Matador baseball struggles Ariien to National A stronger "Mummy to stay alive. Day of Prayer. Returns." See page 16 · See page S See page 8 c DAILVolume -43 • N um ber I 12 UNDIALSince 1957 Tuesday, May 8, 200 I A financially independent student newspaper http://sundial.csun.<>du CSUN faculty joined byCSUs in Reed JIH aUXTON I ONU' SUNow.. Members of Viewpoints, an lmprov group made up of tradlllonally opposed hatives of the war-torn Middle East, act out conflict resolution. criticism By TONY SEYBERT Middle Eastern group uses SUN DIAL STAFF -he CSUN Faculty Senate passed a resolution April 19 enoouraging Charles B. Reed. improv to deal with conflict Tthe chancellor of the California State J ' • • . University system, to pursue ~tive """' By SANDY FIRTH Jordanian, all good friend s. Each actor had a story to tell between the two countries. if employee n!lations with CSU faculty SUNOlflL STAFF "We are a group that u_se_s about his·or her "-perii nccs in the they knew I am friends \li:'ith and their bargaining organization. the f'~Y some of them, it would cause improv and acting as a to show. • Cali(Qmi~ F'f!!Jtx~!'!li<Jr\ ,-..~ ••· ".,: uestion: How do an deal with conflicts," said '1a0mi Por Adceb Dcr'hittti;-· a ... major problelns."• • The reohlution affinned' thC impor- Israeli Jew and Israeli Ackerman, an Israeli Jew. "We Jordanian, very few people knew For Norman Issa. an Israeli tance of positive employee "'lalions to Arab cross the same are a co-existence group that tries he was coming to the U.S. to put Arab Christian. telling people he CSU's academic issue and stated that Qat the same time without to show that enemies really can this show on. was a pan of the group was not as "the pr=nt Chancellor's pattem of one of them going back to the be friends." "Most people don't understand difficult as it was for the others, imposing worlcing cooditions imtead beginning? The group, Viewpoints, is a what it is I do ~ · Derhalli said. but it still posed issues. of reaching ag""'ment with the fucuky No, this isn't a joke. Jt is a Middle Eastern improv group "Some don' t agree with it, either." "Growing up in Israel, my bargaining agent. is ctesuuctive to the serious question those Jiving in that ...aravels around· the world For Ihsan Turkich, a qcighbors were Jewish," f'ssa said. collegial spirit that had characteriud the Middle East deal with on a teaching groups that improv and Palestinian and a former refugee, ''They would invite us over for this campus." • , daily basis. theater is a way to deal with telling people she is a pa n of the Hanukkah and we would invite Reed was urged by the resolutioo to On Wednesday, the answer conflicts. group and coming to the U.S. was them over for Christmas. We all show good faith by reaching agree.- came about in an improvisational "Even in our group we deal impossible. got along, but today things arc men! on the new faculty COlllract, by theater group made up of an With conflicts," Ackerman said. "I could never tell my friends July I, 2001. The faculty senate resolu- Isra·eJi Jew, an Israeli Arab "We use the techniques we use on what I do," Turkich said. tion also "endooe(d) the. implementa- Christian , a Palestinian and a stage to deal with those issues." "Because.there \.§ so mU~h hatred See VIEWPOINTS, page 13 tion of appropriate job actiom. if they ""'called for by the CFA." The resolution added that Reed ignor<d a fact-finde(s report during History professor retires .after 37 years bargaining and irregularly impo<ed conditions "despite the substantial By DANNY GILBERT . it has been nice to work effort of the union to """'h a S<ttle- SUNDIAL STAFF with someone for over 30 rnent." years who is so pleasant, Reed's actions sent "a message of fter 37 years of · gracious and UP.beat disrespect of the fuculty of the univel'1i· teaching at CSUN, "Joe Chen is a gentle- ty, and undermine(dl the positive n!la- A hi story professor man in the classic sense tion.5hip !hat. has been built between Joseph Chen will official- of the word," Macune· faculty and administration over · the ly retire at lhe conclusion said. " He never says ill years." of this semester. of anyone." Ken Swisher. CSU spok<sperson, F0r anyone who has Chen first came to tho disputed the role ofthe faculty senate in ever taken a class of his. United States in l 95 l cxpres.sing ilS views on labor issues. or simply sat in on one of from Shanghaj, China, "It's unfortunate when these ro~ his lectures. it is not diffi- and arrive,d • in San are mixed," Swisher said 'The OCJ<le- cult to ~come intrigued Francisco With $85 in his mK: senate has many ro&es m campus. with his vast knowledge pocket He would take a but primarily it is to make <;cisioos on of Chinese history. The room at the Chinese curriculum and schedules. professor has the aura of a YMCA before embarking "It's an issue for the California gentle and, wise man. ·on a train for Kansas to FaC\Jlty Association, OOI the academic .. Actually, I don't ·receive a full scholarship iena&es." reiret a momeni of teach- at the College of The final version of the CSUN ing," Chen said. "As a ~ Emporia, a small resolution w'a.s reWriuen from a doc· whole, thi s (histo.ry) Presbyterian school. ument sub!"iued to the full faculty . departmen' has. been good He worked for his senate February IS- by Michael to me." . Charles Macunc. histo- L~NA. Ylll.L.aOAf; I rM.&1 Sl.#C>W. ry depan.ment chair, said See CHEN, page 13 Joseph Ch•n, hlatory profeaaor, retire• from CSUN after 37 years of !•aching. See RESOLUTION, page 13 2 •The Dally Sundial • CSUN • Tues<by. Mly 8. 200 I . ·, Wir.e ··. .Proposed Calif. bill to prote~t ~ids LOS ANGELEs (AP) - As desperately seeking attention. fo und more th an 1.200 chil- cials say. Others eat food that methamphetamine drives up "You're basically not a dren in clandestine laborato- is contam inated by being ( '• reports .of rural chi ld abuse, human being anymOre," said ries around the state in 1999, refrigerated next to chemicals law enforcement officials and Jackie Long, special agent with Los Angeles County used to make meth or "crank." social workers are hoping lhe with the Bureau of Narcotic accounting for a quarter of McCandless remembers Legislature will approve a S 10· Enforcement in the cases. About 20 percent horrific past cases of child million dollar bill that would Sacramento. "Up in the of the J 10 meth labs abuse involving meth, includ· better protect the children. Merced area, a long-term S e uncovered in the co unty ing one involving a woman The proposed •California user who was not under the that year had children who went on a meth binge, Drug Endangered Child influence at the time, took a 1i1Jing in them, a propor- cras hed into a coma-like state Protection Act would establish pitchfork and stabbed two kids tion that is expected to and suffocated her infant on a a five.year. multi-agency task and killed them." double when 2000 figures are couch. Then 1here was the force to place met h·exposed Caiifomia produces 85 per- released. man who kept his gi rlfriend Sharon apologius for violence children in decent homes. ce nt of the' nat ion's metham- Children get high on meth prisoner in the desert, repeat· / Based on a 1997 pilot pro- phetamines. by inhaling secondhand smoke edly raping her and molesting KHAN YUNIS. REFUGEE CAMP, gram, the bjll would also The most recent state study from their parents' pipes, offi- her young daughters. Gaza Strip (AP) - Israeli troops shelled a expand the area covered by Palestinian refugee camp Monday in task forces that respond to . resPonse to mortar fire on Jewish settle· met ha mphetam i ne-re lated . ments. killin~ a 4-month-01d baby girl and problems. Filipinos continue fugitive search wound.ing 24 people. The legislation would tar- Palestinian doctors pid 10 children get the scvCn counties of Los MANil.A, Philippines (AP) - arrests of Lacson and Honasan. Government spokesman were among the injured. Israeli Prime Angeles, Orange. Riverside, Police will continue hunting for along with nine others. The gov- Rigoberto Tiglao said the gov- Minister Ariel Sharon said he was sorry. San Bernardino, San Diego, fugitive opposition leaders ernment accused them of inciting ernment would reduce police and that Israeli troops did not intend to Butte and Shasta. despite the repeal of a "state of the crowds to violence in an alert levels Monday after sev- harm children. T.he bill is currently before rebellion" that gave them powers aet.Cropt to' seize power . eral days of calm . in the capi- In the West Bank. Israeli troops briefly the Assem,bly. If it becomes to alTCSt suspectS without a war- Four of the 11 , including tal, Manila. entered two Palestinian towns' in pursuit of law, its first disbursement in rant, officials said M<>njlay. opposition Sen. Juan Ponce Mor~ than 3,000 soldiers, gunmen - part of a new policy that gives Los Angeles County would go ·Justice Secretary Hernando Enrile and former ambassador to backed by ianks and helicopters, field ·commanders the authority to decide to the Antelope Valley, offi- Perez said police can arrest the United States, ·Ernesto wete deployed to secure the on such forays on the spot, without wait· .
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