Vf' V r P ■' r / V“ ■* ■ ■•• / ’■ *1 V WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1W8 , A V*- rA Q E S m E B K iKattrbfstfr lEnfinins IfrraUi Average DaBy Wet Preas Ran Far the Meutb sT Oeteber. t t t t stor Rsymimd B. Baldarla. Rsuel The PoUah-Amerlcan Club la The M ary Cheney and WWton St. Mary’s Churcli Kalghn, chslrmsn of the Greater holding a Thankaglvlng Bve dance Memetial Ubrarlea will be closed Hartford Inter-Church Canvass, 9,594 A bout Tow n ttle evening at Ita clubrooma at all day tomorrow., Thankaglvlng No Herald and the Rev. Arthur H. Richard­ day. Annual Breakfast Florence and Clinton etreeta. son, Headmaster o f Brent School, b rm lB ( Onaniat tad Choir Director tlvttlea w ill get under way at 8t80 Tomorrow BegUlo, Philippine Islands, have NEWLYt BUILT HOME IProdarlc Werner hw • re- Mre. J«din Shea o f Benton atreet The annual Advent Men’s Cor­ been among the speakers. Manehester—^A City o f Vtttage Charm p. m. and Mra. Milton Wagner of Camp- liMreel oC the eomblned choire at porate Oomnninion win be held In This year’s committee for the 120 HAW lUORf^ STREET Center church fo r tomorrow mom- field rcMul are co^nairmen of a Advent Men’s Communion and The Emanuel Choir wiD have a large committee from OlbboM SL Mary's Bpiacopal church this AdvevtWag ea Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1948 (TWENTY PAGES) j Inc at t o’clock, proeedlnf the Joint rebearaal thla evening at tte There will be no Issue of breakfast consists of Austin H. Attractive Cape Cod. 32 ft. x 24 ft. Four ample VOL. LXVHl., NO. 48 PRICE fXW * CENIS Thaakaflvlnc atmce of the three Aaaembly, Cathtdlc Ladles of Oo- Simdsy St 8 A m. The program at Briggs, chairman; Jamea O. Bak­ church, following the 7:80 Thanka­ lumbua, appointed to conduct a The Manchester Evening rooaiB, bath and dining akove on flrat floor, two Oonfregational churchea, at glvlng aervlce. Herald tomorrow, the breakfast foUowlng will con­ er, J. Sherwood Brown, Joseph M lUUry whist at St. James’s hall Canade, Harold J. Dougan, John J. nnflnished roomi opstairs. Fully inBalated, oil 8:80. fo r the benefit o f St. James s (Thanksgivipg Day). sist of two speakers who are mem­ bers o f Alchohollcs Anonymous, Fox, Stewart R. Kennedy, Allan D. heat, copper gnttera. 74 fU x 125 ft. lot. Priced at Plane Bums But Passengers Safe church fund. A committee meet­ Thomas. W ilfred Maxwell, John ing has already been held at the and win be Introduced by Man­ flV,800. home o f Mra. Shea and the date of chester’s Probation officer, James A. ’IVotter, Samuel Nelson, Henry Reach Agreements Weir, and WiUIam S. Davisi wno Assembly Beats D tiffy. " OCCUPANCY 10 DAY^ Tuesday evening, January 18, set will act aa toaatmaster at the for the dkrd party. In recent jreare attendance at |4,000‘ S ettlem en t the brjeakfaBt haa averaged 115 to breakfast, a task performed by Builder will decorate according to your own Ensign Walter H. Gifford of 23 ^ ^ • - I AovISO owoemen. ReaervationssveeervBuuna navehave beenuewii the late William B. Hyde on sev­ eral occasions on Advent Sunday. choice of color scheme. On Way to Settle Lilac street Is serving aboard the I n U a m a f i e s u i t coming to BL Mary’s church office ^ “ rapidly thU week. However, at- The communion alms at tha USS Destroyer Galnard. cruising TEL. 2-0253 Polish Move service* will be used toward a W fl- FRED SEIFFERT Ban tentloa U called to the arrange­ In the Mediterranean sea as part I_____ of the Sixth Task Fleet. The case of David Saverick, ment whereby'further reservations Ilam Stewart Hyde Memorial en­ Administrator of the Estate of his may be made at the office follow' try In S t Mary's Book of Remem­ Maritime Strikes brance. AH sums repreaented by late wife, Josephine Saverick, late 'Ing the 8 and 9:80 a. m. services Thanksgiving Day. entries In this book, which la upon of Mancheater, CcnnectlcuL agalnat ’nw "A A " members follow in the the Altar at aU public aervices, are being held for furnishings for Decks Q ear^ Now fo r Econom ic A U TO GLASS Paul Aceto of this Town waa tradition of acme fine programs the new S t Mary’s church when Chinese Reds settled yeaterday In tha Superior preeented at this annual breakfast Early Res^ntion of lastallcd in recent years. United States Sen- built Prompt Service Court Just prior to trial before Lange Bitterly Attadis Judge Cornell and a Jury, fo r the Normal Sjbipp^; Pu* Step Closer CALL 3322 sum o f 84,000. World Bill of Rights European Recorery ^ 7 On March 2. 1947, while Mre. cific W alkont .Set* Saverick was seated on a chair tlement FoHows At­ T o Yangtze Plan as American *Eco- White Glass Co. in her home, an automobile being Thanksgiving Specials nomic Cold War 24 Birch SL Manchester operated by Paul Aceto proceeded lantic Coast Accord Close to Final Form off the highway and struck ths Against Eastern Euro­ Open Dally 8 A . M. To 8 P. M. Bide o f the Saverick house, causing Major Fighting Now Ex< Inetadag antnrday Mrs. Saverick to be thrown to the CHORCHES MOTOR SALES San Francisco, Nov. 2$.— pean Countries*; Vote (/P)—Terms for settling wa­ pected Along Suhsien< United Nations 0®^®*|'Flrjin6F 1 A Plenty Of Parking floor and causing her to siutain S8 O AK LAN D STREET TE L. 8-9488 On Resoltation 33 to 6 On Premises persons! injuries- I t was claimed ter front strikes on east and Lingpi Highwpy; Both gates Complete Last of by the defendant that the left 1947 CHEV. FLEETMASTER TOWN SEDAN west coasts today cleared the Bring Up New’Troops 2 3 Draft Artides With Reds Supporting front knuckle of hie automobile 1947 CHEV. STYLEMASTER TOWN SEDAN decks for early resumption of W ar Criminals had broken, causing him to Imw 1942 OLDS 4-DOOR CRUISING SEDAN, R. ft H. O f Declaration Today control of the car. Mra. Saverick normal Am ^can shipping. Nanking, Nov. 26—(FJ — ’Cora' Paris, N oy. 26.—(/F)—^Tha had been HI for a’ long period of Negotiators in the 86-day Above Can Ate In A-1 Condition and Priced To Sell!' mnnlst forces ehlfted a step closer raoMi ^ray the imeniiig wredoig* of a Traas-WorM Airline Oeoatellatloa which eaogbt Sr* attar Executions Bring to 87 United Nations Assembly ^ time prior to the accident and abe CIO longshore strike on the Paris, Noy. 26.—(ff)—-A tested today a Polish resolu­ died from natural causes on June STUDEBAKER SALES AND SERVICE to tbe Tangtae river today In the iSiag at the Los Angeles Municipal airport on Sight from Washingtoa, D. C. AU 18 paaseogera oad world bill of rights, proclaim­ Number Punished on 2, 1947. ’The suit was instituted to Pacific coast announced set- fighting aroimd Suhslen and U ng- Sva erewuien aboard walked sway from It safely. (AP wirephoto). tion to forbid economic pres­ Uement terms last night ing freedom and equality for recover damages for peraonal in­ p i 7 Consiicntive'Fridays sure by one nation agalnat juries suffered by Mra. Saverick as Settle on Atlaatle Oenet everyone, approached its final nsds dtploysd on tha eastern another as a means of influ­ a result of the accident ahd fo r Earlier In the dny' negotiators form today. Delegates o f the Munich, 'Germany, Nov. 26—(ff) her pain and suffering during her agreed on peace In the 17-day flank of Suchow, 180 miles north­ Escape Foiled; Starts Probe encing domestic or fore^n strike of AFL longshoremen en west of Nanking, suddmly pulled 58 United Nations comideted —Fourteen German war criminals policy. Pdand’s Dr.v Oscar lifetime. southward. They regrouped east News Tidbits An application Is being made to the Atlantic coast the last of 28 draft sirUclee were hanged today at Londaberg Lange carried the boO in the OF COURSE WE DO of ths Pukow-'nentain railroad One Is Killed Called Frosi (/P) Wires Of Plane K re prison. the Probate Court for permission Both tentative agreements must miles north of Pengpu. of a declaration of human dsbato fo r t te Slav bhw o f oo- to accept the aettlement. hs ratified by the union member­ Major fighting waa expsetsd rights. The executions brought to 87 tha tlona, bittorty attacUag tlio Euro- The firm of Leasner A Rottnsr of ships before some Sip striks- along the Suhsien-Lingpl highway George M. Humphrey, Cleveland Only unie to Be Daos number o f men executed In groups poaa recovery plaa_ (Bfo>) as oa Manchester appeared fo r the Ad­ CATERING Maehintless Blase ConsumeB TWA BOIAT bo\md riilps put to sea. whtre both sides were bringing Eight Other Prisoners InduatrialUt leaves for Europe to Only the preamble and a pooni- o f from nine to 15 on aeven con- American "eccoomle ministrator of Mrs. Bsverick’s We Didn't AdveHUe It Beemue On the Paclfio coast four other reinforcementa ble new arUcle or two ranualn to agalnat the caaU tate and the firm of Butler, Volpe Surrender After Being begin atody o f Oermaa plants for Airliner Just ABer accutive Fridays fo r UMtalOplBg couatrtaa." RINGS ' Quality Not Quantity fs Our Motto Low Heat unions sre/lnvolved In the strike, The new development In the E. p . A .... .Republican State Cen­ be acted on before the hUtoric A Garrlty appeared for Paul Aceto, but the longshore terms are con- battle fo r Suchow, gateway to the '^rapped in Jail Yard tral committee to meet Dec, 9 or Los Angelei XSndi^ document moves- from the 8S-ns- o f edheentration csimp inmates Lang* conUadad tho v m o f the DefendanL Parmanant' aldered the key to peace.
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