I lRortb <tbtlla I UUlomalt's <tonfe.rence OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1924 L ____________1-' MINUTES Of the thirty· Second Session of the North China Woman's Conference of the Methodist Episcopa Church held in Peking September 3 to 9 Nineteen Hundred and T wenty·four. CONTENTS. PAGE. OFFICERS AND l\fEMnli~R.S OF THE CON1!'ERF.!iGE 1 R,EJPORTS :- E.DUCATIONAI~ : Peking U niversi ty 5 Mary Porter Gamewell School ........................... 9 Keen l\feID.orial School ...................................... 12 Alderman ~I~morial Girls' School ...................... .. 17 Ma.ria Brown Davis 8cho·ol ................................ 19 Peking Kindergartens ...................................... 20 Tientsin KindeTgartens .................................... Girls' Primary Schools Ching ChaD District ........ 24 PrimaTY Schuols-· ·Tien tsin. .... "........................... 27 Prima.ry Schools.-Tienl-sin District ..... : ............ ".. 28 Primary Schools-Three Eastern Dist.rict,s ........... Primal'Y Schoo,ls--Taia,n a,nd YencholW Districts .... .. 32 EvANCELISTIC : Evangelistic W ork-Peking ............................... 37 Evangelistic '\Vork fOl' \\Tomen-Petking Country Dist,riet ......... ' ....................... ' ........... , . 42 E.vangelistic- Work---Tient,sin ............................... 46 Evangelistic ",V-m'k-Three Eastern Districts ......... 47 Pilgrim and City Evangelistic Work-Taian ......... 50 UniQin Bible Training &hooJ fOIl' Women-Peking. 5'1 Edna Tel'l'Y Bible Woman's Training School-TaiallJ 53 Thompson BiblE" Training School-Ghangli ......... 55 PAGE. MEDICAL: SleepeT Davis MemOTial Hospital ....................... 57 Sleeper Davis Hospital Sch{){)l of Nursing ........... oJ School of Nursing-Isalhella Fisher Hospit..'ll ........ 61 Isabella Fisher Hospital ................................... .. 62 Taianfu Industrial Work ................................. fi3 Council on Health Education ............................... 66 .APPOINTMEl'.'"TS-GENERAL ...................................... ApPOINTMENTS OI<' BIBLE WOMEN ............................. .. 75 ApPOI~"'TMENTS OF EIDUCATlONAL ASSOCIATE :MEMBERS .. 7{) MINUTES 78 REpORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES .......................... 87 RESOLUTIONS ....................................................... 92 STA]'I;'"DING COMMITTEES ..................•.................•........ 93 LANGUAGE SCHOOL CoURSE ..................................... .. '94 CONSTITUTION ... ' . " .............. , . .. .. .. .. .. • •....•.... .95 BY-L4.WS ...•••••....•..••.. : .......••...........•................ 97 CHRONOLOGY 100 STATISTICS ...................................................... ~'..... 105 OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE WOMAN'S CONFEREN CE OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN NORTH CHINA. OFF ICERS. Presid~nt Ida. F Frantz Vicel-PresidOOJt. Mrrs. Ch'ing Liu Lan Ying Secretaries: English Edith Shufell.t. C'hinHsel Oh' en Hs-iu J ung Custodian of Confereillee Funds Mrs. Cha.rlotte ~L Jewell ACTIVE MEMBERS. Charlot.te M. Jewell Eliza,berth Hobart Effie G . Young Marie Adams Gertrude Gilman Mabel R. N orwlin ·'Emma E .. M.arlin *M:a,ry E. Bedell *L. Ma.ude Whee.lell" Ruth M. Danner' Emma, M. Knp(X Lillian P. Greer Alice M. Powell Irma, Hi'ghbaugh Clara Pea,rl Dyer Ruth L. Stahl Eyelyn Baugh Krause Joyce E. Walker Myra A. Jaquet M{)nona. L. Che,ne'Y Minnie Stryker Birdice E. Lawrence Iva M. lfriUer ~·Ortha. M. Lane *Ida BeHe Lewis Lora. I. Battin +;r ennie B. Bridenbaugh *Lydia L. Sohaum Dora. C. Fearon E.l iza.beth lL Ca,rli3le Eva. A. Gregg Minta. M. Sta.hl :M:aJ.J7 F Wa.t.rous .Pansy P Griffin Elsie L. Knapp Viola. Lantz Louise Hohart Edith Shufelt *Fra.nces J. Helath Tirzah Stahl Nora, M. Dillecrlbeck Ruth Nuzum France·s R. Wilson Camilla Mills Ida. F. Frantz Ruth M. Oaldwell M. Lillian Halfpenny ~ ulia Morgan *On Furlough Gen.B"ral Boa.rd Emily R. Hobart Ocie Rentsch Brown Elma A. Keeler Chinese tTseng Rsiu Hsiang Yang Kuei La.n P'ang Yun Hsiang Ch'en Hsiu Jung Ch'ing Liu Lan Ying tWang KueJi Ling " Li W 3JllIg' Pao Qhen Hsieh Wang- Wen Kue.i Chou Wang I Si T'ie Chi Chih T'ing P'a.n Cheng Su Ying Wang J ui Fang Li H ueli Chieh Tseng Shu Feng Teo Ch'en Li Sa.i Na Laura. Yang HaOt Chou Mei Te Yang Su Ju Fang tYang Mi Li An Ts'a.o Te Chen Tu Chi Yu Chin Mary Shih Hsu Rsiu Li Wang Kuei Ch'ing Ke Wu Kuei Yu Wang Kuei p'jng . tIn School ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. PEKING AND CHING CHAO DISTRICTS. Chinese Kan Liu Yun Ch'ing tChang Jui Chen. Yeh Liu Hsin I t P'ang Lan Ts'uei Kao Tu Ai Te tOhang Moo Yun Wa.ng Li Poa Ohia. T'ien Lu Te Kuo Chin Mei J ui Ch'e Ts'ue[ C'h'ing Sui Kuan Lu Te t Yang Kuei Ling Pi CholU Lien Ch'ing Chang lIei Li Chii8t Su Shih Ching Hsia W~ Yu Shen Wang T'ing Lan Li Hung En Chi Wang Chung H ui Yang Yang Li Ch'ing Chao Wei Fu Chen 'Wang Su I Wa.ng Li Ts'ung Hsip;n Wang Su ChelIi Waug Challlg Yueh Chen He Chin Wen Yang Wang Wen Ohen Ch'en Chni Rlla.ng Tseng Han Fe.mg Yu Yin Chen Chu P'an Li Yu Oh'eng Liu Ch'un Yen YangCh'en Yu Ch'in Yang Yiu Lien Li Ma Hsiu Chen Feng Yuan' Chen tLiu Lan Ming Yaug Kuei Hsiang tShan Kuei E Chia Shih Hang tIn School Ame1'ica(fb *Edna A. King Gladys Ven berg Cora C. LowrY Evelyn Full * Irma, R. Da:vis :Uaude Dildine Louise WhiUlesee Felt Lucile Terman *Mary Ninde Gamewell * Margnerite' Berkey Ma,ybeHe G. Da:vis * LO'i's HaITi's Hazel Littlefield Smith Elizabeth Searles DOorris Prentice Hilla Scherich Ruth Pyke Breece Eldah 'And~son * Blanche :JI cDonald Clara, B. Whitmore *MeTle Ae,schliman Grace Lester *Alice Terrell Elizabeth Hurst Katherine Felt Margaret Wyne Mabel BrOown :Uarjor1e. Va.n Camp *On; furlough lIrs. Ella COoOole T1ENT SIN DISTRICTS. Chinese Li Ai Te Hsu Kuei .Tu l"oa. Wang W ~n Fu Ma Yu P'u Chi I~i ShOll Chen Li Yun Lan Yaug Chao Lu Te t Phoehe Wang Wa,ng Ruei P'ing Ku Cheng Ts'uei. Yu ·W·u Chang Ch'un Chih Ohang Tung Ko Ling Chang Kuei Yun Hsiao Wen Pao Yang Chang }fe1 Te P' an Ching Chih I,i Yu Mei Ts'uei Shu ShOoU Anna .8eroo _4mericon. Jose'phine Fearon Winans Estherr :McCracken *Mildred A. Rowland Margaret J.1'uller Eliza,beth Wigton Lyra Ba.hren burg Ruth Lowry 'InB,.EE EASTERN DIS'l'RICTS. Chine:~e Chang Liu Jui Ch'uan Yang Sai Na Ya.ng Chou H uei J u Tung Shu Hua *On Furlough. tIn Sehool. 3 Wang Li Kuei Fen Wang Shu Jung }{a. Hsiao IIsien Cheng Ha.Q Lan Hsiang ~Ia Shu Jung Li Ts'ueli Yu Yang Hsiu Ying 'Van Mell Yun T~iu Wen Ch'ing Chou Huei Fang Liu Yu Lan Li Feng Gh'ao Ch'u L~ Ying Li Yu Hsiang Kuo Li Shih Ke1ng ""rein R·ua Wang Ch'en Shih P' eng Kuei Chen Chang Shu Hsien Nieh Yu Ch'ing Fu She·u Hsien Ch'e:n Hsiu Jung Charug Li Shih W.ang Wang Ma.. Li Ya il1nHican Gertrude Baldwin Carol Dewey Anna May Oongdon SHAKTFKG DISTRICTS. Chinese ",,,"a.ng Wang K'a: La I.Ji Rsiu Yini Lo Ching Chen Ma Kuei L~.n Yaug Shu Kum Chao Kuei P'ing Huang Shu Ch'en Hsu Chin HsiaAg Meng Chih T'ing Wang Pao Lin Lu Lan Hsiu Chao Yu Mei Liang Jui Ts'uei American Ruth Leitzel. Rertta Baker R ut.h HaD.S(m J essie Hibbard *Sa.rah Oechsli *Oll furlough +In School 4 REPORTS PEKING UNIVERSITY A PARTIAL R~~·POn,TI OF THE DEAN OF YE,NOHING COLLEGE. ALICE B ..FRAME. THE. pendulum has swung through uno.t.he~ year of academlo work in much the sanle fashion as past yeaTs, sa.ve perhaps for a perceJptible a(;.celerat.ion of ant.ICipation of moving t.o· the ne.w campus and buildings. Students and teachers alike pre­ face many stat.ements ()rf new plans and larger hopes by the words, "-When v,-e move." The students. particl'!.larly hayc reason to look for·ward to more plea.sant and sanit.ary liying conditions. T'he dormjtories od: the \\:omen's CoHege, as well as those of the, ~fe'n's, promise t{) he even more ',Towded than this last year, and the sight of the four ne,,," women's dor­ mit.ories at Ha.itien: is very heartening.' The olther four new buildings be,ing erected by the 'Yo-men's College are also nearing completion, and weare hoping that the foundations of the Gymnasium a.nd Student's Building' ma~- sonn be dug. That roomy and weU-equipp~d building, 1:ogether with the spacious cenkal at.hletic field, will mean much for the health of our students. Health. The e:mployme,nt, this past year of an exper­ iEnced and mature school nurse, with more tim9 from our physical direc.tor has kept the health average higher' than eve'r before. This, too, in 8pite, of our VEll'~- limited space for exercise and the c:ramped' eondit.ions 01 Ijying. Student Body. 'fhe size of the st.udent. body has prac­ tically be'en dei,ermined hy our ac('omodations, plus a s·mall proportion of day-pupils. We lost quit€, a nUllllher of pre- medical students whO' felt. it safer to continue thai·!' studies in the Premedical School at T'sinan, in close- toruch with the WDmen's Medical SchDol, whieh mDved thither at New Year's time. The number o.f ~tudents at Yen ching whO' lave been here nOot less t.han a semester :is Dne hundred. The statistics of the student body are as follo'\\"8': SeniDrs ........... 5 From Pre~by t.t~rian SChDOls ..... 17 Juniors .......... 13 .FrDm CDngl'egatinna.l 8chools... 19 Sophomo.res ..... 20 Flom MethQdist 8eh001s ........ 15 :Freshmen ....... 19 .From ot·her Ohristian SchDols... 22 Sub-:Freshmen .. 38 Graduate ........ 3 73 Special........... 2 ]'r{)ID Non-Christian SChDOls ... ~1 IOU Totals ...... 100 Student Or,qan'':za.twns. '1'he new Student A.ssDciatiOon has done 8(}1 well during this, the first yea.r of its existence, tha,t the faculty have granted it a fulIeharter.
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