WITnti!lIliTWriirainrnnlMMTTOiiirniiirTr«iririiirtirTOWMirii^^ n._ l'iu r :j.„-i.-iiip. ''I'iflri'it'.ij/aaim. • -,.v< - • ••••' • ••'• rg"V* ' iwmm ,; ,T 1 n T . / r:••: •'•" "'N' '" ^, . •'•' "• •>"£«''"- ••'£< "'• ••;• VTy'-. '?r/*. 'i'. Vi', *;' .'-v'r."q r?v'T t• "v i» vi.t-' ;•:»•.***r-•«••_••. /< r?,T •* PW "T5f f ? l "* t "j * 4 i 0 ^ *»< yt y 1 1 „ *v < ' "v. 'iwS; . V' • • ., * t " K ^ " ( • i ^ ^ , t , , . ^ \ k v •• r r,. ;4 v-*». OTTtJMWA COURIER, TUESDAY, MAT 25, 1915 Precipitation in Iowa—April, 1915 Bosses and Near Bosses f JStf l' £ f ' Tri-Weekly Courier BY WILLIAM DUDLEY FOULKE. BY THE COURIER PRINTING CO. The Barnes-Roosevelt trial has di­ and his political manipulations and rected public attention again to the used his power to BUbvert the demo­ • ' Founded Auguit 8, 1842. '* * Member of the I-.ee Newspaper questions, "What is ,a boss," and "Is cratic constitution of that city. Syndicate. all political association with him dis­ Our system of the distribution of FIR8T EVENT MI88 KINO'S Rl A. W. LEES Fourier reputable?" powers among many public offices with CEPTION ACADEMY JUNIORS^ JAS. F. POWELL .•Pub'1"^! Normally the word "boss" signifies numerous "checks and balances" to —SERMON JUNE 6. R. D. MAC MANUS. .Managing Editor "master" and there is certainly noth­ prevent any of them from doing any hpfrWf Daily Courier, 1 year by mall $3.00 ing disgraceful in mastery. But in its harm naturally leads to the selection Tri-Weekly Courier. 1 year io" special meaning the word has come to of bosses who can unite the scattered Mt. Pleasant, May 22.—The pro gran m ingredients of public authority and is now complete for the commence Office: 117-119 East Second Street. signify a man who has secured the ment week exercises at Iowa Wesley mastery of a political organization, by make the whole machine of state an college and includes a number oi Telephone, Bell (editorial or business which he often becomes the virtual workable and efficient. If instead of events which will be of great lnteresi .office) No. 44. ruler of a community, and generally this balance of power system we had to friends of the school, aside from th< student body itself. Commencement r;f . i New telephone, business office, 44; by discreditable meanB, though this is a simple, responsible government such week is always the occasion for a largi new phone editorial office, 167. „ not at all a necessary part of the defi­ as England and Canada has, we would number of alumni returning to theli > Address The Courier Printing Com­ nition. We think of the boss as "the have less excuse for resorting to a alma meter and from all indication!^ pany, Ottumwa, Iowa. boss. In these countries the prime this spi!ftg will see an unusually good power behind the throne," the man reunion. The program follows: Sntered as second class matter Oct­ who pulls the strings ^while his dum­ minister combines all political author­ Mondayt May 31, 8 p. m.—Misi ober 17, 1908, at the postofflce, Ottum­ mies do the dancing. ity in his own person and naturally King's reception to Wesleyan academj wa, Iowa, under the Act of Congress of takes the place of this extra-legal func­ seniors. March 8, 1179. Now it is a bad thing in popular tionary. It is to be hoped that at Tuesday, June, 2:30 p. m.—Freeh government for one man to have the man oratorical contest. Fttrei^n representatives: Cone, Lor- least our city governments and per­ •nzen A Woodman, Mailers Building, apparent power and another man to 8:00 p. m.—Graduating recital, Misi ft Chisago; 825 Fifth Ave., New York have the real power, because in such haps finally our state governments will Vere Dean. \ City; Oumbel Bldg^ Kansas City, Mo. a case the people cannot fix the re­ assume a more simplified and respon­ Wesdnay, June 2, 8 p. m.—Graduat sible character and that by this means lng recital, Miss Dorothy Russell. COLLIER'S TOA8T TO LAFE YOUNQ sponsibility and because they cannot Thursday, June 3, 8 p. m.—Graduat Lgfe Young has been arrested by the directly either appoint or remove the the boss may be finally eliminated. lng recital, Misses Ruth Logan and Germans as a spy. That episode will man who really controls their govern­ The introduction of the commission, Bertha Saunderson. stick in our mindB as the most Berious ment. It is far better that the actual and commission-manager forms of city Friday, June 4, 3 p. m.—Graduatini indictment of Teutonic Intelligence government seems to be a step in that recital, Miss Mary Stall, department that we know. Deceit or any kind of president, governor or mayor should SCALE OF SHADES of expression. $ dissimulation is about the last thing control the party which chooses him direction. 8 p. m.—Commencement exercises Lafayette Young is capable of. If the than that this party should be man­ But it is all nonsense to say that an n of secondary schools. Address by, M Germans really want to hold on to this aged by some irresponsible third per­ officer elected by the people is bound Less than .50 inch .50 to 1.0 inches ' 1.0 to 2.0 inch** 2.0 to 3.0 inch** Mori than 8.0 inchaa Rev. George L. Mi near, D. D., of Oska/ Iowa senator and make some use of loosa. ilm, let them lock him up in a com­ son. If Barnes said that the people to spurn all contamination with such The weather during April was al­ was apparently as far advanced as in By sections, three tiers of counties to the section, the averages were as fol­ Saturday, June 5, Coburn players, fortable museum as the real thing in needed bosses because they were not an unclean thing as a boss, and thus most ideal for farm and other outdoor the southern part of the State. auspices of senior class. the Une of that much sought and not fit to rule themselves he was perfect­ keep himself aloof from the. only work. All small grain was sown, the The average temperature for the lows: Northern, 1.39 Inches, or 1.29 3 p. m.—"The Imaginary Sick Man." inches less than the normal; Central, often seen article—the typical Ameri­ ly logical since if they are unfit to meanB by which he can get things bulk of the spring plowing was finish­ State was 57.2, or 8.5 higher than the 8.p. m.—"Jeanne d'Arc." . can. Senator Young was born of the normal for Iowa. The highest temper­ 1.41 inches, or 4.45 inches less than choose their own rulers they need done. The course followed by Mr. ed and much corn was planted. At Sunday, June 6, 10:45-Baccalaureate $ race of pioneer farmers who followed the beginning of the month the growth ature reported was 9'5 at Logan on the the normal; Southern, 1.44 inches, or sermon, President Edwin A. Schell, the frontier from western Pennsyl­ others more expert in political man­ Roosevelt when he was governor, to­ 28th, and the lowest was It at Rock 1.S1 inches less than the normal. The D. D. vania through Indiana and on to the agement to do this for them. If that ward Senator Piatt, the boss of the of vegetation was ten days or two weeks befaind the normal, due to the Rapids on the 1st. The first three greatet monthly amount, 4.02 inches, 8 p. m.—Annual sermon, Rev. Chas. ¥ outer edge of the prairie. When he be the case popular:* eminent and New York republican party was the < days were moderately cold, but after occurred at Whttten, and the least, H. Myers, D. D., of Chatanooga, Tenn. was fifteen years old he left his home continuously cold weather during Monday, June 7, 8 a. m.—College in southern Iowa to go to the war. republican institutio.are a failure. only practical method of accomplish­ March. Warm weather began on the that date there were only two days on .05, at Maquoketa and Lake Park. With the exception of April, 1907, the and academy examinations. They turned him down because of his Nevertheless, it is not always true ing anything. It was, to confer with 4th, however, and after that date the which the temperature was generally 4 p. m.—Pi Beta Phi alumnae recep­ •u youth, and so he went to sticking type that every boss is necessarily a bad Piatt freely in regard to all public growth of vegetation was unusually below the normal. Readings above 80 month just closed was the' driest April tion. [$ i> as a printer's devil on the local paper. man. If anyone can secure sufficient' measures and to do what Piatt wanted rapid, and at the close of the month it were recorded even in the northern of record. While there were scattered 8 p. m.-Presldent Schell's reception. For fifty years now, as typesetter and was about a week in advance of the counties on several days between the showers on several days, there were Tuesday, June 8, 8 a. m.—College editor, he has been at it, and all that influence to make those in authority when he wanted to do right and not to 14th and 28th. As a whole it was the no general or heavy rains until the and academy examinations. half century he has been absorbing conform to his wishes and directions do it when Jie wanted to do wrong.
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