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Thosa too larga to ba fllmAa A dee taux da rAduction diffArenta. antiraly included In ona axposura ara filmad Loraqua la document eet trop grand pour Atra baglnning in tha uppar laft hand corner, iaft to raproduit en un soul clichA, 11 eet filmA A partir right and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa da i'angie supArieur gauche, do gauche A droite, raquirad. Tha following diagrama illustrata tha et do haut en bas, en prenant la nombre mathod: d'images nAcessalre. Lea diagrammee auivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 \ " , r- I XoadocFitblitlMdby Pi'-iiwnl.Bgriri'-.v'U&A /fi.Si ]iu.Ao^'^.f.Q. THE CLOCKMAKER; OH THE SAYINGS AND DOINGS OP SAMUEL SLICK, OF SLICKVILLE. Ecce iterum Crlspinus. If here ain't the Clockmaker ag'in, as I am alive. SECOND SERIES. jFourtD IBHitton. LONDON: RICHARD BENTLEY, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. 1839. •tmmmsm lP F5 S'^2 5- l^^fCssi 1229, \ LUNUUNt PMNTBD BY IBOTSON AND PAI.MBR, SAVOY DTRBBT, f\ TsirrrKT" ^39. \-m *# TO COLONEL C. P. FOX. Dear Sir, In consequence of the favourable opinion ex- pressed by you of the First Series of the Clock- 1 maker, an English Publisher was induced to re print it in London; and I am indebted to that cir- cumstance for an unexpected introduction, not only 1 \ to the British Public, but to that of the United States. The very flattering reception it met with in both countries has given rise to the present vo- lume, which, as it owes its origin to you, offers a suitable opportunity of expressing the thanks of the Author for this and other subsequent acts of kindness. a political As work I cannot hope that you will 96069 m^rws^^mr^wwmmimiwww^m ma IV DEDICATION. ,%. approve of all the sentiments contained in it, for politics are peculiar ; and besides the broad lines that divide parties, there are smaller shades of dif- ference that distinguish even those who usually act together ; but humour is the common property of all, and a neutral ground on which men of op- posite sides may cordially meet each other. As such, it affords me great pleasure to inscribe the work to you as a mark of the respect and esteem of -S^ ' THE AUTHOR. Nova Scotia, ilst April, 1838. ne mm' CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Page Till Meeting • • 1 CHAPTER II. The Voluntary System 7 CHAPTER III. Training a Carbiboo • • . 27 CHAPTER IV. Nick Braoshaw . .»• . 37 CHAPTER V. TRAV1.LLINO in AueRICA • . 55 CHAPTER VI. Elective Councils • • 70 CHAPTER VII. Slavery • • . 81 CHAPTER Vlil. Talking Latin • • 98 CHAPTER IX. The Snow Wreath . 116 CHAPTER X. The Talisman , 129 CHAPTER XI. Italian Paintings . 141 i »#fc f i-i»i»^> ^r'> hm V VI CONTENTS. Page CHAPTER XII. 154 SlIAMPOOINO THE ENGtISH CHAPTER XIII. 168 Putting a Foot in it CHAPTER XIV. 181 English Aristocracy and Yankee Mobocracy CHAPTER XV. 198 Confessions op a Deposed Minister CHAPTER XVI. 211 Canadian Politics CHAPTER XVII. S26 A Cure fob Smuggling CHAPTER XVIII. 239 Taking off the Factory Ladies CHAPTER XIX. The Schoolmaster Abroad . 256 CHAPTER XX. The Wrong Room . 271 CHAPTER XXI. 285 Finding a Mare's Nest CHAPTER XXII. 298 Keeping up the Steam . CHAPTER XXIII. The Clockmaker'3 Parting Advice . .113 .«. I ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE SECOND SERIES. Page •' I am Sam Slick," says I. Toface Title. Confessions of a deposed minister . 806 Taking off the factory ladies . 247 The wrong room . • 280 k 6 u;i;«ai THE CLOCKMAKER CHAPTER I. THE :.IEETING. Whoever has condescended to read the First Series of the Clockmaker, or the Sayings and Doings of Mr. Samuel Slick, of Slickville, will recollect that our tour of Nova Scotia terminated at Windsor last autumn, in consequence of bad roads and bad weather, and that it was mutually agreed upon between us to resume it in the follow- ing spring. But, alas! spring came not. They retain in this country the name of that delightful portion of the year, but it is « Vox et preterea nihil."" The short space that intervenes between the dissolution of winter and the birth of summer deserves not the m appellation. Vegetation is so rapid here, that the valleys are often clothed with verdure before the snow has wholly disappeared from the forest. There is a strong similarity between the native and his climate : the one is without youth, and the B .! /' I THE CLOCKMAKER. other without spring, and both exhibit the effects of losing that preparatory season. Cultivation is wanting. Neither the mind nor the soil is pro- perly prepared. There is no time. The farmer is compelled to hurry through all his field operations as he best can, so as to commit his grain to the ground in time to insure a crop. Much is una- voidably omitted that ought to be done, and all is performed in a (careless and slovenly manner. The same haste is observable in education, and is at- tended with similar effects ; a boy is hurried to school, from school to a profession, and from thence is sent forth into the world before his mind has been duly disciplined or properly cultivated.
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