Canadian Archives Branch Direction des archives canadiennes Thomas K. Shoyama fonds R10881 Finding Aid No. 2354 / Instrument de recherche no 2354 Prepared in 2004 by Alix McEwen of the Préparé en 2004 par Alix McEwen des Economic and Governance Archives Section Archives sur l’économie et la gestion publique ii TABLE OF CONTENTS EARLY CAREER SERIES (ca. 1938-1953) ......................................1 Correspondence sub-series (ca. 1938-1951) .................................1 Subject files sub-series (1944-1953) .......................................3 SASKATCHEWAN SERIES (1945-1967) ........................................4 OTTAWA SERIES (ca. 1966-1980) .............................................7 VICTORIA SERIES (1944-1949, 1979-2001) ....................................11 Thomas K. Shoyama fonds R10881 Container File File Title Date EARLY CAREER SERIES CORRESPONDENCE SUB-SERIES 1 1 Address Books (with notes) n.d., 1945 1 2 Correspondence n.d. 1 3 Correspondence 1938-1941 1 4 Correspondence 1942 1 5 Correspondence (file 1 of 2) 1943 1 6 Correspondence (file 2 of 2) 1943 1 7 Correspondence - Muriel Kitagawa 1943 1 8 Correspondence (file 1 of 7) 1944 1 9 Correspondence (file 2 of 7) 1944 1 10 Correspondence (file 3 of 7) 1944 1 11 Correspondence (file 4 of 7) 1944 1 12 Correspondence (file 5 of 7) 1944 1 13 Correspondence (file 6 of 7) 1944 1 14 Correspondence (file 7 of 7) 1944 1 15 Correspondence (file 1 of 5) 1945 1 16 Correspondence (file 2 of 5) 1945 1 17 Correspondence (file 3 of 5) 1945 1 18 Correspondence (file 4 of 5) 1945 2 Thomas K. Shoyama fonds R10881 Container File File Title Date 1 19 Correspondence (file 5 of 5) 1945 1 20 Correspondence (file 1 of 7) 1946 1 21 Correspondence (file 2 of 7) 1946 1 22 Correspondence (file 3 of 7) 1946 1 23 Correspondence (file 4 of 7) 1946 1 24 Correspondence (file 5 of 7) 1946 1 25 Correspondence (file 6 of 7) 1946 1 26 Correspondence (file 7 of 7) 1946 1 27 Correspondence (file 1 of 7) 1947 1 28 Correspondence (file 2 of 7) 1947 1 29 Correspondence (file 3 of 7) 1947 1 30 Correspondence (file 4 of 7) 1947 2 1 Correspondence (file 5 of 7) 1947 2 2 Correspondence (file 6 of 7) 1947 2 3 Correspondence (file 7 of 7) 1947 2 4 Early correspondence with Lorna Moore 1947-1948 2 5 Correspondence (file 1 of 7) 1948 2 6 Correspondence (file 2 of 7) 1948 2 7 Correspondence (file 3 of 7) 1948 2 8 Correspondence (file 4 of 7) 1948 2 9 Correspondence (file 5 of 7) 1948 2 10 Correspondence (file 6 of 7) 1948 2 11 Correspondence (file 7 of 7) 1948 2 12 Correspondence (file 1 of 7) 1949 2 13 Correspondence (file 2 of 7) 1949 2 14 Correspondence (file 3 of 7) 1949 2 15 Correspondence (file 4 of 7) 1949 R10881 Thomas K. Shoyama fonds 3 Container File File Title Date 2 16 Correspondence (file 5 of 7) 1949 2 17 Correspondence (file 6 of 7) 1949 2 18 Correspondence (file 7 of 7) 1949 2 19 Correspondence (file 1 of 9) 1950 2 20 Correspondence (file 2 of 9) 1950 2 21 Correspondence (file 3 of 9) 1950 2 22 Correspondence (file 4 of 9) 1950 2 23 Correspondence (file 5 of 9) 1950 2 24 Correspondence (file 6 of 9) 1950 2 25 Correspondence (file 7 of 9) 1950 2 26 Correspondence (file 8 of 9) 1950 3 1 Correspondence (file 9 of 9) 1950 3 2 Correspondence 1951 3 3 Correspondence - Birthday and Other Cards n.d. 3 4 Correspondence - Christmas Cards (file 1 of 5) n.d. 3 5 Correspondence - Christmas Cards (file 2 of 5) n.d. 3 6 Correspondence - Christmas Cards (file 3 of 5) n.d. 3 7 Correspondence - Christmas Cards (file 4 of 5) n.d. 3 8 Correspondence - Christmas Cards (file 5 of 5) n.d. SUBJECT FILES SUB-SERIES 3 9 The Canadian Citizenship Act, 1946, by George Tamaki 1947 3 10 Graduate Studies 1947-1948 3 11 Graduate Studies 1949 3 12 Japanese Canadian Citizens Association 1944-1947 3 13 Japanese Canadian Citizens Association 1946-1947 4 Thomas K. Shoyama fonds R10881 Container File File Title Date 3 14 Japanese Canadian Citizens Association 1947 3 15 Japanese Canadian Citizens Association (file 1 of 2) 1948 3 16 Japanese Canadian Citizens Association (file 2 of 2) 1948 3 17 Japanese Canadian Citizens Association (file 1 of 4) 1949 3 18 Japanese Canadian Citizens Association (file 2 of 4) 1949 4 1 Japanese Canadian Citizens Association (file 3 of 4) 1949 4 2 Japanese Canadian Citizens Association (file 4 of 4) 1949 4 3 Japanese Canadian Citizens Association 1947-1950 4 4 Japanese Canadian Citizens Association 1949-1950 4 5 Japanese Canadian Citizens Association (file 1 of 2) 1950 4 6 Japanese Canadian Citizens Association (file 2 of 2) 1950 4 7 Japanese Canadian Citizens Association 1951-1953 4 8 Japanese Canadian Citizens Association - Montreal Bulletin 1948 4 9 The New Canadian 1944-1946 4 10 The New Canadian 1946-1947 4 11 The New Canadian 1948 4 12 Nisei Affairs 1945-1947 4 13 Powell St. Maps n.d. 4 14 University of British Columbia 1936-1938 SASKATCHEWAN SERIES 4 15 Biography of a Government: Seventeen Years of Socialism in [1963] Saskatchewan, Part I 4 16 Biography of a Government: Seventeen Years of Socialism in [1963] Saskatchewan, Part II 4 17 Biography of a Government: Seventeen Years of Socialism in [1963] Saskatchewan, Part III R10881 Thomas K. Shoyama fonds 5 Container File File Title Date 5 1 Biography of a Government: Seventeen Years of Socialism in [1963] Saskatchewan, Part IV 5 2 Biography of a Government: Seventeen Years of Socialism in [1963] Saskatchewan, [Chapter XII] 5 3 Biography of a Government: Seventeen Years of Socialism in [1963] Saskatchewan, [Chapter XIII] 5 4 Biography of a Government: Seventeen Years of Socialism in [1963] Saskatchewan, Chapters XIV and XV] 5 5 Candidates and Campaign Managers - Election Material 1961-1962 5 6 C.C.F. - Members’ Handbook for Saskatchewan 1947 5 7 C.C.F. - National Convention 1946 5 8 C.C.F. - Provincial Convention 1948 5 9 C.C.F. - Provincial Convention [1951] 5 10 C.C.F. - Regina Constituency 1950 5 11 C.C.F./N.D.P. - Pamphlets and Lectures 1945, 1958- 1964 5 12 The Commonwealth 1948 5 13 Community Health Services Association - Regina 1962-1966 5 14 Co-operative Committee on Japanese Canadians [1952] 5 15 Correspondence n.d., 1954- 1960 5 16 Correspondence (file 1 of 2) 1961-1963 5 17 Correspondence (file 2 of 2) 1961-1963 5 18 Correspondence - W .S. Lloyd/Office of the Leader of the 1962-1966 Opposition 5 19 Correspondence to Tommy Douglas 1962 5 20 Economic Advisory and Planning Board 1951, 1961- 1964 5 21 Economic Advisory and Planning Board 1963-1964 5 22 Economic Advisory and Planning Board - Minute Book 1961-1962 6 Thomas K. Shoyama fonds R10881 Container File File Title Date 5 23 Exchange of Political Ideas in Canada 1963-1964 5 24 W. L. Haney - Curriculum Vitae 1965 5 25 Medical Care (file 1 of 4) 1948, 1961- 1962 6 1 Medical Care (file 2 of 4) 1948, 1961- 1962 6 2 Medical Care (file 3 of 4) 1948, 1961- 1962 6 3 Medical Care (file 4 of 4) 1948, 1961- 1962 6 4 Medical Care - Saskatchewan Medical Care Insurance 1963 Commission: Annual Report 6 5 N.D.P. - Articles 1961-1962 6 6 N.D.P. - 1962 Federal Election - Articles 1962 6 7 N.D.P. - Committee Discussion Papers (file 1 of 3) 1964-1967 6 8 N.D.P. - Committee Discussion Papers (file 2 of 3) 1964-1967 6 9 N.D.P. - Committee Discussion Papers (file 3 of 3) 1964-1967 6 10 N.D.P. - Constitution 1960-1961 6 11 N.D.P. - Farm Policy n.d., 1962- 1963 6 12 N.D.P. - Formation of New Party n.d., 1959 6 13 N.D.P. - Press Releases and Correspondence (file 1 of 2) 1961-1962 6 14 N.D.P. - Press Releases and Correspondence (file 2 of 2) 1961-1962 6 15 N.D.P. - Regina Office Administration 1961 6 16 News Comment 1946 6 17 Reference Material - Economics and Socialism n.d., 1955- 1961 6 18 Regina Constituency - Membership List 1962 6 19 Regina Leader Post Articles 1951, 1966 R10881 Thomas K. Shoyama fonds 7 Container File File Title Date 6 20 Regina Press Gallery - “The Tommy Douglas Story” 1962 6 21 Regional Training Centre for United Nations Fellows 1960 6 22 Saskatchewan Government Publications n.d., 1945- 1946 6 23 Wascana Investment Club (file 1 of 2) 1959-1963 7 1 Wascana Investment Club (file 2 of 2) 1959-1963 OTTAWA SERIES 7 2 Agenda (Desk) 1975 7 3 Agenda (Desk) 1976 7 4 Agenda (Desk) 1977 7 5 Agenda (Desk) 1978 7 6 Agenda (Pocket) 1975 7 7 Agenda (Pocket) 1976 7 8 Agenda (Pocket) 1977 7 9 Agenda (Pocket) 1978 7 10 Anti-Inflation Policy Options [1980] 7 11 Articles - Journal n.d., 1966, 1975 7 12 Articles - Newspaper and Magazine n.d., 1964- 1979 7 13 Atomic Energy of Canada Limited - Speeches and Reports 1977-1979 7 14 Bill C-37: Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements 1977 7 15 Centennial Medal 1967 7 16 Correspondence n.d. 7 17 Correspondence 1964-1965 7 18 Correspondence 1966-1969 8 Thomas K. Shoyama fonds R10881 Container File File Title Date 7 19 Correspondence 1971-1974 7 20 Correspondence 1975 7 21 Correspondence 1976 7 22 Correspondence 1977 7 23 Correspondence 1978 8 1 Correspondence (file 1 of 5) 1979 8 2 Correspondence (file 2 of 5) 1979 8 3 Correspondence (file 3 of 5) 1979 8 4 Correspondence (file 4 of 5) 1979 8 5 Correspondence (file 5 of 5) 1979 8 6 Correspondence (file 1 of 2) 1980 8 7 Correspondence (file 2 of 2) 1980 8 8 Correspondence - Atomic Energy of Canada Limited - Diary 1979 Copies (file 1 of 2) 8 9 Correspondence - Atomic Energy of Canada Limited - Diary 1979 Copies (file 2 of 2) 8 10 Correspondence - Congratulations: Deputy Minister of Finance 1975 (file 1 of 4) 8 11 Correspondence - Congratulations: Deputy Minister of Finance 1975 (file 2 of 4) 8 12 Correspondence - Congratulations: Deputy Minister of Finance 1975 (file 3 of 4) 8 13 Correspondence - Congratulations: Deputy Minister of Finance 1975 (file 4 of 4) 8 14 Correspondence - Congratulations: Order of Canada 1978 8 15 Correspondence - Congratulations: Outstanding Achievement 1978-1979 Award (file 1 of 3) 8 16 Correspondence - Congratulations: Outstanding Achievement 1978-1979 Award (file 2 of 3) R10881 Thomas K.
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