REPORT Small arms and security in South Eastern Europe Small arms and light weapons in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia The nature of the problem Ian Davis May 2002 Small arms and light weapons in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia The nature of the problem Ian Davis, Saferworld SAFERWORLD MAY 2002 Acknowledgements Saferworld and the author are grateful to the British Government for project funding. Special thanks to Bozo Prelevic, Special Adviser to the Minister of Interior of the Republic of Serbia and his colleagues, without whose support, the expert group would have been unable to conduct its research. Acronyms AAK Alliance for the Future of Kosovo DOS Democratic Opposition of Serbia DPS Democratic Party of Socialists (Montenegro) EU European Union FRY Federal Republic of Yugoslavia GSZ Ground safety zone ICG International Crisis Group IMF International Monetary Fund IWPR Institute of War and Peace Reporting JIAS Joint Interim Administrative Structure (UN, Kosovo) KFOR Kosovo Force (NATO and Russia) KLA Kosovo Liberation Army KPC Kosovo Protection Corps KPS Kosovo Police Service KPSS Kosovo Police Service School KWECC Kosovo War and Ethnic Crimes Court LDK Democratic League of Kosovo MUP Ministarstvo Unutrasnjih Poslova (Ministry of Interior) NGO Non-governmental organisation NLA National Liberation Army (Macedonia) OSCE Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe PDK Democratic Party of Kosovo PfP Partnership for Peace (NATO) PSHDK Albanian Christian Democratic Party of Kosovo SALW Small arms and light weapons SDB State Security Services (FRY) SDP Social Democratic Party (Montenegro) SDS Serbian Democratic Party (Republika Srpska) SFOR Stabilisation Force (NATO, Bosnia Herzegovina) SHSK Support to Human Security in Kosovo SNP Socialist People’s Party (Montenegro) SRSG Special Representative of the Secretary General (UN in Kosovo) UCPMB Liberation Army of Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac UNDP UN Development Programme UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNMIK United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo VJ Vojska Jugoslavij (Yugoslav Army) WAC Weapons Authorisation Card YPCPP Youth-Post-Conflict Participation Project (Kosovo) Contents Foreword 5 1. Introduction 7 Project outline 7 Small arms and light weapons 8 Objectives of the non-governmental organisation expert group small arms 9 assessment in Serbia and Kosovo Structure of the report 10 2. The dynamics of the supply and demand of small arms and light weapons 11 Links between conflict and the possession of weapons by civilians and security forces 11 I The unresolved conflicts/status of Kosovo and Montenegro I The conflict in southern Serbia I The continuing conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina I A new conflict in northern Macedonia Links between organised crime and civilian possession of weapons 25 The cultural encouragement of violence and illicit gun use 28 Other background factors 30 I Economic factors I Community cohesiveness and demographics I Structure and quality of police and security forces I Quality of the judicial system I Status of border area and ports 3. Production and transfer of small arms and light weapons 46 Products and producers in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 46 I History of arms production in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia I Small arms and light weapons production in Serbia today The distribution of stockpiles of small arms and light weapons in the Federal Republic 50 of Yugoslavia I Official data I Private firearms: illegal and legal Sources, routes and end-users of illicit small arms and light weapons 54 I To and from Serbia I To and from Kosovo I Transfers to and from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 4 SMALL ARMS AND LIGHT WEAPONS IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA 4 Tackling the small arms and light weapons problem: the story so far 58 Controlling legal transfers of small arms and light weapons 58 Controlling the availability, use and storage of small arms and light weapons 60 Controlling the civilian possession and use of small arms and light weapons 62 Preventing and combating illicit arms trafficking 64 Collecting and removing surplus arms from civil society 66 Increasing transparency and accountability 68 Reforming the security sector 69 Demobilising and reintegrating former combatants 72 Planning to create norms of non-possession 73 5 Tackling the small arms and light weapons problem: conclusions and 76 recommendations of the expert group APPENDICES Appendix 1 Biographies of the members of the expert group 83 Appendix 2 Itinerary of expert group visit to Serbia and Kosovo 85 Appendix 3 Co-chairs summary from the roundtable meeting in Belgrade 86 Appendix 4 UNMIK Regulation No 2001/7 on the authorisation of possession of 89 weapons in Kosovo Foreword IN MAY 2001, Saferworld organised a group of non-governmental experts to visit Serbia at the request of the Minister of Interior ad interim of the Republic of Serbia, HE Bozidar Prelevic. The assessment was undertaken in the framework of the Szeged Small Arms Process, which was launched at a roundtable meeting in November 2000 co-organised by Saferworld, the Szeged Centre for Security Policy and the Hungarian Foreign Ministry. The purpose of the visit was to make an independent assessment of the nature of the problem of small arms diffusion in Serbia and Kosovo1 and submit recommendations on how to tackle it. The expert group’s objectives were: I to review information on the key sources, routes and end-users of illicit small arms; I to assess the progress made by local and national agencies to combat such diffusion; I to explore ways to enhance local and national responses to combat the illicit flow of small arms; I to identify the capacity-building needs of government agencies and civil society groups; and I to identify how international donor assistance might be directed towards meeting those needs. A preliminary assessment was undertaken during a visit to Serbia and Kosovo from 12 to 19 May 2001. In order to maximise the value of the visit, interviews were arranged with representatives from relevant government ministries (defence, foreign affairs and interior) and agencies (police, customs and the judiciary). The experts also met defence industry managers and ministry officials who control the production, trade and holding of small arms and light weapons (SALW). Representatives of civil society (academics, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the media) were also consulted. One of the experts’ key concerns at the outset was the so-called gun culture, which is habitually presented by the media as the main reason for the proliferation of weapons and the greatest obstacle to a lasting peaceful solution to conflict in the region. However, it soon became clear that the extent and scope of gun culture among ethnic Albanians and other communities in the region was exaggerated and unlikely to be the main destabilising factor. Unresolved political issues, the political status and the future of Kosovo, in particular, seem to play a much greater role in shaping the security environment both at a macro 1 Throughout this report Kosovo has been printed with the Serbian spelling, although the author acknowledges the legitimacy of both the Serbian ‘o’ and the Albanian ‘a’ spelling. 6 SMALL ARMS AND LIGHT WEAPONS IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA and a micro level. It is safe to say that until Kosovo Albanians and Serbs have found an arrangement mutually acceptable for all stakeholders in the region, it is unlikely that efforts to combat the proliferation of weapons can succeed. Radical ideologies encour- age speculation about the future of the region and restless warriors thrive on these uncertain conditions. One of these lingering ideas is that of a Greater Albania. It no longer appears to be an issue worth fighting for, nor is it popular enough to mobilise the masses. However, it remains a major element in all ethnic Albanian parties’ programmes as an ultimate political goal, thereby causing a major security concern. An undefined and unsettled environment is not favourable for long-term investment, either economic or social. It is, however, a safe haven for criminals. It is not surprising that the availability of SALW both in Serbia and Kosovo continues to be staggeringly high. The expert group placed special emphasis on how the executive can cope with these problems and increase the success of combating SALW proliferation until these conditions have changed. In the meantime, there are many ways of improving the situation. We have to acknowledge the steps that the government in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY)2 is planning to take to reform the entire security structure, particularly the police. The close co-operation that developed between the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the Serbian government is important in this area. NATO’s Partnership for Peace (PfP) has also become an increasingly valuable means of addressing security sector reform and spreading Euro-Atlantic security culture. It is therefore promising that a NATO-sponsored seminar was held in Belgrade on 28–29 September 2001 in which high level representatives of the Yugoslav government took part in a serious discussion on the prospect of the FRY joining the Partnership for Peace and the Euro-Atlantic community. Meanwhile, it is promising that the elections in Kosovo in November last year were carried out in a more collaborative atmosphere and brought co-operative political forces forward. If small arms diffusion and illicit trafficking in arms (or other commodities) is to be effectively tackled, states must share information through bilateral and regional channels. The endorsement of a Regional Implementation Plan to Combat the Proliferation of Small Arms at the last meeting of the Stability Pact’s Working Table on Security in November was, therefore a welcome step towards achieving tangible results on the ground. The subsequent establishment of a Clearinghouse in Belgrade under United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) auspices will supply regional actors with tailor-made advice on formulating and implementing SALW project proposals.
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