J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.31.11.1091 on 1 November 1978. Downloaded from Journal of Clinical Pathology, 1978, 31, 1091-1093 Pitfalls in the use of artificial substrates for the diagnosis of Gaucher's disease YOAV BEN-YOSEPH AND HENRY L. NADLER From the Department of Pediatrics, Northwestern University Medical School, Division of Genetics, Children's Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Ill, USA SUMMARY A patient with Gaucher's disease is described, in whom the disease could not be diagnosed enzymically in liver and leucocytes using artificial substrate 4-methylumbelliferyl P-glucoside. Normal activity was found in the liver, and about 600% of control activity was determined in the patient's leucocytes. In contrast, when [I4C]-N-stearoyl glucocerebroside was employed as a sub- strate, activity as low as 50% of control has been found in all the proband's tissues, and carrier levels were determined in the proband's parents and maternal uncle. Gaucher's disease is an autosomal recessive disorder In the present report a case of Gaucher's disease of glucolipid metabolism characterised clinically by is described in which 4-methylumbelliferyl fl- hepatosplenomegaly, anaemia, and thrombocyto- glucosidase activity in leucocytes and liver was penia (Brady, 1978). It is probably the most com- normal, while deficient glucocerebroside activity monly recognised disorder of sphingolipid meta- using [14C]-N-stearoyl glucocerebroside was docu- copyright. bolism. Accumulation of glucosylceramide (gluco- mented. The purpose of this report is to call to the cerebroside) is found in reticuloendothelial cells of attention of clinicians and pathologists the potential these patients, particularly in cells of the spleen, bone unreliability of artificial substrates to establish the marrow, and liver (Brady, 1978). The primary defect diagnosis of Gaucher's disease. This is especially is reported to be a deficiency of the enzyme gluco- important because ofthe ready availability ofmethyl- sylceramide fl-glucosidase (EC (glucocere- umbelliferyl substrates and the widespread utilisation brosidase) (Brady et al., 1965). Using glucosylcera- of these relatively simple assays in clinical mide as a substrate, a marked decrease of laboratories. fl-gluco- http://jcp.bmj.com/ sidase activity has been shown in spleen (Brady et al., 1965), liver (Patrick, 1965), skin fibroblasts (Beutler Case report et al., 1971), and leucocytes (Kampine et al., 1967) of patients with Gaucher's disease. Deficiency of /3- The patient was referred to Children's Memorial glucosidase activity (EC towards synthetic Hospital at 8j months of age because of develop- substrates such as 4-methylumbelliferyl fl-glucoside mental regression, hepatosplenomegaly, hypertonia, and p-nitrophenyl g-glucoside has also been reported and frequent pulmonary infections. The patient was in patients with Gaucher's disease (Patrick, 1965; born to a gravida 2, para 1, abortion 1, 27-year-old on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected Kampine et al., 1967; Beutler and Kuhl, 1970). Of woman of German-Irish descent. Her husband is of interest, several cases of Gaucher's disease have been English-Polish ancestry. The pregnancy was un- reported in which patients could not be distinguished complicated, as was the neonatal course. At approxi- from controls when liver homogenates were assayed mately 2-3 months of age developmental delay was with an artificial substrate (Patrick, 1965; Broad- apparent. head and Butterworth, 1977; Owada et al., 1977). Physical examination on admission revealed a In addition, total leucocyte artificial /3-glucosidase child with obvious opisthotonic posturing, inspira- activity may also be normal in some patients with tory stridor and nasal congestion, and marked Gaucher's disease although diminished activity wasting. Significant findings included hepatospleno- towards the natural substrate is clearly evident megaly, hypertonia, and a high-pitched cry. No (Brady, 1978). cherry red spot was seen. Routine laboratory studies included 9 7 g haemoglobin, white count 3.4 x 109/1, Received for publication 17 April 1978 and platelet count 6500. Total serum acid phospha- 1091 J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.31.11.1091 on 1 November 1978. Downloaded from 1092 Yoav Ben- Yoseph and Henry L. Nadler tase was significantly elevated. Bone marrow layer and separated from the unreacted substrate by examination revealed the presence of numerous thin-layer chromatography on silica gel G in chloro- histiocytes consistent with the diagnosis of Gaucher's form/methanol/water 110/40/6 (Rf = 0 76). The disease. A diagnosis of infantile or neuropathic type product was extracted by the same solvent mixture, of Gaucher's disease was made. Liver biopsy and radioactivity was measured in a liquid scintila- showed the presence of multiple clumps of large cells tion spectrometer. scattered throughout the liver parenchyma. Indivi- dual cells showed an eosinophilic cytoplasm with a Results small, single, central hyperchromatic nucleus. High magnification of the cells revealed coarse and fl-glucosidase activities assayed with artificial and irregularly striated cells, which stained positive with natural substrates in leucocytes, liver, and fibro- periodic acid Schiff. The liver biopsy was con- blasts of the patient, and in leucocytes and fibro- sistent with the diagnosis of Gaucher's disease. The blasts of her parents, are presented in Tables I and 2. results of the enzyme assays using artificial substrate, Using radiolabelled glucocerebroside as a substrate, as seen in Table 1, were within normal limits. activity as low as 5 % ofcontrol has been found in all the proband's tissues, and heterozygote levels in Table 1 ,9-glucosidase activity towards 4-methylumbelliferyl fi-glucoside in various tissues of the Table 2 fl-glucosidase activity towards family members ["IC]-N-stearoyl-glucocerebroside in various tissues of the members Subject 4-methylumbelliferyl 0-glucosidase activity family (mnol/h/mg protein) Subject Glucocerebrosidase activity Leucocytes Liver Fibroblasts (mnol/h/mg protein) Proband 1-04 38-6 0 9 Leucocytes Liver Fibroblasts Proband's mother 0 90 - 55 2 Proband's father 0-81 - 8-8 Proband 0-39 2 5 10 0 Proband's mother 275 - 87-5 Control (average) 1-73 35*4 19-6 copyright. SD 0-31 4-3 2-9 Proband's father 2-33 - 68-4 Control (average) 583 651 191 SD 0-72 9 0 22 Methods tissues of the proband's parents. This deficiency Liver was obtained from controls and from the could not, however, be demonstrated in the patient's patient by an open biopsy. The 'control specimens' liver and leucocytes when assayed with 4-methyl- were obtained from two patients undergoing staging umbelliferyl ,B-glucoside as a substrate. Normal laparotomy. Postmortem specimens were obtained activity was found in the liver, and about 60% of http://jcp.bmj.com/ from three patients who died with multiple congenital control activity was detemined in the patient's malformation syndromes. Normal liver architecture leucocytes. The patient's fibroblasts demonstrated was found in all control specimens. Leucocytes, the deficiency with the artificial substrate. Of cultured skin fibroblasts (Ben-Yoseph et al., 1977), interest, more than twice the control activity was and liver samples were homogenised (10% w/v) in 10 found in fibroblasts of the patient's mother. Another mmol/l sodium taurocholate. Whole homogenates member of this family, the proband's maternal were assayed for 4-methylumbelliferyl ,B-glucosidase uncle, was found to be a carrier for Gaucher's activity at pH 4'3 (Shapira et al., 1976) and gluco- disease when assayed with the natural substrate in on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected cerebrosidase activity at pH 5*9. Glucocerebroside both leucocytes and fibroblasts (41-5 % and 38'3 % was radiolabelled according to Erickson and Radin of control respectively), but, using the artificial (1973) by alkaline hydrolysis of N-stearoyl-DL- substrate, heterozygote level has been shown only in dihydrosphingosine and acylation of the glucosyl- the fibroblasts (48-5 % of control), whereas in the sphingosine with [1-14C] stearic acid. Glucocerebro- leucocytes normal activity was found. sidase activity was measured at 370C by adding 100 pl of tissue preparation (10-50 ,ug protein) to 100 ,Il Discussion sonicated mixture of 30 nmoles (14C]-N-stearoyl glucocerebroside (600 cpm/nmol), 250 jtg Cutscum, The diagnosis of Gaucher's disease can be made and 250 ,ug sodium taurocholate in 0-1 M potassium clinically on the basis of splenomegaly, hepato- phosphate buffer pH 5-9. After 30 min incubation, megaly, and the presence of Gaucher cells in bone 1 ml chloroform/methanol 2/1 was added, and the marrow aspirates. In order to establish the diagnosis, product 14C ceramide was recovered in the lower one should provide an evidence for either gluco- J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.31.11.1091 on 1 November 1978. Downloaded from Pitfalls in the use ofartificial substrates for the diagnosis of Gaucher's disease 1093 cerebroside accumulation in liver biopsy and, more Beutler, E., Kuhl, W., Trinidad, F., Teplitz, R., and important, deficiency of glucocerebrosidase activity Nadler, H. (1971). fl-glucosidase activity in fibroblasts in the patient's tissues. This is especially true because from homozygotes and heterozygotes for Gaucher's for identification of heterozygotes disease. American Journal of Human Genetics, 23, of the importance 62-66. and the capability ofintrauterine detection. Although Brady, R. 0. (1978). Glucosyl ceramide lipidosis: an assay with an artificial substrate has the advantage Gaucher's disease. In The Metabolic Basis ofInherited of simplicity, it is not reliable in some cases of Disease, edited by J. B. Stanbury, J. B. Wyngaarden, Gaucher's disease, especially when liver is the source and D. S. Fredrickson, 4th edition, pp. 731-746. of diagnostic material (Patrick, 1965; Broadhead McGraw-Hill, New York. and Butterworth, 1977; Owada et al., 1977). This is Brady, R. 0., Kanfer, J. N., and Shapiro, D. (1965).
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