@sfmagicmountain YouTube.com/sfmmtube agsmagicmountain agsmagicmountain sixfl agsmagicmountain agsmagicmountain sixfl Mountain or Six Flags Hurricane Harbor. Additional items may be prohibited at park management discretion. management park at prohibited be may items Additional Harbor. Hurricane Flags Six or Mountain outside food and beverages, glass bottles, coolers, and ice chests are not permitted inside Six Flags Magic Magic Flags Six inside permitted not are chests ice and coolers, bottles, glass beverages, and food outside including pepper spray; any controlled substances and skate shoes or any footwear with wheels. In addition, addition, In wheels. with footwear any or shoes skate and substances controlled any spray; pepper including type; multitools; pocket knives or other similar items regardless of size; any item used for personal defense, defense, personal for used item any size; of regardless items similar other or knives pocket multitools; type; all Guests, Six Flags Magic Mountain prohibits the following items in the Park: fi rearms of any any of rearms fi Park: the in items following the prohibits Mountain Magic Flags Six Guests, all of protection Certain items such as backpacks, purses and cameras are not allowed on rides. For the safety and and safety the For rides. on allowed not are cameras and purses backpacks, as such items Certain property. become lost during the experience. Six Flags Magic Mountain is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged damaged or stolen lost, for responsible not is Mountain Magic Flags Six experience. the during lost become questions. Also, please be sure to secure all personal belongings while enjoying the attractions, as they may may they as attractions, the enjoying while belongings personal all secure to sure be please Also, questions. restraints will not operate as designed. Please ask a ride operator before waiting in line if you have any any have you if line in waiting before operator ride a ask Please designed. as operate not will restraints proportions involving height and/or weight may be denied the opportunity to ride attractions where safety safety where attractions ride to opportunity the denied be may weight and/or height involving proportions or entering backstage areas is not permitted. Supervise children at all times. Guests with certain body body certain with Guests times. all at children Supervise permitted. not is areas backstage entering or and smoking regulations where posted. Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times. Line cutting, running running cutting, Line times. all at worn be must shoes and Shirts posted. where regulations smoking and Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Observe all warnings and rules, instructions rules, and warnings all Observe responsibility. everyone’s is Safety SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: SAFETY #holidayinthepark equipment provided. Please refer to specifi c guidelines posted at the entrance of every ride. every of entrance the at posted guidelines c specifi to refer Please provided. equipment participating on Park rides. Guests must obey all oral and written warnings and properly use all ride safety safety ride all use properly and warnings written and oral all obey must Guests rides. Park on participating Guests must exercise good judgment and act in a responsible manner while while manner responsible a in act and judgment good exercise must Guests RIDER RESPONSIBILITY: RIDER restricted areas may be ejected from the Park without refund. without Park the from ejected be may areas restricted Six Flags will make every effort to retrieve lost articles after normal operating hours. Guests entering entering Guests hours. operating normal after articles lost retrieve to effort every make will Flags Six areas. Personal items that are lost in ride areas should be reported to the ride operator and Lost & Found. & Lost and operator ride the to reported be should areas ride in lost are that items Personal areas. Guests are not permitted to enter any restricted areas, including rides and backstage backstage and rides including areas, restricted any enter to permitted not are Guests RESTRICTED AREAS: AREAS: RESTRICTED interfere with ride restraint systems and are not permitted on certain rides. certain on permitted not are and systems restraint ride with interfere in lockers. Six Flags and its employees are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Fanny packs must not not must packs Fanny items. stolen or lost for responsible not are employees its and Flags Six lockers. in Loose articles are not permitted on rides and should be left with non-riders or secured secured or non-riders with left be should and rides on permitted not are articles Loose LOOSE ARTICLES: ARTICLES: LOOSE the line and return for any reason. Violators may be ejected from the Park without refund. without Park the from ejected be may Violators reason. any for return and line the Line jumping is strictly prohibited. Guests are not permitted to save places in line or exit or line in places save to permitted not are Guests prohibited. strictly is jumping Line LINE JUMPING: LINE Guest Relations and available online at sixfl ags.com. sixfl at online available and Relations Guest Rides will reopen as soon as safe operations can be assured. The inclement weather policy is posted at at posted is policy weather inclement The assured. be can operations safe as soon as reopen will Rides Rides may be temporarily closed during electrical storms, heavy rain, or high winds. winds. high or rain, heavy storms, electrical during closed temporarily be may Rides INCLEMENT WEATHER: INCLEMENT Guide” available at Guest Relations or on the safety signage located at each ride or attraction. or ride each at located signage safety the on or Relations Guest at available Guide” individuals with disabilities. A list of ride-specifi c restrictions can be found in the “Safety and Accessibility Accessibility and “Safety the in found be can restrictions c ride-specifi of list A disabilities. with individuals Our goal is to safely accommodate the needs of all Guests, including including Guests, all of needs the accommodate safely to is goal Our GUESTS WITH DISABILITIES: WITH GUESTS RIDE POLICIES RIDE operating hours. operating the ride operator and Lost & Found. Six Flags will make every effort to retrieve lost articles after normal normal after articles lost retrieve to effort every make will Flags Six Found. & Lost and operator ride the which includes ride or backstage areas. Personal items that are lost in ride areas should be reported to to reported be should areas ride in lost are that items Personal areas. backstage or ride includes which and Accessibility Guide,” which is available at Guest Relations. Guests are not permitted in restricted areas, areas, restricted in permitted not are Guests Relations. Guest at available is which Guide,” Accessibility and safety restraints will not operate as designed. A list of ride-specifi c restrictions can be found in the “Safety “Safety the in found be can restrictions c ride-specifi of list A designed. as operate not will restraints safety to participate on certain rides based on the requirements set forth by the ride manufacturer and/or if the the if and/or manufacturer ride the by forth set requirements the on based rides certain on participate to prosthetic devices, neck and back braces, certain height, weight and/or body proportions may not be able able be not may proportions body and/or weight height, certain braces, back and neck devices, prosthetic be returned to your vehicle or disposed of. Cameras or phones are not allowed on rides. Guests with casts, casts, with Guests rides. on allowed not are phones or Cameras of. disposed or vehicle your to returned be through metal detection and a carry-in inspection area. Any items that are not permitted in the Park must must Park the in permitted not are that items Any area. inspection carry-in a and detection metal through animals) are not permitted to be brought into the Park. Guests entering the Park will be asked to pass pass to asked be will Park the entering Guests Park. the into brought be to permitted not are animals) Outside food, beverages, alcoholic beverages, coolers and pets (other than service service than (other pets and coolers beverages, alcoholic beverages, food, Outside RESTRICTIONS: reason without payment or consideration. or payment without reason to fi lm, video, record and photograph Guests on Park property and use such footage or photograph for any any for photograph or footage such use and property Park on Guests photograph and record video, lm, fi to Hand stamps are required for Park reentry. By entering the Park, Guests grant Six Flags the right right the Flags Six grant Guests Park, the entering By reentry. Park for required are stamps Hand OTHER: policies, rules and instructions posted or otherwise communicated. otherwise or posted instructions and rules policies, Conduct, Guests are required to comply with all local, state and federal laws as well as individual Park individual as well as laws federal and state local, all with comply to required are Guests Conduct, Guest safety is our top priority. In addition to the Six Flags Guest Code of Code Guest Flags Six the to addition In priority. top our is safety Guest PARK POLICY COMPLIANCE: POLICY PARK snow, and seasonal treats. seasonal and snow, Park without refund. without Park over 1.5 million lights, holiday entertainment, falling falling entertainment, holiday lights, million 1.5 over Guests using profanity or abusive language, symbols or gestures may be ejected from the from ejected be may gestures or symbols language, abusive or profanity using Guests LANGUAGE: management and the Guest refuses all reasonable options. Shirts cannot be turned inside out as a solution. a as out inside turned be cannot Shirts options. reasonable all refuses Guest the and management Celebrate the magic of the holidays at Six Flags with with Flags Six at holidays the of magic the Celebrate not permitted.
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