1907. VOL. XXI. 1907. THE OTTAWA NATURALIST, Being Vol. XXIII. of the TR AN S ACT IONS OF THE OTTAWA FIELD-NATURALISTS' CLUB. Organized March, 1879. Incorporated March, 1884. OTTAWA, CANADA: The Rolla L. Chain Co. Limited, Printers 1907 ^be ttawa ffielt)^1WaturaU0t0' Club, 1907^1908 patron: THE RIGHT HONOURABLE EARL GREY, GOVERNOR GENERAL OF CANADA. IpresiOent : W. J. Wilson, Ph.B. \Dtce=lPresiDent0: A. E. Attwood, M.A. A. Halkett. Xtbrartan : J. W. Baldwin. Secretary: treasurer: T. E. Clarke, B.A. Arthur Gibson, (470 O'Connor Street). (Central Experimental Farm). Committee Mr. A. H. Mr. J. M. Macoun Gallup. Miss L Ritchie. Rev. G. Eifrig. Mr. H. H. Pitts. Miss A. L. Matthews. Mr. E. E. Lemieux. Miss Q. Jackson. KuOitors: R. B. Whyte. F. T. Shutt. StanDing Committees of Council: H. G. W. Publishing: A. Gibson, J. M. Macoun, H. Pitts, Eifrig, J. Baldwin, Miss I. Ritchie. Excursions: A. Halkett, A. Gibson, G. Eifrig, E. E. Lemieux, T. E. Clarke, Miss A. L. Matthews, Miss Q. Jackson. E. E. Soirees: A. E. Attwood, H. H. Pitts, J. M. Macoun, A. H. Gallup, Lemieux, Miss A. L. Matthews. XeaOers: B. H. M. F. Geology: H. M. Ami, W. J. Wilson, D. Dowling, W. Collins, Connor. A. A. E. S. B. Botany: John Macotm, J. Fletcher, D. Campbell, Attwood, Sinclair, T. E. Clarke. C. H. W. Entomology: W. H. Harrington, J. Fletcher, A. Gibson, Young, J. Baldwin. S. E. O'Brien. Conchology: J. F. Whiteaves, F. R. Latchford, J. Fletcher, A. H. H. F. Ornithology: G. Eifrig, W. T. Macoun, A. G. Kingston, Gallup, Tufts. Zoology: 'E. E. Prince, A. Halkett, W. S. Odell, E. E. Lemieux. Archaeology: T. W. E. Sowter, J. Ballantyne. Meteorology: Otto Klotz, John Macoun, A. E. Attwood, D. A. Campbell. THE OTTAWA NATURALIST JEDitoc: James M. Macoun, (Geological Survey of Canada). Hssociate BOitorS: Dr. H. M. Ami, Geological Svirvey of Canada. Department of Geology. of Paloson- Dr. J. F. Whiteaves, Geological Survey of Canada. Dept. tology. Dr. a. E. Barlow, Geological Survey of Canada. Dept. of Petrography. Dr. Jas. Fletcher, Central Experimental Farm. Botany & Nature Study. Hon. F. R. Latchford. Department of Conchology. Mr. W. H. Harrington, Post Office Department. Dept. of Entomology. Rev. G. Eifrig, 210 Wilbrod St. Dept. of Ornithology. Prof. E. E. Prince, Com. of Fisheries for Canada. Dept. of Zoology. Dr. Otto Klqtz Dept. of Meteorology. Membership Fee to O.F.N.C., with "Ottawa Naturalist,' $1.00 per annum LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE Otta-wa Kielci=Naturalists' Club April, 190r Adams, Prof. F. D., M.Sc, Ph.D. Boyd, W. U., B.A.Sc. (Montreal). Bradshaw, G. H. (Morden, Man.) Miss E. Airth, Brainerd, Dwight. (Montreal). Ami, H. M., M.A., D.Sc, F.G.S., Brennan, Mrs. H. H. F.R.S.C. Brewster, W. (Cambridge, Mass.) Ami, Mrs. H. M. Brown, Mrs. R. D. S. T. Ami, BrowTi, W. J. (Westmount, Q.) Anderson, Miss Constance. Bruce, L. (Rossland, B.C.) Anderson, James R. (Victoria, Bryce, H.P.,M.Z:>. B.C.) Burgess, T. J. W., F.R.S.C M.D., , Anderson, Lieut-Col. W. P., C.E. (Montreal). Attwood, A. E., M.A. Burland, G. L. Baldwin, J. W. Burman, Rev. W. A. (Winnipeg). Ballantyne, James. Calder, Alex. (Winnipeg). Bangs, J. S. Cameron, E. R., M.A. Barbour, W. C. (Sayre,Pa.) Cameron, Roy. Barlow, A. E., M.A., D.Sc, Casson, J^o). C. W. F.G.S.A. Campbell, D. A., B.A. Bate, H. Gerald. Campbell, A. M. Bate, H. N. Campbell, R. H. Bate, Miss Marjorie. Chalmers, Robert, LL.D. Bate, Miss Morna. Clark, G. B..,B.S.A. Beaupre, Edwin. (Kingston). Clarke, C. K., M.D. (Toronto). Bell, Robert, B.A.Sc, M.D., LL.D. Clarke, T. E., B.A. F.R.S., F.R.S.C, F.G.S.A. Cobbold, Paul A. (Haileybury, Bell, George. Ont.) Belliveau, A. K. Cooper, H. W. Bennett, L. H., (Regina). Cole, H. W. Billings, C. M. Cole, John, (Westboro', Ont.) Billings, W. R. Cole, Mrs. John, (Westboro', Ont.) Blackadar, Dr. E. H. Collins, J. Franklin, (Providence, Blackadar, Lloyd. R.I.) Borden, Hon. Sir F. W., M.D. Collins, W. H. Bowen, Miss Alice. (Quebec). Connor, M. F.,B.Sc. Bowles, Miss Sibyl M. Cote, J. C. Boyd, MissM. Courtney, Harold D. The Ottawa Naturalist [April Cousens, W. C, M.D. Glashan, J. C, LL.D., F.R.S.C. Cowley, Miss Mary A. (Aylmer, Q.) Gorman, M. J., LL.B. Craig, Prof. John, (Ithaca, N.Y.) Graham, W. Criddle, N. (Treesbank, Man.) Grant, Sir J. A., K.C.M.G., M.D., Currie, P. W. F.R.C.S. Edin. F.R.S.C, F.G.S. Curry, Miss E. E. Gregson, Percy B. (Blackfalds, Daly, R. A., M.A., Ph.D. Alta.) Dawson, S. E., Lit. D. Grisdale, J. H., B. Agr. Dearness, J., M.A. (London, Ont.) Grist, Henry. Dempsey, J. H. C. (Hamilton). Grist, Miss Mary L. Denny, J. D. Greensfelder, M. B. (Cokimbia, Director, Christian Brothers' Mo.) Academy. Halkett, Andrew. Dixon, F. A. Hamilton, Robert. Dixon, Miss M. F. Hamilton, Mrs. F. L. H. Doherty, T. Keville. Hann, H. H. (Summit, N.J.) Dowling, D. B., B.A.Sc. Harcourt, Geo. (Edmonton, Alta.) Dulau & Co., (London, Eng.) Hargrave, Miss L (Sherbrooke, Q.) Dunne, J. P. Harmer, Miss G. (Mosgrove, Ont.) Durnford, F. G. D. Harrington, W. Hague, F.R.S.C. Dwight, Jonathan, Jr.", M.D. (New Harrison, Edward. York). Harvey, R. V. (Vancouver, B.C.) Eifrig,i?^u. G. Hay, George, Sr. Ells, R. W., LL.D., F.G.S.A., Hay, G. U., D.Sc, MIA:, PhB.,' F.R.S.C. F.R.S.C, (St. John, N.B.) Evans, Jno. D., C.E. (Trenton, Hayes, J. A. Ont.) Hennessey, F. C. Ewart, D. Herriot, W. (Gait, Ont.) Farley, F. L. (Red Deer, Alta.) Hewit, H. O Farr, Miss E. M. (Philadelphia). Hodge, C. F., Ph.D. (Worcester, Fisher, How. Sydney. Mass.) Fitzpatrick, Hon. Chas. Hodson,F. W. Fleck, A. W. Hodson, Mrs. F. W. Fleming, J. H. (Toronto). Hod son, Ronald. Fleming,- Sir Sandford, K.C.M.G., Hope, James. C.E.,F.R.C.I., F.R.S.C. Houghton, J. A. (Bennington, Vt.) Fletcher, J., LL.D., F.LiS.; House of Commons Reading Room. F.R.S.C. Hvighes, Miss Katherine. Fraser, Geo., (Ucluelet, B.C.) Ida, Wm. Fraser, Miss. Irwin, Lt.-Col. D. T. Gaboui^,' V; H. (Plantagenet, Jackson, Miss Queenie. Ont.) Jacobs, Miss C. M. (Hamilton, Gallup, A. H. Ohio). Gibson, Arthur. Jameson, R. H. (Victoria, B.C.) Gibson, J. W. James, C. C, M.A. (Toronto). Gilbertson, Miss B. James, H. C. 1907] List of Members -5 Miss F. Jenkins, S. J., B.A. McLeod, M. Joly de Lotbiniere, Hon. Sir Henry McNeil, Alex. (Victoria, B.C.) McNabb, J. Jones, Harold, (Maitland, Ont.) McNichol, Miss C. C. Kearns, J. C. McQuesten, Miss Ruby B. Keefer, Thos. C, C.M.G., C.E., MacCraken, John l.,B.A. F.R.S.C. MacKay, A. H., LL.D., B.Sc, Keele, ].,B.A.Sc. F.R.S.C. (Halifax). Kells, W. L. (Listowell, Ont.) Macoun, Prof. John, M.A., F.L.S., Kendall, E. W. (Guelph, Ont.) F.R.S.C. Kingston, A. G. Macoun, J. M. Klotz, Dr. Otto. Macoun, W. T. Klugh, A. B. (Guelph). Malcolm, Jno. (Fergus, Ont.) L. Labarthe, J. (Trail, B.C.) Matthews, Miss Annie Laidlaw, G. E., (Victoria Rd., Ont.) Mearns, Dr. E. A. (Washington, Lajeunesse, Rev. J. A. D.C.) Lambart, Hon. O. H. Megill, W. H.T.,B.A. Lambe, L. M., F.G.S., F.G.S.A., Metcalfe, W. F.R.S.C. Millar, H. H. (Calgary). Latchfor.d, Hon. F. R., B.A. Miller, Prof. W. G. (Toronto). Leavitt, T. W. H. (Toronto). Milne, Wm. Lee, Miss Kath. (Clinton, N.Y.) Moore, W. H. (Scotch Lake, N.B.) Lees, Miss V. Morris, F. J. A. (Port Hope, Ont.) Legislative Library, (Toronto). Murray, James, B.S.A. (Regina, Lemieux, E. E. Sask.) LeSueur, W. D.,5.A. Nash, C. W. (Toronto). Lewis, J. B., C.E. Nelles, D. H., D.L.S. Leyden, Miss M. Newcombe, C. F., M.D. (Victoria, Library Dept. Ont. Agr. College, B.C.) (Guelph). Newman, L. H., B.S.A. Library of Parliament. O'Brien, S. E. Liebner, E. O., B.A. (Brampton, Odell, W. S. Ont.) Orde, J.F. Lingwood, Miss F. H. O' Sullivan, Owen. Lochhead, W., B.A., M.Sc. (St. Owen, Beverley. Anne de Bellevue, Que.) Perrin, Vincent, C.E. Lyman, H. H., M.A. (Montreal). Pitcher, Rev. T. McCallum, Frank. Pitts, H. H. McCready, Prof. S. B. (Guelph). Prince, Prof. E. E., B.A., F.L.S. McDougall, Miss J. C. Putman, J.H.,B.A. McDunnough,Jas. (Berlin, Germany) Raine, Walter, (Toronto). McElhinney, M. P. Richard, A. E. McElhinney, Dr. M. G. Ritchie, Miss Isabella. McGill, A., 5.A.,S.Sc. Robertson, Prof. J. W., LL.D. (St. Mclnnes, Wm. ,B.A. Anne de Bellevue, Que.) M. MacLaughlin, T. J. Robinson, Miss The Ottawa Naturalist [April Rodman, Miss A. E. Symes, P. B. Ruddick, J. A. Taylor, F. B. (Fort Wayne, Ind.) Rush, M. L. Terrill, L. M. (Montreal). Saunders, Wm., C.M.G., LL.D., Thompson, R. F.G.S., F.L.S., F.R.S.C. Thomson, Evan, (Red Lodge, Saunders, W. E. (London, Ont.) Alta.) Saunders, H. S. (Toronto). Thorne, James, B.A. Scott, Geo. Inglis. Topley, Mrs. W. J. Scott, Mrs. G. I. Tufts, H. F. Scott, Norman M. Tyrrell, J. B., B.A., B.Sc, F.G.S., Scott, John A.

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