Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Nor' by East Periodicals 9-1969 Nor' by East, Fall 1969 Casco Bay Island Development Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_nbe Recommended Citation Casco Bay Island Development Association, "Nor' by East, Fall 1969" (1969). Nor' by East. 30. https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_nbe/30 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Periodicals at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Nor' by East by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PRICE 15 CENTS CASCO BAY ISLANDS - MAINE VOL. 11, No. ;t 4 FALL, 1969 This Will Be A Bay Of A Different Color TO TED RAND FROM KING One day in the not too distant future , we THE DAY THAT SOLDIER LEDGE Dear Ted: shall all be able to look out on Casco Bay and BECAME A SUBMARINE In response to recent conversations with see it as many of our predecessors did- a The Battleship Iowa was brand new. Her you and Mrs. Chapman, we of King breathtaking sparkling blue. young skipper was a modern version of a Resources Company hereby endorse in This dramatic change will also occur more knight in armor. Tall and slim with a direct principle the "Rand Plan" for the petroleum rapidly than most people could ever believe. gaze, he practically spa_rkled with an aura of policing of Casco Bay. It is a constructive There will actually be a visable brightening of self confidence and zeal. step in the right direction. color within a few short months after the first It came as a bit of a shock, however, to If this seems like a hedged endorsement, and most populated areas of Portland and Capt. A. Lincoln King who was standing by we hope you will appreciate that many of South Portland have their waste water with a fleet of towboats to welcome the Iowa, the operational details for setting up such a transferred from present sewers to new to see her streaming- all 45,000 tons of her­ laboratory and patrol force have yet to· be treatment plants. alone through the Hussey at a clip of at least put before us, and some of the legal and The Portland Water District's Regional 18 to 20 knots. political aspects have not been worked out, Waste Water Program is already under way to "Nothing to it at all", the young skipper to our knowledge. It is our further becoming a success. Voters went to the polls remarked casually when informed that his understanding that there have been some to approve the project in Gorham, rapid and unescorted entrance into Portland operating changes since the paper you Cumberland, Windham, Cape Elizabeth, Harbor was unusual to the point of being distributed at Peaks Island. All be it, we go Falmouth, Standish and Westbrook. South hair-raising. along with your interest. Portland and Portland had previously The skipper's connections in Washington What we are saying loud and clear is that approved the plan. Metclaf and Eddy, Inc., a were of the highest order. In fact, one could we endorse the idea of setting up a Boston engineering firm with wide experience go so far as to say that there were no higher well-funded means of scientifically sampling in studies of this type, has now been engaged connections to be had- right to the very top. and policing the potential pollution of the to do a 15-month plan and fea si bility study. The Iowa was sister ship to the Battleships Port of Portland. We also endorse the idea of "We are not too late to clean up Casco Missouri , New Jersey and Wisconsin. Her size our industry furnishing a prompt and fair Bay", says William D. Monie,general manager was l O,000 tons larger than any ship before in means of redress to small boat owners and of the Portland Water District, "but we must Portland. Commissioned for duty in the riparian holders in Portland as proposed by act now before costs go any higher and whi le Pacific in World War II, her first duty was to Mr. Langlois of the Port Authority. We are such large amounts of Federal and State report for target practice off Great Diamond saying that the King Company is willing to money are available to us." Island. financially underwrite its fair shair of an "Fully 85 per cent of the costs are subject Her departure for the Pacific was even industry agreed means to accomplish the to Federal and State Grants", he stated. more spectacular than her entrance. The Iowa above. ( ,·011l. 0 11 ltJ1·k pair,·) not only hit Soldier Ledge in the Hussey, but We of the King Company have underway ran right up aground on it, ripping the entire a massive study of the environment and the hull and spilling the contents of her tanks all possibilities of oil spill preventional control over the Bay in record amounts. for Portland Harbor and its approaches. To It is embarrassing in wartime to have your date we've done this by o,urselves. This battleship sitting on a ledge. The oil is might seem silly, but it is our view that we embarrassing, the delay in schedule is do our own homework before getting into embarrassing, and above all , it is a situation discussion with other people who have been not at all soothing to one's ego. there longer than we. We know that we One of the most embarrassed was a young alone can not accomplish a clean Casco Bay. man aboard named Shubert (of the musical There are too many federal, state, city and Shuberts) who was not supposed to be on the industrial entities that must all work Iowa at all, but had just come along for a joy together before Casco Bay is to be truly ride. He immediately revealed his clean and protested to the latest state of the predicament to Washington where the wheels technological art. I know many of our of power began to grind- so powerfully and so detractors are convinced that a safe and secretly that the story has never before clean petroleum harbor cannot be. They are appeared in print. wrong. This is the generation that put a man The first step was to announce that a Nazi on the moon. submarine had been sunk in the Hussey. This While on the subject of pollution, we are explained all the oil and people still remember in no way certain that the petroleum the submarine,somehow. industry should bear the full brunt of the Then another bit of Navy bad luck turned present Casco Bay. )n our studies, we have into good luck as a ship that had been noted sewage pipes running into the Bay damaged by fire was just due to leave drydock from Little Diamond, Cushings, Cliff, and in Boston. The Iowa was towed there and even the Foreside. The Presumpscott Rive~ repairs which otherwise would have taken flows to the Bay. We cannot fathom why ( cont. on back page) ( cont. on page 3) PAGE 2 NOR' BY EAST NOR' BY EAST spill could mean convoy duty these men did Although these tankers were under hire not allow their crews to get careless. It is a to the Navv the same rules applied to them matter of record that not one of these Y.O. as to Customs, Quarrantine , Immirgration and Gilbert Lea, Publisher Captains got transferred during a four year harbor pilots. Tankers carrying oil from Patricia Gould Jurgenson, Editor period. If any had spilled oil they would not Texas, however, did not seem to come under have stayed four days, Beede would have any special rules, they came and went as Published by the Tower Publishing Co. seen to that. they pleased talking only to Beede and the 335 Forest Avenue, Portland, Maine 04106 The shore facilities on Long Island of ships Agent. necessity had to be of the best as After docking a whole series of related Tel. 774-9813 breakdowns could have been embarrassing. events followed before discharging could 1---------------------1 Consequently, the generator station and the begin. In approximate rotation these events To The Editor: boiler plant were excellently built high were as follows ; the tow boats left, ship to Your letter of August 29th asks, in the capacity systems. The generator station for shore electric ground line connected, interest of your readers, that the example had sufficient capacity not only for gangway put down, dock foremen boarded undersigned describe the operations of the our needs but also to feed back into the to check cargo figures with mate, gaugers U.S. Naval Fueling Depot during its heyday Peaks Island and Diamond systems and boarded and took outage and temperature in World War II. For one who spent five although our plant had out-going recording measurements on the six or nine fuel tanks, busy and fruitful years at the Depot it will meters the Navy never charged the local shore laboratory ran samples to find B.S. be a pleasure to tell you about those early utility one penny for this surplus power. The and W. on tops, middles and bottoms of days. primary use of the boil~r plant was to heat tanks (Bottom Sediment and Water). Dock To start with, prior to 1940, there were the 18,000,000 gallons No. 5 oil storage to hose flanges removed and hoses hoisted less than a dozen first class Black-oil men in afford ease of pumping and could have easily aboard tanker, sea cocks and bunkering the whole U.S.A.
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