Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University 2017/2018 C ontents P reface Preface…3 05 Networking for ReorganizationofCSEASandCIAS …4 In January 2017, the Center for Southeast Asian Studies Area Studies …17 (CSEAS) was re-launched. Our new center originated in 01 Research Activities …5 Library…17 the merger of two centers. One is CSEAS, which was Grants-in-Aid MapCollections…18 forScientificResearchProjects…5 Databases…18 officially established in 1965 and over the years has ac- FlagshipProjects …6 InformationProcessingOffice…19 cumulated a body of world-class scholarship generated ColloquiumsandSpecialSeminars…8 from long-term multidisciplinary fieldwork in Southeast 06 Education …19 Asia. The former CSEAS celebrated its 50th anniver- 02 Staff …9 07 Publications …20 sary in December 2015. The second is the Center for 03 Global Academic Networks …11 Monographs,Journals,etc.…20 Integrated Area Studies (CIAS), which was established MOUs…11 Kyoto Review of SEA …21 in 2006 by nine faculty members from the Japan Center VisitingResearchScholars…11 for Area Studies at the National Museum of Ethnology. 08 Community Building …22 OverseasLiaisonOffices…14 CIAS took on the challenge of pioneering a new ap- SEASIA …15 09 Awards …22 proach to area informatics and comparative area stud- SEASIA 2017 …15 ies and celebrated its 10th anniversary in April 2016. In 10 Organization …23 2017, these two centers merged, giving birth to a new 04 Featured Scholars …16 CSEAS with the mission to promote holistic area stud- ies of Southeast Asia and beyond. This is the first report in English to be published under our new center. CSEAS faces a number of new challenges. The first is how to transform area studies from a H istory science of understanding to a science of creating. We want to create new paradigms for co-exis- CSEAS established within Kyoto University. BangkokLiaisonOfficeopened. tence based on deep and multi-disciplinary understandings of societies. In this context, we believe that the social and cultural experiences of Southeast Asia, and the wisdom embodied in them, CSEAS officially designated as a “Research Center” provide us with valuable information and knowledge to stimulate ideas on how to look at life. The 1963 under the National Schools Establishment Act. second is how to promote wider interdisciplinary studies. Since their inceptions, both centers have 1970JakartaLiaisonOfficeopened. had interdisciplinarity at the heart of their approaches. However, with fast-paced socio-economic 1965 1981CSEASinitiatesalecturecourseinGraduateSchoolofAgriculture. globalization and rapidly advancing science and technology, we are compelled to collaborate with 1993 CSEASinitiatesalecturecourseinGraduateSchoolofHuman new disciplines, such as informatics and medicine. Finally, there is a pressing need to explore new andEnvironmentalStudies. research methods and elaborate research methodologies. Transdisciplinary studies enable us to 1998CSEASinitiatesalecturecourseinGraduateSchoolofAsianand AfricanAreaStudies(ASAFAS). pursue a deeper commitment to society and innovate research outcomes. We aim to strengthen Japan Center for Area 2000CSEASinitiatesalecturecourseinKyoto our role as an international research hub for area studies of Southeast Asia and beyond in order to UniversitySchoolofPublicHealth. Studies established in 1994 respond to these challenges. the National Museum One year has passed since the establishment of the new CSEAS. We are working under new of Ethnology. CSEAS designated as an “Institute” in recognition 2004 of research excellence by MEXT. in-house divisions and two in-house centers, the ASEAN Research Platform and the Glocal Infor- 2004 JapanConsortiumforAreaStudies(JCAS) mation Platform. Additionally, we have set up two new programs, a post-doctoral fellowship pro- 2006InstituteofSustainabilityScience(ISS)established. inaugurated. gram and a global online video distribution program. The former internationally recruits rising stars 2009CSEASapprovedasa“JointUsage/Research Center”byMEXT. while the latter will disseminate our research work more widely to civil society. We hope that these Center for Integrated Area Studies 2006 (CIAS) established within Kyoto Univ. 2013TheConsortiumforSoutheastAsian programs will serve as new interfaces for us to develop as a world-class research institute. with CSEAS and ASAFAS cooperation. StudiesinAsia(SEASIA)established. CIASappointedastheJCASSecretariat. Although we are still in the process of establishing our new institute, I believe that on-going 2016AsianStudiesFund discussions and consensus-making will be indispensable for further strengthening our institute. 2008 (KyotoUniversityFund) CIASapprovedasa“JointUseCenter”byMEXT. established. I will step down from the directorship at the end of March 2018, and we will welcome the new 2009 CIASapprovedasa“JointUsage/ResearchCenter”byMEXT. director, Prof. Yoko Hayami, on April 1, 2018. I have deeply appreciated your generous support and constructive criticism during my term, and sincerely hope that these will continue under the new director. February 2018 Center for Southeast Asian Studies Director 2017 Seeking New Academic Formulations—Insights from the Field to the World KONO, Yasuyuki 2 3 Reorganization of CSEAS and CIAS 01 Research Activities Objectives Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Projects To engage with and develop solutions to complex global issues CSEAS scholars have been awarded funding for various interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary topics under Grants-in-Aid for To strengthen social- and humanities- centered interdisciplinary research approaches Scientific Research Projects run by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). To enhance understanding and appreciation of the value of diversity in human societies Period Principal Investigator Title (FY) Category KOBAYASHI,Shigeo StudyoftheVernacularityofForestEcologicalResourcesintheContextofGlobalDomestication 2015-17 Promotion of trans-disciplinary collaborative research MURAKAMI,Yusuke EmpiricalComparativeStudiesofDemocraticValuesinPost-NeoliberalLatinAmerica 2016-18 To form academic communities that can deal with transnational issues ComparativeAreaDynamicsoftheDisturbanceandConservationofEco-ResourcesoftheAsianMaritime YAMADA,Isamu WorldandtheInnerEurasianContinent 2016-19 To move toward life-oriented research approaches attuned to regional diversity HARA,Shoichiro ConstructionofanInformationInfrastructuretoSupportSharingandUtilizationof“KnowledgeAreas” 2016-19 To create socially innovative approaches to the needs of the environment ScientificResearchA SHIMIZU,Hiromu AnthropologyofRespons-Ability:ExploringPrincipleandMethodintheField,atHomeandinEducation 2016-20 To share and use global information resources NewDevelopmentStageofSouthAsianAgricultureandRuralEconomy:ComprehensiveStudyonIncreased FUJITA,Koichi MobilityofLandandLabor 2016-20 ANDO,Kazuo APractice-OrientedAreaStudyChallengingGlobalIssuesBasedonZaichi No Kyodo(LocalKnowledge)inAsia 2016-20 Broad Multidisciplinary Approach to Research 2017 OKUMIYA,Kiyohito NeurodegenerativeDiseasesinPapua,Indonesia:TransitionofClinicalType 2017-21 1965 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Reorganization NISHI,Yoshimi WomeninPost-DisasterSocietyinIndonesia 2014-17 History OKAMOTO,Masaaki GovernanceofDevelopmentandTransformationofStatesinMetropolitanSoutheastAsia 2015-17 History History ExploringtheSustainableHumanosphereinRuralCambodiathroughInterdisciplinaryResearchonChanging KOBAYASHI,Satoru ConnectivityandLivelihoods 2015-17 Linguistics Linguistics BADENOCH,Nathan BeyondArbitrariness:TypologicalResearchonExpressives 2016-18 CulturalStudies Cultural Studies InvestigationofHydrologicalProcessofTropicalPeatWetlandandStudyonWaterandVegetation CulturalStudies KOZAN,Osamu ManagementforFireProtectionunderLarge-ScaleDevelopment 2016-18 ScientificResearchB HUMANITIES Anthropology YAMADA,Isamu CollaborativeStudiesofLocalEco-ResourceswithForeignResearchers 2016-19 Anthropology Anthropology YAMAMOTO,Hiroyuki HybridityandBorder-CrossinginProducingandCirculatingFilmsin20thCenturySoutheastAsia 2016-19 MediaStudies Media Studies KONO,Yasuyuki AgendaSettinginSoutheastAsianAgricultureandRuralStudiestowardSustainableDevelopment 2017-20 EconomicHistory InternationalComparativeStudiesoftheRelationshipbetweenPublicInformationPolicyandLocal EconomicHistory KISHI,Toshihiko ConsciousnessinEastAsiainthe1940s-1960s 2017-19 SocialHistory Social History ONO,Mikiko StudyofThoughtTrendsin3CountriesofIndochinathroughAnalysisofPeriodicalsDatabase 2017-20 TOYAMA,Ayako TheEmergenceoftheCounter-EliteandRegimeChangeinSoutheastAsia 2015-17 Sociology CohortStudyofAdvanceCarePlanningforEndofLifefromtheViewpointofComprehensiveGeriatric WADA,Taizo 2015-18 Pedagogy Assessment HumanEcology FluctuatingNarrativesofAging:DynamicsofSocialRelationshipsSurroundingElderlyCareinRuraland HAYAMI,Yoko UrbanNorthernThailand 2017-19 AgriculturalEconomics Agricultural Economics BAUTISTA,Julius Church-StateSeparationinSoutheastAsianDemocracies:ThePhilippinesandEastTimorCompared 2016-18 SOCIAL Economics Economics ChangesinForestFunctionandEcosystemServicesbyAnthropogenicDisturbanceandItsImpactonLocal SCIENCES SHIODERA,Satomi CommunitiesinTropicalPeatSwampForests 2016-18 PoliticalScience ScientificResearchC Political Science PoliticalScience WATANABE,Kazuo DevelopmentofPeatlandFireMonitoringTechnologyCombinedwithSatelliteandUAV 2016-18 InternationalRelations International Relations FormationofSocialRelationshipsamongKarenRefugeesinEverydayActivities:ObservationsBasedonthe NAOI,Riyo ProductionofaDocumentaryFilm
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