IF YOU ARE TRAVELING Compatriots who may wish to attend chapter meetings in the cities visited while traveling, will find theee listings of meeting dates and places, of interest. The price of listing in this column is $5.00 per Year, ARIZONA SOCIETY, Phoenix, Ari­ FLORIDA, DeLand Chapter. Lunch­ Club, Michigan Trust zona. Luncheon meetings at noon eon meeting 12:00 noon, 2nd Monday phone GL 4-2035. Visiting '--umnat.a. every Wednesday in the Kiva Club of each month except July-Aug.-Sept. at ots welcome. the Hotel Westward Ho. Compatriots Calico Kitchen Restaurant. Visiting welcome. Compatriots welcome. No reservation NEBRASKA, Lincoln Chapter & needed. braska Society, luncheon each FLORIDA, Miami Chapter. Luncheon day noon at the Hotel Capitol CALIFORNIA, San Francisco Chap­ colo. For information telepho~e ter, Meetings at Maximo's Restaurant, f~urth Friday each month, Miami Elks write to the State Secretary. 554 Clay St., Fourth Monday of the Club. For information telephone Sec­ month (except December) 12 noon. retary, Carl K. Hoffman, FR 7-1561. FLORIDA, Palm Beach Chapter, EMPIRE STATE, New York Board of Mgrs. meet 2nd CALIFORNIA, La Jolla Chapter, Luncheon Third Monday, Hotel Penn­ each month (except July & Aug.) meeting third Tuesday each month. sylvania, Evernia St., West Palm NUMBER 4 Meetings held at La Jolla Beach and Beach. 5 P.M., 15 Gramercy Park South, THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION MAGAZINE Tennis Club (Phone 454-7126) each ---------------- New York 3, N.Y. Tel. ALgonqUin FLORIDA, St. Petersburg Chapter, 4-1776. Compatriots welcome. month except July and August. Visit­ Luncheon meeting 2nd Saturday of ing Compatriots and friends welcome. each month (excepting June, July and Aug.) 12:30 p.m. Evening meetings by OIDO, Western Reserve Society special notice. Compatriots welcome. Cleveland, luncheon, noon, 2nd. Wed. SPECIAL FEATURES IN THIS ISSUE CONNECTICUT, Gen. David Hum­ Phone Col. H. R. Hare, President, DI nesday each month (excepting Feb. phreys Branch No. 1, New Haven, 4-0671. July and Aug.) at The Mid-Day Club, Dinner meeting 6:00p.m., 2nd Mon­ Union Commerce Bldg. Feb. m~ The President General's Message day of each month from October thru FLORIDA, Saramana Chapter, Sara­ sota, meets 3rd Friday October is annual, and Washington Birthday page 1 May (incl.), excepting February; at Commemoration, held 22nd. at noon. the Union League Club, 1032 Chapel through May at Columbia Spanish St., opposite the Old Yale Campus, Restaurant, St. Armands Key (over lh block from the Hotel Taft and the the bridge) . All members invited, no TEXAS, Col. Frederick W. Huntillf­ New Haven Green. Visiting Compatri­ reservations needed. ton Chapter, San Antonio Country The Opinion of the Chancellor General on Tax Exemptions ots welcome. Club, 2nd Saturday of each month, ILLINOIS SOCIETY S.A.R. Office & 12:00 noon. page 2 Library, 30 N. LaSalle St., DE 2-1016 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SOCJE. Mon. thru Fri.; 1:00-4 p.m. Luncheon TY, Luncheon 12:00 Noon, Army & meetings 2nd Wed. each month (ex­ UTAH SOCIETY, holds luncheou Navy Club, 17th and I Sts., N.W. cept July & Aug.) at noon. Evening meetings at the Alta Club in Salt Lab (Farragut Square), second Wednesday meetings by special notice. For place City, on the fourth Monday of OcL News of the Events in the State Societies and Local Chapters telephone or write office. of each month. Visiting Compatriots Nov., Jan., March, April, May and pages 3-11 are invited to attend these meetings. LOUISIANA-BATON ROUGE. Gen. June. The Sept. meeting is held OD Philemon Thomas Chapter, 1st Tues­ Constitution Day. All members and day of every month, noon, at the City friends are invited. FLORIDA, Clearwater Chapter, Club, 335 North Boulevard. Com­ Luncheon meeting, 12 :30 p.m. 4th patriots welcome, luncheon optional. Minutes of the Meeting of the National Trustees, Wednesday each month, at the Em­ VIRGINIA SOCIETY, SAR Office, bassy Restaurant, 601 Gulf View MICIDGAN, Kent Chapter, Grand Hotel Jefferson, Richmond, opeD Held February 13, 1965 Blvd., Clearwater Beach, October Rapids. Luncheon meeting 12:00 noon Monday, Thursday and Friday morn­ pages 12-14 through May. Compatriots welcome. 1st Friday each month, University ings. Visiting Compatriots welcome. Contributions and Acquisitions to National S.A.R. Library BUY S. A. R. STAMPS pages 15-16 For A Bigger-Better Library Trophies to be Awarded at Annual Congress page 17 Now, you can help in the task of building a By authority of the Board of National Trustees, larger and more valuable S.A.R. Library and at all receipts from the sale of S.A.R. Stamps will the same time demonstrate your pride in being be devoted to the enlargement and improvement a member of the Sons of the American Revolu­ of the S.A.R. Library at our National Head· Contributors to the Fund to Clear the Deficit quarters. tion through the purchase and use of S.A.R. page 21 Stamps. SEND $1.00 IN COIN OR CHECK, NO STAMPS PLEASE, TO THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY NATIONAL SOCIETY s. A. R. 2412 MASSACHUSETTS AVE., N.W. WASHINGTON 8, D.C. APRIL 1965 IN OUR OPINION: There is every reason for .. .,, 1111) .... the Sons of the American take positive action in support of the Carran-Walter Act which is the only members of the Headquarters Staff retire, they will continue guard we have today against a to be paid out of the current annual budget. immigrants. Let the Delegates to the approaching Congress take these facts into consideration in the fixing of the annual per capita If the proposals now under My report to the 75th dues. They will also decide if there shall be any funds for tion by the Congress of the United Annual Congress will point purposes set out in my message in the January issue of the are adopted, there will be little out that some State Socie­ Magazine. control over the hordes of un1aesira'h ties and many Chapters For months, Mrs. Burn and I have travelled over the who have no interest in our are meeting the challenge country. Always I have been candid, telling the facts and Republic. Their only interest of the hour. They dis­ pointing out the great need of our National Society. The strictly mercenary nature. close what a dedicated record shows that when American patriots know the facts leadership can accomplish Lowering the bars to immigation and understand the need, they will respond. Today, the so­ at the State and local called "average'" member, the 95% to 98% who do not get further complicate the political levels. THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION MAGAZINE which confronts our Nation. There to attend an Annual Congress, are far ahead of many of our The methods and pro­ leaders in their understanding of the financial facts of life. P•bU./Nil .,,_,.,, 1•...-,, .lftril, ltd7, October undoubtedly be more and more grams of the DeLand and They are insisting that the Society have a reasonable income HAROLD L. PUTNAM, Editor ated American citizens, with Jacksonville, Florida Chap­ and that it be spent wisely. ROBERT S. W. WALKER, Associate Editor GEORGE S. CARLL, Assistant Editor legiances, voting in blocs, and ters, and the new member. My term as President General has been devoted almost en­ increasing the trend toward ship drives in Indiana and tirely to operations, management and finances. When we have S.C.ad clue poetaaa paid at Wubiapou, D. C. aad at additioaal mailins oll!icu. Publicatiou oll!ices by minorities. JllO Blm Ava., Baltimore 11, Md. Oklahoma, could be used overcome the fall in the purchasing power of the dollar, an Another disturbing factor is that throughout the entire Na­ effective program can follow. A program without the means Single Copy 50 cents. Yearly subscription $2.00 influx of unskilled immigrants, tional Society. to implement it would be a useless gesture. IS my hope that the National Society can arrange for a the opportunities for the employment There is one issue which we cannot delay and leave to the Membership Secretary, who would visit Chapters next President General. We must fight now and fight hard to the American Negro. It seems to us have become inactive. the leaders of the various Negro retain our present Immigration Law. Please, write your Sena­ izations should take this threat institutions which are making progress, be they re­ tors and Congressman today that you oppose any change in TABLE OF [ONTENTS fraternal , civic or patriotic, now offer assistance and Page and petition Congress to restrict the existing statute. There are, in fact, too many loopholes. degrees of supervision from their headquarters. gration rather than loosen the Just say to your Member of Congress, that with millions of The President General's Message ................. · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · .. · .... · .. · · · · · · · · .. · .. · · · · · · ..... · · · · .. organizations which rely on lay members for unemployed, it would be absurd and illogical to repeal the The proponents of the changes in provision that one must have a job awaiting him, before he Guilford Dudley, Jr. to address 75th Congress .................................................... .. are slowly dying. Those with a salaried field force McCarran-Walter Act have ng. Most of us have our noses on the economic can be admitted to the U.S.A. Even if we are to admit those Opinion by Chancellor General, on Tax Returns .......................................... · · .. .. 2 misrepresented the facts, in that to such an extent, that we must rely on salaried with special skills, such individuals would need jobs! What News of State Societies and Chapters .................................................................... .. 3 claim that only those immigrants to do the work many of us would like to do if we are our political leaders thinking? possess skills and exceptional abilities the time.
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