1696 27 June 1964 Book Reviews MMW ,J aims, objects, and activities of the Bombay Royal Air Force during the 1939-45 war, student. Thus he queries: " What is, what Social Hygiene Council. The author is during which he had to bale out over enemy was youth ? A flash of sunshine on the tide- evidently experienced and well informed and territory and was taken prisoner. When the race, a vagrant image, an illusion ? An effer- has applied himself to his task with great war was over he continued his studies at the vescence, a delusion, a lie pranked out in the industry. London Hospital and qualified in 1951. Since glad rags of romance ? " That piece of fine A. J. KING. then he has had experience of general practice writing would not help the student so much in Lincolnshire, and is now a medical officer as the plain statement that occurs in the same of health. But in between for a time he did chapter: " the embryo doctor may take heart, medical work in the primitive interior of for there is no profession that flings so wide Borneo, and this so impressed him that he so many doors of opportunity for the adven- Adventurous Life devotes his opening chapter to a description turous spirit." That is splendid encourage- of it. ment. He wisely insists on a high ethical I Swear by Apollo . The Life of a in the profession and supports the Doctor. By P. T. Regester, M.R.C.S., His adventurous life qualifies him to give standard L.R.C.P., D.P.H. (Pp. 132; illustrated. useful information and advice to the novice, modem restatement of the Hippocratic Oath 15s.) Reading: Educational Explorers and this he does in many places, but, being -the Geneva Declaration-which is included Limited. 1964. something of a philosopher and poet, he tends in an appendix. The rather unusual illustra- This book, which is one of the " Life and to bring in flights of fancy and discussions on tions are from sketches by the author. Work " series, is by a doctor who began his philosophical problems that are not so likely career as a seaman and continued it in the to encourage the young would-be medical ZACHARY COPE. sitology. (Pp. 134. 17s. 6d.) Oxford: Black- Leukemia. By William Dameshek, M.D., and Books Received well Scientific Publications. 1964. Frederick Gunz, M.D., Ph.D. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. (Pp. 594+xiii; illustrated. Review is not precluded by notice here of books The Psychiatric Hospital as a Social System. $25.00.) New York and London: Grune & recently received. Compiled and edited by Albert F. Wessen, Stratton. 1964. Ph.D. Proceedings of the Third Annual Con- Candida Albicans. By H. I. Winner, M.A., ference on Community Mental Health Research Diseases of the Heart and Blood Vessels. M.D., F.C.Path., and Rosalinde Hurley, LL.B., Social Science Institute, Washington University. Nomenclature and Criteria for Diagnosis. By M.D., M.C.Path. (Pp. 306+x; illustrated. 60s.) (Pp. 190 +ix; $6.75.) Springfield, Illincis: the Criteria Committee of the New York Heart London: J. & A. Churchill Ltd. 1964. Charles C. Thomas. 1964. Association: Chairman, Charles E. Kossmann, A Follow-up Study of Head Wounds in World Statistical Atlas on Public Health in the Federal M.D. 6th edition. (Pp. 463+xxiii; illustrated. War HI. VA Medical Monograph. By A. Earl Republic of Germany. Volume I. Heraus- 40s.) London: J. & A. Churchill Ltd. 1964. Walker, M.D., and Seymour Jablon, M.A. (Pp. gegeben von Bundesministerium fur Gesund- 202 +x. $1.75.) Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: heitswesen Bearbeitet im Statistischen Bunde- Oral Exfoliative Cytology. Veterans Administra- U.S. Government Printing Office. 1964. samt. (Pp. 318; illustrated. DM. 18.) Stutt- tion Cooperative Study-1962. Edited by Henry Verlag W. Kohlhammer. 1963. C. Sandler, D.M.D. (Pp. 84+xiii; illustrated. The Harvey Lectures. Delivered under the gart/Mainz: $2.25.) Washington: Veterans Administration. Auspices of the Harvey Society of New York. The Physiological Clock. Endogenous Diurnal 1963. 1962-1963. Series 58. (Pp. 331+xiv; illus- Rhythms and Biological Chronometry. By Erwin trated. 76s.) New York and London: Academic Bunning. Translated from the German by Dr. Case Studies in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Press. 1963. Lars Lorscher. (Pp. 145 + v: illustrated; By F. Jackson Stoddard, M.D. (Pp. 312+xiv; DM. 19.) Berlin, G6ttingen and Heidelberg: illustrated. 59s. 6d.) Philadelphia and London: Manual of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. By W. B. Saunders Company. 1964. Eddy D. Palmer and H. Worth Boyce, jun. Springer-Verlag. 1964. Sponsored by the William Beaumont Society Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Bacteriology, Patho- Gastroenterology. By Henry L. Bockus, M.D. of the United States Army. (Pp. 133 +vii; logy, Diagnosis, Management, Epidemiclogy and Volume II. 2nd edition. (Pp. 1,241 + xxx; illustrated. 70s.) London and Baltimore: Prevention. By Walter Pagel, M.D., F.C.Path., illustrated. £9 19s. 6d.) Philadelphia and Baillihre, Tindall and Cox, and the Williams F. A. H. Simmonds, M.A., M.D., D.P.H., London: W. B. Saunders Company. 1964. and Wilkins Co. 1964. Norman MacDonald, M.D., F.R.C.P.E., E. D.T.M.&H., F.C.Path. 4th Techniques in Chemical Pathology. By G. A. Nassau, M.D., Transverse Axial Tomography. Edited by R. F. edition. (Pp. 520+x; illustrated; £5 5s.) Farr, M.A., F.Inst.P., et al. With a foreword Payne, F.I.M.L.T. (Pp. 397; illustrated. 42s.) Toronto: Oxford Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. 1964. London, New York, and by J. Blair Hartley, M.D., F.F.R. (Pp. 79 + University Press. 1964. viii; illustrated. 45s.) Oxford: Blackwell Thirapeutique M6dicale Pratique. Edited by Topics in Basic Neurology. Progress in Brain Scientific Publications. 1964. J. A. Lievre, Pierre-Bourgeois, and F. Darnis. Research. Volume 6. Edited by W. Bargmann By the Members of the College of Medicine of and J. P. Schade. (Pp. 249; illustrated. 75s.) Handbook of Legal Medicine. Alan R. Moritz, the Hospitals of Paris. Volume I. (Pp. 338. Amsterdam, London, New York: Elsevier M.D., and C. Joseph Stetler, LL.B., LL.M. 40 F.) Paris: L'Expansion Scientifique Fran- Publishing Company. 1964. 2nd edition. (Pp. 239; illustrated. 43s.) qaise. 1964. London: Henry Kimpton. 1964. Parodidita Epidemica (Oreionul). By Mignon Pr6cis de Pharmacodynamie. By G. Valette. Gruia. (Pp. 193; illustrated. Price not stated.) Sex. An Account of Its Functions and Effects 12th edition. (Pp. 595 + viii; illustrated. 44 F.) Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Popu- in Reproduction. By Susan Michelmore. (Pp. Paris: Masson et Cie. 1964. lare Romine. 1964. 216; illustrated. 21s.) London: Eyre and Experimental Pharmacogenetics. Physiopatho- Cytologie de l'Adenohypophyse. Edited by Spottiswoode. 1964. logy of Heredity and Pharmacologic Responses. Jacques Benoit and Christian da Lage. Col- BY Hans Meier. (Pp. 213 + xi; illustrated. Advances in Metabolic Disorders. Edited by $7.50.) New York and London: Academic loquies Internationaux du Centre National de la Rachmiel Levine and Rolf Luft. Volume I. Press. 1963. Recherche Scientifique. No. 128. Paris 9-14 (Pp. 366 +xii; illustrated. 86s.) New York September 1963. (Pp. 447; illustrated. 98 F.) and London: Academic Press. 1964. Newer Dimensions of Patient Care. Part 3. Paris: editions du Centre Nationale de la Patients as People. By Esther Lucille Brown, Recherche Scientifique. 1963. Nitrous Oxide. Edited by Douglas W. East- Ph.D. (Pp. 162. $2.00.) New York: Russell Craig and Faust's Clinical Parasitology. By wood, M.D. Clinical Anaesthesia Series. (Pp. Sage Foundation. 1964. Ernest Carroll Faust, A.B., M.A., Ph.D., LL.D., 156; illustrated. 40s.) Oxford: Blackwell A Synopsis of Surgical Pathology. By Wilfred and Paul Famf Russell, M.D., M.P.H., D.Sc. Scientific Publications. 1964. Kark, M.B., B.Ch., F.R.C.S. With a foreword (Hon.). 7th edition. (Pp. 1,099; illustrated. by Professor Sir John Bruce, C.B.E., T.D., £6 3s. 6d.) London: Henry Kimpton. 1964. The Microscopical Diagnosis of Human Malaria. F.R.C.S. (Pp. 426+vii; 45s.) Bristol: John Part I. A Morphological Study of the Erythro- 1964. International Review of Experimental Pathology. cytic Parasites in Thick Blood Films. By John Wright & Sons Ltd. Edited by G. W. Richter and M. A. Epstein. W. Field, A. A. Sandosham, and Yap Loy Fong. Host-Parasite Relationship in Invertebrate Volume 2. (Pp. 446+xiii; illustrated. £5 2nd edition. (Pp. 236+xiii; illustrated. 28s.) Hosts. Edited by Angela E. R. Taylor. Second 14s. 6d.) New York and London: Academic Kuala Lumpur: Institute for Medical Research, Symposium of the British Society for Para- Press. 1963. Federation of Malaya. 1963. JAN.-JUNE, 1964 INDEX HYP-IPR 19 HYPERTENSION (continued): IMMUNIZATION (continued): Infarction, cerebral. See Cerebral infarction - myocardial. See Heart: Myocardial infarction B.M.A. Annual Clinical Meeting (T. Partington, - In old age, 292 chairman; W. S. Peart; Sir George Pickering; C. - In pregnancy, 753 INFECTION: See also specific infections Wilson), 971 Emetine in treatment of severe septic states (P. Synek IMMUNOLOGY: See also British Society for Immunology and V. Synek), 1550 Compound 1003 for (W. S. Peart and M. T. Mac- Agar Precipitation Technique and its Application as a Mahon), 398(0), 629(C) and F. Haemolytic anaemia, autoimmune, and, 1657(L) Compound 1029 for (T. D. V. Lawrie, and others), Diagnostic Analytical Method, The, by Jaundice, neonatal, from sepsis, 7(L), 371(C) 402(0) Peetoom, 424 Prevention of Hospital Infection. The Personal Factor. Antigenic properties of human tumours: delayed of a Conference held in London on 19 Due to chronic renal disease, methyldopa in (R. G. cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions (L. E. Hughes Report June Luke and A. C. Kennedy), 27(0) and B. Lytton), 209(0) 1963: 830 Essential, in pregnancy, 888 Foetal tissue, maternal tolerance of (J.
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