Nat'l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT § 541.4 under 49 U.S.C. 32905, are listed in or symbols to be placed on major parts Table I: of certain passenger motor vehicles. TABLE IÐGALLON EQUIVALENT MEASUREMENTS § 541.2 Purpose. FOR GASEOUS FUELS PER 100 STANDARD The purpose of this standard is to re- CUBIC FEET duce the incidence of motor vehicle Gallon equivalent thefts by facilitating the tracing and Fuel measurement recovery of parts from stolen vehicles. Compressed Natural Gas ........................ 0.823 § 541.3. Application. Liquefied Natural Gas .............................. 0.823 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Grade HD±5)* 0.726 This standard applies to the follow- Hydrogen ................................................. 0.259 ing: Hythane (Hy5) .......................................... 0.741 (a) Passenger motor vehicle parts * Per gallon unit of measure. identified in § 541.5(a) that are present: (1) In the passenger motor vehicle PART 541ÐFEDERAL MOTOR VEHI- lines listed in appendix A of this part; CLE THEFT PREVENTION STAND- (2) Beginning with model year 1997, in ARD passenger motor vehicle lines which NHTSA has finally determined, pursu- Sec. ant to 49 CFR part 542, to be high theft 541.1 Scope. based on the 1990/91 median theft rate; 541.2 Purpose. and 541.3 Application. (3) Beginning with model year 1997, in 541.4 Definitions. passenger motor vehicle lines listed in 541.5 Requirements for passenger motor ve- appendix B of this part. hicles. (b) Replacement parts for passenger 541.6 Requirements for replacement parts. motor vehicle lines described in APPENDIX A TO PART 541ÐLINES SUBJECT TO § 541.3(a) (1) and (2), if the part is identi- THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS STANDARD fied in § 541.5(a). APPENDIX A±I TO PART 541ÐHIGH-THEFT LINES WITH ANTITHEFT DEVICES WHICH [59 FR 64168, Dec. 13, 1994] ARE EXEMPTED FROM THE PARTS-MAKING REQUIREMENTS OF THIS STANDARD PURSU- § 541.4 Definitions. ANT TO 49 CFR PART 543 (a) Statutory terms. All terms defined APPENDIX A-II TO PART 541ÐHIGH-THEFT in 49 U.S.C. chapter 331 are used in ac- LINES WITH ANTITHEFT DEVICES WHICH cordance with their statutory mean- ARE EXEMPTED IN PART FROM THE PARTS- ings unless otherwise defined in para- MARKING REQUIREMENTS OF THIS STAND- ARD PURSUANT TO 49 CFR PART 543 graph (b) of this section. APPENDIX B TO PART 541ÐPASSENGER MOTOR (b) Other definitions. (1) Interior sur- VEHICLE LINES (EXCEPT LIGHT DUTY face means, with respect to a vehicle TRUCKS) WITH THEFT RATES BELOW THE part, a surface that is not directly ex- 1990/91 MEDIAN THEFT RATE, SUBJECT TO posed to sun and precipitation. THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS STANDARD (2) Light-duty truck (LDT) means a APPENDIX C TO PART 541ÐCRITERIA FOR SE- motor vehicle, with motive power, ex- LECTING LINES LIKELY TO HAVE HIGH cept a trailer, designed primarily for THEFT RATES the transportation of property or spe- AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 33101, 33102, 33103, cial purpose equipment, that is rated 33105; delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.50. at 6,000 pounds gross vehicle weight or SOURCE: 50 FR 43190, Oct. 24, 1985, unless less. otherwise noted. (3) Line means a name which a manu- EDITORIAL NOTE: The information collec- facturer applies to a group of motor ve- tion requirements contained in this part 541 hicles of the same make which have will be submitted to the Office of Manage- the same body or chassis, or otherwise ment and Budget for its approval. A notice are similar in construction or design. A will be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER ``line'' may, for example, include 2- when OMB approval has been obtained. door, 4-door, station wagon, and hatchback vehicles of the same make. § 541.1 Scope. (4) 1990/91 median theft rate means This standard specifies performance 3.5826 thefts per thousand vehicles pro- requirements for identifying numbers duced. 107 VerDate 08<JAN>99 14:59 Jan 09, 1999 Jkt 179203 PO 00000 Frm 00101 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179203T.XXX pfrm13 PsN: 179203T § 541.5 49 CFR Ch. V (10±1±98 Edition) (5) Multipurpose passenger vehicle (b)(1) Except as provided in para- (MPV) means a passenger motor vehi- graphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this section, cle which is constructed either on a the number required to be inscribed or truck chassis or with special features affixed by paragraph (a) shall be the for occasional off-road operation and VIN of the passenger motor vehicle. which is rated at 6,000 pounds gross ve- (2) In place of the VIN, manufactur- hicle weight or less. ers who were marking engines and/or (6) Passenger car is used as defined in transmissions with a VIN derivative § 571.3 of this chapter. consisting of at least the last eight (7) VIN means the vehicle identifica- characters of the VIN on October 24, tion number required by part 565 of 1984, may continue to mark engines this chapter. and/or transmissions with such VIN de- rivative. [59 FR 64168, Dec. 13, 1994, as amended at 61 FR 29033, June 7, 1996] (3) In the case of passenger motor ve- hicles not originally manufactured to § 541.5 Requirements for passenger comply with U.S. vehicle safety and motor vehicles. bumper standards, the number required (a) Each passenger motor vehicle sub- to be inscribed by paragraph (a) of this ject to this standard must have an section shall be the original vehicle identifying number affixed or inscribed identification number assigned to the on each of the parts specified in para- motor vehicle by its original manufac- graphs (a)(1) through (a)(18) inclusive, turer in the country where the motor if the part is present on the passenger vehicle was originally produced or as- motor vehicle. In the case of passenger sembled. motor vehicles not originally manufac- (c) The characteristics of the number tured to comply with applicable U.S. required to be affixed or inscribed by vehicle safety and bumper standards, paragraph (a) of this section shall sat- each such motor vehicle subject to this isfy the size and style requirements set standard must have an identifying forth for vehicle certification labels in number inscribed in a manner which § 567.4(g) of this chapter. conforms to paragraph (d)(2) of this (d) The number required by para- section, on each of the parts specified graph (a) of this section must be af- in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(18), in- fixed by means that comply with para- clusive, if the part is present on the graph (d)(1) of this section or inscribed motor vehicle. by means that comply with paragraph (d)(2) of this section. (1) Engine. (1) Labels. (i) The number must be (2) Transmission. printed indelibly on a label, and the (3) Right front fender. label must be permanently affixed to (4) Left front fender. the passenger motor vehicle's part. (5) Hood. (ii) The number must be placed on (6) Right front door. each part specified in paragraph (a) of (7) Left front door. this section in a location such that the (8) Right rear door. number is, if practicable, on an interior (9) Left rear door. surface of the part as installed on the (10) Sliding or cargo door(s). vehicle and in a location where it: (11) Front bumper. (A) Will not be damaged by the use of (12) Rear bumper. any tools necessary to install, adjust, (13) Right rear quarter panel (passenger or remove the part and any adjoining cars). parts, or any portions thereof; (14) Left rear quarter panel (passenger (B) Is on a portion of the part not cars). likely to be damaged in a collision; and (15) Right-side assembly (MPVs). (C) Will not be damaged or obscured (16) Left-side assembly (MPVs). during normal dealer preparation oper- (17) Pickup box, and/or cargo box ations (including rustproofing and un- (LDTs). dercoating). (18) Rear door(s) (both doors in case of (iii) The number must be placed on double doors), decklid, tailgate, or each part specified in paragraph (a) of hatchback (whichever is present). this section in a location that is visible 108 VerDate 08<JAN>99 14:59 Jan 09, 1999 Jkt 179203 PO 00000 Frm 00102 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179203T.XXX pfrm13 PsN: 179203T Nat'l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT § 541.6 without further disassembly once the part on which the target area is lo- part has been removed from the vehi- cated. cle. (2) Each manufacturer subject to (iv) The number must be placed en- paragraph (e)(1) of this section shall, tirely within the target area specified not later than 30 days before the line is by the original manufacturer for that introduced into commerce, inform part, pursuant to paragraph (e) of this NHTSA in writing of the target areas section, on each part specified in para- designated for each line listed in ap- graph (a) of this section. pendix A. The information should be (v) Removal of the label mustÐ submitted to: Administrator, National (A) Cause the label to self-destruct Highway Traffic Safety Administra- by tearing or rendering the number on tion, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washing- the label illegible, and ton, DC 20590. (B) Discernibly alter the appearance (3) The target areas designated by of that area of the part where the label the original vehicle manufacturer for a was affixed by leaving residual parts of part on a line shall be maintained for the label or adhesive in that area, so the duration of the production of such that investigators will have evidence line, unless a restyling of the part that a label was originally present.
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