Nearly,30,000 e!pecf'ej- Oen House- Sh~wOInT i~n, Iac Ion By Bob Condap Light." The Chemistry Hornrary to watch intercollegiate contests Nearly 30,00 New Englanders will mystify visitors with its bi- such as varsity sailing for the are epted to converge upon ennial favorite - "C h e m i c a l Owen Trophy or enjoy water polo, MIT Saturday for the biennial Magic.'I diving, and White Water Kayak Open House. Chaired by Ed -Sey- 'Doe'6 Edgerton exhibitions at the Alumni Pool. kota '68, the Open House Com- Well known Institute figures Flip-top box program neittee attempts to give a 'public will be on hand Open.House Day Some of the innovations to be view of a technically oriented to show people some of their tried by the committee this year university "in action." Over 200 present interests For example, include a program in a flip-top separate displays have been "Doc" Edgerton will show how box, bus rides for those long chosen to help present this view. he mapped the bottom of the journeys to the Hermann and F.oat in qicksand Charles River Basin with his Sloan Buildings, and organized In each academic department sonar -equipment submerged in tours of the Institute. projf e hnave ben chrsen which fha rlsZnr~aC A lthgh OpenHo_ useR is aimed exemplify the current interest and On the more pesonal side, stu- primarily at people outside the direction of their department. The dents will present their extra- MlIT community, the committee Civil Engineering.Department will curricular interests through ac- feels that this is an excellent op1 burst a damr, prove that people tivities, athletics, and 1 i v i n g portmunity for students and faculty can goat in quicksand, and show groups. Over 20 recognized activi- to e x p l o r e departments other how lasers have offered a new ties will turn the Student Center thaw their own and welcomes the approach to tunneling. into a small activities mindway. entire MlT commumity to attend By walking up a few flights of Visitors will be also encouraged Open House '67. Sunlitto ~ b.,i ~ ~ r - staums in the Green Build , ,. IdsWo-/ X .' 7r .., : visitors will see the layers of he Cambridge, Mas., Tuesday, April 18, 1967 5c- earth from core to crust in a - Journey from the Center of the Legal and moral dangers Earth. The Department of Biology Stat reapporXi o nmen pan will present a wide range of dis- inherent 'in morSuano use plays including Transfer of Nerve Impulses, Embryology and the- (This ish the last of a three be pardoned in certain cases. If an .beig sought With- computer Sea Urchin,. and a computerized part series on mari/uana, its ef- individual shows a strong desire to I reform he may have his case ray i By John Foran ity of income levels, and (2) a Study of Enzymes. fects, and the law.) An EiM 7094 computer, located cathode-ray-tube output device. He Some of the -departments will By- Leland Shaeffer examined after a period of five or ten years, and receive a pardon ef- in the Computation Center, may said, "I hope to get it on-a real present information in the form The punishments are heavy for fectively giving him a "clean be a major aid in drawing up the time-shared basis in order to try of lecture demonstrations by not- users and pushers of marijuana new Massachusetts Congressional out any number of modifications ed members of their faculty. Pro- slate!" Those who have been con- and other drugs. They are equally vieted for one reason or another districts. A program designed for .and get an evaluation of effective- fessor Hans Lukas Teuber's lec- heavy for accomplices: anyone should not take the attitude this purpose is now being written ness almost immediately. ture on "Perception, Leatning, who knows anything concerning that they might as well continue be- by Rep. Chandler H. Stevens of He's not sure that what he is and Emotion" should be one of the use of drugs and does not re- cause they have nothing to lose, Bedford. working on is practical -for the the highlights of the day. veal his knowledge to the police since a pardon is given quite fre- Rep. Stevens recently received present need, because he said, re- 'Chemical magic' faces at least five years in prison quently (although only after very his Ph.D. in economics at MIT. He distictfing should be underway by Professor David Hercules of the and a $500 fine. And, once he has careful consideration). ix preslenityrhe only Lndepenldent summer. He added that he doesn't Chemistry Departmenet will en, a polsice record, he will be a secur-- in the MasSachusetts House. "fwant to build up false expecta- lighten his audiet,-e with a lec- - ity risk, and nearly umemployable. An order calling for a conm- tioms.." ture titled "C h e m i s try and A police record, however, mazy The marijuana laws, although mission to redistrict the Legisla- potentially deadly to the student, ture was submitted to the House are aimed primarily at-the large and the Senate. The redistricting 22 named Professor pushers who would solicit many is needed before the 1968 elections. new victims into taking the drug, Used in Delaware and at discouraging pot parties, Rep. Stevens told The Tech that an activity at which many people a number of programs have been Fccuty membiers prooted are first introduced to "Mary." designed for redistricting. The one While it is not habit formingin on which his is based was used in Faculty promotions, effective Managemnent; Theodore R. Mad- Rainer Weiss, Physics; Wayne A. the same sense as other narcotics Delaware and' is unlder considera- July 1, 1967, were announced yes- den, Geology and Geophysics; Wickeligren, Psychology; August or even alcohol, most users will tion in Connecticut. terday., by Provost Jerome B. G. Hubert Matthews, M o d e r n -F. Witt, Metallurgy; Lawrence R. develop a mental dependence on, There are, he said, three consti- Wiesner. Twenty-two Professors Languages; Leo B. Moore, Man- Young, Aeronautics and Astro- it (much like cigarettes). This tutional criteria which must be and forty-four Associate Profes- agement; Stanislaw Olbert, Phys- nautics; a nd Thomas O. Ziebold, habit can lead to incompetence as taken into account: (1) the avoid- sors were named. ics; Ernest Rabinowicz, Mechan- Nuclear Engineering. (Please turn to Page 2) ance of what he calls "postage- Professors named ical Engineering; Lawrence Ros- stamp" districts that are "stuck Appointed to the position of enson, Physics; and George P. ig,together"; (2) reasonable equality Professor were: Eugen Bell, Bi- Wadsworth, Mathematics. of population; and (3) compact- ology; Frank Bonilla, Political Associate Professors egbter top vca groups featured ness of the district. .Science; Gene M. Brown, Bioio- Named to the title of Associate The program on which he is gy; Lynwood S. Bryant, HIumani- Professor were: Arnold E. Amn- inannal All Tech Sing SItrday working, he added, would use a ties; Prescott D. Crout, Mathe- stutz, Management; Donald W. definition of compactness "famil- matics; Jerome I. Friedman, Anderson, Mathematics; Charles iar to the MIBT campus. It equates Physics; Robert G. Gallagher, Batterman, Athletics; Donald Lo a district to a moment of inertia Electrical Engrineering; Paul E. M. Biackmer, Political Science; around a center of gravity. The Gray, Electrical Engineering; Roger W. Brockett, Electrical En- technique involved is minimizing Peter Griffith, M echanical Engin- gineering; Hung Cheng, Mathe- the moment of inertia." eering; Francis B. Hildebrand, matics; Edward B. CLurtis, Mathe- Two new features Mathematics. matics; Alan Davison, Chemistry; In addition, his variation on the Also, Fred C., Ikle, Political Alvin W. Drake, Electrical Engin- Delaware program would add two Science; Henry W. Kendall, Phy- eering; and Herbert L. Dreyfus, features: (1) an open-ended capa- sics; Robert L. Kyhl, Electrical Humanities. bility for considering any number Engineering, Patrick Leehey, Na- Also, Arthur E. Farnham, Jr., of variables, such as political val Architecture and Marine En- Athletics; Leonard J. Fein, PoULt- "competitiveness" or "homogen- gineering; John D. C. Little, ical Science; Gordon P. Garmire, Physics; Alan H-ein, Psychology; Recenf decision Thomas S. Huang, Electrical En- _ M gineering; Robert S. Kennedy, Electrical Engineering; James L. Kinsey, Chemistry; Lawrence M. Partial + ckets availabie Lidsky, Nuclear Engineering; Chung L. Liu, Etrical Engin- {or Spring ¥Veeken'd '67 eerirg; Simon C. Moss, Metal- Perennial "light song" winners in the All Tech Sing, the Phi lurgy; and Joseph Pedlosky, Delta Theta sextet includes several members of MIT's "Loga- Both days of Spring WeekEnd will have their share of activities Mathematics. rythnms." All Tech Sing was held last Saturday, the Coeds warbled and those only able to attend one d these days will now be able to Also, Sheldon Penman, Biology; their way to-the "Egbert," for most original song. do so, since it was recently decided that partial tickets will be sold. Frankl E. Perldkins, Civil Engin- Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Chi, Senior House, and the EAssociation Friday evening tickets Vill cost seven dollars. This will cover the eering; Otto H. Poensgen, Man- of aWomen Students took awards at All Tech Sing, held Saturday Brothers Four in concert and various activities following in the agement; Daniel G. Quillen, night in Kresge Audtiorium. Two other groups, representing Kappa Student Center. Mathemnatics; David B. Ralston, Sigma and Baker House, participated in All Tech Sirg, but received Ful Saturday Humanities; Adel F. Sarofim, no awards. Twelve and one half dollars will be the cost of a full Saturday Chemical Engineering; Carl M.
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