E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2019 No. 77 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was at the university. Harvey went on to a Mr. GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- 20-year career in the Air Force, and he last night at a rally in Florida, the pore (Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia). was the first of three Black officers to President referred to me as ‘‘that f be promoted to colonel. man.’’ After retiring from the Air Force, Mr. Speaker, I love my country, and DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Harvey came back to Carbondale and still I rise. And I rise today to address TEMPORE SIU in 1975. He served as the first the comment that the President made The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Black dean of student life at SIU and in referring to me as ‘‘that man.’’ then as vice chancellor from 1987 to fore the House the following commu- Mr. Speaker, the video of what I said nication from the Speaker: 2000. Seymour Bryson of Quincy, a fellow speaks for itself. The President indi- WASHINGTON, DC, basketball standout, received three de- cates that I said the only way to get May 9, 2019. grees from SIU. He was one of three Af- him out of office is to impeach him, I hereby appoint the Honorable HENRY C. but the video speaks for itself. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, Jr. to act as Speaker pro rican Americans to progress from as- tempore on this day. sistant professor to full professor at But I do want to share with the NANCY PELOSI, SIU. He was also the first African President that he is right; I am ‘‘that Speaker of the House of Representatives. American associate dean of the college man.’’ I am ‘‘that man,’’ a liberated f and the second of three African Amer- Democrat, a liberated Democrat in the ican deans. Seymour was active in the spirit of Shirley Chisholm. I am MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Carbondale NAACP, Jackson County unbought and unbossed. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mental Health Board, and Carbondale Mr. President, you finally encoun- ant to the order of the House of Janu- United Way. tered at least one person that your ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- Harvey Welch and Seymour Bryson money can’t buy and your power nize Members from lists submitted by are members of the SIU Saluki Hall of doesn’t scare. Fame. They will be dearly missed. the majority and minority leaders for You have a date with destiny, Mr. morning-hour debate. RECOGNIZING KODY VANFOSSAN President. Your fate is in the hands of The Chair will alternate recognition Mr. BOST. Mr. Speaker, I rise today 435 Members of Congress. You are not between the parties. All time shall be not only as a Member of Congress, but above the law. No one is. also as a former firefighter to recog- equally allocated between the parties, Impeachment is in the hands of this and in no event shall debate continue nize Kody Vanfossan of Christopher, Il- linois. Kody, a 24-year-old firefighter, Congress. ‘‘That man,’’ Mr. President, beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other is a Member of this Congress. than the majority and minority leaders passed away in the line of duty early and the minority whip, shall be limited Sunday morning. Mr. President, I assure you that the to 5 minutes. Kody grew up around the fire station long arm of the law is reaching out for and comes from a family with deep tra- you. In this country, we will not allow f ditions of public service. His dad, you or any other person to hold your- RECOGNIZING CARBONDALE Brent, is a captain on the Christopher self out as being above the law. COMMUNITY ICONS force. His grandfather is Christopher’s You have an appointment with his- mayor but was also a firefighter at the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tory in this House of Representatives. Valier Fire Department. Chair recognizes the gentleman from If no one else will bring you to justice, Kody’s family instilled in him a pas- I will, Mr. President. Illinois (Mr. BOST) for 5 minutes. sion for helping others, despite the Lawsuits and delay tactics will not Mr. BOST. Mr. Speaker, last weekend risk. Now his community will remem- deter me. You will not engage in the Southern Illinois University and the ber him as a hero. larger Carbondale community lost two Mr. Speaker, I thank Kody for his paralysis of analysis, as Dr. King put icons, Harvey Welch and Seymour service, and may he rest in peace. it. You won’t engage in this paralysis Bryson. of analysis such that we will put this f Harry Welch, a native of Centralia, off until the next election. was the first Black athlete to earn a NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW Mr. President, your case will be basketball letter at SIU, playing from The SPEAKER pro tempore. The brought before this House. It is just a 1951 to 1954. He was also the first Black Chair recognizes the gentleman from matter of time, Mr. President; it is just student to complete the ROTC program Texas (Mr. GREEN) for 5 minutes. a matter of time. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3505 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:16 May 10, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09MY7.000 H09MYPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H3506 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2019 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- they do to educate our youth and to to ensure tragedies like AJ’s death bers are reminded to refrain from en- serve all those in need in our commu- never happen again. gaging in personalities toward the nity. f President. TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK RECOGNIZING MRS. CATHERINE Members are further reminded to ad- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, ROSALIE MCFADDIN BEATY dress their remarks to the Chair and this week is Teacher Appreciation not a perceived viewing audience. Week, and I rise today to recognize a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The f dedicated educator from Bucks County, Chair recognizes the gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. NORMAN) for 5 RECOGNIZING BUCKS COUNTY Pennsylvania. Andrea Mangold, a teacher at the minutes. COMMUNITY COLLEGE MEN’S Mr. NORMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise GOLF TEAM Holland Elementary School, was re- cently named an Outstanding Earth today to recognize a truly great Amer- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Science Teacher for the State of Penn- ican, Mrs. Catherine Rosalie McFaddin Chair recognizes the gentleman from sylvania by the National Association of Beaty, who passed away on April 27, Pennsylvania (Mr. FITZPATRICK) for 5 Geoscience Teachers. These awards are 2019, at the age of 94. minutes. given to educators who contribute Mrs. Beaty was born in Rock Hill, Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I greatly to students’ interest in earth South Carolina, and was the daughter rise to recognize the Bucks County science at the precollege level. In June, of the late Roy D. McFaddin and the Community College men’s golf team Andrea will be recognized by her peers late Eulalie Boykin Cook McFaddin. for their strong performance this sea- at the National Association of Geo- She was also preceded in death by her son, their first year competing as a Di- science Teachers’ Eastern Section husband, Cherry Beaty, and brother, vision II athletic program. Meeting. First Lieutenant Robert Eli McFaddin, While golf season for most Americans Mr. Speaker, I am grateful for who was killed in action during World is just underway, the Bucks County Andrea’s work and appreciate her dedi- War II. Community College men’s golf team cation for instilling a passion for Mrs. Beaty was a 1941 graduate of has been playing since March. Earlier science and learning in our commu- Rock Hill High School, where she was a this month, the team secured a bid to nity’s youth. member of the following clubs: the Na- the 2019 NJCAA Division II Men’s Na- I would also like to recognize Holland tional Honor Society, the Glee Club, tional Golf Championship after win- Elementary School Principal Joe the Public Speaking and Drama Club, ning their regional golf championship MacClay and the National Association and the Latin and French Club. She at Cumberland Country Club in Mary- of Geoscience Teachers for all they do was a junior assistant of the Bearcat land with a combined team score of 320. to educate and inspire our next genera- publication. Mr. Speaker, I would like to particu- tion of leaders. She graduated from Winthrop College larly recognize golfer Chris Benvenuto f in 1945, where she received a bachelor’s and Coach Scott Bradshaw for their degree in business and, later, a teach- work in guiding this team to such suc- MOURNING ANDREW ‘‘AJ’’ FREUND ing degree. cess. We wish them and all Bucks The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Upon graduation from Winthrop, she County golfers all the best of luck as Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from first worked as a paralegal and sec- they move on to compete in Indiana Illinois (Ms. UNDERWOOD) for 5 minutes.
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