The Occult Digest February 1926 THIS LIBRARY OF 1000 SHOWS EVERYBODY CAN DEVELOP “ PSYCHIC POWER’ Parti*! Contents ASTtOLOOT—Charmeur AellA—FlnM- Read the Contents IS* reta C«i 11 articles)—Physical Bt*d> ■ M-nTsou Al Sense (aa ettvrattons)—SteB —AMw of JetreH tty of Cyclic Cte*dy»s»!__ AoS»U — Mhnl Gees — ilh fi Blihatlii — Tee 1AM ui Cassie Cete Correte»—CycHcity MIN to tto IMMlel TV Ho Mieuy lese inf) *i mho—I fiteiteilil rite Ite»» of UO—The Ot> MR losttoet h Sta al ¡Secret of H3ntr hets of Kes<- ero AMs—mele Sten! of MeerOforete Pooors a •\ W riters 9/ f mHishad articles art cloxt responsible for opinions stated herein V ol. 2 No. 2 *OSS Ï . HEX i f m p a i Elites JACOB BONCCREN. T h e O c c u l t D i g e s t Cwfn1tfi'«| Editor KENNETH Si. ELU S A Magnsiar jtr Everjbtdy V ) EFFA DANELSON, Editor f t r Occuh Digest Stands for “ONE LAW—ONE LIFE—ONE TRUTH — Eternal Progress Thromgk Saccessioe Embodiments’ CL C O N T E N T S for February 1926 FEATURES TRUTH Effa Danelson An Editorial EFFA DANELSON’S LIVING EDITORIALS The Editor Signs of the Everchanging Present ARE YOU THE SILICON TYPE? Emily H. Rocine Don Quixotes and Micazcbers of Humanity_ T HE HYPNOTIC POWER OF MOTION Dr. C. Wm. Chamberlain How Activity Lures and Fascinates Psychologically A SPIRIT WARNING OF THE EARTHQUAKE IN TOKIO Mora L. Ackerman A Psychic Experience THE CABINET OF CALIGARI Leynord R Gray An Occult View of the Movies HYPNOTISM AND THE LAW C. H McDermott A s Recoanized by the Courts PSYCHOANALYTIC CHILD TRAINING Daniel H Bonos The Power of Affection THE STARS OF JANUARY “ Libra” Astronomy Easy for Everybody MR BRADLEY TRAVELS TOWARDS THE STARS” K . M E. Some Holes on Psychic Phenomena GHOSTS WE HAVE SEEN A Symposium True Experiences of World-Famous People ARTICLES THE DEEPER ISSUES OF OCCULTISM D im F o r k SECRETS OF PALMISTRY THE EXPANSION OF ETERNITY THE ONE PATH ECTOPLASM DEMONSTRATED WHAT YOUR NAME REVEALS BALARISTA OR SHORT LIFE MY STARS AND WHAT THEY TELL ME DEPARTMENTS ASTROLOGICAL DAILY GUIDE BOOK REVIEWS LISTENING IN ON W-O-R-I^D NEWS OF PSYCHIC ACTIVITIES DREAMS CURRENT EVENTS YOUR PERSONAL PROBLEMS BORDERLANDS OF SCIENCE ASTROLOGY WHAT THE OCCULT DIGEST WANTS ASTROLOGY-CONTEST T O K N O W NUMEROLOGY REVELATIONS OF ARCHAEOLOGY PALMISTRY A i f i M K h W r j Til Occur D ic b s t C a a n i T m J M N m u k O n Ss-re, Onemga, Sim m . U. £ . A. I aesw rnw in le iiwi m v mnear-n. U rn THE OCCVE.T w m i ■ a , O a n j r i l I38S. W TV Qtnàk Oftnac C n p « v Si ChM S m sd te c SrciânV n nn*- Plraiiric»ciMj^gated npirieaic«»rM i^w=r c t e t e o f c m O n j c K n c w e O e la d te a s d t e M v c i i fete tea — a rf P t jg t m mi i giiug. M a e I m sanriKBrciai t J N i l d i U b M * . r . m e s m rm anr BF 1001 .029 1929 4 The Occult Digest February MM ¿09 V The Occult Digest February 1926 5 I------------------------------------------ V olume 2 FE B R U A R Y, 1926 N u m b e r 2 T r u t h RUTH— great are thy precepts; greater still, thy works— Thy hidden pearls are eagerly sought by all mankind. In by-ways and highways, T the traveler follows thy light. Thou dost lead him over desert sands, and into dark caverns, through mountain passes, over winding paths to its summit. The people of earth have ever sought thy hiding place. Today, as of old thou art reviled and revered; the wicked curse thee and the humble abide by thy precept. Nature portrays thy loveliness. RUTH— scale of justice, river of absolution, the key to righteousness. Thy followers call out for guid an ce in their hour of greatest trial. It T hath been said thou art Love from which the well of kindness springs. Men have relied on thee in times of distress and despair. Mothers have de­ pended on thee and taught their children to honor and obey thee. RUTH— thou wast once mighter than the sword. Cans't thou not bring back the confidence humanity once reposed in thee? Shall it seek in vain T that fountain from which all souls may be blessed? It is said Truth shall triumph over all wrongs; and that though crushed to earth, it shall rise again. It seemeth a mockery when in the eyes of old and young, Truth is a stranger. Yet, from the deep recesses of their being we hear their cry, what is Truth? ILT thou answer them, “I am that principle in Life that maketh the human soul to know that there is Life beyond the physical death. That Wthou art the jewel of rarest beauty that beguiles life from its wayward­ ness, ever leading on to greater understanding, pointing the way to still greater achievements. W ill not the time come when the children of earth may see. once more that thou art indeed, the light of the world; Knowing thee, no soul may lose its way? EFFA D A N ELS ON ’S Jawing Editorials QHas the Devil Been Loosed? QThe Martyr and the Mob E R EAD in the twentieth chapter of the book | HE martyr, listening to the cries of the angry of Revelations “an angel came down from Heaven with I mob stands unmoved— he is held by the power within a key to the bottomless pit, bringing with him a great him— the power that fired his brain, giving strength to chain; and he laid hold of the dragon, the old serpent muscle and endurance to his body. He is thinking ahead; he sees in every form— a life— trammeled with fear. (presumably the one that tempted Eve) alias the Devil He hears but heeds not the angry revelers he has called and Satan and bound him a thousand years and cast forth. He is living in the world of his creation and him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a nothing can move him— he is a monarch— he knows that seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no through his sacrifice man will be compelled to think and more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled, after reason concerning the law he taught. which he must be loosed a little season.” The martyr gives his all to incite riot— because he Is this the season when he is loosed? Is the “little knows that if he would leave his imprint on the pages season” a few years or centuries? We are left in the of history he must step aside from the beaten path— he must oppose the established creed of his sires—he dark as to when the term of one thousand years began, must be against the mob. but according to the prophecy he certainly has been freed, The mission of the martyr is to proclaim his truth-. paroled or broken jail for present conditions have all The mission of the mob is to burn his message into the the earmarks of what he was to do when he got his hearts of men. freedom. Some indeed see the "Old Serpent” in All progress from time immemorial has been made the League of Nations, as in the seventh verse it reads through a sacrifice of human lives. The attempted pro­ “And when the thousand years have expired,. Satan tection of traditions by the mob element of the human shall be loosed from his prison and shall go out to race has created the thinking mind of today. The deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of martyr and the mob cast the die for independent think­ the earth and gather them together to battle: The num­ ing, making progress certain. ber of whom is as the sands of the sea.” The hope given humanity is that at last, this Devil €^The Independent Thinker is to be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone. The exact time when this revelation was given could prob­ H E independent thinker brings the long proph­ esied'message of progress. Notwithstanding the false ably be ascertained by some o f our explorers, or per­ interpretation of the message of the seer of Galilee, its haps, the astrologer can tell us! That the Devil is keynote was progress. The light of knowledge has loosed, we do not question. The point we are interested come to the people o f the earth through the independent in is, how long is his "probation” to last? thinker. Shall we destroy its brightness by destroying its messenger? Jesus came “not to destroy the law but to fulfill it.” Was he not the independent thinker of his d / i W ill Interest You day? His aggressive message to the world was no T WILL interest you to know that this is the age greater than the message of the independent thinker of today. Religious bondage was no greater then than that has been prophesied by prophet, seer and priest.
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