ICL Corporate Responsibility Report 2015 Where needs take us For the global sustainability community, governments, the core of our business: “ending hunger, achieving LETTER nonprofits and businesses alike, 2015 was marked by food security and improving nutrition and promoting the 21st summit of the United Nations Convention sustainable agriculture.” We also have key roles to play in FRom ICL’s on Climate Change and Paris Agreements reached in a number of SDGs focused on reducing environmental December, as well as the process leading up to these impacts, such as those relating to energy and climate SUSTAINABILITY forward-looking accords. A cornerstone of the process change: “ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable has been the Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”), and clean energy for all” (SDG 7) and “take urgent action to OFFICER adopted by the UN General Assembly in September. There combat climate change and its impacts” (SDG 13). are 17 goals with 169 targets covering a broad range of Thus, this year’s Sustainability Report is, above all, sustainable development issues. These include ending an offering for discussion and engagement with our poverty and hunger, improving health and education, stakeholders, to ensure we hold true to the journey on making cities more sustainable, combating climate change, which ICL has embarked: “Where Needs Take Us”. and protecting oceans and forests. The SDGs serve governments and businesses and guide both strategy and action. ICL, seeking to identify and act upon the most fundamental needs of humanity, has chosen to use the Mr. Tzachi Mor, SDGs as a context for its 2015 Sustainability Report. ICL Sustainability and ERM [email protected] ICL’s global presence and vertical integration serve us well in meeting a number of key challenges, making humanity’s needs and goals our business. The second SDG is indeed ICL Corporate Responsibility Report 2015 3 We invite you to review our 2015 CSR Report. As our objective is to provide you with INVITING YOU TO the means to locate the information most relevant to you, we have published specific information on a dedicated website which allows for an in-depth look at aspects that are FURTHER EXPLORE mentioned in this report, and the ability to ‘zoom in’ on relevant issues. We have also integrated videos which are available by either scanning a QR code or by clicking on the OUR CORPORATE link (if reading online). Please download a free QR code reader from your favorite app store in order to scan the QR codes appearing throughout this report. RESPONSIBILITY RELATED ACTIVITIES For ICL’s website where you can find a wealth of information about the company, including corporate responsibility reports from previous years, scan the QR code or press the QR code. LEGEND Quote Movie. Download Link to Site GRI Indicator Limited Scan to see. PDF Assurance* * Relevant information regarding the scope of the limited assurance performed in regard to the specified parts is detailed throughout the report. All relevant marks should be reviewed according to the Limited Assurance report on pages 5-7 in this report. 4 ICL Corporate Responsibility Report 2015 Somekh Chaikin 09 August 2016 KPMG Millennium Tower 17 Ha’arba’a Street, PO Box 609 Tel Aviv 61006, Israel Independent Limited Assurance Report to the users/ Our responsibility is to provide a limited assurance +972 3 684 8000 readers of Israel Chemicals Ltd. 2015 Corporate engagement and to express a conclusion based on the Responsibility Report. work performed. We conducted our engagement in accordance with International Standard on Assurance We were engaged by the management of Israel Chemicals Engagements (ISAE) 3000, Assurance Engagements Ltd. (further referred to as “ICL”) to provide limited other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial assurance on the specified parts as mentioned in the table Information, issued by the International Auditing and below (further referred to as “Specified parts”), marked1 Assurance Standards Board. That Standard requires with in the report, regarding the information presented that we comply with applicable ethical requirements, on ICL’s 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report for the year including independence requirements, and that we ended 31 December 2015 (further referred to as “The plan and perform the engagement to obtain limited Report”). assurance about whether the Report is free from material misstatement. Management is responsible for A. the preparation and the presentation of the report in accordance with the A limited assurance engagement, regarding data and Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (G4) of the Global information in the specified parts on the corporate Reporting Initiative (GRI) as described in pages 194-201 of responsibility report, consists of making interviews the Report, and the information and assertions contained and inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for the within it B. for determining ICL’s objectives in respect of preparation of information presented in the report, 1 The mark included as sustainable development performance and reporting, and applying analytical and other evidence gathering part of a given paragraph, including the identification of stakeholders and material procedures, as appropriate. These procedures included: refers to the information issues for reporting C. for establishing and maintaining and/or data included in the Examination of the specified parts in the report, for relevant sentence only. appropriate performance management and internal the purpose of performing a limited assurance, based control systems from which the information is derived, on public information sources, knowledge of ICL to be free from omissions and material misstatements business and other comparative information of similar whether due to fraud or error. organizations. G4-33 Somekh Chaikin, an Israeli partnership and a member firm of KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. ICL Corporate Responsibility Report 2015 5 Inquiries of management to gain an understanding of Where relevant, conducting interviews regarding the ICL processes for determining the material issues for calculation, aggregation and methods used to collect ICL key stakeholder groups. and report the specified parts in the report. Inquiries of management to gain an understanding Reading the information presented in the Report regarding the specified parts. to determine whether it is in line with our overall knowledge of, and experience with, the corporate Interviews with senior management and relevant responsibility performance of ICL group. staff at group level and selected business unit level concerning corporate responsibility strategy and Limited assurance is less than absolute assurance and policies for specified parts, and the implementation of reasonable assurance. A limited assurance engagement these across the business. is substantially less in scope that a reasonable assurance Interviews with relevant staff at corporate and engagement in relation to both the risk assessment business unit level responsible for providing the procedures, including an understanding of internal information in the Report. control, and the evidence-gathering procedures Visits to the ICL’s Spain and UK sites (Iberpotash performed in response to the assessed risks, which vary site and Cleveland Potash site), on the basis of a in nature from and are substantially less in scope than for risk analysis including the consideration of both a reasonable assurance engagement. As a result, the level quantitative and qualitative criteria regarding the of assurance obtained in a limited assurance engagement specified parts. is substantially lower than the assurance that would have been obtained had we performed a reasonable assurance Visits and communication with the company engagement. sites located in Israel, and the Company Tel Aviv headquarters on the basis of a risk analysis including We believe that the procedures we have performed the consideration of both quantitative and qualitative and the evidence we have obtained is sufficient and criteria regarding the specified parts. appropriate to provide a basis for our conclusion. Comparing the information regarding the specified parts presented in the Report to corresponding Conclusion information in the relevant underlying sources to Based on the limited assurance procedures performed determine whether all the relevant information and the evidence we have obtained, described in this contained in such underlying sources has been report, nothing has come to our attention to indicate G4-33 included in the report. that the specified parts as mentioned in the table below, Somekh Chaikin, an Israeli partnership and a member firm of KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. 6 ICL Corporate Responsibility Report 2015 in ICL’s 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report are not responsibility to anyone other than ICL for our work, for presented, in all material respects, in accordance with the this limited assurance report, or for the conclusions we GRI-G4 and ICL’s reporting criteria. have reached. Our limited assurance report is made solely to ICL in accordance with the terms of our engagement. Our work has been undertaken so that we might state to ICL Somekh Chaikin those specified parts we have been engaged to state in Certified Public Accountants this limited assurance report and
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