Administration of George W. Bush, 2001 / May 29 This week the second Global Forum on is an important foreign policy objective for Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding In- my administration. The United States is tegrity will help to keep the promotion of committed to bringing renewed energy to integrity and transparency high on the the global anticorruption agenda and to in- international agenda. I want to underscore creasing the effectiveness of the American the United States’ support for the Global policies and programs that address this im- Forum’s work, applaud the large number portant issue. of participating states, and especially, thank I salute the work of delegates to the sec- the Government of The Netherlands for ond Global Forum, and I strongly support hosting this event. your important objectives. Increasing accountability and trans- parency in governance around the world Remarks at Camp Pendleton, California May 29, 2001 The President. Thank you all very much. where we swore in a group of sailors and General Hagee, thank you very much. marine airmen to a new term. Two days Thank you for your warm welcome here later I had the honor of giving the com- at the white house—— mencement address at Annapolis at the Naval Academy. And yesterday I had the [At this point, there was an interruption high privilege of laying a wreath at the in the audience.] Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington Ceme- The President. Thank you. Behave your- tery. I spent a lot of quality time with a self. [Laughter] lot of quality people, the people who wear General Hanlon, thank you very much. the uniform in the United States military, And General Conway, I appreciate so very the men and women who serve and sac- much you greeting me. It’s an honor to rifice so Americans can sleep in peace, be here with Colonel Christian, Sergeant knowing that freedom is in good hands. Major Royce Coffee, Sergeant Major M.G. I’ve been looking forward to this trip, Markiewicz, and the fine troops of Camp and looking forward to being able to extend Pendleton. a proper Marine Corps greeting: Ooh-rah! I appreciate so very much Members of Audience members. Ooh-rah! [Laughter] the United States Congress who are here, The President. There’s no higher honor stalwarts when it comes to sound defense than to serve as Commander in Chief. It’s spending, strong advocates for tax relief, also a high honor to be able to come to education reform: Congressmen Mary Camp Pendleton, a place that helps turn Bono, Duke Cunningham, Duncan Hunter, new recruits into leathernecks, a place that Darrell Issa, and Dana Rohrabacher. Thank serves as home to the 1st Marine Expedi- you so much for coming here. tionary Force and to one of America’s old- It is a real great privilege for me to be est and most decorated units, the 1st Ma- here today. I’ve had a heck of a week, rine Division. particularly since I’ve been able to spend Camp Pendleton serves as the launching a lot of time around America’s military pad for what marines do best, to deploy forces. Last Wednesday I attended a reen- rapidly so you can be the first on the scene listment ceremony at the White House, wherever freedom and America’s interests 591 VerDate Dec 13 2002 12:33 May 21, 2003 Jkt 193361 PO 00000 Frm 00591 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\193361A.018 193361A May 29 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2001 are threatened. As the stone markers in No one can come here without being our midst remind us, marines have sailed struck by the physical beauty. Marines are from Camp Pendleton to fight at Guadal- good stewards of our southern California canal, at Okinawa and Inchon. Marines coastline. You’re also practicing good stew- from Camp Pendleton fought in the jungles ardship by the way you’re using—and not and rice paddies of Vietnam. Marines from using—the supply of energy in California. Camp Pendleton helped liberate Kuwait. The Federal Government is the single Today, you carry forward this proud tradi- biggest user of electricity in the State of tion, ready to answer when America calls. California. On May 3d, I ordered all Fed- Because you are marines, you are often eral agencies to take extra steps to conserve asked to perform the most difficult and energy. And the Department of Defense dangerous missions. Because you are ma- immediately committed itself to reducing rines, you not only accept this challenge, its electricity consumption by 10 percent you embrace it, not for glory and not for during peak hours. I’m pleased to report self but for God, country, corps, and your that the military and Federal agencies are fellow marines. exceeding expectations. I respect your service. I appreciate your And Camp Pendleton deserves special credit, and I am here to give you special sacrifice, and I know what you contribute credit. I congratulate you for seeking extra to our Nation. In a world of fast-changing conservation savings over the 10 percent. threats, you give us stability. Because of And that’s going above and beyond the call you, America’s secure, and the march of of duty, and I salute you. Altogether, we freedom continues. estimate that the Federal conservation ef- I know how hard your work is. I know forts will save the State 76 megawatts per that your frequent deployments are hard hour during peak use periods, when power on you and hard on your families. Marines is most needed. Seventy-six megawatts per pride themselves on traveling light and hour is enough electricity for 140,000 peo- fighting hard. But here at home, you and ple during peak demand periods. That’s as your families deserve something better. You many people who live in Pasadena, Cali- deserve our Nation’s full support, and with fornia. this administration, you will get it. Over the past 30 years, Americans have The first budget I submitted to Congress made steady conservation progress. If we contains a $1.4 billion military pay raise. still used energy the way we did in 1972, That’s on top of the pay raises that Con- we’d be using 74 percent more energy gress recently passed. It provides $400 mil- today than we actually do. A new car uses lion in new funds to improve military hous- about 60 percent as much gasoline as a ing and $3.9 billion to improve military car made in 1972. A new refrigerator uses health benefits. After all your country re- about only 30 percent as much electricity ceives from you, you must receive better as a 1972 refrigerator. housing, better pay, and better health. Yet this conservation progress slowed in You’re entitled to a defense budget that the 1990s, and more than 40 of the 100- meets our current needs and our future plus recommendations in my administra- obligations. And you’re entitled to a Com- tion’s energy plan are intended to protect mander in Chief who sets a clear goal, a the environment, help hard-hit commu- clear vision for our military. And that goal nities, and revitalize our conservation ef- is to be well equipped and well trained, forts all across the country. to be able to fight and win war and, there- We have other initiatives as well. Our fore, prevent wars from happening in the Nation needs to modernize its networks for first place. moving energy from the powerplant to the 592 VerDate Dec 13 2002 12:33 May 21, 2003 Jkt 193361 PO 00000 Frm 00592 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\193361A.018 193361A Administration of George W. Bush, 2001 / May 29 outlet on the wall. Again, you in California for results. It’s time to put politics aside know that well. For almost 20 years, it’s and focus on the best interests of the peo- been clear that what’s called Path 15, the ple. stretch of transmission line connecting the This is an administration that’s focused power grids of northern and southern Cali- on results. We’re going to work together— fornia, needed to be expanded and modern- the Federal Government, the State govern- ized. And now we’re taking action to get ment, the military, and all the citizens. the job done. Speaking of citizens, you’re the best of citi- Energy Secretary Spence Abraham is zens. You commit your lives to our country. speeding approval of the necessary permits You dedicate yourself to something greater and easements. We’re going to unplug the than yourself. Path 15 bottleneck. We’re advancing to- Whatever is asked of you and your fellow ward an interstate electric grid to match marines, you have given, as Abraham Lin- our interstate highways and interstate coln said, ‘‘The last full measure of devo- phone systems. tion.’’ As I look in the eyes and shake the Rising energy prices are a challenge for firm grips of your fellow marines, it re- everyone. I believe you will find my tax minds me the Marine Corps is in good relief plan will provide some help, a tax hands, and so is our country. relief plan that is worth $100 billion to Thank you so very much for your hospi- the consumers all across America, including tality and Semper Fi. those who wear the uniform. But for some Americans and some Californians, high en- ergy costs are more than a challenge. NOTE: The President spoke at 9 a.m. at the They’re an emergency, and our Govern- 1st Marine Division headquarters building.
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