<p>Eastern Kentucky University Encompass</p><p>Eastern Progress 1993-1994 Eastern Progress</p><p>2-10-1994 Eastern Progress - 10 Feb 1994 Eastern Kentucky University</p><p>Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1993-94</p><p>Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 10 Feb 1994" (1994). Eastern Progress 1993-1994. Paper 20. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1993-94/20</p><p>This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1993-1994 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE EASTERN PROGRESS Vol. 72/No. 20 14 pages February 10,1994 Student publication of Eastern Kentucky University. Richmond, Ky. 40475 ©The Eastern Progress 1994 Bar entry age to remain 21 </p><p>Alcohol Regulation 5:070, which after going into effect Such a ■ Senate, House BOP bans people under 21 from en- deficiency means the regulation committees vote to keep tering businesses that sell alco- will expire upon adjournment of hol by the drink but don't re- the next legislative session. 1992 ABC regulation ceive 35 percent of their total "In other words, when they sales from food. brought the regulation before the By Joe Castle and Amy Etmans "What other reason (other committee, they basically said it than buying alcohol) would a wasn't in compliance,'' Senate A1992 state Alcoholic Beverage Control regu- minor have to be in a place that serves only alco- BOP committee chair Jeff Green, D-Paducah, said. lation that closed several Richmond bars and hol?" state ABC chief enforcement officer Carl This time the regulation has received a warmer prompted others to start sel ling food won' t die at the Harmon said. "What it boils down to is, how can reception from the BOP committees, which origi- end of the 1994 legislative session. you justify a person under 21 in these places?" nally limited the rule's life span to less than two The rule's new lease on lifecomes after both the The Senate vote followed a similar move by the years with the letter of deficiency, than it did during House and Senate Business Organizations and Pro- House BOP committee Tuesday, which voted to lift the 1992 interim session. fessions committees decided to reverse a letter of the deficiency after the ABC requested its removal. Both legislative BOP committees, the groups deficiency indicating legislative disapproval of the KAR 5:070, which was written by the ABC which reviewed the regulation in 1992, have been Progress/BRETT DUNLAP regulation. after a bill banning minors from bars was defeated reshuffled in the wake of the FBI's BOPTROT People line up to enter O'RIIey's on Main Street Thursday night. The Senate BOP committee voted yesterday to in the 1992 General Assembly, was found deficient The bar was one of several In Richmond which began selling lift the 2-year old deficiency placed on Kentucky by an interim legislative committee only weeks SEE REGULATION PAGE AS food following the 1992 ABC entry age regulation. EYES ON THE PRIZE Officer faces brutality charge ■ Student files complaint against public safety officer </p><p>By Don Perry Naws writer « Hines said. Hines said he and a few of his A police brutality complaint was friends were leaving the party just as filed with public safety against a cam- public safety arrived. He said his pus police officer by an Eastern stu- friends decided to go back inside but dent who claims he was assaulted by he kept going because he had done the officer. nothing wrong. William Hines, 21, Martin Hall, Hines said the police car was ap- said he was assaulted by public safety proaching him at a high speed and he officer Mike Fearing Feb. 2 after leav- began to run from the officer. He said ing a birthday party at Brockton. he decided to stopatthchill in front of According to Hines, he and about Tel ford Hall on his own. 25 or 30 other people were at the party That is when, according to Hines, and a fight broke out " I had nothing to do with the fight." SEE BRUTALITY PAGE AS Madison senator resigns position ■ Sexton leaves post amid health, Kentucky legal problems </p><p>By Angle Hat ton General News *d it or Assembly District 34 Sen. Landon Sexton, who has represented Madison, rary, acting only until January 1995, Fayette, Garrard and Lincoln coun- when a senator elected in the regular ties since 1987, resigned Monday due November election will be sworn in. to health and legal problems. For this election, 1 > mocratic and A special election has been called Republican headquarters representa- for March 15 to replace Sexton for the tives from the four counties will meet remainder of the General Assembly. The candidate elected will be tempo- SEE SEXTON PAGE A5 </p><p>INSIDE </p><p>Progress/JIM QUK3GINS Members of the Harlan County Green Dragons are reflected In University Heights Blazers in the finals of the All "A" Classic ACCENT ARTS Tournament In McBrayer Arena Sunday. their trophy as they celebrate their 67-55 victory over the ■ You know ■ Reviewer says what they Spielberg's "Schindler's say: if you List" is worth all the hype. can't be Page B3 "Rudy" brings upbeat message to EKU with the Still, Ruettiger kept dreaming that one you Ruettiger tells love...be by yourself! We SPORTS ■ " / was told I could never be what one day he could dress and run out of Sunday audience the tunnel, too. But when his second give you 50 ways to ■ Lady Colonels tied for I wanted to be because they labeled and last season with the team was endure Valentine's Day first place in the Ohio to "never give up" coming to an end and he still had not Valley Conference. dressed for a game. Ruettiger again alone. me as a dumb kid, a small kid. I Page Bl Page B6 By Janeen Miracle thought about quitting. Staff writer showed up at Notre Dame with Just Ruettiger said a maintenance man hope." who befriended him when he worked WEATHER When Daniel "Rudy" Ruettiger at Notre Dame's football stadium INDEX — Daniel "Rudy" Ruettiger, TODAY: Mostly sunny was a young boy, he dreamed of play- talked him out of it (Ruettiger worked Accent B1 with the caretakers on the football High 26, Low 17 ing football for the University of Notre former University of Notre Dame football player Activities B5 field prior to making the scout team.). FRIDAY: Partly sunny Dame. Ad Index B2 Ruettiger said the scene in the movie High 41. Low 21 Sunday. 18 years after playing in Arts/Entertainment B3 "I was told I could never be what 6-inch small frame blocked tackles is accurate word for word and quoted SATURDAY: Cloudy the last seconds of a football game Classifieds A4 that brought him the glory of being I wanted to be because they labeled behind the scenes for the players in it lo the audience. High 51, Low 36 carried off the field by his teammates. me as a dumb kid, a small kid," practice who actually got game lime "He said to me. 'Since when are Comics A4 Ruettiger encouraged fans gathered Ruettiger said "I showed up at Notre on the field. Ruettiger longed to run you a quitter? You are so full of crap. News briefs A4 at Alumni Coliseum to "never give Dame with just hope. So many times out of the same tunnel as the team that You stood out there with the best team CLASS People B4 up." we quit. We give up because we say it played, but he watched the game from for two years. You are going to gradu - People poll A3 Standing before a crowd includ- is too tough, loo rough." the stands with other Notre Dame ate with a degree from Notre Dame. PATTERN Perspective A2&3 ing church youth groups, Notre Dame But even when his struggle to be fans. You've got nothing to prove to any- Police beat A4 fans and sports enthusiasts, Ruettiger a part of the team got the roughest, "I should have quit, I had every one but yourself. If you haven't done Preview B2 that, you won't ever do it" talked about the story that inspired the Ruettiger didn't give up. right to," Ruettiger said. "When they M W-F Sports B6.748 movie "Rudy," which came out last As a member of the Fighting hit me for the first time, I said this year. Irish's scout team, Ruettiger' s 5-foot- game isn't for dream crs.it is for men." SEE RUDY PAGE A5 A2 </p><p>Thursday. February to. 1994 </p><p>EDITORIAL Passing the buck University not taking responsibility for campus' safety The neverending story of the Bluegrass These calendars were not distributed to Army Depot has encountered another plot campus residents last year because the univer- twist that could have a sizable impact on sity has a policy against distributing postage- Eastern's campus community. free outside mail. This policy has not been The National Research Council, a branch of the changed, so it looks like the 1994 calendars will National Academy of Sciences, has again be left in the public safety office endorsed the building of an incinera- for students to pick up themselves. tor in Madison County as soon as Why would they take the time, possible, a decision based on the though, to go to the Brewer Building Council's belief that die chemical and pick up a calendar if they don't weapons at the depot are more danger- realize they need them? ous being stored than being burned. There are other ways of distributing According to the Army's official risk these calendars, including enlisting assessment report, these weapons will volunteers to take them door to door. not be safe for storage after 2002. The Besides the information provided in NRC's decision was made even with the these calendars, the university possesses knowledge that the existing incinerator in other information that it seems to be Toole, Utah, has had some problems with unwilling to share with students. leaks. The university has worked with CSEPP to Keep in mind that although a final decision on develop an evacuation plan for campus separate the disposal of Madison County's chemical from the rest of Madison County. This plan may weapons won't be made until July, the depot has even work, but no one knows for sure because it already had one leak this year and its arsenal is has never been tested. stored just six miles from Eastern's campus. The plan has never even been discussed with So why does this university continue to pretend students. Several students said they have no idea it doesn't exist? This subject has been mulled what the warning sirens sound like and over and twisted and probed under the micro- wouldn't know what to do if they heard them scopes of the Army, the city and various citizens' and recognized them. groups for 10 years. If calendars or practice evacuations are so Bosnia proof of regression However, in all this time, Eastern has never taken a unfeasible, it should at least be possible that the stand on the issue. No community discussion university could distribute copies of the evacua- Darwin had his principle right, Angeles, they are no better than the meetings have ever been permitted on campus. tion plan through a university-funded — and but the direction wrong. people who are doing the killing in Joe Castle Bosnia. Because those individual therefore legal-to-be-mailed — flier. It is truly amazing how far we While the administration's past policy of humans have regressed. The song acts of violence are usually what neutrality is apathetic, it's not nearly as alarming University officials apparently want to avoid A mortar attack in Sarajevo's remains the make up larger conflicts, even as its method of dealing with a potential emer- causing unnecessary alarm about this issue. central marketplace killed 68 same when those conflicts have exten- They don't want to make students worry until people Saturday and injured more sive histories, like race relations in gency situation. America. there is a need. This is an understandable than 200. Despite the battle zone Those who have been hired to make decisions the former Yugoslavian capital has Why did Hitler hate Jews? Was What's really sad is how much for Eastern aren' t playing with matches when reaction from administrators. become, Saturday is still a day of it because of an unhappy child- violence originates with groups and they ignore the issue to the point that they endan- WowWe^ve rfcrrYtinrferstand how the frenzied activity in tho city's i <> hood? A Jewish teacher who said is directed at individuals. It's easy university could plan to begin educating stu- market. The Serbians knew this aad he was a failure as an artist? ,«., to hate from the security and ger the students. They're playing with an inferno. decided to launch a aaatar shell.,. Personal shortcomings? Who . . anonymity of a group, especially . Take the calendars the Chemical Stockpile dents on safety procedures after a state of into the bustling area. knows? Who cares? against individuals, who make easy Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP) emergency has been called. An actual emer- As a result, hundreds of What matters is that six million targets for groups looking to vent produced last year for example. These calendars, gency situation is hardly a conducive atmo- unarmed men, women and people —people, just like you and senseless rage. And we aren't immune to sphere for calm education. children were killed and me — died because one man while not a cure for the problem, are at least a maimed. And this type of cold- ignited the hatred of his nation. To such violence at Eastern, either. start. The calendars contain information about We don't mean to rehash an issue that is blooded killing has been going put the holocaust in perspective, Within the past two weeks evacuation zones, protection from the gas if already "scattered, smothered and covered," but on since Yugoslavia broke consider that only four million we've had a carjacking, random people live in Kentucky today. Just assaults and numerous cases of unable to evacuate, disaster supply kit suggestions in this area it is warranted. We think the univer- apart. For example, last year the Serbs had snipers fire into buses imagine every single person in the vandalism, both in parking lots and important phone numbers for emergency sity has a bigger obligation to keep its students filled with children leaving the state dead, plus two million Ohio and in residence halls. That's information. safe than to make them feel safe. war zone. Those buses had no residents to even the numbers out not the same as a mortar attack military value at all. The Serbs Look at Bosnia. The Serbs hate or a drive-by shooting, but how were just carrying out more the Muslims, the Muslims hate the would you feel if someone jumped "ethnic cleansing." Serbs, the Croats hate dodging in your car at a stoplight and pulled . After reading about Saturday's bullets. Why is there so much more a knife on you? What if one of your Country kickin' Center Board attack and its results, I couldn't hatred in Bosnia than in the rest of friends was beaten up on the job? help but think about the way we the world? How would you feel if you came Pearl Jam would be nice, but heck, more variety will do treat each other in the "new world There isn't. It's just that all the back to your room to find most of order." anger in Bosnia is being released. your belongings broken and Congratulations, Center Board! Alabama, Diamond Rio and Toad the Wet Things aren't getting any Fear becomes anger, anger destroyed? Eastern's entertainment committee recently Sprocket The names just keep mounting. better, folks. As this century nears becomes hatred and hatred be- More importantly, think how closing, it is clear that it has been comes violence, first on a mental you would feel if your little brother clinched Sawyer Brown and Diamond Rio, both But wait a minute! Look at the acts we've had the most violent in history. Sure, and then on a physical level. And or sister was one of those blown nationally known acts, for March 24. And we can't Maybe everyone on campus doesn't listen to there were more of us on the planet that holds true for individuals as apart in that marketplace Saturday. wait for tickets to go on sale Feb. 17. country music. Maybe some students even hate it than ever before, but we also killed well as nations. Earlier this week Bill Clinton Tonight there are six explosive acts performing at Maybe some students prefer other kinds of musk. many more of each other. While it's hard to miss what endorsed air strikes in Bosnia as We all know about and the happens on a global scale, what we long as the United Nations supports 8 pm in Brock Auditorium. And these are only a We arc not necessarily asking for Pearl Jam or "ethnic cleansing" in Bosnia and often don't see — or just ignore — them and other nations join in. In few of the acts Center Board has booked to play Smashing Pumpkins — although they would be Hitler's "solution" as portrayed in is how much hate exists on a other words, outside forces killing Eastern this semester. That's quite an accomplish- nice — but we are asking for a littie more variety Steven Spielberg's epic smaller scale. to stop inside forces from killing Think about relations on the each other. Unfortunately, that to accommodate the more than 16,000 students. "Schindler's List," both prime ment, since this is only the second week of February. examples of what ignorance and average college campus. seems to be the only way to end the Confederate Railroad pulls in for two shows in Just because we can get national country acts fear can cause millions of people to We have tensions between wholesale genocide taking place. Brock Auditorium Friday. Jane Powell, known for doesn't mean Center Board should back off now. do to one another. blacks and whites, Greeks and I don't like the idea of America her five-octave range, will perform on Feb. 17. They did wrangle in Toad, but that is only one And that fear can come from a independents, Greeks and rival as the world's police force, and variety of sources. It could be Greeks, males and females, faculty military intervention in Bosnia will Cumette & Maher's unplugged concert at Fountain "college music" group. anything from a difference in and administrators, instructors and obviously result in more death, but Food Court is Feb. 23. What about the Gin Blossoms? The appearance to a difference in students. And although those something needs to be done. And Already this year we have hosted two comedians, Lenxxiheads? The Breeders? Blind Melon? The religion. In most cases it doesn't tensions don't always erupt in as the world's most powerful one comedian group—Red Johnny and the Round Cranberries? Any of these groups would fit into matter where it comes from. Once violence, sometimes they do. nation, America has to be in charge the fear is there, we feel the need to When individuals lash out of that something. Guy, who taped a segment for an upcoming half- either Brock Auditorium or Alumni Coliseum. get rid of whatever it is we're because of those tensions, whether Otherwise, we're just taking hour MTV special— and country group Southern Center Board is doing a good job, but we want afraid of, even if that fear is they are on a college campus in one more step down the path of de- Wind And last year was another banner year with more than cowboy hats and country music. groundless. Kentucky or in south-central Los evolution. </p><p>THE EASTERN PROGRESS HOW TO REACH US 117 Donovan Annex Eastern Kentucky University ■ To report a news ■ To place an ad ■ To subscribe Richmond, Ky. 40475 story or idea Subscriptions are available by mail (606)622-1872 Display at a cost of $1 per issue; $15 per Monica Keeton 622-1881 semester; or $30 per year payable Amy Etmani Joe Castle in advance. Editor Managing editor News Classified Angie Hatton 622-1872 Anne Norton 622-1881 ■ To submit a column Stephen lanham, Terry Stevens Jason Owens, Christina Rankln Features The Progress gives readers an Staff artists Copy editors Selena Woody 622-1872 opportunity to express more de- ■ To suggest a photo tailed opinions in a column called Opinions expressed herei n are those of student editors or other signed writers and do not necessarily represent Activities "Your Turn.* Columns should be the views of the university. Student editors also decide the news and informational content. Mary Ann Lawrence... 622-1882 Jim Quiggins 622-1489 mailed to The Eastern Progress, Brett Dunlap 622-1489 117 Donovan Annex, Eastern The Eastern Progress is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press, Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Arts & Entertainment Kentucky University, Richmond, Association and College Newspaper Business & Advertising Managers. Inc. The Progress is published every Chad Williamson 622-1882 Ky 40475. The deadline is noon Thursday during the school year, with the exception of vacation and examination periods. Any false or misleading Sports ■ To reach us by e-mail Monday prior to Thursday's publi- advertising should be reported to Adviser/General Manager, Or. Elizabeth Fraas. cation. Columns will be printed in Lanny Brannock 622-1882 [email protected] accordance with available space The Eastern Progress, Thursday, February 10,1994 A3 PERSPECTIVE </p><p>UPS & DOWNS PEOPLE POLL By Jay Angel & Brett Dunlap Who is your ideal valentine and why? </p><p>My girl, she is "Suzanne Farrla, 9 because ah* la Down to: Up to: Down to: the sweetest girl The Fosters Michael Jordan TV media on campus .." The lead singer called Paint The greatest basketball Following Saturday's at- Lick "a hole with not much player of all time is trying his tack in Sarajevo, ABC, CBS there*' at Phone 3 Tuesday hand at baseball, signing with and NBC each broadcast night So much for a local a AAA team in Nashville ear- graphic footage of the dead band trying to make it big. lier this week. He is moving and dying without a prior dis- Even Billy Ray Cyrus is proud on to a greater challenge by claimer. Ft makes you wonder to say he is from Flatwoods. proving he can "Just do it." if they were accident! y broad- casting "Platoon." Suggestions for UPS A DOWNS we welcome. To nuke • suggestion call 622-1872. Jay Segura, 20, Brian Wertzler, 23, speech athletic training, sophomore, communications, senior, Ft. Thomas Lexington </p><p>"Tonl Braxton; "My fiancee, Scott Last Boy Scout's life twisted reality she's kind* More*, because thick." he make* me of crime which has happened in the This is a tale of two girts named happy" Debbie, two guys named Jim, my Richmond area, everything from drunk friends, a girl I'm just friends Brett Dunlap murders to jaywalkers? Where are with, a raving lunatic of an adviser your stories for this week? You and a cat named Midnight My turn didn't ask the right questions, go I'm Brett Dunlap, aJia. "The back and rewrite it Why isn't this Last Boy Scout," and this is my done, why isn't that done, work work twisted little reality. work." Now keep in mind she asked First, I got the nickname "The understood our situation. We were me all of this in the course of five Last Boy Scout" when I once stopped friends, we did things together, we minutes. a guy from getting a girl drunk and could talk about anything, but I knew I've decided not lo sleep any- taking advantage of her. Back home. that was it There was nothing more, it just takes too much lime Charles White, 21, Christy Wrenn, 19, I had the reputation of being the romantic to our relationship. away from my work. Besides, with computer science, Junior, accounting, freshman, ultimate nice guy. I was the guy However, it seems, in Jim's mind, I the number of people out there Jessamine Co. Clay City people would call lo drive them was trying to steal her away from gunning for me, I should probably home when they had loo much lo him and now I'm almost sure he stay awake and keep my eyes on the "Sheenay Tevls; "Val Kilmer; he's drink. I'm the kind of guy drunk girts wants to hurt me. According to my lookout she Is the only sexy and just can trust not to try to take advantage friend, there was a time when he I gave up being shy for this one who cares wonderful." of them and make sure they get home couldn't even say my name without mess? My life was so much simpler about me." all right, and the guy their boyfriend gritting his teeth. when I was a social recluse. Sure, I would trust if they were loo drunk to A couple of weeks ago, a friend had nothing to do on the weekends. lake them home. of mine who, just a couple of weeks but I didn't have people out to get My story started when I decided I before lectured to me about drinking me. had enough of being shy, and I was responsibility, called me up at 5 am. Where does my cat. Midnight, fit going to become more social. My after a wild night of partying and into aD of this? Well, actually she friend Debbie, who was the only real asked if I could drive him and some doesn't It just made my first female friend I had at the time, others home. On the way back, I got paragraph sound interesting. I'm just helped me come out of my shell so I pulled over by a police officer who glad she's back home puking all over could tell the other Debbie, who was thought I was drunk. I had three the place and not here. That would be the first girl I ever had a crush on, people passed out in my car, the one loo many things for me to deal George Baltard, 10, Jackie Baber, 20, how I felt about her. Debbie, the one stench of alcohol everywhere and I with right now. undeclared, freshman, special education. Junior, I had a crush on a long time ago, was had Ohio license plates. This was not All I can say is if too much more Richmond Paris getting married to a guy named Jim, good. happens, I'll be changing my name lo and I had only a year before she The officer didn't give me a Bob Strunk and moving to Salt Lake graduated and left for good. I wanted ticket but I told my friends if I did, I City to start a new life. There are a to try lo clear up everything so we would have made them pay for it couple of girls who are starting to tell could be friends. I finally told her Then I would rip their lungs out if me about problems they are having everything and we are starting to they ever did it to me again. with their boyfriends... become good friends, I just hope Jim In my attempt to put my life in Does anyone have a bus schedule doesn't get the wrong idea about order, I finally declared my major to Utah? what I'm up to and tries to kill me. last year and got a raving lunatic as Shortly after I made my peace an adviser. Dunlap is a senior journalism with Debbie, I met another girl and "Brett, have you read every major from Wilmington. Ohio, and is we became good friends. She had a single newspaper in existence?'* she assistant photo editor for the boyfriend, named Jim, and I fully said. "Do you know every single act Progress. Sappy scenes stir weeping romantic </p><p>I think I'm getting sappy in my some heart-felt love songs and old age. Give me a song or a movie, dedications, like Journey's "Open and I'll find a reason to cry because Arms" or "Faithfully,'' could leave of it me drowning in a pool of my own I feel like I can cry at (he drop of salty tears. FAST FREE DELIVERY!! a hat now. Switching on the TV set and The funny thing is I used lo seeing Oprah Winfrey host her laugh at people who made the annual Valentine's Day engagement smallest whimper at a sad movie, that is where it all began. Then came show could leave me in a especially family and friends. I "Sleepless in Seattle," "Boyz N' the hyperventilating fit with no return to would go to a movie with some Hood," "Beauty and the Beast," sanity. friends, and at a particularly serious "Backdraft," "Forever Young" and. Crying, it seems, has become moment, I would hear little sobs lastly, "Philadelphia." what I do best I have even begun to coming from beside me. I would turn There are an endless stream of listen to opera and classical music to see them coming from my friends. movies, loo numerous lo count, where again, for one, because I enjoy it and I would burst out laughing and start I have been on the verge of tears. also because once in a while I need to making fun of them. I never saw a I called my parents one day and clean out my tear ducts. reason to get so emotionally attached remarked on my unfortunate Luckily for me, though, I have to a song or movie. discovery. My mom made the yet to stan crying at commercials, but It's a different story now. comment about how she, too, didn't I'm still young. Once I do stan crying LARGE Now I'm the one who is crying get all mushy-eyed until she came to at the "Jean-Luc" International at a sad or mushy scene in a movie college. It didn't make me feel any Coffee commmercials or the or a love song. People are now better, but at least I was reassured I Energizer bunny commercials, I laughing at me. wasn't alone in my quest to flood the know then that there will be no hope PIZZA I have gone through a succession whole United Slates with my tears. forme. of films which have left me blood- This. Valentine's Day might I will be too far gone for any kind shot and blotchy-faced from crying, possibly be difficult for me because of help. starling with the Michael Keaton/ of my new-found sappiness and also (ONE TOPPING) Nicole Keaton five-hanky movie being without a significant other to Rankinis a junior journalism "My Life," in which I sobbed along share this wonderful day with. major from Frankfort and is a copy with the rest of the theater. I think Turning on the radio and hearing editor for the Progress. </p><p>The Puppy Love $ Bouquet $27 JO LOVE IS IN THE AIR cash&carry $32.50 delivered Show how much you care with flowers from FTD and Teleflora </p><p>•Mixed Valentine arrangements 4.99 cash and carry $15 and up Sorry, Campus only •Order and send early </p><p>Spot in My Heart so they can enjoy longer. Plsnter $17.50 cash * csrry TheHenhey's $25 delivered Kisses Bouquet $30cash*cany ^'|eL'fi<HU $37.50 delivered Richmond Greenhouse & Flower Shop WenoverAve. 623-3410 624-8666 Call us if you have an Idea for a story at 622-1872. A4 The Eastern Progress, Thursday, February 10,1994 NEWS PROGRESS CLASSIFIEDS Place classified ads bofoio noon on Mondays S2 lot 10 words. NEWS BRIEFS HELP WANTED TRAVEL HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Comptod by Pragma staff Hearing postponed separate bills this year that deal with toughening sen- RECORDSMITH buys, sells Spring Break! Best Trips & Happy Birthday, Dawn Brotzge tences for juvenile offenders. for student accused and trades CD's and tapes. EKU Prices! Bahamas Party Cruise 6 With lots of love - From Terry of assaulting Myers By-Pass. Days $279! Includes 12 meals Clinton says his and 6 five Parties! Panama City Lea Peak, I just wanted to wish W" budget will achieve Edward W. Peebles, S3, originally scheduled to ap- TION EARN $50-$250 FOR YOUR- Room With Kitchen 8 days $119! you a happy 20th Bday. You pear in Madison County District Court Tuesday to face a deficit reduction SELF PLUS UP TO $500 Cancun & Jamaica From $469! thought I had forgotten. WBG, charges resulting from an attack on a university adminis- record trator, got a continuance on his preliminary hearing until FOR YOUR CLUB! THIS Daytooa $149! Key West $249! Kerri. 1:30 p.m. Feb. 22. President Clinton said his new budget will achieve a FUNDRAISER COSTS Cocoa Beach $159! 1-800-678- Peebles' first scheduled preliminary hearing was Jan. deficit reduction record unequaled since Harry Truman's NOTHING AND LASTS 6386. 18, but was changed by Judge William O. Clouse Jr. to stint in the White House. ONE WEEK. CALL NOW Feb. 8 because Peebles was unable to find counsel to The president's budget proposal is soft on poor chil- represent him. dren and the homeless, but lough on smokers and tougher AND RECEIVE A FREE Linda Campbell of the Madison County public on defense workers. »• GIFT. 1400-932-0528 EXT. Spring Break! Panama City! 8 defender's office will represent Peebles, who faces charges His $1.52 trillion proposal allows enough money for 65. of wanton endangerment, assault and criminal mischief the Head Start program to gain 90,000 new students next Days Oceanview Room With A for the Jan. 7 attack on vice president for student affairs year and appropriates more money for nutrition programs Kitchen $119! Walk To Best Thomas D. Myers. for pregnant women and children. Professional Sales Reps needed. Bars! Includes Free Discount However, the plan calls for less weapons to be manu- High Commission Potential. Card-Save $50 On Cover Library sponsors contest to name factured and will consequently cut jobs of defense factory GRAPHIC SPORTSWEAR computer catalog system workers. Charges! 1-800-678-6386. Also, enough tax has been added to the price of 800-568-2820. cigarettes that a iwo-pack-a-day smoker will pay an The Eastern libraries are sponsoring a contest to attach additional SI.50 a day and around S547.50 more per year. a creative name to the new computer catalog system. The CHALLENGING SUMMER SPRING BREAK-PANAMA name should reflect university heritage and/or the access CAMP JOBS WITH OUT- features of OPAC. New Navy judge drops three of four CITY BEACH, $79 per night The winner of this contest will be announced after remaining Tailhook cases DOOR FUN, in Easter Seal or $474 per week for 2 people to Spring Break. The winner has a choice of either $50 cash camps for children and adults the room with kitchen. Extra or a S50 gift certificate redeemable at the college book- Adm. Frank Kelso II, Hie Chief of Naval Operations with disabilities. Salary, room/ persons $7.50 per night (Limit store. has received the brunt of the blame for the Navy Tailhook board provided. Male/female The judges will be the OPAC Contest Working Group scandal as the court martial is being wrapped up in Naval 4 to a room enforced). PIER 99 of the Automation Committee, after the final approval by Court counselors, lifeguards, program BEACHFRONT MOTEL, the library administration. Navy Capt William Vest, the new actingjudge, dropped directors, food service. Two 9900 S. Thomas Dr.,P.C. Beach, The contest will start Feb. 14 at 7:45 a.m. and end the cases against three out of the four remaining service- camps in Virginia Blue Ridge March 11 at 11 p.m. Entries will be stamped for date/time men implicated in the scandal saying that Adm. Kelso FL 32408 /1-800-874-6657 upon receipt If two identical winning entries are found, misrepresented his knowledge of what occurred at the Mountains or near Virginia East the earlier entry will be the winner. You may pick up and convention in 1991. coast. Great experience for any submit entry forms at the circulation desk in the Crabbe future career! Training pro- Library. Amnesty International vided. Apply ASAP to Camp WIN A FREE SWEATSHIRT Fall housing intention cards due to joins fight for rights of Easter Seal; P.O. Box 5496. RAs by tomorrow at noon homosexuals in U.S. Roanokc, VA 24012. 1-800- 365-1656. Last year's housing intention cards were mistakenly Amnesty International has an- nounced a six-month campaign to fight for the rights of printed and distributed again earlier this week, causing homosexuals in the United States. some slight confusion because the process has been changed this year. The London-based human rights organization made After all the the announcement in conjunction with the release of a 24- Wl <>l S. Just answer the following question Amber Culver, director of Housing, said everything correctly and be the first to come has been taken care of now, and the correct cards, a peach nation survey on the treatment of homosexuals. Amnesty placed the repression of homosexuals on their human cake's been color, have been distributed to RAs. FUTONS PLUS COUCH down to First Gear on the comer of rights agenda. The cards are due back to RAs by noon tomorrow. BEDS AT LOWEST QUICK 1st and Main: The system for spring housing has been simplified. The organization decided to lake up homosexual rights had, they in 1991. Investigations show homosexuals are vulnerable PRICES DELIVERED! Now a student must simply see his or her resident assistant Who was the original lead singer to the same circumstances governments use to lock up at a floor meeting or individually to obtain a card and then Couch to bed. Choose custom of The Breeders? political prisoners. can still look give it back to the RA. sizes, colors of Futons plus Previously, a trip to the housing office was necessary The U.S. campaign will include the petitioning of state governments to revoke laws that single out homo- washable covers; hardwood Last weeks answer: OonMcCWn for a room change and the change would have to wait until back on their the fall semester. * sexuals. frames. Student Special pack- ■ However, April 4-28 is a room change period for the ages start $165" delivered!! birthday ad. fall semester. Students cannot actually move until next U.S. develops plan to relieve Bluegrass Bedding 858-9015. semester, but the arrangements can be made this semester. Sarajevo with NATO's help CLASSMATE MANSION Next Door to Club La Vela Kentucky lenient The United States is working with the United Nations ft Spinnaker Beach Club toward ending the war in Sarajevo. on juveniles TOWNHOMES. Reserve 1 Bdrm. - $725 weekly Clinton's top foreign policy advisers have prepared a yours now for summer and fall. MESSAGE: accused of crimes U.S. proposal to the North American Treaty Organization 2-Bdrm. - $850 weekly that calls for issuing an ultimatum to all the military forces 624-2727. Weekly rates for 1 to 4 adults A study released Tuesday by Kentucky Youth Advo- in the Sarajevo area. Plus all State and Local Taxes. cates indicates that while the number of Kentucky youth The ultimatum would demand that the warring sides After 4 adults $10 per person charged with robberies doubled last year and the number MODEL(s) FOR CLASS- give up all their heavy weapons, including the Serb per night extn. charged with assault tripled, Kentucky is fairly lenient on artillery that has killed hundreds of civilians in past MATE, U.S.A. NATIONAL juveniles accused of crimes. months. SWIMSUIT CALENDAR. i i ■ Ms F« BBBsSssMasi ssasstfasjB Free birthday classified Last year, 635 juveniles were accused of crimes seri- The proposal, which Clinton is expected to sign, calls FREE DAYTONA TRIP. in the Progress. ous enough for the accused offenders to be tried as adults for using air strikes and other military force to enforce the 1-800^824-5048 Retrun to Donovan Annex 118 and sent to prison. Only 14 of these were actually sen- ultimatum. Clinton said the other NATO countries will 624-2727. tenced to serve prison terms as adults. have to first agree to the proposal before the U.S. will fire The Kentucky General Assembly will consider three on Sarajevo. Sera-Tec Biologicals POLICE BEAT r'ormcrh < 'iiinptis I' Compiled by Don Parry New Donors Receive $20 The following reports have been filed duct. car while it was parked in Ellendale Lot. Start donating now with the university's division of public James L. Booker. 19. Common- safety: Feb. 3: wealth Hall, was charged with possession Leanne Owens, 21. Winchester, was of marijuana. and make ^ Jan. 31: arrested and charged with driving under Jason Boham. 18, Commonwealth the influence of alcohol. Feb. 5: Hall, reported someone had stolen two John D. RatllfT. 21. Richmond, was $180 hubcaps from his car while parked on Kit Feb. 4: arrested and charged with alcohol intoxi- Carson Drive. Terry Hammonds. 22. Martin Hall, cation. by Spring Break! 624-9814 David Gale, Rowleu Building, re- reported $50 was stolen from his room Based on two donations pci tveck. ported a photo copier counter/key missing. during a fire drill. Feb. 7: 292 South Second St Randall Marshall, 19. Keene Hall. Carter W. Tucker, 24, Common- Tanla Robinson. 18. Clay Hall, re- was arrested and charged with assault. wealth Hall, was arrested and charged ported her car had been stolen from Van with alcohol intoxication. Hoose Parking Lot. Feb. 2: Aaaoa Klaber. 18. Todd Hall, re- Jodl Young. 21. Martin Hall, re- THRIFTY William Hlnes. 21. Martin Hall, was ported someone had stolen a radio/cas- ported someone had stolen a gold chain arrested and charged with disorderly con- sette player and a radar detector from his and cross from her room. DUTCHMANJ MOTELS </p><p>10 Tanning Visits for $20 New tanning bulbs will arrive next weekl 230 Eastern Bypass 623-8813 The Eastern Progress, Thursday, February 10,1994 AS NEWS REGULATION: ABC rule to remain in effect after General Assembly Dr. David B. Coleman OPTOMETRIST ContmutHrom from page has had a definite impact on underage House BOP committee chair Rep. folks that, if they fed as strongly drinking in Kentucky. Jim Yaies.D-Louisville.said he thinks about this as they say they do, that scandal investigation Statewide in 1991-92, there were some type of regulation and enforce- they pursue legislation to make it a Sen. David LcMaster. the 72 minors arrested for underage drink- ment is needed because there is a taw." Green said. "I just feel like Painisvillc Democrat who resigned ing. In 1992-93. the year after Regu- problem in Kentucky. something like this needs to be a stat- • Eye Exams following his conviction last semes- lation 5:070 weminioeffect, that num- "From what I have read (under- ute." ter of lying to the FBI and sentenced ber dropped to 38, Harmon said. age drinking) is a problem," Yates Although the removal of the defi- • Large Frame to 12 months in prison, was chairman *Tloqiicst km about k, some people said. "Crimes are committed because ciency means the ABC will be able to Selection of the senate BOP committee when feared that they would get caught," they are on drugs and alcohol.'' enforce the regulation indefinitely. KAR 5:070 was introduced in 1992. Harmon said. Green said that although the regu- Green said he doesn't think the agency • Disposable Rep. Jerry Bronger, former chair of The people Harmon thinks those lation effectively carries the force of will go overboard with it. Contacts the House BOP committee, was also underage drinkers are afraidof are the the law, he thinks the ABC should "I don't think they'll do anything implicated in the BOPTROT investi- ABC's 24 state enforcement officers eventually take underage drinking more than what their job requires," • Gas Permeable gation. who pose undercover in bars to bust enforcement to the full legislature. Green said. "I don't think they need to Contacts Harmon said arrest records for the regulation violators and the bar own- "At some point in time I'm prob- resort to Gestapo tactics ... but we past two years show the regulation ers who serve them. ably going to recommend to the ABC don't need kids in bars and taverns." • Tinted Contacts •Payment Plan BRUTALITY: Student charges campus officer used excessive force Available </p><p>Contmu»d from front papa Hines has a mark on the side of his and charged with disorderly conduct.. Walker, assistant director of public face he said was caused by Fearing's After being released from jail, safety, and Walker advised him of Fearing pulled his gun on him and shoe. Hines went to the campus infirmary how to file a complaint against an directed him to lie down on the con- Hines said Fearing pulled his arms where he was treated for the injury to arresting officer. 623-6812 crete and told him to spread his arms back and cuffed him before he lifted his face. Walker then took pictures of College Park Center Eastern By-Pass and legs in a "vicious voice." him from trie ground by the hand-cuff After encouragement from his Hines' face and wrists, where thecuffs Hines said when he did as the chains. friends, Hines said he went to public were placed, and let him issue a writ- officer directed. Fearing then stood "I was scared. I didn't know what safety to report what had happened to ten complaint. over him with one foot pressed against was going to happen next," Hines him. "Mr. Walker was very coopera- the left side of his face and continued said. Lt. Ricky Cox, public safety, said tive with me," Hines said. BOOK NOW FOR to point his gun at him. Hines said he was taken down- he did not know anything about a Walker said Wednesday that the THE BEACH! "He was stepping on my jaw so town to the police garage where he complaint being filed against one of department would not release a state- hard my teeth were hurting," Hines was removed from the car. the officers. ment on the charge against Fearing 7 DAY BSCKAGE! said. "It was like he was putting out a Hines was kept in the Madison "That is news to me," Cox said. until an internal investigation was cigarette butt on my face." County Detention Center over night Hines said he talked with Wynn completed. FROM $135* SEXTON: Senator resigns post following car accident last year •wpfc**. Continued from front peon date," Ginter said. McBride said the two candidates, W Lackey was the only democrat in local businessman Barry Me teal f and separately to elect a candidate for this district who filed with Secretary Randall Curry, a tobacco and beef KM GULF-FRONT ROOMS IN THE HEART OF each party. of State Bob Babbage's office for the farmer, have already been in contact PANAMA CTTY BEACH. WORLD-CLASS NIGHT Mary Jane Ginter, chairman of the fall election. with members of the executive com- CLUBS. ATTRACTIONS AND RESTAURANTS NEAR BEACH ACTIVITIES ON THE PREMISES. CALL TODAY! Madison County Democrats, said the Babbage said candidates must file mittee in efforts to campaign for their 15-mcmber Democrat executive com- separately for this special election. votes. mittee will meet Monday afternoon at The deadline is Feb. IS. Votes for both parties will be made CfflEEAU \-800-874-&e>26 the Miller House on First and Irvine Two republican candidates from through secret belle L MOTE 12S2B Frant P«Kh Road streets. the 34th District met the filing dead- Babbage said turnout is usually fanama City Baach, Florida 92407 This meeting will result in an offi- line for the regular fall election. low for special elections held in Ken- * WJT eeraaa, mmt i 4,0 mU 6 4ey aactaaw aleo avallaMa. Sheila Mc Bride, vice chairperson tucky. tMnMMMiai It ntftrtd. Room eamaea mjM* raquireJ. cial candidate, but she said Richmond M to not Indue* tea or UmnforfUcm indand emam non-eommleelonaWa.non-cotnmieeloni attorney John Lackey will probably of the Madison County Republicans, He said maybe a third of the num- One aejttie, ■)* aar etenaaai room. MtchanaWa mi euEee be asked to run. said a choice will be made between ber of general election voters can be ■MaaMa at eeaWonel chaff*. "Johnny Lackey is the only person the two candidates Saturday at 10 expected to turn out for this, but urged Sexton had served In the who seemed interested in the posi- a.m. at the Madison County court- that people in mis district do make an legislature since 1987. tion, so he's our most likely candi- house. effort for this one. PANAMA CITY BEACH FLORIDA RUDY: Movie subject speaks in Alumni Coliseum </p><p>Continued from front page "People told me I could never go Ruettiger said because when he came to Hollywood and sell a movie," to college, people told him he wouldn't Ruettiger decided not to quit, and Ruettiger said. "I said I have a story. make it Call when he was carried off the field in I am skk and tired of the junk they are "He just inspired me to work that 1976 by his fellow players after tack- putting on the screen." much harder while I am here," Boggs ling a Georgia Tech player twice his He persisted, and in October of said. 623-0330 size, he said he was glad he hadn't 4993, the movie "Rudy" was put out "He Drought out that just because And he didn't quit later in life by Tri-Star pictures. you are not the best at something or a when he decided he wanted to sell his Ruettiger said he was pleased with superstar, it doesn't mean you won't For Fast story to Hollywood. the accuracy and the message of the succeed," Boggs said. Ruettiger said he was inspired by movie. Ruettiger, who got his degree in FREE DELIVERY movies like "Rocky" and "Hoosiers" Brian Boggs, a senior adult fitness sociology at Notre Dame in 1976, is and wanted to produce his story be- major from Raceland, said Ruettiger's now a motivational speaker for Nation- MINIMUM $4.25 cause he thought his experiences con- message Sunday inspired him. wide Speakers Bureau and said he is veyed a positive message. Boggs said he related to what writing a book. He lives in Juliet HI. </p><p>Remember your pals on their birthdays. Call by noon on Monday to reserve your FREE Try our Hot 8" Pizza Sub, Sausage Sub & Meatball Sub, each only $3.26 birthday announcement in the Steak Hoagies $3.73 classifieds. 622-1881 Salads $2.12 THE EASTERN PROGRESS Garlic Bread $1.42 Leading Edge 486 Baked Spaghetti and Garlic Bread $4.67 Richmond's Oldest 90 Days Liter Drinks ;..$.99 Frito-Lay Chips $.71 Computer Store $820.00 ♦ UK Same As Cash Monitor Optional 1 present this coupon for a . present this coupon tor a I 486SLC-33, 4MB RAM, 170MB Hard Drive, 1.44 Floppy Drive 20" Party Pizza Small 10" Pizza I 101 Keyboard, SVGA Card 512k, 2 Serial/1 Parallel Port one topping & one topping & I Serial Mouse, MS DOS 6.2, MS Windows 3.1, MS Works for Win 4 liters of Coke 1 liter of Coke I MS Money, MS Productivity Pack and MS Entertainment Pack. ONLY ONLY $1595 iiI l 95rir-43 One Year On Site or Two Year Carry-in Warranty. I expires: 2/28/94 jj | expires: 2/28/94 Call Store for Details. Supplies are Limited. present this coupon for a ! present this coupon for a </p><p>Okidata OL400e Laser Monitors Large 14" Pizza 8" Pizza Sub Bubble Jet Printers 14- SVGA 1024x76* .39 $239 two toppings and salad ♦ PaeeePerMmute 14* SVGA 1024x76* 21 S269 HPIlp* Emuletocai 14' SVGA 1024x76a 2»<N0 S1I9 Canon BJ-lOex. $279. RISC Bated Microproceeaot IV SVGA 1024x76* 2%NI) S429 ONLY ONLY Canon BJ-200. $339. $ 12k RAM Waft Enhanced Memory 37 $467 EPAKnergySlarComptianl Canon BJC-600 . $669. $6 MS-DOS6 2Up«rede S49< $549. MS-DOS6.2SMa>UpKil 19" expires: 2/28/94 expires: 2/28/94 PC Systems of Kentucky tax not included In coupon prices 638 Eastern By-Pan, University Center • Richmond, K Y a 606-624-5000 Hours:9am-6pm Moo-Fri, 10am-4pmSat 4 A6 The Eastern Progress, Thursday, February 10,1994 NEWS </p><p>I Pizza delivery person assaulted at Keene By Don Perry when I was trying to leave," Eisner vehicle. If you News writ of said. Fearing went to Room 720 of They were making references Keene Hall where Eisner identified A ftps John's Pizza employee like "you've got a lot of money there' the residents, Randall Marshall, Edwin was allegedly attacked after deliver- and stuff like that," Eisner said. Ernest and Mondrego Robinson, as ing a pizza to one of Eastern's resi- Keene Hall night supervisor Bob the ones who had confronted him accident dence halls. Richmond told public safety officer outside the hall. Kevin Eisner said he was leaving Mike Fearing he saw three men who Eisner said Marshall was the one Keene Hall Jan. 31 after making a while the third entered the south side Tit the description of the ones who who had hit him. Marshall was ar- happen, delivery when he was approached by doorway. allegedly assaulted Eisner enter the rested and charged with assault three men, one of whom he said as- Eisner then went inside and called building. Eisner Filed charges against saulted him. public safety to report the incident. Fearing said he recognized the Marshall Feb. 3. call us! "1 was walking out to my car and Eisner said the same three men description of the men as three indi- "It wasn't that he was a good shot he just hit me in the side of the head had confronted him earlier that night viduals he had confronted earlier in or anything," Eisner said. "It was just 622-1872 then ran," Eisner said when he delivered a pizza to the Keene Hall parking lot, when he the principle that I was working try- According to Eisner, two of the McGregor Hall. issued a warning to one of the indi- ing to make a buck and this hap- THE EASTERN PROGRESS men ran to the side of the building "They were getting in my way viduals for urinating behind a parked pened." <K+*CUPID'S COUPONS**** </p><p>Where the amigos meet for lunch & dinner Celebrate RINCON MEXICANO Valentine's Day COM* )tfat&> Mexican Restaurant with your sweetheart Lunch - Dinner TfeVEftN Great homamad* food wa maka from scratch dally 1 1/2 POUND SNOW CRAB VALENTINE SPECIAL $9.95 Combo FajHas Red^ie For TWo STEAK (6 oz. FILED & CRAB R#g. $14.50 $12.95 Now $9.99 Lobster "THE BEST MARGARITA IN TOWN' 500 Richmond Mall 263 E. Main St. 624-5054 Call 623-1309 for call ahead seating </p><p>DINNER FOR 2 </p><p>Choose any $9.95 dinner complete with your choice of dessert Including </p><p>•# Reese's Peanut Butter Pie •* Chocolate Thunder Caramel Apple Granny or others </p><p>(undi rl I Jowntcnvn Richmond </p><p>BEAT YOUR HUNGER with a CLUB </p><p> r *SUBUUP i ANY 6M SUB only $1.99 i net vaSd art* any oh.er offer. UmH en* par ourtonwr. Good M i Bypaaa location only. Ortac axpJraa 2-1*-M. i 539 Leighway Drive Eastern Bypass </p><p>MARTY, We have our Valentine's gift. I love you! ROB B. and ED H. SANDY, TUGGLE, BETSY RUAH! Michelle Thank you for your support, Four years of happiness! I love you more and more I LOVE YOU-AII! Let's get freaky tonight and you're the best! Looking forward to more! each day. You make my life GUESS WHOAH! bring V-Day in right! Happy Valentine's Clyde complete. "G." Day. YOUR BOYFRIEND! PHILLIP Love you, Kerri L. My sweet, firm, insatiable The Talk, The Touch, The chocolate honey, I love you. CHRIS DUNCAN, Kiss-Eternity DR. RITA DAVIS, Danita To absolutely the most ERIC "When I Fall In Love - It Thanks for being a great wonderful man LOOKING FORWARD TO Will Be Forever" Dept. Chair, teacher, and PURVIS, in the world and definitely ANOTHER VALENTINE'S Olive Juice - Frying Pan • mentor. Happy Heart Day! I will love you: Today, To- the best thing DAY Plus One. Love, to ever happen to me: I DAVEK. morrow, And Forever! WITH YOU IN MY ARMS! I love you, Kelley, Michael, Wilma, love you! Happy Valentine's Day Love, LOVE.HUCK! The future Mrs. Cash Brian, & David. ALYSA! Kristy McDaniel Daddy! Love You, Kyle K. The Eastern Progress February 10,1994 Bl Selena Woody Accent editor It's that day again, and the smell of love is in the air. But you don't have to be part of a couple to enjoy yourself. Defy Cupid and have fun on your own, when you're... Home Alone On Valentine's Day </p><p> tem </p><p>Inside </p><p> l Sawyer Brown concert tickets go on sale in •> do noth- <• watch reruns of "Love Connec- Powell Feb. 17. ing—Ignore Things to do tion." See PREVIEW, it and it will B2. definitely go when you don't ** send yourself a dozen red, pink, I The Fosters, a away in 24 have a lover on white or blue roses (depends on your six-member hours. mood). student band, Valentine's Day will play Phone 3 •> tell the 50 ** not talk to the opposite sex all day. Tuesday. See dork who has ARTS, B3. been after «* go out with some really ugly per- you that you love him, watch his face > sleep through it all. ^ sing loud son and dump them on the side of the I Anna Wilson light up with joy and then say "Just songs, as loud road. spills It all on kidding." 1 take up a bad habit. and as out of Oprah. See tune as you PEOPLE, B4. v watch some <a href="/tags/Beavis/" rel="tag">Beavis</a> and Butt-head *^ call some old loves up, then hang ' call an old significant other. want, in your and see what they do (they're single). The Red Cross Is up on them over and over. room. out for your ' learn to play solitaire. ** get together with other single * give your body a treat: manicure, «*getagroup friends and go to a movie and an blood on Feb. 15 1 and 16. See pedicure, haircut, tanning booth and remove your belly button lint. of friends, goto expensive dinner. ACTIVITIES, B5. go out to find a mate. the movies and ' paint your bathroom walls. razz cutesy «* read that book that you've really Divine gets «• dress in black and mourn the couples. been meaning to read. career high at death of your social life. 1 protest the sappiness. SEMO. See ^settledownwrth ** rent movies (just think, you don't SPORTS, B6. ^ go to a movie alone. trim your toenails. a cold bottle of have to worry about what someone Cuervo and rent else wants to watch). wash out trash cans. Did you know? v make dinner for yourself. "Caligula" watch a repeat of the Today through ** throw a party for singles only. drink yourself into a stupor. * go horseback riding. Super Bowl alone. Feb. 13, the Surratl Ha. ha! House and Tavern •# have a movie marathon of roman- * make a pen pal. of Clinton, Md., tic movies like "Sommersby," "Prince ** read "Bridges hosts a display of of Tides," "Dying Young," "Say Any- *» invest in a new toy and share it of Madison 19th century thing," "Pretty Woman" and with a friend. County" five valentines and "Casablanca." times. memorabilia. The <* make your own "Best of Buffett's ^ take your cat/dog to the park for a tavern is located on *# have a big bowl of popcorn, chips 'I ain't got nobody, so I think I'll get short brisk walk. * go for a Brandywine Road or a bag of chocolate chip cookies. drunk and sulk songs'" tape. drive or a walk in Clinton and the «* buy a dog, cat, hamster, bird, fish, in the country. valentine show v watch "Sleepless in Seattle" over *» freebase Draino or Liquid Plumber guppy, pet rock, chia pet or mold draws about 350 and over. (Heck, do both!).. experiment. *► make your people. favorite food. »listen to "Letting Go" by Joe Cocker *» start a cult *»go shopping for yourself, for once. over and over. • get your very Next week » listen to some Chicago albums, * listen to a little Nine Inch Nails own starword v rent and play Super Nintendo especially the "Greatest Hits" collec- while ripping up photos of an old ■ Digging for guide from a real astrologist and see games all night. tion. love. what the future holds for you. history Send your announcements to Chad Williamson or Mary Ann Lawrence at 117 Donovan Annex I ni\ersil\ (Inemas 623-7(1 ii ; Thursday, February 10.1994 before noon Monday. ».|\iss si \\i\ s IK The Eastern Progress ACE VENTURA GRUMPY OLD MEN THE FUGITIVE Announcements Powell Building for the March Nightly 7:15 A 9:15 Nightly 7:00 Nightly 9:15 Dinner for two at 3:30 p.m. in McCreary 24 Sawyer Brown, Diamond Sat-Sun 1:30,4:13. Sat-Sun 1:45.4:15 A Entries are being sought Lounge. far college women to par- Rio and Tim McOraw snow. 7:15 A 9: n , 7:00 Tickets are $1930 with SI 1 1 ticipate in the 1994 Miss Na- Board Plan will have a Live Entertainment [KM3| tional College Photo Model discounter the first2,000stu- TITITTTTIXTXTTTTTXXTXTTTIin X XI111IITTT contest. Entrants must cur- Sweetheart Dinner University Choir will per- dents. from 4:30-6:30 p.m. form in Brock Auditorium IN I M \Uh I HI MKI s 1 ni r rently be enrolled in college " ll Towne Cinem.i on a full- or part-time basis, tonight. Call Top Floor Tuesday at 7 p.m. Jazz singer Jane Powell will perform Feb. 17 at 7:30 p.m. RICHMOND MALL 8 between the ages of 18-26, at 2182 for reservations Start* Friday single and never married, no at Keen Johnson Ballroom. children and have never com- to eat in private dining. Admission is free and open to mitted a felony. For an appli- Films the public. The second film in an Inter- (t) Mar-nan. 1157MM5 cation and information, send kaaaaaa SaVSar 1:15*7:10 national Film series, "Women a self-addressed stamped en- grade po in I average of 3.7. The FRIDAY/dLL Channel 40 Movie (■) Malar. 7:10 velope to S. Peterson, Na- deadline for applications is Feb. on the Verge of a Nervous Schedule ■m Plata* laAam. MX>Sd07-J0MtH> ; Live Entertainment Breakdown," will be shown at (PG-U) Mavlaaa. SaVMOKklO tional College Director, 5400 22. For more information, call Thursday/10 af ra*»araa>~ SaJSar 1:» J:»S:»7:M*X : W. Cheyenne # 108, Las Ve- Rosanne Lorden at 1107. Country group Confed- 7 p.m. in Room 108 of Crabbe Fuse Leap of Faith (K) Mar-nan 5J07JO**) "Stf* gas, Nev. 89108. erate Railroad will perform Library. The film is in Spanish Second: Amos and Andrew ■atr-Mlt- k*m 1:25 J05 5:» 705*25 two shows at Brock Audito- with English subtitles. Third: Beauty and the Beast (PC) Ma-TW. 5J07:40MS TODAY/IO rium Friday at 7 p.m. and 10 fkaatapaa ajm 1:104:25 760*40 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. Jobs are currently avail- (PC-IS) Mar Tha. 4:25 700*40 nightly able at the Kentucky's Sher- p.m. Tickets are SIS for the Services Friday/11 TatCalA-.. S-JSar 1454J5 7:15 IttOO Clubs/Meetings (1) Mai nan 4:45 7:15 IftOO iffs' BoysandGuisRanch in general public. Tickets are Bluegrass Army Depot's Fine Amos and Andrew Chi Alpha will holda weekly available at the Cashier's Black History' Commission fcaaW. J-JSm 435 a *» Sunday Matinees Gilbertsville. Applicants Second: Beauty and the Beast (PO) Mar-nan. 5:2573010:15 at 1 and 3 p.m. with majors/minors in social Bible study every Thursday at Window, Coates Adminis- will hold a Black History reli- Third: Leap of Faith MfGMS** SaJSa. 1:05 3:15 5:25 7:40*45 services, education and rec- 8 p.m. at Combs 116. tration Building and all gious service on Wednesday (PC) Mar-nan 5:257:40*45 reational fields are most con- Ticketmaster locations. at 9:30 a.m. at the Igloo Club Sunday/13 sidered, but all backgrounds at the depot. Preaching will be Fust: Beauty and the Beast Employment • MONDAY/14 the Elder D J. Ward, pastor of wi II be considered. The camp Career Development and Second show: Leap of Faith operates for 10 weeks (May Live Entertainment the Main St Baptist Church of Third: Amos and Andrew Placement will hold a Camp Lexington. 31-Aug. S) which includes Placement today from 9 a.m.-5 Eightplayswillcomprise You'll Love Your «.e week of training. Any- p.m. at the Keen Johnson Ball- Actors Theatre of Monday/14 one interested in obtaining room. Over 200 positions are Louisville's 18th Annual UPCOMING Fuse Sleepless in Seattle Dry Cleaning! an application can call or available, and students may Humana Festival of New Second: Untamed Heart write to the Ranch at P.O. earn up to S1500 for up to 8-10 American Plays, stated for Lectures Third: Map of the Human Heart en it conies from Jack's Box 37, Gilbertsville. Ky.. weeks of work. Feb. 22 through April 2. The Department of Mili- 42044-Phone (502) 362- Tickets go on sale to the tary Science will host the 36th Tuesday/13 8660. general public on Feb. 7. Annual Military Ball from First- Untamed Heart Live Entertainment 3:30-11 p.m. on Friday. Feb. Second: Mapofthe Human Heart Now receive Phi Kappa Phi is inviting The "College Tour Throw TUESDAY/15 23 in the Keen Johnson Ball- Third: Sleepless in Seattle a 10% Discount applications from outstand- Down" will be held tonight at 8 room. with a valid student I.D. ing senior students for a lo- p.m. at Brock Auditorium, fea- Clubs/Meetings Wednesday/16 i cal scholarship of $300. Ap- turing rap, rhythm and blues The Council on Interna- Live Entertainment Fust Mapofthe Human Heart plicants must have 90 or more and comedy. Admission is free tional Affairs will have a Tickets go on sale to stu- Second: Sleepless in Seattle "Quality Dry Cleaning at Reasonable Prices' credit hours and a minimum and open to the public. business meeting Tuesday dents Feb. 17 at 9 a.m. in the Third: Untamed Heart </p><p>SPRING BREAK Jack's Cleaners PANAMA CITY BEACH. FLORIDA 205 Water St • 623-6244 • Shaft Wand Party Crutoa BMch Bonflra PartlM cm Cutt lurti rmmrpT BavnMtoyMal Shoe, Inc. 2 0»UlllS»hlllaaa»llll Jrt.ttaP.rma. SOFT 1 1*S Af»» Dwcoum Coupon! Exp. SANDPIPER BEACON FROM $104 PER WEEK RESERVATIONS PER PERSON NtfUlfMS SMHG ftKfcffU/ \!!SZE*££!5SH* 1-800-488-8828 4 PERSON OCCUPANCY </p><p>Progress Assorted Valentine Gifts SPRING Advertisers The University Store </p><p>Aerobics A: Such B3 Athletic Marketing B7 February 3 thru February 14 BREAKCOMPLETE FIVE S SEVEN NIGHT TRIPS Apollo AS Audio Center B4 $3 and up Balloons to Go B3 Banana's Tavern AS Captain D's B8 Free Delivery on Campus CenterBoard B7 Chateau Motel AS February 11 and February 14 Colonel's Comer B4 Down Under B8 ft AS Dr. Coleman Optometrist A5 Dr. Isaacs B3 Dr. Robert's Optometrist B8 Fords Fitness B4 First Gear A4 Hall's on the Rtver AS Iron Works B3 JC Penney Styling B8 Jack's Cleaners B2 Jesus B7 MarTan Optical B5 McCoy's Luandry B8 Mother's Laundry B5 O Charleys A6 SOUTH PADRE ISLAND Oceanfront Tanning Salon B4 Paco's B8 PC Systems AS DAYTONA BEACH Pink Flamingo Laundry ft Tanning B7 Pizza Hut A6 PANAMA CITY BEACH Plasma Alliance B5 Po Folks B7 Recordsmlth B3 STEAMBOAT Red Lobster A6 Regis B4 Richmond Greenhouse A3 LAS VEGAS Richmond Mall Movies B2 Rlncon Mexlcano A6 Sandpiper-Beacon Motel B2 VAIL/BEAVER CREEK Sera-Tec A4 Stather's Flowers B4 Student Sortoangy ORLANDO/DISNEY WORLD Association B8 Soft Shoe B2 Subway BS. AS MUSTANG ISLAND Sunchase Tours B2 Taylors Liquor B4 Taylor's Sporting Goods BS ^UNIVERSITY HILTON HEAD ISLAND The Tanning Salon B8 ^BOOKSTORE Three Oceanfront Hotels B8 BRECKENRIDCE/KEYSTONE Thrifty Dutchman A4 - /-•.■PUS Toms Ptzza A3 * pa rtmm txnmmm m ofsnwnoa / MCM a*m / ifiwnt or TOT. Towne Clisruia B2 FOR MOTIONAL WF0RMATON ft RES8WATI0NS Unrversaty Bookstore B3 Happy Valentine's Day from the tmawmmWrCatamm B2 Village Florist BS II • 800 •SUNCHASE! WXD BS staff at the University Store. Recontamlth Top 10 1. Ale* In Chahie, -Jar of nee" 2. Tori Arm*, "Under #» Mnk" B3 3. John Mcrtael Montgomery, -KicMn- H Up- 4. Counting Craw*. 'August and EvwyMng Else" & entertainment 5 Big HMd Tood and toe Monsters . "Sifter Sweety" 6. Kings X, "Dogman" 7. Domino. 'Domino" 8 Jawbox. "For Your Own Special Sweetheart" 9. ZZ Top. 'Antenna* 10 Dig. "Dig" Thursday. February 10,1994 Chad Williamson, Arts editor </p><p>■ Spielberg delivers a masterpiece </p><p>By Chad Williamson . Artjedoof </p><p>Whenever you save one life, you ; save the world -The Talmud Progress/JIM QUIGGINS </p><p>Had he been able to be easily ex- Tool Hacker plays bass for the Fosters at Phone 3 Lounge. paiincd.OskarSchindler would surely '.have been called a hero. -* Schindler was an alcoholic and a 'Funky country' part of -gambler, a war profiieer, an adulterer •"and the owner of a slave labor factory. -»' Yet Schindler risked his own life to family for the Fosters ' -save the lives of more than 1.100 Jews --during the Holocaust of World War II. By Doug Rapp band when Hacker, a junior art major, V Canamanlikethisbecalledahero? Contributing writer joined the band as a bassist Steven Spielberg, director of Soon after, Yeager, a senior En- - "Schindler"s List," never attempts to They've gone from being sad men glish major, was recruited to play drums ' answer the question because he knows to whispering crickets and now they've and Anderson's longtime friendTackcu. - "there is no easy answer. He never tries become a family. an undeclared freshman, was enlisted to ';to explain why Schindler. at the height A family by the name of the Fosters. play bongos to broaden the band's acous- "*of his wealth, decided to sacrifice his The Fosters are a tic sound. fortune for these lives. He doesn't be- six-piece band com- Anderson describes cause he seems aware that no one will Photo by Universal Studios/DAVID JAMES prised of Eastern stu- The Fosters their music as a simple, fever know the answer. Schindler (Liam Neeson) end Stern (Ben Kingsley) work to compose "Schlndler's List." dents Keith Anderson, folksy sound yet Hacker *•*' Schindler is first shown at the after- will return to and Yeager offered away with a steamer trunk of money. glossy touches of The breakout performance is by Lance Yeager, Mark math of the German invasion of Poland. Schindler begins "E.T."and"Juras- Ralph Fienncs as AmonGoeth, the com- Reyes, Hardy Whitaker, Phone Three more whimsical de- Through a combination of charm and to alter his view sic Park" for a mander of the concentration camp ai GregTackeuand UK stu- Lounge scriptions, such as bribery. Schindler takes over an enam- after the "liquida- black-and-white, Krakow. His vision of Goeth as flawed dent Toni Hacker. Tuesday at "funky country." elware factory in occupied Krakow. He tion" of Krakow documentary style evil, a man who shoo'_s at the Jews from The Fosters began The Fosters create a 9 p.m. full sound with their •employs Jews, who work cheaper than by the Nazis. free of flashy spe- his villa balcony before making his two years ago when Whitaker. a sophomore three-guitar lineup. Polish workers and have begun to feel Unforgettable cial effects or emo- morning coffee, then falls in love with "the hardship ihe Germans plan for them. English major, and Whitaker plays a 12- is a simple death tional tugs and the Jewish girl he takes as his maid, is Anderson, a junior pre-engineering ma- string acoustic, Anderson plays acous- Registration of all Jews is mandatory scene where sol- pulls. chilling. He is not pure evil, but instead jor, formed the Sad Men. tic rhythm and Reyes plays lead on and any who disobey are shot on sight. diers take a one-armed man they decide Spielberg decides instead to present sadly human, and that makes him all the Soon afar the pair met Reyes, he was electric guitar. The thousands are then herded into a is useless, so they shoot him in the head. us with this story and to tell it with more more horrible closed ghetto of only 16 square blocks. It is basic and terrifying; not like the asked to join and the newly formed trio Playing at Phone Three Lounge on intensity and drama, more raw emotion Never before has 185minuiesended adopted the name the Whisper Crickets. First Street Tuesday was the band's Schindler, portrayed by Liam deaths in "Lethal Weapon" or "Die than any film ever before made. so quickly. "Schindler's List" is unlike Neeson, hires Itzhak Stern, a clever Hard," but just a man collapsing into the Eventually, Whitaker moved to Lou- "first big gig," according to Anderson. Neeson as Schindler gives the per- any movie ever made, and unlike any isville and Anderson and Reyes, a junior Another upcoming gig for ihe Fos- Jewiah accountant with connections into snow and his blood staining the pure formance that will cam him the title he movie that will ever follow. Spielberg the Jewish business world. Stem,piayod artmajor.cxjnunuedastrieWrusperCnck ters will come April.22 when they will white of winter. has long deserved as one of Ihe finest has created his stunning masterpiece of by Ben Kingsley. begins by employ ing It is Spielberg's power to make this els and won the WXII-sponsored Acous- play in the Ravine as part of the Earth actors in Hollywood As Schindler, poetry arid passion and power and pain. tic Jam-Off held last semester. Day festivities. Jews out of the ghetto, knowing that the one death horrifying, and each death that Neeson gives a brilliant performance as Flawless in each scene and performance, When Whitaker returned from Lou- "I'd like to see more people coming work also means life for many. foDowsequallyasierriblc. where ihepowcr a man who was, for all his bravery, an it will easily rank as the finest movie isville to rejoin the duo, the members out lo see original bands. If you come A man at first focused only getting of the movie lies. Gone are the slick and enigma until the very end. ever made. were ready to become a full-fledged see us. you'II have fun." Anderson said. </p><p>Recordsmith I trades & pays cash/ ^ Recycle your Progress. ! for compact discs. \^l Balloons To Go I Ride on over. , Aerobics & Such, Inc, Ten Special Valentine Pro Fitness Center Bouquets $12 to $50 Ann Reynolds • Cookie or Candy Bouquet owner /operator • 40" Hot Air Balloon net/basket/plush • 11" Hot Air Balloon Low Impact, Beginners Ladies-Plus, Body-Conditioning Candy and/or plush &e&4) No bank draft & no membership fee • Beary Special Bouquet Located behind Pizza Hut on the By-Pass • Sweetest Bouquet Open 7 days a week Vt;\ Largo Selection of Plush 624-0610 Animals & Novelty Mugs </p><p> i fc&BftC Ka/t;, oversized tanning bed Balloons To Go 10 visits for $25 108 East Main St. Local Delivery recordsmith expires 2-28-94 Available : • 623 5058 i...... _..__.__.._____.__._ .... •".•• </p><p>Examinations "Let Professionals Contact Lenses (Hard/Soft) IRON WORKS Care for Your Eyes Glaucoma Tests Prescriptions Filled /Ivtdiu & ?UKCU Preventive Tests The New Leader In Health And Fitness 'Richmond's Largest Health & Fitness Corporation' * Largest Aerobic Room in Richmond * Largest Weight Room in Richmond Dr. W.R. Isaacs * Longest Running Track in Richmond Dr. C.L. Davis * Largest Selection of Cardio Equipment in Richmond Dr. W.T. Reynolds * Health Food Deli Dr. M.F. Hay * Tanning Bed Optometrists * Kids Play Room ——■■— ■■■■■■■■af| 1 Free Aerobic PHONE 228 West Main Street Visit 623-7370 Richmond, KY $5.00 VALUE 892 RICHMOND PLAZA Member American Optometrists Association Exp. 2/20/94 American Academy of Optometry One Coupon Per Customer j (Old K-Mart Building) New Patrons Only i B4 Send your suggestions Recycle your Progress. for PEOPLE to Chad Williamson or Selena Woody at 117 Donovan Thursday, February 10.1994 Annex or cam 882. The Eastern Progress Wilson tells Oprah how abuse happens By Emily Lean lite. Wilson was asked why thing came out fine!" Staff writer women often follow men into Wilson's knowledge and crime. involvement in the field not Classic music is on the CD "These women are from dif- only got her selected for the player in her stylish Straiten ferent socio-economic classes show but qualifies her to office. Six full bookshelves and backgrounds and had dif- serve as an expert witness in hold titles such as "Mothers ferent reasons for doing what court cases. On Trial," "Accounting for they did," Wilson said. "But While teaching at Wash- OCEANFRONT TAN-IN Aggression'' and "Pornogra- these were all women who could ington State University and phy A Silence." not make up their own mind, working as a therapist, she Contemporary art and who went along with what the was asked to do a case evalu- landscape photographs look guy said." ation for an attorney. down from the walls onco her Noting perks, such as free Currently, she is the only desk. travel, accommodations and recognized authority in Ken- And there, full of fresh hot limousine service, Wilson said lucky for such cases. coffee, is Dr. Anna Wilson's being on "Oprah" was a good "One reason I think I have ROMANCE "Oprah" mug. experience. credibility with the courts is Wilson, a professor in "She's probably the most that I don't care if a woman Prograss/EMILY LEATH Eastern's department of cor- pleasant of the talk show hosts. says she's battered," Wil- Anna Wilson, a recognized authority on women and WITH rectional services, appeared You can tell the people who son said. "I'm going to do an violence, appeared as a panelist on "Oprah.'' as a panelist on the national work for her really think she's a evaluation and really look TV talk show Jan. 20. neat person." for psychological and physi- gan in the late 1970s. to shift her emphasis to focus A TAN!!! She is a recognized au- She said she knew what she cal evidence. The courts While at Washington State more on race, gender and so- thority on women, crime and would be asked but, "I never know that and respect it" University, she taught the first cial class relationships. domestic violence. really knew when she was go- Wilson deserves the re- family violence class. "You get to thinking ev- The episode, "Women ing to come talk to me. When spect, considering she was She also wrote some of the eryone is abused and every Who Robbed Banks for Their she finally did, I couldn't help one of the leaders of the first articles on domestic vio- parent beats their kids. Seeing Men," featured four such thinking, 'Oh I'm not going to movement to investigate lence. it every day is real depress- women from prison via satel- make any sense." But every- domestic violence which be- For the future, Wilson plans ing." </p><p> rBIG "THINK SPRING" SALE Summer can happen anytime of the year because it's always summer (Get Your Car Stereo here! As members of the Suntanntng Sh©p System Ready For Association tor Education, we pledge A.A^ to stay educated and provide you Spring) with the best indoor tanning service ValenHne*s Special available. Call today for an appoint- split a package with Huge Savings On All Hi Fonics, M&M, ment! your sweetheart or friend 10 visits $20 Dozen And Savard Subs In Stock S21 Lcifhway Drive Richmond. Ky 40475 Feb. 14 only Also Specials On CD Changers, EQ's 623-8993 Owner Augalyn R. Comb* limit one per person Roses Crossovers, Tweets, Alarms, And Speakers must present coupon I I 630 Big Hill Ave. #4 624- 0198 SAVE NOW </p><p>COLONEL'S ELECTRIC * * :ACH Valentine's Day ¥ Sweetheart Special! ¥ ¥* I Super Circuit I LifeSteps 133 Aerobics Training I Free Weights Classes A Week * I Reebok Step I Lite Cycles I Diet Programs Aerobics I Indoor Track I Tanning Beds I Kids Playroom ¥ PACKAGES * 12 visits^3^ ¥ 6 visits* *ll95 ¥ FT V ' Enrollment Fee located next to Colonel's Corner on 2nd Street ' First Time Visit { 2 For 1 5 "Ky's Largest Health & Fitness Corporation.Coi " incentive! Membership* ^ Visa & Master Card Welcome 629 Eastern By-Pass 624-8773 @ 624-0100 (Behind Roses) -ON MAIN STREET ACROSS THE TRACKS- RICH MOND- 623-3283 TAYLORS ♦ ALL YOU CAN EAT ♦ WEEKDAY SPECIALS! DISCOUNT LIQUOR A BEER * WINE MILWAUKEE'S NATURAL LIGHT MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY * ' . ,': BEST All you can eat All you can eat All you can eat $4.59 fried whiteflsh fillets Kuntry Fried Steak ■#m $3." 12 pk Blue Ribbon Fried Chicken Reg, or Lite ^ 12 pk and tender clam strips MILLER LTTE.GENUINE DRAFT, (all white meat add .75) OR DRAFT LITE Bud Ice only5.99 only 5.99 only 5.99 $6. 39 $6.49 WEDNESDAY ONLY 12 ok Bottles or I 8 Piece Chicken To Go \M'()K\]|( K VODK \ w JIM BEAM only 4.99 C/1 <K) ^7 ()') All you can eat dinners served with your choice of two home style vegetables and choice of bread or hush puppies. JACK DANIELS WILD TURKEY </p><p>«4> i ^. HFTH *lD' FIFTH 1094 BARNES MILL RD. 624-1193 1-75 EXIT 87 ** PLENTY <>! KEGS l\ STOCK ♦ ♦ \ \I U) \lll)\KiIII Upcoming Events : Today: Camp Placement Day from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. in the -'. Keen Johnson Ballroom. MM I campuil Fab. 15: RHA's Pre-newly- wedgameat 7 p.m. Sullivan HaH. Thursday, February 10,1994 ACTIVITIES Mary Ann Lawrence. Activities editor The Red Cross, out CRIMINAL COLONEL for Eastern's blood donate because they are afraid of By Mary Ann Lawrence being infected with the HI V virus. Activities editor *■ One whole "Giving blood is safe," Arnold said. "A sterile needle is used for What if someone you love was blood donation each donor and then immediately dis- injured in an automobile accident and can serve up to carded." needed a blood transfusion to live? 99 The fear of getting AIDS has "Most people would donate then- four people. killed the blood supply." Schank said. own blood for a family member in a "There is no way — no way — that time of need, but by then it will be loo — Jackie Schank, youcangetAlDSfiromgivingblood." late," said Jackie Schank, service rep- service representative, Many people do not donate sim- resentative for the Louisville Area Louisville Red Cross ply because they never have and they Chapter of the Red Cross. "We liter- don't know if they can. ally have people lying in hospital beds "We just don't educate enough dying because we can't get blood to any time whether or not we donate," when it comes to blood donations," them." said Carla Arnold, a public relations Schank said "People fear the un- The Red Cross hopes to get S10 major at Eastern and volunteer public known and you can't overcome that" units of blood out of Eastern students relations chair for this year's Mood "All blood used in our hospitals is in a two-day effort to raise students' drive. voluntarily donated by people like consciousness about donating blood. The Louisville Red Cross Blood you," Arnold said. "There is no other The event will be held from 10 Region supplies blood to 61 hospitals source, and it is a gift of life that only a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, in 64 counties. Last year, 418 units of you can give." Progress/JIM QUK3GINS Feb. 15-16, in the Keen Johnson Ball- blood were donated in Eastern's Mood Donors may give if they have not Alpha Omicron PI president Jenny Wade and Kevin Rich tried to make ball for the Colonel, room. WKQQ 98.1 will be broadcast- given blood in eight weeks, are in drive. who was arrested to help the American Cancer Society In the "Jail and Bail" Feb. 4. ing live and there will be food, T-shirts According to the Red Cross, 6 per- good health, weigh at least 110 pounds and prizes given away. cent of the population give blood on a and are at least 17 years of age. "One whole blood donation can regular basis; 16 percent donate once a Any questions about whether or serve up to four people," Schank said year, but 78 percent never donate. not you can give blood can be an- "Blood has to be available to us at Arnold believes many people do not swered by calling 1-800-732-8772. Phone-a-thon, fun-a-thon By Shannon Conley Greeks Staff writer Phone-A-Thon Schedule Work is well underway for the Alumni Annual Fund phone-a-thon. Tonight: Music Department The phone-a-thon is an annual fund reap top raiser coordinated bv the alumni house. Sunday, Feb. 13: Kappa Alpha Theta For the last 10 years, groups from Monday, Feb. 14: Alpha Delta Pi all across campus have donated their Tuesday, Feb. 15: Alpha Delta Pi time and services for one night out of honors the five-week event. Wednesday, Feb. 16: Lambda Sigma The groups show up at 6 p.m. and By Christina Rankin eat a chili supper provided by the Copy editor Alumni Association. At 6:30, Doug "We couldn't do it without the such as the Alumni Scholarship, home- Comcu, coordinator of the Alumni help of the students," said Comcu. corn ing. Eastern Today, a newsletter Fraternities and sororities joined Fund, gives a brief training session to "All the groups do really well. The that goes out to the alumni, and some- together last weekend to honor those familiarize the participants with the biggest thing is having people show limes, the individual CG ntributors des- who have made an impact in scholar- proper phone procedures. The actual up." ignate that their donation go to the ship and leadership. Progress/BRETT OUNLAP phoning begins around 7 p.m. and Last year, the phone-a-thon raised department that they graduated from. Alpha Omicron Pi sorority was Amy Scaraviill (front) and other PI Beta Phi's performed "Greek continues until 9:25. $149,000. This year's goal is So far, the Student Alumni Ambas- the top winner this weekend, coming Grammtes" at this year's Greek Sing. At the end of the night, totals are S14S.000. So far, the groups have sadors have raised the most money, away with third place and Most Origi- ity winning awards were Jenny Wade, Outstanding Associate/Pledge Class tallied and recorded. The groups com- raised over $24,000 in only six days. $4,605. Pi Kappa Alpha is immedi- nal Skit in Greek Sing, third place in who won the President's Award and Award, the Community Service pete to raise the most donations. The Alumni contributors receive a ately behind with $4,600 and Sigma Greek Games, the Outstanding Asso- Tonya Tarvin who won the Outstand- Project/Philanthropic Award and the winning group receives a plaque to be membership in the Alumni Associa- Chi rounds out the lop three with S4,182. ciate/Pledge Class Award, the Distin- ing New Member Award. Distinguished Service Award. hung in the Powell Building in addi- tion for one year and a card that The Softball team has raised an guished Service Award and the Com- The fraternity coming away with Greek Man and Woman of the tion to a letter from the university entitles them to use Eastern's facili- impressive $3,815 and the Mortar munity Service Project/Philanthropic the most honors was the Kappa Alpha Year Awards went to Neil McMillion president and a picture sent to the ties. Board has tallied S3.70S. Beta Theta Pi Award. Order, which left with third place and of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity and individual group's national headquar- The money raised by the phone- finishes off the groups who have par- Individual members of the soror- Most Original Skit in Greek Sing, the Victoria Hougland of Kappa Delta. ters. a-thon goes all over the university. ticipated as of press time with $3,345. </p><p>CLEAN STORE' CLEAN CLOTHES Taylor's Mother's Sporting Coin Laundry Goods Now offering 205 ATTENTION § dry cleaning Geri Lane GREEKS: 623-4267 Now through March 1, * services buy a Russell 3 Present coupon for sweatshirt and get 1 Free Wash up to 3 Greek letters FREE! w Shoppers Village Crawnacfc sweats shirts 2 EKU Bypass j and panta $12.95 3 623-5014 Professional ironing ■Christiei Brin klev Hooded sweat shirts$i4.95 0 Limbo/Lottery Birthday Bonanza i i: R s p i: c T i v i: s g student check cashing S College Park Center £ expire. 2-17-M Fountain Food Court Open 6 days a week Z will honor competitor*' coupons H 623-9517 Feb. 23 Mar - Tan Optical, Inc. oCLEAN STORE-CLEAN CLOTHEST Roses Say Valentines's Day SCORE BIG WITH PLASMA ALLIANCE Romance. Monday Feb. 14 Earn Up To $160 per month by donating plasma. Donate A dozen roses twice a week to be eligible to win extra money by playing in a vase only $35.00 Basketball Mania. Exciting new Bonus Plans available for 1st lime and FTD & Teleflora specials inactive donors. Visit our center or call for details. Candy, Plush A Balloons o 1 Business Hours: Repeat donors Moil. - Thurs. £> plasma alliance can bring in a 7 a.m.-11 p.m. new donor and VIIMG6QEI'» 125 S. Third Street Richmond. KY Friday Committed to Being the Best g^ m cxtra $5. FLORIST 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. 2043 Oxford Cirde Sat & Sun. Lexington, KY 623-0340 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (606)254-8047 All order* delivered On Feb. 11, 12 Open Mon - Sat 8 a.m. IN 6 p.m. A 13 over $12.50 receive a Open Sunday Ft. 13 Valentine's mylar balloon tis& I Call For in store specials This Week In Sports Feb. 12 Women's and men's Feb. 11,13 Men's tennis host B6 basketball host Austin Peey at 2 the Greg Adams Invitational. and 4 p.m., respectively. Fes. 12 Women's basketball Fab. 1X12 Women's and men's host Tennessee State at 2 p.m. track at Virginia Tech Open Fab. 14 Men1 s basketball host Thursday, February 10.1994 SPORTS beginning at 9 a.m. each day. Tennessee State at 7:30 p.m Lanny Brannock, Sports editor Lady Colonels climb to top of OVC ByMattMcCarty hottest team in the league." A pair of Lady Colonels, junior guard Maisha Mays led the Lady Colonels in scaring with Thomas and freshman center Kim Cunningham, her game high 23 and was followed by Eastern was able to pick followed Mays with 14 each while senior center Cunningham's 21.Freshman forward Lisa FusseD When the Lady Colonels' basketball learn up the victory by playing well ShannahMcInicahaiKlfreshimmfccwaidJerilyn added nine. swept a pair of road games this past weekend at on both ends of the court Cushing netted 13 a piece. Thomas pulled down 10 rebounds against Murray Slate and Southeast Missouri State, k •Weptayed very wellof- The double figure scoring was rounded out both the Racers and SEMO. Equity captured more than just two wins. fensrveryasweUasdefensivery. by Stephanie Davis, who tossed in 11 for the Now Eastern will prepare for a pair of home Italso mo vedimoafirst place tie in the Ohio Inman We had a good inside game and victors. games this weekend, playing host to Austin PCay Valley Conference standings with Middle Ten- Lfi outside game," Inman said Although team defense and balanced scor- on Saturday and co-conference leader Tennessee nessee State and Tennessee Stale at 8-2. "We played probably the best team defense ing played an important role in the victory, the Slate on Sunday. will be "These were two really, really big wins," we've played all year," he said. Lady Colonels also "executed great" and '•re- With the OVC tournament set to begin in Lady Colonel coach Larry Joe Inman said To The Lady Colonels also had their "most bal- bounded real well," Inman said. three weeks, every game win be very big for come away with those two wins was great" anced scoring game all year." "We played with a tot of poise," assistant Eastern. The Lady Colonels forged u the top of the Junior guard Kim Mays led the balanced coach Edward Siepp said "Every game we play now is for the OVC death of OVC oa Monday with an 83-67 victory over attack with 16 points and also dished out seven Faatrrnjianprd raw toa42-27 leadatradrbme Championship," Inman said. "Every game is of Southeast Missouri Slate, who was "probably the assists. en rouietoits 82-58 winover Murray on Saturday. the upmost importance." football r It has become brutally Eastern splits pair of OVC road games Track team obvious to me in the past six months that a great American By Lanny Brannock tradition is about to cease. Sports i competes A great pastime, which most of the entire male population Southeast Missouri State must at Indiana holds dear to its heart, spanning have felt like its hands were tied Mon- over a century and containing the day night when the Eastern Kentucky ByMattMcCarty names of some the greatest sports Colonels rolled into Show-Mc Center Assistant sports edeor legends of all time, looks as ia Cape Girardeau, Mo. though it is coming to an end. Eastern (11-10.7-4 OVC) limited Fourty-eight teams and 1,200 Knute Rockne, George Hales, the Indians (8-12,3-8 OVC) to 42.3 athletes turned out last weekend in Johnny Unitas, Jim Brown and shooting from the field and 9.5 per- Bloomington, InrJL, where Eastern Viace Lombardi are the first of cent from behind the three-point line competed at the Indiana Invita- thousands of legendary players in an 84-75 victory. tional. and coaches who pop into my And it seemed that the Indians Eastern track and field coach mind. were in a giving mood, allowing the Rick Erdmann fck both the men Their kind will be only a Colonels 32 chances from the free and women ran well thing of the past, sadly, sooner throw line. The Colonels made 28 of "Our men ran very competi- than I or any other football fan the charity tosses while the Indisnp tive and our women overall ran would like to think about or ever had to stand and waich the shots rain very well,*'Erdmann said expected. in, frowning at their good deeds. Eastern's men's 4x880 relay Thank you, gender equity, Eastern coach Mike Calhoun. hi * - team won with a time of 7:49.21. you cruel and ugly monster, for ever, was not impressed with his team's The men's4x400 relay team was threatening to ruin a great performance from the line. victorkxiswimatimeof3:1689. American tradition. •That should happen. Good shoot- The men also hadagoodshow- First of all, football is a sport ers will have good results,' Calhoun ing in the400-me»erdasru»s Arnold all its own. said. Payne won the event wkhatime of It is played professionally in OneofEasiem'sbesishootei<n<Ml 4834 and Leon Pullen finished two countries, the United Stales the Du*i* of his career. third in a time of 4930 and Canada, but originated here. Sophomore point guard Brad Di- Eastern's final first place fin- It is played only by me-, on vine poured in 20 points on 4-6 shoot- ish came in the women's800-meier the collegiate .-.id piokwtk --—— tflg from tfvcO"p(MM MMO, MM B-O run with Michelle Price taking top There is no women's sport from the free throw line, and played honors wkhatime of 2:17. equi-alent, and no women's the entire game. The men's distance motley college football period. "I just feel real good right now. relay team captured second place It is 11 skilled men on They know if I'm hitting they may wim a time oHO<)666 while the offense against 11 skilled men on give me another glance or two, but we women look third pkee wkhatime defense. It is so brutal and rough are just looking for each other," Di- of 12-04.81 in this event. that there are injuries more often vine said. In the men's mvkational mile. than in any other sport Junior guard Arlando Johnson led 11m Menohnr faashrd fourth wkh It takes lots and lots of all scorers with 21 points, going 11-12 a time of 4:11.74. players to make up a team. There from the line. Stephanie Chancy ran the are three distinct teams on a Calhoun said that the game plan womm'sinvkaborialrrulesiaume football squad: offense, defense was to win the four-minute intervals of 5:0294 to finish fourth while v*. «■>:> rJ teams. between the television time-outs. teammate Sunshine Wilson fin- ui course, there are the 22 "We came out strong that way and ished seventh withatimeof5:04.6 starting players on offense and won most of the four-minute peri- CandiEstesrantfie200-meier defense, and their backups, ods." Divine said. dash in a time of 25.01 to finish which makes 44 players already. The Colonels' biggest problem on fourth, and Robin Lawhom fin- With the injury rate of the the road was their rebounding. In two ished 10th in the seeded 3.000- sport being so high, it is neces- games against SEMO and OVC leader meter run wkh a time of 10343. sary that there be a third string Murray State, Eastern was out-re- Ken O'Shea ran a time of also. bounded 108-62. 1509.1 to finish sixth in the seeded So college football takes up "We were enormously out-re- 5.000-me»errun,andJohnNganga 65 scholarships minimum, which bounded. We changed our defense _ . Progress/JIM OUIGGINS finished ninth in a time of 15:196. is what is allowed at the I-AA and switched up some things. They Sophomore guard Brad Divine goes up for a shot against Morehead State last week. Divine had a In the men's 55-mder hurdfes, level. (Murray) shot 39 percent so you give career high 20 points Monday In the Colonels win over SEMO. DennisToolefinished seventh with The funding and the scholar- up some things to get some things," a time of 737 while Tiffany ships for women's sports Calhoun said. leader Murray State at Racer Arena in in the final minute of the game failed The Racers pulled down 27 offen- Mayfield placed seventh in the high programs at most any college is Saturday, the Colonels were with in front of a sell-out crowd of 5,500. and Murray put the win away with a sive boards during the contest while jump with a mark of 165. equivalent to the men's, except two possessions of upsetting OVC Johnson's attempt to tie the game shot with two ticks left on the clock. the Colonels mustered 33 total. for football. The reason is that there is no sport that can offset the number of players on a '94 Signees football team. Eastern serves up two wins So when gender equity comes along demanding that the funding because you have to cover so much contest be equal for men's and women's Lady Colonels top more court when you play singles," Weis, who usually is the No. 2 sports. Morehead 9-0 Scott said. seed, played in the No. 1 spot for the Who gets left out? "I kept thinking about how I didn't Ball State match, winning all of her Well, First a couple of want to jeopardize myself because we singles and doubles matches. Weis *m*& scholarships are shaved from By Janeen Miracle have a whole season left so he pulled defeated Lisa Drcwilt 6-2,6-0and No. The football Colonels have signed 24 freshman recruits for the 1994 season. Including 11 within the state. each men's program and, of Start writer me out." 2 seed Carlson defeated Lori Hill 6-2, course, that won't be enough. On Friday's match against 6-2. NawnaaaaBBBBBBaui Pos. •. Ht. : Hometown Then, in a few years college Two out of three "ain't" bad to the Morehead. Eastern won all of its Carlson and Weis defeated Drewitt Jeremy Andrews DL 6-1 Danville, Ky. football gets gutted to make the women'stennis team, which took vic- singles and doubles contests in the and Hill 6-2.5-7.6-3 in their doubles SanfordBaaWn LB &2 Cumberland. Ky. two sports programs equal. tories over Morehead and Akron in match. match. Britt Bowen LB 6-2 Lithonia. Ga. And thus comes the death of the three matches it opened its season No. 1 seed Ann Carlson defeated "I was really psyched up," Weis Brian Brenneman WR 6-1 Lakeland. Fla.. the sport And without the with this weekend. Gabby Seleka6-0,6-0, and Amy Scon, said. "We had a great doubles match." Corey Clark DB 60 Thomasville, football programs across the The Lady Colonels defeated Ak- . who plays No.2 and No. 3 .won against Higgins said the biggest thing the Tony DeGregorio T€ 6-3 Jeannette. Pei nation supporting their athletic ron 7-2, and Morehead 9-0 but tost Drew Haeberie OL 6 2 Ashland, Ky. Andrea Duguid 6-2,6-3. team players need to work on is their i L programs, the enure college when Ball State defeated them in the In doubles, No.l seeds Scott and serves. Overall Higgins said there Cnrta HJH 11 ^ ' DB 6-3 N. Smyrna Beach. sports system will slow and come last match 6-3. Liz Gosnell defeated Seleka and was a good effort from the team mem- David Hoelscher DE 6S Yorkshire, Ohio to an end, as we know them. "We really had our chances to win Duguid 6-1, 6-0, and No. 2 seeds bers. Greg Johnson DB 6-1 Louisville. Ky.'. Because the football team is a against Ball State," said Tom Higgins, Carlson and Joanne Gossens defeated Scott said she thought the team Clark Longhofer OL 6-2 Louisville, Ky. separate entity with no women's the women's tennis coach. "But I had Amy Gussett and Michele Ford 6-2,6- was aggressive and that Eastern kept Augie Marks WR/DB 5-9 Ertanger. Ky. equivalent it may come to an to take out our No. 3 player, Amy 2. the ball in deep and in play more than Rondel Menendez WR 6-10 Louisville, Ky. end. Soon. Scott" In die match against Akron, East- the teams they defeated. Reggie Mrytil OL 6 3 N. M.ami Beech, Fla. College football as we know Three other players were sitting em won four of its singles contests and "I think we have a tot of potential." Josh Slager OL 6-1 Lakeland, Fla. it will die first in Division III, out of the matches due to injuries. all of its doubles contests. Scott said. "I think we have a great Joe Smith QB 6-1 Lawrencaburg, Ky. then n. I-AA, and finally "Considering that we were pretty No. 2 seed Kim Weis defeated chance to have an excellent year. I Danny Thomas WR 510 Winchester, Ky. overtake Division I like the deep into our reserves, we played Colleen Hollowel 16-3,6- 3 while Jenni hope we can keep all of our injuries Jason Turner DE 6-3 Canton, Ga. bubonic plague did Europe. well," Higgins said. McGinnis, the No. 5 seed, defeated out of the picture." . Cary Williams DL 6-1 Cincinnati. Ohio Morehead Stale has already Scott said she had been having Natalie Fare 6-0.6-0. Gosnell defeated Weis said the team had a tot of Ferlanoo Wilson DB 510 Douglasville. Oa. proposed non-scholarship pain in the lower part of her right leg. Tina Shermack 6-0.6-0. depth and that the lineup of players Shawn Woolum QB/LB 6-2 Plnevilie, Ky. football for 1998. Because she and the coach were In the doubles contests. Carlson was strong from top to bottom. Jason Wortey 0L 6-8 Lexington, Ky. AJpheaus Lamar DB This looks as though it will be afraid she would risk injuring herself and Weis defeated Janet Slaynasky "We need to keep our same inten- 510 Augusta, Ga. DE the first step toward my predic- badly, she didn't play in the any of the and Colleen HolloweU 6-4, 6-3 and sity level and go out there and give it Grass Miller 6-6 Stone Mountain. Ga. tion. singles contests against Ball State Scott and Gosnell defeated Deidre 100 percent" Weis said. And who is going to watch Saturday. Engle and Leslie Wargo 6-4,6-2. "We have our sights set on winning Source: Sports Information these non-scholarship games? "On Saturday, when I was playing Eastern won two of its singles con- the OVC and having a tot of fun along I am afraid no one will. singles it started hurting quite a bit tests against Bal I State and one doubles the way." Pworeas/TmiBtUM The Eastern Progress, Thursday, February 10,1994 B7 SPORTS Don't miss your last SCOREBOARD chance to catch EKU </p><p>MMr13.CMBandSMng6.TMm Wonwn'tTtnnli Feb.7 Basketball action ■ML 4 SEMO 78 Oohmta - Johneon «i. DMne 20. Feb. 12 Sat. 2 p.m. Lady Colonels vs. Austin Peay Awn it. ODM 9. Heenee 4. 1*9 Na.1- Smart 11 and Tyaon 1. Teem M. ■81 Tamil Ne.Z-Ar.yl 4 p.m. Colonels vs. Austin Peay VMHM ■■ VMM »•, Jshnoon 7, i'a Ma.a-oaM Morgan 11. Freereaaer 2. SUM Ne.4-*aal ,- ft Shelter. 2. Cratn a, RoMnaan 5. t.Eanam BOJ Na.t-Lk Pre-game: Health Fair sponsored by the College of Health, Physical , Bahy 0 and Bond* 12. Team 71 Man-a Ma.«-JM 1. A. Fame BOJ Education and Recreation •MM a.LMha EKU EaMwn 82 ii- Womana bivtUHorMl P8d* Murray Stale 88 t-A-iilaniPttl la i4*jQkMirGK)4M. Coionala - Johnaon 22, DMne I. Ne.9-1 Feb. 13 Sun. 2 p.m. Lady Colonels vs. Tenn. State Men ift Ooaa ft Hoknaa 11 and Sliwart 19. Taam «2. 1.HNa» BOJ M7 Fab. 8 EKU Residence Hall Day ,naein - Taagua 9. Qumm 14. > Dtelanoe Medley Relay Eastern delected Akron 7-2 Bnaan 20. Wtaon 2. Heard 19. Z.Eemm EKU Buaaal ft Janaa 2 and Moon) 12. Pre-game: Pizza Party for Residence Hall Students WOMeMI 0 Siuflau i- 7-a.aa Half-time: Basketball Shooting Contest; Drawing for lEam BOJ 1204JJ1 „.; S-Nka •ft as Man's S- Ene*(AK) <M Am, 4«.a*ao 4-OBlla EKteaLlaal a4.7* Valentine's Day Date Package Sponsored by Applebee's and 4. T. Manehar EKU 4.11.74 S-iBMd (EK) OX NaMM Pan eo.eo \-yi -,,', I sj—a—fj I wwtvPOTi • minraaonow 83 a-Lk |EK)iM.TMSn«mKll Cinemark Theater 4.S.CtanayEKU SEMO 67 7.S.Wejan BOJ Lady Coionala-S.Davia 11. Ma. 1- (EK)< S4.M Cunr*ighajni4.Fuaaalft Women'a 200 Matei Oaah Na.»- (EK) SSV EiieU Wsajs S-4.»2 -CuoNne, IS. Thomaa 14. Maya IS 4CGMM BOJ SMI No. S- MMaai MuOmna (EK) dal. F—.|tmmao> s-i.eo Feb. 14 Mon. 7:30 p.m. Colonels vs. Tenn. State andMclmoah13.TaamS3. Man'. MS* Run OaHriana - Qrandaraon ft O. Harrla 22. Palmer ft T. Mania S. 7. j. Varane EKU 4*0-1 Fab. 8 (Defending OVC Champions) Malar is. Caia S and Ssena S. Bal Stale deleted faatom 6-3 TaamS7. 10 * Laa—m BOJ ittssj a Man-a Seade. Run SJosaU aKOShasEKU isoe.i No. 1 - Kim W*. (EK) <M< LU DMn 7-a.as 82 Feb. 20 Sun. 2 p.m. Lady Colonels vs. UT Martin a.J NaanaaEKU iKisa Na. S - Ann Carton (EK) del. Lad MB *2.»2 Murray 58 Ne. ■ - ft Man** fltt) del. OSda Mehok as. as Na. 4 - JaSs Petasa (99) dsL Jean) Momma a*.ai Lady Coionala - S. Davia 6. Na. S-Lka Bar* (SS) <M. lb rjasnal as.a4 CiMdnaham 21. Fuuell 9. 7.aTsSt> BOJ 7.57 Ma.4- ilium Oniim (99) **■ Maain MaarjenaW a-s.ai CueNng ft Thomaa S. Mays 23. T. WOlTtOfl • wajV^nVtMavt" UMn Doubtoa Feb. 21 Mon. 7:30 p.m. Colonels vs. UT Martin Da* 2. Young 1 and Mdneeh ft 4.C.ESMS BOJ ass Taam 82. Me. 1 - Wtae-Caraen (EK) del. DwaoW e-2.S-7.S-3 Woman'a Mgh Jump Otehkiene - Qrandaraon S. 0. Na. S - Pebaen-MaoDona* (BS) dot Arm SooaOoewS S-3.M Half-time: Intramural Slam Dunk and 3-Point Shoot Out Finals Harrla 22. Palmar 6. T. Harris S. 7. T MaylUS BOJ 1.M Ne. S - UarcW Am FIMtMkiaf (BS) (M. Ntcftok UcOlnnb 8-s.as TENNIS Forget Me Not Men's Tennis - Greg Adams Invitational Feb. 11-13 Matches begin at 8:30 a.m. on all days Flowers Women's Tennis - EKU Invitational Feb. 18 - 20 Matches begin at 8:30 a.m. on all days Send A Heartfelt Bouquet ¥ For Valentine's Day * This Is A TACO BELL "Border Breaker" Game. * Bui be doers oflhe Word, and not ¥ If the Colonels break 80. we'll break out the FREE TACOS. hearers only, deceiving yourselves. So. Hills Plaza F or details see our advertisement in this issue TACO James 1:22 623-42575 or visit the TACO BELL restaurant at 514 Eastern Bypass 'BELL </p><p>UNIVERSITY CENTER BOARD PRESENTS </p><p>Come out mid enjoy * night of B*p. 8&B. mut Comedy. Tkia high energy, vtmioae. entertaining THROW DOWN" mill be enlightening for ell. </p><p>The house will be "live* with regional record- not like other rap groups that change their ing artist and comedian TONY YATES (BOO- rapping style with the chart of who's in and BOO). Boo Boo opened for Martin Lawrence who's out in the music industry. at the Palladium Nite club. Y.G.B. (YOUNG, GIFTED & BLACK) is Rhythm and Blues singer HERLON composed of Adrian Jewel. Garland Thomas. ROBINSON will sing songs coming from the Jaron Alexander and Jay Rac. Y.G.B. has heart and soul of past and present events, re- the ability to address the problems of our lationships of his life and others. communities in such a solution-oriented way that you cam help rt when you catch your Rapper GOLD DEE is the winner of Louisville sen rocking to the beat, and thinking about Association of Music's Best New Artist of 1992. the realities of the message. They sing out Writer and producer of upcoming movie. Com- their thoughts in R&B ballads. edy Sense: Brick City. Opened for "95 South" and "2PAC." DARK SIDE is an up and coming rap group FUNKIE ST. is a mellow, laid back "hip hop which has opened for D.J. Quick, Chubb rap group." Their style of rap is very original, Rock, Spice 1 and Fu'Schnickens. CONFEDERATE THURS, FEB10 • 8:00 PM RAILROAD BROCK AUDITORIUM for two big shows in Brock Auditorium FRI* FEB11 • 7 & 10 PM JUmmimdSmHOmfy(EKUfmn-tim*9twdmlM, $10; mil other*, $15) </p><p>Tickets available at the Cashier s Window Coates Admin Bldg . and all TicketMaster locations </p><p>Plenty of Good TICKETS AT: CENTER Seats Are Still [astern Kuntucky Univenttf Including Dex Jockey 4 Slipped Dex Available for CHARGE-BY-PHONE: (MM) 281 6644 Tim— i *mn*>uiM*mm<mtfwf BOARD Both Shovel CM* onf* « Ham um oeaao The Eastern Progress, Thursday, February 10,1994 SPORTS Nothing foreign about tennis for Nichols By Stacy Battles tion to her father. Staff wriur lie's always taught me to do my • best and has supported me in whatever An athlete's adjustment 10 his/her I've wanted to do," Nichols said. first year of coUegiate sporu can be Teammate Kim Weis, a junior oc- lough, but being now 10 the country can cupational therapy major, describes make it even more difficult Nichols' court play as "very focused THfcEE OCfANFRONT HOTELS ONE LOW RATE! $19.94" Freshman tennis learn member, and consisient." 'OMfR OCEAsr&yiT ISS * VAYAN INN *TR£ASURE ISIAND INN Olivia Nichols. 18. began playing icn- "She's added a lot of depth to our C.ll t 800 874 7420 nis in her hometown of Salisbury, En- team." Weis said. "She's got a great gland, when she was 12 years old personality and she's completely a part Nichols continued to pursue her fa- of the team." vorite sport in high school and was part Teammate Nicola Oakley, an unde- of a national championship team. clared freshman, agrees with Weil. Nichols chose Eastern because she "She's not loud on the court, but Siiklciit Soeioloin .Association preferred a rural atmosphere where she you always know she's there," Oakley could get adjusted to college life easier. said. "She strengthens the top spots. "I really love to play tennis; I'm not She's really good fun lobe with." here just because of the scholarships," If professional tennis is not an op- Nichols said. "I wanted to come to tion, Nichols will be content with pur- ;HUGS & KISSES; America." suing a career in advertising or sports Upon her arrival last August, information. Nichols was suffering from an arm in- Nichols' interests off the court in- jury which hindered her playing ability. clude making crafts, cooking, running, : CANDY SALE She has recovered and is playing at outdoor activities and spending time the third and fourth seed positions. with her friends. Outside the Powell Building Nichols describes her experience so "My main goal in tennis is to reach far as •'really good, I love it here!" my full potential, and I hope that East- PrograsaAllMQUIGGINS Nichols credits her sense of ambi- em can help me do that," Nichols said. Olivia Nichols concentrates as she prepares to return a serve. ! Thursday Feb. 10th 1 Friday Feb. 11th \ ¥ VVI. NOW HAVE * McCoy's Laundromats, Inc. ¥ register to win ! Monday Feb. 14th ! * NEW ¥ Tanning Valentine's Special V Special includes 12 tanning visits, one balloon A one rose : annin. BULBS * McCoy's also offers £ •Drop-off and pick-up center for Modern Dry Cleaning Laundromat *■ vour \ a *tf.l ▼ .Wash and fold service Will honor competitors coupons , Keeneland Wash and Dry Highlander Laundromat qp «# 1SS S. Keeneland Dr.. 207 Gcri Lane Behind Convenient a* I •# in Blucgrass Center between qs JCPENNEY STYLING SALON | ■# behind Hardee's St. George A Porter Drive fj» 624-2414 623-1146 623-9887 «# </p><p>LOVE AT FIRST BITE. 10% STUDENT n ;r lt0*i&&1^&P*^^ '■ ' *ft**W8'w5Wi^Pff!^^^W^^^^^^F^HII^|J| DISCOUNT on ragutaily pnocd tood I— only </p><p>• STUDENT SPECIALS SBJ*#J •TUESDAY '♦♦♦■ TACO & BEER /BUY ANY REGULAR FOOTLONG SUB, % $1 60 GET ONE OF EQUAL VALUE FOR 99c * % 2-4 and 8-10 p.m. lift %\ v\^ Bite into a big, meaty Subway sub and you'll know % Off you've got a good thing going. And with a deal like this. • WEDNESDAY you can get one for your favorite valentine too t $1.59 to students t MARGARITAS On tha Comw of Second and Water Street t ALL DAY' each Thursday 624-9241 THURSDAY with EKU I.D. DINNER •Doas aot apery to salas is procrats tSUBUlftV* / SPECIALS "Second fOOfOng sub must be of A 624-3501 equal or lesser price Limit: One ^ coupon per customer per visit Not *^r Richmond Mall \^> good in combination with any other^^ On the corner of Water and First Street ^W Expires 2/17/94 j^ A WHOLE NEW LOOK </p><p>TrENW Is It Time 1059 BLREA RD RICHMOND. KV </p><p>Our New Shrimp Combinations For Your Are Now On Sale! Three Great Shrimp Dinners W Starting from just $3.99! Choose ^^^JrV^TiB^ Eye Exam? from the New 20-piece Shrimp Dinner, the New Shrimp and Fish Dinner or the New Shrimp This Thursday* Speclil Sensations! and Stuffed Crab Dinner. SPAGHETTI DINNER All Types of Contact Lenses In Stock: SacondFul helping only $1.00 $495 ♦Disposable M our md on Cupid t Coupon Pmgm SHRIMP & FRIESB CHICKEN & FRIES ♦Extended Wear Bite Size Shrimp, <£ r^fc O C,' Chicken, Fries, ♦Colored Soft Contact Lenses , Fries Hush Puppies^ J Z,J- Hush Puppies* 25 Tuesday Night - Kids' Night ■ & Cocktail Sauce ■■ Sweet & Sour Sauce?2 Owe coupon pet CH— Nntfood Kids 10 & . ' lenu 11» Mi MK ««hrr <wuf«in or uWiiunf wMi **• onwr cowpoci <w oncount l.«M hpnNM«/« IrrWrVn* •Mr* r.p-»i ?/l«/*4 10S» h> ■ ' "Visual Examination for Eyeglasses" Hbu.hlaukl.1.1 ' Kr-d. rfcrhmond. K, Thursday Night - Students' Night FISH & FRIES § DINNER COUPON" Dr. Marion Roberts - Optometrist Fish, Fries, 9C ■ Any Students present i • ; OFF' Hush Puppies ^ J ' Complete oo ippy Hour pi & Tartar Sauce $2 Dinner OFF ' IWt.mpw prrnm *mm. 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