50 CENTS 112TH YEAR • SATURDAY EDITION DECEMBER 31, 2011 Let’s welcome in 2012 with a safe and happy New Year’s Eve. OOSCEOLASCEOLA NNEWSEWS-G-GAZETTEAZETTE www.aroundosceola.com • www.holaosceola.com Police news Suspect pens West 192 corridor under review This is the first part of a woes. two-part series on the West At an advisory committee apology for 192 Economic Advisory Com- meeting several months ago, mittee’s work to devise a plan Jeff Jones, director of Strategic break-ins to revitalize and redevelop the Initiatives for the county, said West U.S. Highway 192 the West 192 tourist corridor By Fallan Patterson tourist corridor. has been a “budget alternative Staff Writer to lodging and activities in A Kissimmee man, who By Marvin G. Cortner Orange County” and that the allegedly stole $1.50 in Editor corridor has seen flat-lined or quarters after breaking into Osceola County govern- declining revenue and property unlocked vehicles on Christ- values. mas Eve searching for ment and various stakeholder groups along West U.S. High- “The corridor has not aged money to fuel his crack well compared to other parts of cocaine addiction, wrote an way 192 have been meeting over the last few months to the region that also are apology letter to the victims engaged in tourism,” Jones citing a lack of family sup- devise a plan to help this 15- mile tourist corridor recover said. “There has been falling port for his downward spi- occupancy rates while atten- ral. from an economic decline and dance at major attractions is Renault Jose Fernandez- to prosper in the future. going up.” Escapa, 22, The West 192 Economic Jones said the erosion of of 312 Royal Advisory Committee, com- Osceola County’s lodging mar- Palm Drive, prised of tourism, lodging and was arrested retail interests with guidance ket share is the result of “better- Dec. 24 in from county staff, has looked at located” lodging in Orange County and Walt Disney News-Gazette Photo/Andrew Sullivan connection various issues facing the area, The building formerly occupied by Shell World on West U.S. Highway 192 is one of with two vehi- which has flat-lined or declined World’s aggressive efforts “to dozens of vacant structures along this tourist corridor in Osceola County. The busi- cle burglaries over the last 15 years in terms grow its own inventory of mod- and a third of business vitality, with the erate and value-priced rooms.” ness relocated to a smaller building farther west on the highway. A committee of stake- holders along the corridor is now meeting to recommend a redevelopment plan for the attempt in the Fernandez- Great Recession adding to the See W 192, page A-3 1900 block of Escapa area that would make it less dependent on tourism. Kelley Avenue in Kissimmee. He also con- fessed to a vehicle burglary earlier that day. City extends its ban Throughout his interview A test run with police, Fernandez- Escapa apologized for his actions and spoke about his on new pain clinics drug addiction and lack of family. He agreed to an offi- cers suggestion to write a By Brian McBride Kissimmee letter to the victims. Associate Editor In the apology letter, The Kissimmee City Commission which was later placed into agreed Dec. 20 to extend a moratori- community, City Manager Mike evidence, Fernandez-Escapa um on new pain management clinics, Steigerwald said. stated he was regretful for commonly referred to as pill mills, for “We’re also exam- his actions on Christmas an extra six months, so municipal ining additional ordi- Eve, “a day of gathering staff can work on ordinances that nances to put some together with your loved would control the facilities on a per- measures in place ones,” which he stated is manent basis. that would control what he should have been With the current moratorium set to these facilities on a doing rather than burglariz- expire tonight, commissioners voted permanent basis,” ing vehicles. unanimously to extend it six months Steigerwald said. “The cause of my actions until June 30. According to pub- (was) driven by the urge to The commission on May 3 adopt- lished reports, as of Steigerwald smoke crack cocaine, simply ed a temporary moratorium that pro- July, Florida doctors were barred, because my family had split hibited the issuance of any business with a few exceptions, from dispens- and I no longer hear from tax receipt, permit, conditional use ing narcotics and addictive medicines them,” Fernandez-Escapa approval, site plan approval, or any in their offices or clinics. The ban was wrote. “I ask please for you other official action that would permit phased in beginning last October, to forgive me for I realize or allow construction or operation of with a limit on the number of pills a now that chaseing (sic) the any pain clinic, pain management doctor could dispense. urge to smoke is really not clinic or cash-only pharmacy. Now, background checks are worth my freedom.” The extension would allow city required for owners and employees. The investigation began staff more time to analyze measures Violators, whether they are pharma- when officers responded to recently passed by state legislators Kelley Avenue just before 5 and how they will affect the local See Kissimmee, page A-2 p.m. Dec. 24 in reference to a burglary in progress. Upon arrival, officers met with the male victim who stated he St. Cloud had its share heard the car alarm on his Chevrolet pickup truck go off. When he exited his of violent crime in 2011 apartment, he saw a black male, later identified at Fer- By Fallan Patterson nandez-Escapa, inside his Staff Writer St. Cloud vehicle. In what was its deadliest year in It was later discovered the recent memory, St. Cloud saw a “We’re continuing suspect also had been inside spike in violence in 2011 – two unre- to investigate,” Chief the victim’s Jeep. Both vehi- lated murder-suicides, the double of Police Pete cles were parked in front of homicide of two brothers outside a Gauntlett said. the victim’s home and nei- bar and the discovery of a dead Police have not ther was locked, according teenage girl in an abandoned back- released a cause of to the police report. yard. death for the teen, Once Fernandez-Escapa “In the 20 years that I’ve been however, her father, saw the victim, he fled the here, this has been the worst year in Michael Jung, sus- area on foot. Shortly after terms of deaths,” St. Cloud Police pects foul play. Jung fleeing the scene and based Sgt. Kirk Zilke said. “It’s been busy.” “This was an isolated act and on a description by the vic- One of the more high profile there’s no indication it’s any more tims, officers located Fer- News-Gazette Photo/Andrew Sullivan unsolved cases from this year is the than that,” Gauntlett said of the pos- nandez-Escapa approxi- death of Ashley Jung, 16, a habitual sibility the death was random. mately 100 yards from the Kissimmee Utility Authority lineman Jon Latiolais dropped a 2 foot by 2 foot lit cube suspended from a utility truck Wednesday afternoon, in runaway who was found June 23 by Unpreventible, random violence incident. After a brief foot a neighbor behind a 6-foot tall wood- dominated “Soldier City,” founded in preparation for tonight's New Year's Eve celebration on Dakin Street en fence in the backyard of 819 Car- See Police news, page A-3 in downtown Kissimmee. See story on page B-1. olina Ave. She was last seen May 30. See St. Cloud, page A-2 Inside A look back Lifestyles Sports Classifieds ........... C-1 For a look Peter Covino All-county Community ......... B-4 reviews two HBO Legals .................. C-3 at photos football Lifestyles ............. B-1 from some series: “Mildred defense Obituaries ........... B-6 of 2011’s big Pierce” and “Board- selected. Opinion................ A-4 stories, see walk Empire.” Sports................... A-7 Page A-10. Page B-1 Page A-7 Page A2, NEWS-GAZETTE • Online All The Time • www.aroundosceola.com • Saturday, December 31, 2011 St. Cloud Continued from page A-1 1909 and known for being a killings in February. Not known to make trou- sleepy, bedroom community • The police-involved fatal ble in school and with no for Orange County, with a shooting of Elba Luz Cartage- indication from his Kissim- motto of “celebrating small na, 25, on Alabama Avenue; mee neighbors as to a prob- town life.” the woman refused, police lem, Penney surprised those The violence peaked several said, to lower a gun aimed at who knew him by leaving a times including two murder-sui- officers. It was the first police- manifesto filled with “dark cides within two weeks of each involved shooting in the city political overtones” that hint- other this spring; a day of sum- since 1989. ed he wanted suicide by cop, mer violence with the brothers’ • David Alyn Penney, 18, Gauntlett said, adding Pen- murder; an officer-related who Nov. 21 peppered bullets ney “clearly struggled with shooting of an Orlando into the front of a home on where he was in society as a woman; and the rampage of a Alabama Avenue and attacked person.” Kissimmee teen who terrorized two St. Cloud police officers Police initially said Penney a St. Cloud street during the with two AK-47 assault rifles. targeted the Alabama Avenue early morning hours three days More on Penney house because an occupant before Thanksgiving.
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