FALL 1985 VOL. 390 © 1985 Blackhawk Films, One Old Eagle Brewery, Davenport, Iowa 52802 Prices subiect to change BLACKHAWK'S NEWSREEL • As we heod into the foll seoson with its glorious doys of color, football games, crisp oir and great get togethers, we want to remind you that our mail order plont will be closed the day after Thanksgiving, but we' ll be here again on the very next Monday to handle your Christmas wants and needs. We are making this reminder early so you will know about it, AND to RE ­ MIND YOU to begin to get your Christmas Orders in Early so that we can have time to get all of them to you. Any orders TOTALING $50 or more, re­ ceived here in Davenport BY NOVEMBER 10, 1985 will qualify for our Early Order Christmas Discount of $5.00 off the order! Beginning with this catalog we are very happy to begin adding the complete line of motion pictures from Republic Pictures Corpora­ tion. As the months go by we will be odding more titles from their great lib rary of film titles. Republic is one of the oldest studios in the movie business ond the one at which many of the Gene Autry films were produced. You'll love the many great offerings we can now make available to you. As a Special Introductory Offer to this new and exciting catalog you may order ANY Blackhawk or Repulbic movie at the regular price shown and DEDUCT 20% on those titles. This introductory offer will end December 31 , 1985. (Yes, you may use your $5.00 Early Order Christmas Discount on orders totaling $50 or more when ordered before November 10. These special introductory prices do not qualify for the PIIOOOCT,O,, Collector's Plan though.) GIANT rll:)M TIE M)'f'E... BY 11"1 WARNE~ COLOR Starring a."1) PA(S(~II\(, EDNA FERBER · ELIZABETH TAYLOR • ROCK HUDSON • JAMES DEAN · CARROLL BAKER HAPPY VIEWING, Before the Ewings of DALLAS and the Corringtons of DYNASTY come GIANT. Edna Ferber's epic family sago of Texas ranchers and oilmen that become one of the screen's supreme ochievemenl$. Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson and Jomes Deon - in his final role before his tragic death - star in this George Stevens' Award-winning film that truly earns the designation 'as big as all outdoors'. Closed captioned. Reprocessed for Hi-Fi Stereo. Roted G. B11414 - Beta Ted~ Ewing H11414 - VHS ................. ......................................................... $59.95 President (Order any other video movie at regular price on the some order with GIANT and get GIANT for just $48.88! Special introductory offer ends October 31 , 1985.) McGraw-Hill 16mm Potluck The 16mm collector's once--o-year chance to of prints is limited. So this offer may expire at any acquire big value.s for little prices. time. It's still a wonderful way to build a collection. No returns, all sales final. Remember, this All prints in this group of McGraw.Hill Text Films offer expires when we run out of prints. are either brand new or slightly used. All used These prices are less than the prica of a new reel prints have been checked and are in excellent alone! condition. 109-4, 400 ft. Potluck ................. $ 4.00 It's still a wonderful way to explore. Because 109-8, 800 ft. Potluck ................. $ 8.00 you may receive any kind of film (a comedy, 109-12, 1200 ft. Potluck .............. $10.00 drama, western, or something different), it could (All reels of film will be shipped by Parcel Post well spark your interest in some genre you've ONLY. Please add $1.00 per reel offilm ordered never considered before. for shipping. You do not have to add the stondard It's still first come ... first served. The quantity handling char9e to these orders.) 2 Lodge Night School's Out Mike Fright ~ Divot Diggers 1te UtrLE RA5Cltl.Z BOOK XXVI 5.4 min. Black & W hite. SCHOOL'S OUT (1930) " Nostalgic" is o rrite word these days, but it wos meont to BOOK XXIV BOOKXXV describe comedies of .....armth and honest sentiment li ke SCHOOL'S 57 min. Black & White. .40 min. Bla~k & White. OUT The sequel to TEAC HER 'S PET (Book XXIII), it open, with N O SOUN D TRACKS. SILE NT. Organ scored by Gaylord Carter. , Jackie Cooper pining for Miss Crabtree He love, her '° much he circulates o ''ponition" 10 keep th• scenic little schoolhouM open LODGE NIGHT (19231 BARNUM & RINGLING, INC. (1928) in th. summer. Loter, riding to school in Miu Crobtree' s rood,ter, Blockhawk Films clfers a rare reel from the movies' oge of Our Roscols dream up a big circus allrodicn and toke over tho kid's di1cuss morrioge. Farino chimes in "Believe me, I'm never innocence. Hal Roach had experimented producing " kid com. one of th& ballrooms in their opartnwt1t hotel. Some of the going to get married, ond I' m going to bring up my children the edies" earlier in hi scoroer. In 1920 and 1921 he and Robert liveJtock, real ond otherwi.. , get loose in the gue,t rooms, same way". Then during recess, o stronger begins a sking ques· McGowan assembled a remarkable group of youngsters who and !here follows o 3-ring circus of fun and fas! odion. tions. a bout Miu Crabtree Afraid hti'II marry her, and not reoliz. ing he's her brother., they follow hin'I to a stream where he goes became the matrix of the Little Rascals series. None of them SPOOK SPOOFING (1928) hod appeared profossionolly before, and each of rhem pro· swimming, and ,1001 his clothes. We highly recommend this delightful 1928 Lillie Ra,cals Bock in school, while the little kids, (Stym ie, Dorothy, ond jeC1ed a spontaneous, unaffected personolity on screen. Mory CO!Mdy SPOOK SPOOFING. Dire<ted by Robert McGowan, Whoozer) ore out in the hall rifl ing the lunch boxes for condy and Kornman was the daughter of Harold Lloyd's 1,till it beautifully demomlrates his greol ability to elicit the wond•r• pie, the gong is reciting their lesson - with the oid of some trick photographer. Jackie Davis was Lloyd's wife ' s younger onswors Bonedust hen sold them out of a "Minstrel ond Blockfoce brorher. Freckle-faced Mickey Daniels, chubby Joe Cobb, and lul actions and reactions !hot mode the,e child odors unsur­ poued on the screen. Joke Book" A stunned Miu Crabtree asks questions like "Who Allen Clayton (Farino! also wero port of lhe originol lroupe. 11 was the Hunchback of Noire Domo"l, then reocts with d0t.1bJe 1oh1 They stayed together through the late twenties with additional farina, dJmed with hi, nmu01.b o-ju-mbo cchorm, brags to as Joclc:ie stands ond answers confidently " Lon Choneyl" charmers joining rrom 1922 on the gong tho! ii "'ill protect him from witches, ghosts and the Working wit>-i the talented youngsters, Robert McGowan like, but Joe Cobb, evor the trlckotor, decides that th:, is the MIKE FRIGHT (1934) established a special relationshi p that mode their films top perfect opportunity to play the joh of jolces. Along with Buz­ The Ros.cols enter their lnlernotionol Silver String Submarine Bond in on audition on o radio broodcost. The '1otK>n monoger needs ortrodions for twenty years. comedy almost zard, the appropriately named oon of the undertaker, who to interest o sponsor in his program ideas, and to impress the skep­ LODGE NIG HT was o 1923 Pothe Exchange releo,e, the is Qbviously a chip off the old block, he de•,; .., a pion and tical sponsor, he recruits whet he believes to be the finest kiddie lost of the very first little Rascals series. Before racial seJf. directs Toughy IQ pick a fight with farina .,.ho will then use tale nt ovoiloblo. Our kid's mokeshih bond is o lost minute entry, consciousness., before organized rights movements, bofore his charm to got even. This is, of course, eMctly what hap­ 0 0 laughter become sensitive, Hal Roach unaHededly teamed pens and as Taughypretends lo die, the gar,s tiolls Farina be'd ~c;,~~:~u~d~,i~;o~ran~-;;~t:n~n~~~h. !,~~j:~he !h~~bil~~n°~ blocks with whites. In this reel, LODGE NIGHT for the adults benor hurry and bury lh,o,l>ody before the ghost come, bock 1 0 1 starts with a grandiloquent lecture by Professo r C. JeHerson ';;~:/;:::}~od:h:ut:r~~.-d~~~~iri:;~:c:~~':c: :e~~; be1~e!~: to haU11t. The "gho.i" is hauled across town in a little wagon, Culpepper which quickly degenerates into o down-on-the-floor such rogomuHin kids carting such junky-looking homemade in• which eventually lo,es its wheel, ond the "c«pse" must then "'1rumenh could poni~y be a ny good, tMir numb•r is postpon•d, ci~b~i;i;iaii~~ ::'o ~~:s,CILu~~g~cr~?o~: F:;t~i'h c::d~lt~ be placed in a ,ock and "dr"t!g•d" by poor farina to the and instead the studio audie nce is treot.d to a porode of doll.d­ and kids, the evening ends with the capture of two auto graveyard. Meon..+>ile, the others hovo gone on ahead ond up ultro-cutes.y child-octs, such as the ensemble of pinl-Mzed chorines donned o witch, ghost and goblin costume,. When th& two cooing ''Honolulu Baby''. Finally, the sponsor decides he's he-0rd bandits. 1920's touring cars, 1920's furni,hings, and 1920's quite enough, ond heeds for the exit.
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