COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Legislative Journal WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2016 SESSION OF 2016 200TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 57 SENATE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WEDNESDAY, November 16, 2016 (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those assembled.) The Senate met at 1 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNOR The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Mike Stack) in the NOMINATION REFERRED TO COMMITTEE Chair. PRAYER The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following com- munication in writing from His Excellency, the Governor of the The Chaplain, Rabbi ELISHA FRIEDMAN, of Kesher Israel, Commonwealth, which was read as follows and referred to the Harrisburg, offered the following prayer: Committee on Rules and Executive Nominations: Honored Lieutenant Governor Mike Stack, President pro tem- JUDGE, COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, pore, and distinguished Senators of the Pennsylvania State Sen- PHILADELPHIA COUNTY ate: (In Hebrew:) November 10, 2016 Father in Heaven, the needs of this nation are great, but our wisdom is limited. May it be Your will that You provide liveli- To the Honorable, the Senate hood for every person and sustenance for every human. of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: This beautiful and succinct prayer was proscribed by the Tal- In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the mud for those who due to time limitations cannot recite their full advice and consent of the Senate, Mary K. Topper, Esq., 223 Pine prayers. Instead, they recite this brief text which highlights the Street, Apt. 3A, Harrisburg 17101, Dauphin County, Fifteenth Senato- paradox of the depth of our needs and the limits of our humanity. rial District, for appointment as Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Phila- We are gathered here at the final Session of the 2016 Pennsyl- delphia County, to serve until the first Monday of January 2018, vice vania State Senate. Time is limited, and so let us pray together The Honorable Lillian Harris, Ransom, resigned. using this ancient and insightful prayer: TOM WOLF (In Hebrew:) Governor Father in heaven, the needs of this nation are great, but our wisdom is limited. We pray that this Senate will be given the CORRECTION TO NOMINATION wisdom to choose policies and legislation that will benefit the REFERRED TO COMMITTEE people of our Commonwealth. We pray that our Senators will be given the guidance to lead their constituencies in the direction of The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following com- peace and blessing. munication in writing from His Excellency, the Governor of the (In Hebrew:) Commonwealth, which was read as follows and referred to the Father in Heaven, provide a livelihood for every person and Committee on Rules and Executive Nominations: sustenance for every human. We pray that this period marks the dawn of a new era for our State and our country, one in which MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF TRUSTEES OF healing will replace bitter acrimony, and the seeds of unity will CLARION UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA OF overcome those of divisiveness. Help our elected officials and THE STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION distinguished lawmakers to hear the pain of those who call out for their assistance. Help us all to hear their cries and to respond. November 15, 2016 Allow those who feel unheard by society to feel the great care for them in this room and throughout our government. Grant us To the Honorable, the Senate peace and healing from Your infinite mercy. Bless this Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: with Your presence today, and shine upon their deliberations the Please note that the letter dated June 28, 2016, for the nomination countenance of Your everlasting and eternal peace. Amen. of Neil Weaver, 1080 Elliott Lane, York 17403, York County, Twenty- eighth Senatorial District, for appointment as a member of the Council The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Rabbi Friedman, who is of Trustees of Clarion University of Pennsylvania of the State System the guest today of Senator Teplitz. of Higher Education, to serve for a term of six years, and until his suc- 1086 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE NOVEMBER 16, cessor is appointed and qualified, vice James Kifer, Rimersburg, whose Senators BROWNE, EICHELBERGER, GREENLEAF, term expired, should be corrected to read: MENSCH, SCAVELLO, SCHWANK, YUDICHAK, COSTA, Neil Weaver, 1080 Elliott Lane, York 17403, York County, Twenty-eighth Senatorial District, for appointment as a member of the BREWSTER, FOLMER, BARTOLOTTA, RAFFERTY, Council of Trustees of Clarion University of Pennsylvania of the State STEFANO, VULAKOVICH, KILLION and WARD presented System of Higher Education, to serve for a term of six years, and until to the Chair SB 1409, entitled: his successor is appointed and qualified, vice Jeffrey Szumigale, Erie, An Act amending the act of September 27, 1961 (P.L.1700, whose term expired. No.699), known as the Pharmacy Act, further defining unlawful acts concerning emergency prescriptions. TOM WOLF Governor Which was committed to the Committee on CONSUMER BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED PROTECTION AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE, Novem- ber 16, 2016. The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following Senate Bills numbered, entitled, and referred as follows, which were Senator BROWNE presented to the Chair SB 1410, entitled: read by the Clerk: An Act providing for use of volunteer time by health care profes- sionals in meeting continuing education requirements and for reports by the Department of State. November 16, 2016 Which was committed to the Committee on CONSUMER Senator BROWNE presented to the Chair SB 1404, entitled: PROTECTION AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE, Novem- An Act amending the act of May 22, 1951 (P.L.317, No.69), known ber 16, 2016. as The Professional Nursing Law, establishing the Nurses Health Pro- gram; and making an allocation. Senator BROWNE presented to the Chair SB 1411, entitled: Which was committed to the Committee on CONSUMER An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the PROTECTION AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE, Novem- Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for drug nui- sances; providing for drug nuisance abatement and for duties of the ber 16, 2016. Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs; prescribing penalties; and establishing the Treatment for Displaced Residents Fund. Senator BROWNE presented to the Chair SB 1405, entitled: An Act amending the act of March 28, 1984 (P.L.150, No.28), Which was committed to the Committee on JUDICIARY, known as the Automobile Lemon Law, further providing for manufac- November 16, 2016. turer's duty for refund or replacement. Senators VULAKOVICH, FONTANA, COSTA, RAFFER- Which was committed to the Committee on CONSUMER TY, WOZNIAK and BREWSTER presented to the Chair SB PROTECTION AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE, Novem- 1412, entitled: ber 16, 2016. An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consoli- dated Statutes, in operation of vehicles, providing for automated and Senator BROWNE presented to the Chair SB 1406, entitled: connected vehicles. An Act amending the act of December 4, 1996 (P.L.911, No.147), known as the Telemarketer Registration Act, further providing for defi- Which was committed to the Committee on TRANSPORTA- nitions and for unwanted telephone solicitation calls. TION, November 16, 2016. Which was committed to the Committee on CONSUMER LEGISLATIVE LEAVES PROTECTION AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE, Novem- ber 16, 2016. The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Centre, Senator Corman. Senator BROWNE presented to the Chair SB 1407, entitled: Senator CORMAN. Mr. President, I request legislative leaves An Act providing for the establishment, implementation and ad- for Senator Ward, Senator Yaw, and Senator Killion. ministration of a comprehensive retiree welfare-to-work mentoring The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from program for certain individuals; and imposing additional powers and Allegheny, Senator Costa. duties on the Department of Aging. Senator COSTA. Mr. President, I request legislative leaves for Which was committed to the Committee on AGING AND Senator Leach, Senator Kitchen, and Senator Tartaglione. YOUTH, November 16, 2016. The PRESIDENT. Senator Corman requests legislative leaves for Senator Ward, Senator Yaw, and Senator Killion. Senator McILHINNEY presented to the Chair SB 1408, enti- Senator Costa requests legislative leaves for Senator Leach, tled: Senator Kitchen, and Senator Tartaglione. An Act amending Title 9 (Burial Grounds) of the Pennsylvania Without objection, the leaves will be granted. Consolidated Statutes, providing for notice of burial benefits; and im- posing a penalty. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Which was committed to the Committee on CONSUMER Senator CORMAN asked and obtained leaves of absence for PROTECTION AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE, Novem- Senator GREENLEAF and Senator SMUCKER, for today's Ses- ber 16, 2016. sion, for personal reasons. 2016 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE 1087 JOURNALS APPROVED The Chair hears no objection. The Chair will now accept nominations for the office of in- The PRESIDENT. The Journals of the Sessions of October terim President pro tempore and recognizes the gentleman from 17, 2016; October 18, 2016; October 19, 2016; October 24, Centre, Senator Corman. 2016; October 25, 2016; October 26, 2016; and November 9, Senator CORMAN. Mr. President, it is my honor to place into 2016, are now in print. nomination for the position of interim President pro tempore the The Clerk proceeded to read the Journals of the Sessions of Honorable Joseph B. Scarnati. The President pro tempore posi- October 17, 2016; October 18, 2016; October 19, 2016; October tion is not the President of the Majority party or the Minority 24, 2016; October 25, 2016; October 26, 2016; and November 9, party, it is the President of the Senate, and it is elected by the 2016. entire body. It is important for the President pro tempore to make Senator CORMAN. Mr. President, I move that further reading sure that all 50 Members have access to equal resources to be of the Journals be dispensed with and that the Journals be ap- able do their job, have access to equal opportunity to perform proved.
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