-----,---------1 On the Inside , Weather School Delecta Fortuue .... Paqe 3 IDereuiA&' doudiD to- 0,., _Hend .owns &0- Leaque Leaders Gain Dl6b&. MODO' dolilb IUId ..• Paqe • _Iu with u.ht abowen. fuqoslav Leaders Out al owan Blab ....r ..; low " .. Paqe 6 Wab Saauu, II; low 57 . Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP lAoMd Wire - Five Centa Iowa City. Iowa. Sunday. September 10. 19SO-Vol. 84, No. 287 * * * * * * * * * ·Stassen Says U.S. Highlights of Truman Address Symington ",orld itaalion - The [I'CC nations must build up the military Security Requires stren&th needed to support the rute 01 law in the world. Defense - The United States must more than double Its detense Named to Head efforts and be prepared to maintain a very strong defense Cor many Armament Director years. HASTINGS, NEB. I1JII _ Former Wh t to do - We mu t produce th m terials and equipment, New Program Minnesota Gov. Harold Stassen rais the money lind prevent inflatton. WASHJNGTON (.4» - President said Saturday night the security Taxes - There is only one sensible way to pay lor increased de­ Truman Saturday night set up a and "well beina" of America caU powerful new wa,e-prlec-produc­ tor the immediate appointment of fen es - p ylng for them II· we go, ou~ of taxes. lnllation - Inflation would hurt u more in the long run than tlon control !>Y tern to slccJ' the overall directors of armament pro­ nation through a mighty defense now. duction nd economic mobiliza­ higher taxes prOlram that may last lor many tion. GuldinI' prlnclfll~8 - For con. umers: buy only what you reaUy years aod cost lar more than Stassen, in a speech before the need and cannot do without. For businessmen: do not pile up Inven­ $30-blllion annWJlly. Nebraska Republican post-primary tori ; hQld your prices down. For wage earners: do not IIsk tor wage Mr. Truman tl'Hled a Dew convention, said increase beyond what Is needed tor the cost of living. "eeGDolllie Itablll.. llon aleaey" cltlzens will "re­ For all ot us : ave as much as we can out ot current income, pro­ te eurb both pi'lees aD' wares ceive their mon­ vld tor the future and provide inve tment funds needed to exp nd b" voluntary me.... aow-lUld ey's worth for by war- lyle celllnn wben and huge sums that and local governments hould kCCp present rent If needed. must be spent Warning that the fight ag Inst !fect. for armament" CommunIst a"res ion will dc­ only if an ex­ mand saerlflce from every Amer­ perienced direc­ • Threat of Johnson Icao. the pr ident declared :.h t tor is named. price and wage controls will be The task of 116 Imposed "\\JgolOusly ond prompt­ economic mobili­ M,n e r 5 Now Sa f e Resigning Seen as ly" it either wOles or prlecs '.let zation can "never ouI or hand. be done by scatterinr: it am:lI1g lh And he lerved notlce that In· polltlclllly appolntcd ficlive mc 111- But 10 Feared Dead Crisis for Truman du try "to the extent necessary" bers ot a pr idcnt's cabinct and will have to stop makin, some £W 'U 1 0 'K, 'COTL 0 ( undu·) ( P) - The WASHINGTON (IP) - Pre 'idcnt official (amily," Stas en _ald. clvUian goods and belln turnini Stas en also recommended ap­ la~t of the klJ{l\\ll urvi..-ors of the cw Cumnock mine cl~astcr Truman had twin crise on his hand· Saturday night - cabin 1 out military equipment. pointment of a commanding gen­ \\II..'n' broll~ht to Ihe surfac· carl to<.lny. In a ra410 - televlllion ad­ eral for joint defen. e weslern controversy at home, P mllitory ot OHielals at th pilhead said th t ----------- predicament abroad. dr to the naUon, the chlet Europe. a general tor American 116 men had b en re 'cued !ter exeeuUve called for lepa to military _trategy in weslern Pa­ At home, there loomed the def­ b(;lng trapped nearly t 0 days at Cedar Rapids Man Inite possibility that the storm PUP production. keep InflaUon cific area. and an .lad{1'linlstra­ the botlom or II 720-!cot pit by cent r of the cabinet quarrol, De­ in eheeJr. and PUI the moblliza­ tor for an American economic a cave-ln. fcnse Secy. Louis Johnson. mieht \lon 1'I'0rram on • pa,-a -you­ 51' ATUTE ,..'US proaram in non-Communist areas o ) The re rued men. dirt . lIred Held in Shooting move out. '0 bull. In Asia. nd worn. wor la rna. k and The only formal acllon nec­ I . Higher taxes for everybody. " A Republican-controlled con­ re plrator to rawl throu,h a CEDAR RAPIDS (IP) - An el- e ..ry would be WhIte HOUle Mr. Truman said his call for II $5- aress would "insist" th e ap­ b rrler of pol oned coal , derly man wos shot to death Sat­ aceeptance of &be resipaUon billion rise in Income taxes Is AMEllCAN AND SOUTH KOREAN OLDIER (1) elc ed ,ap In deten e perimeter between ~o .... - pointments be made, he said, "just "only the first Installment" He chon and Kyondu to easll North Korean threat to Taeeu. outh Korean pushed we , from K,ona-Ju. b fore makin, their way to Ihe urday with a .12 gauge shotgun whlcb all cabinet membel'1l 'lie as the 80th GOP conaress i re­ sked an exte profits tax to t{:8. troops wUhsioccl continual enemr pres ure nor th and northwest of Tae,u (2). British unlta abo tOil of the Knock hlllIJoch c tie ond police sald a man who lived when the., take office. sponsible for Paul HolLman's ap­ mine. In Korea, American and oth r make sure nobo<lY will "get rich luned back enem), assault west 0' TaeKu. In YonI:' san-l\bsan ector (3) AUie beat off Red auault.. pointment as ECA director." in the same house had admitted 4' • Some of the men were taken to United Natlons troops fought des­ out of this emerllency." Ballock Myle hospital 5ufferina tiring the shot. perately to hold massive and con­ %. Harder work Bnd longer Ex-Capone Men trom shock and exhaustion. Pollee were holdin, Lloyd tinuing thrusts of the R d army hours for ev rybody. Hunter, .2. without charle. Oc­ In a war which after el ven weeks 3. No pay rlises beyond those Altogether 136 mcn were eauaht was still runnln, against the de­ needed to keep up with tho cost of Quizzed Senate b low around when the cave-in t Uves said he had silned a in statement admitlin, the _hootlni. fenders. living. occurred Thursday nilhl. The y Whether there was a relation­ •. An aU-out drive by industry WASHINGTON 1111 - The 5 n­ wer lrapped wh n thou ands of The dead man WIIS William shll1 betwccn the crises, as wa. to produce more goods by better ate crime c;ommlUee question d t ns Of spongy arth conap ed Into Hughes. 84. He was shot as he and chal'a d ln som Quarters, and it methods. Thc Presld nt said the two fotmCJ: CaPono aant'Stcrs in the interior of th' min Ten min­ a neiahbor, Will Messner, 81, o how much, was not cl ar. national economy should top the secret Saturday but leorned little ers are unaccounted lor and are started to put up a mail .box in There Isn't an,. peeulatlon In except that they are well-to-do learrd dead. front ot the bou e where Hughes MO-btllion a year goal he has ond Hunter lived. Wuhlnaion now about when I. set tor 1954. supplies io their deeply-bled di­ farmers with poor memories. Eight immediately escaped and leneral cou.nteroffenslve ean be A third-Charles "Cheery Nose" scrambled to the surface. Mine 5. No hoard In, by Individuals visions. * Detectives said Hunler rented 0 I ..unehed . The ImmecUate and or by iodust.rl . * * Gloe - was described as "more oWcla Is sald the re~cue or the part or the house from Hughe' AU.ies ·Glo~e The Reds are still holding BaUle War at a Glance pre In, problem Ja to bolel the To coordinate the whole pro­ mountain - won again Saturday forthright" in his answers, But miners still below ground will con­ about a yen and a hal! aio, a'ld line aralns' Ihe terrific Red committee members said he is tinue to be a slow process be­ Iram and Bottle policy contllcts, at heavy cost. The bitterly con­ Korean warfronl.l: UN forces they never had aotten alon,. on taUl'.h&' "not in the big money" like the cause or the dangerou las pockets. Pres. Truman ' .­ tested height dominates the ap­ close a dangerous 5-mUc gllp in The officers said the two me" All this was cheerl news for named W. Stuart (11' reak ,in ~ tines other two and Is merely "in the One or the re cued men aid proaches to Masan. had quarreled S(lme time Igo over the northern defense wall, easln. construction business." Johnson's friends who thou,ht that Symloaton, who the threat from an expected new the miners had or,anb:ed a .inll'­ veletables which Hunter accused a mlLitary victory in Korea now Masan I the ,ateway to the The two Chicago hoodlums who In" bee to keep UP their morale Is chalrman of all-important supply pOrt of Pu­ Red thrust on Taegu from the Hughes of taking from his garden. could save him, could ease pres­ the national se­ Neat Taegu have turned to agriculture in their durln.
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