBRIDES John Vidale and Hiroo Kanamori SeismologicalLaboratory, California Institute of Technology,Pasadena, California 91125 Abstract. Four large earthquakesoccurred in 1980 in a magnitudegreater than 6 in this region between 1963 and 1979. seismicgap near the Loyalty Islands in the New Hebrides. At However, since the sequence in 1980, three shocks of surface- 3:25 UT on October 24 an event with Ms -- 6.7 initiated the wave magnitude 6.6 or 6.7 have been reported (2/17/81, 9/17/81, sequence. Three events,Ms -- 6.7, 7.2, and 6.5, followedon the and 11/24/81) by NEIS. Also, an event of Ms = 7.3 occurredon next day. We investigatedthis sequenceby usingthe seismicity, 7/6/81 100 km southeastof the regionconsidered in this paper. first-motion, and waveform data and long-periodsurface waves. Another notable feature associatedwith this sequenceis that The first-motion data constrain one of each pair of nodal planes. the aftershockzone expandedduring the first week to an area 10 With this constraint,inversion of Rayleigh-and Love-wavespec- to 20 times larger than that for the first few hours. Some of the tra at 256 seconds determines the other nodal plane. The aftershocks occurred near the trench axis. A similar feature has mechanismsof all four events are almost pure thrust on a plane been noted for other eventsin the New Hebrides [e.g. Isackset dipping about 20 degreeseast and striking parallel to the local al., 1981]. Also, the aftershockzone during the first few hours strike of the New Hebridestrench. The first-dayaftershocks indi- became quiescentwithin six hours after the third mainshock. catean initial rupturezone of about2,000 km2, whichis con- Although the relationshipbetween seismicity and the state of sistentwith the estimatedseismic moment of 3 x 1027 dyne-cm. stressin the fault zone is not fully understood,recent studies indi- During the next two days, the aftershockactivity expandedto an cate that the spatio-temporalvariation of seismicitymay reflect area of 10,000to 20,000 km2 in the directionsboth alongand the mode of stressbuildup, release,and readjustmentin the focal perpendicularto the trench. Within 5 hours after the third and zone (see [Lay et al., 1982] for summary). In view of the impor- largestevent, the initial rupture zone had become mostly quies- tance of this sequenceas a gap-filling event, we made a detailed cent. Modeling of waveforms suggestsa body-wave moment of analysis of seismicity patterns preceding and following this between0.5 and 1.0x 1027dyne-cm and a sourceprocess time of sequenceand of the mechanismsof the mainshocks. 11 seconds. This pattern suggeststhat the initial rupture zone representsa zone of increasedstrength (i.e. an asperity),and the Seismicity stresschange due to failure of this asperitysubsequently migrated outward. During the two-year period before the main event, The temporal variation of the seismicityas well as the focal seismicityin the initial rupture zone was very low exceptnear the mechanisms,seismic moments, and magnitudesof the four larg- point where the first mainshockinitiated. A very tight clustering est earthquakesare shown in Table 1 and Figure 2. The loca- of activity occurredthere. This pattern indicatesgradual stress tions of the events are taken from the EDR listings(Earthquake concentrationnear the asperity which finally failed during the Data Reports, publishedby NEIS), and the nearestseismic sta- mainshock sequence. tions used are shown by the x's in Figure 1. The station coverage is good. Coudert et al. [1981] showthat the ISC (International Introduction SeismologicalCenter) locationsand locationsfrom a local seismic network agreeto within 10 km for the centralportion of the New In October, 1980, an earthquake sequenceconsisting of 4 Hebrides arc. We expectthe NEIS location errors to be lessthan large events(Ms -- 6.5, 6.7, 6.7, and 7.2; hereafterthese events 30 km. Engdahlet al. [1977] showedthat locationerrors of shal- are referred to as the mainshocks)and about 160 aftershocks, low events in subduction zones, if present, will tend to shift which were reportedby NEIS (National EarthquakeInformation apparent earthquakelocations toward the island-arc side of the Service),occurred in the New Hebridessubduction zone. Figure trench, so the existence of events on the oceansideof the trench 1 [McCann, 1980] showsthe plate tectonicsetting of the region. is probably real. The black square in the figure contains all the events in the Focal mechanisms of the four largest events are determined sequence. McCann [1980] assignedthe boxed area a seismic potential of 2, which means that the region had experiencedan earthquakeof Ms greater than 7.0 in the last 100 years but not 135'E 1,50' 165øE 180' 165øW the last 30 yearsand hasrelatively high seismicpotential. In the southern section of the New Hebrides subduction zone "3::•/"'•"•";• *qo PACIFIC earthquakeswith Ms of 7.0 to 7.5 appear to recur with at least __ •A '"'•--- • NEW 30-40 year intervals. Nine eventsof Ms = 6.5 to 7.5 occurredin =I 1 I Iø' the black square between 1943 and 1947 [relocationsfrom McCann, personal communication, 1981; the magnitudes are " "•?X':,.• •'•• 'I t • • 0 from Gutenbergand Richter, 1949], but none that largeoccurred from !947 to 1980. Becauseof the uncertaintiesin the magni- ':•?;• AUSTRALIAN tudes of old events, the overall magnitude of the activity from _ :.] PLATE • •o• 1943 to 1947 is somewhatuncertain [McCann, personal com- munication, 1982]. However,recently reevaluated magnitudes of these old events in the southern New Hebrides trench near the '•:.•...:.•'}".... .::;.• "" •W ' Loyalty Islandsare smallerthan the magnitudesgiven by Guten- bergand Richter [1949] by only 0.2 units on the average[Abe, • a;STATI• 1981]. Thus the activity in 1980 appearssimilar in magnitudeto that in the 1940's. The NOAA catalog lists no earthquakesof Fig. 1. The tectonic settingof the southwestPacific ocean. The New Hebrides subductionzone is part of the boundary betweenthe Pacific Copyright 1983 by the American Geophysical Union. plate and the Australian plate. The events describedin this paper occurred in the black square, near the Loyalty Islands, centered on Paper number 3L1226. 170 E and 22 S. The crosseslocate the stationsused by NEIS for epi- 0094-827 6/83 / 003L-1226503.00 center determination. 1137 1138 Vidale and Kanamori: Earthquake Sequence in the New Hebrides TABLE 1. Parametersof the Four LargestEvents in the Sequence Date Time Moment Latitude Lon•tude First Nod•Plane SecondNod•Plane , (GMT) (in 1027dyne-cm) (degrees) (degrees) (Strike) (Dip) (Strike) (Dip) 10/24/80 3:25 .20 -21.989 170.165 321 20 141 70 10/25/80 7:00 .46 -21.982 170.025 316 30 136 60 10/25/80 11:00 2.00 -21.890 169.853 322 25 142 65 10/25/80 16:20 .10 -22.313 170.380 297 20 117 70 from long-periodWWSSN (WorldwideStandardized Seismograph thetic seismograms.The observedwaveforms are digitizedfrom Network), IDA (International Deployment of Accelerometers), film chips of long-periodWWSSN recordsfor COL (College, and SRO (SeismicResearch Observatories) and ASRO (Abbrevi- Alaska), KIP (Kipapa, Hawaii), LON (Longmire, Washington), ated SeismicResearch Observatories) records. First motions from and MSO (Missoula, Montana). The syntheticseismograms are WWSSN film chips constrain the more steeply dipping nodal computed from a simple dislocation model as described in plane. With this one nodal plane constrained,the amplitude and Kanamori and Stewart [1976]. The mechanism listed in Table 1 phase spectra of Rayleigh and Love waves at a period of 256 is used for the third event. A homogeneoushalf space is secondsobtained from IDA, SRO, and ASRO data are inverted assumed,and direct P, pP, and sP phasesare includedin the syn- by the methoddescribed in Kanamori and Given [1981]. thetics. We assumea point sourceat a depth of 15 km and usea The mechanismsof the four largestevents are indistinguish- symmetric trapezoidal time function with the rise time to and able from pure thrust (Figure 2). The first mainshockwith Ms = effectivewidth tl (i.e., total width to + tl; seeFigure 3). Figure 3 6.7 and seismicmoment of 2 x 1026 dyne-cm occurred at 3:25 shows the observedrecords as well as the syntheticsfor three UT on October 24, 1980, and was followed by the second sourcetime functionswith (to -- 3 sec,tl -- 8 sec),(4, 11), and (5, mainshockwith Ms -- 6.7 and seismicmoment of 4 x 1026 dyne- 14). The sour6etime function with (to -- 4 sec,h = 11 sec)fits cm at 7:00 UT on the next day. Figure 2d showsthe locationsof the observed records best. thesefirst two earthquakesand their aftershocks,which preceded The amplitudesof the recordsfor COL, KIP, LON, and MSO the third and largestevent. The third event occurredfour hours yield body-wavemoments of 0.56, 0.96, 0.72, and 0.44 x 1027 afterthe second,with Ms = 7.2 and momentof 2 x 1027 dyne- dyne-cm,respectively, with an averageof 0.6 x 1027 dyne-cm. A cm. Figure 2e showsthe activity from the third main event until second source of body-wave radiation with about one-third the 5 hours later. The fourth mainshock(with Ms = 6.5, shown in amplitude of the first pulse may be seenabout 50 secondsafter Figure2a) hasa smallermoment of 1 x 1026 dyne-era and may the first arrival on the observedrecords. The body-wavemoment be considered to be an aftershock of the third mainshock. The is about 30% of the 256 secondperiod surface-wavemoment of 2 distribution of events from 5 hours after the largestevent until x 1027 dyne-cm. Althoughthere is sometrade-off between the December 31, 1980, is shown in Figure 2f. All the events that depth, the shape of the sourcetime function, and the moment, occurredin the first week had depthslisted as lessthan 33 km. we will use the values obtained here (the effective width of the The sourcetime function and the body-wavemoment of the sourcetime function-- 11 sec,the seismicmoment = 0.6 x 1027 third event are estimatedby comparisonof the observedand syn- dyne-cm)as grossparameters of the body-wavesource.
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