join the con committee! game bids now being accepted! register now! www.interactiveliterature.org/E/ CONCOM NOTE FROM THE CONCHAIR Con Chair Outreach Team ThanksforcomingtoInterconD!HaveyouhadthismuchfunLARPingbefore?Ifso,we’vedoneourjob.Thisyear,Dstands Tim “Teem” Lasko Alex Bradley for Déjà Vu . Our previous conventions have had so many great LARPs that so many people wanted to play that by far the Anna Bradley biggestcommentwegetis“WhenwillXrunLARPYagain?”I’veaskedthatquestionmyselfmorethanonce.So,thisyear, New England Interactive weaskedGMswho’verunfantasticLARPsatpastconventionstoconsiderbringingthembackagainforanencoreatInterconD. Literature Board Hotel Liaison ButtherearealsoplentyofnewLARPsdebutinghereatInterconD!Andwe’resurethattheywillbereceivedwiththesame Chad Bergeron David Clarkson David Clarkson " enthusiasm. Intercon is not only about playing LARPs but also meeting other LARPers. This convention draws players and Jeff Diewald Cheryl Knoepler " LARPs from around the country and even Europe. There are representatives and information from several different LARP Tim “Teem” Lasko Vendor Liaison Chris Amherst groups,ongoingLARPcampaignsandotherconventionsthatyou’llwanttocheckout.We’rehavingbothaFridaynightand Treasurer SaturdaynightsocialeventthisyeartogiveyouthechancetocatchupwithyourfellowLARPersormeetthemforthefirst Michael McAfee T-Shirt & Artwork Design time.IfthisisyourfirstIntercon,orevenyourfirsttimeLARPing,Ihopeyouhavesomuchfunthatyou’llwanttotellyour Susan Giusto friends and bring them next year. Game Bid Chair & Schedule Anita Szostak I want to thank all of the people who’ve done so much for Intercon D: the GMs who created the many fine LARPs running Jeff Diewald Dance Party DJs here,theConventionCommittee(ConCom)whohavegiventheirtimeandeffortsincethelastconvention,theConSuiteteam for their work in the last few weeks and the on-site staff and volunteers who are keeping things running smoothly and Game Bid Committee Stephanie Olmstead-Dean running other events. Thanks to your efforts, this is going to be a great weekend of fun. (And if you have a some time to Alex Bradley Anna Bradley Terilee Edward-Hewitt " help out, drop by the Operations desk to see if any volunteers are needed.) Chad Bergeron David Clarkson " People Whose Help Was Invaluable Josh “blee” Rachlin " Mark Waks Intercon D is the latest of a long line of all-LARP conventions descended from the original SILicon conventions, run by the Lynn Anslow " James Edward-Hewitt SocietyforInteractiveLiterature(SIL),andtheearlyInterconconventions,runbytheInteractiveLiteratureFoundation(ILF). GM Liaison Gordon Olmstead-Dean " Stephanie Olmstead-Dean This is the fourth convention organized by New England Interactive Literature (NEIL), with help from the Live Action Josh “blee” Rachlin Charley Sumner " Conor Walsh Roleplayers Association (LARPA), and one which we hope will the best Intercon yet. NEIL also exists to help promote LARP in this area and we are always interested in what more we can do. Head of Operations, Muse Master of the Cups Susan Giusto Next year, Intercon E comes to Chelmsford. Dave Clarkson, our next Con Chair, is already planning for the next convention Chad Bergeron andwealwaysneedmorevolunteerstoworkduringtheyearleadinguptotheconventionandideastomakeInterconeven Webmaster better. Come talk to Dave, another staff member or myself to find out about how you can help. Barry Tannenbaum Head of Con Suite Thanks for coming to LARP with us this weekend! I hope you’ll have a great time. Noah Abrahams Webminions Tim “Teem” Lasko Con Suite Cooks and Elves Jeff Diewald Con Chair for Intercon D Christine Brown " Mike Galvin Susan Giusto New England Interactive Literature Susan Giusto Troll " Program Book Design Didi Tuttle " Conor Walsh Anita Szostak 2 3 SATUR DAY 3. 13.04 GAME SCHEDULE Time Slot I II III IV V VI VII 09:00 Lost in the - 10:00 Stacks Multiplied Chelmsford, 10:00 Grimm FRIDAY 3. 12.04 - A Murder Three Loyalties: ExecutiveBoardroom, Return to 11:00 Tales Drawing Room Watership Time Slot I II III IV V VI VII Mystery Nations the Vor Heritage Down 11:00 Hawthorne Merrimack Game Humans vs. The King’s - A &B Salon C 12:00 Monsters: Cow 18:00 Unplanned Opening Ceremonies Salon B - Vacation Day! 19:00 12:00 Apollo ’79 Part One Salon B & C - ExecutiveBoardroom Hawthorne 13:00 Salon A 13:00 and 19:00 GET IN TO - Carlisle HAVE LUNCH IN THE CONSUITE... - 14:00 20:00 COSTUME Wretched 14:00 (one hour 20:00 House Grand - lunch break) - Snaf Heimdall’s Road to Hive of 15:00 21:00 on the Hill Barad-Wath Scum and Guignol University Children Impunity Byrne’s Bane The Reality Heritage A & B, Merrimack Villainy Chelmsford 15:00 Tango 21:00 Salon C Concord Hawthorne - Revisited - - Middlesex Salon B, 16:00 Elfwhere Csh’taa METEOR! Chelmsford, 22:00 Drawing Room The Captain’s 16:00 Merrimack Middlesex Heritage A & B Revenge Executive 22:00 - Boardroom, - 17:00 Hawthorne 23:00 Drawing Room 17:00 23:00 - The School for - Note: 18:00 Young Women 00:00 The S.H.A.D.E. Rooms may be Revenge at the Specializing in Drawing Room 18:00 the Arts of 00:00 Asylum subject to change - Broken Nose Bar BUY SOME - Salon B & C at the last minute, 19:00 Merrimack Grace and 01:00 Friday Night Coffeehouse RAFFLE Maidenly EAT DINNER AT THE CONSUITE... check at Ops 19:00 BR EATHE 01:00 Merrimack - TICK ETS Submission - for details 20:00 DEEP 02:00 DR EAM Salon B & C 20:00 (one hour 02:00 OF LARP - - SNO RE 21:00 dinner break) 03:00 21:00 Evermore: GET - Long, Cold, Faerie Tales 22:00 V for Victory Elfwhere OPS NEEDS YOU Night from the READY 22:00 Merrimack Dark Side Merrimack FOR THE Running this convention requires a lot of effort throughout the weekend. If you find yourself with free time, or if you can - Heritage A & B 23:00 Hawthorne DANCE. Divus Ex: helpsetupbeforeyournextgamebegins,pleasestopbytheOpsDesk,atthetopofthemainstairs,nexttoRegistration. Greece 23:00 Many hands make light work! - Middlesex 00:00 00:00 ENJOYING THE CON ? SIGN UP FOR INTERCON E NOW. - Intercon E will be held March 4-6, 2005 in the lovely Chelmsford Radisson (the very same hotel you’re at now) with all 01:00 The S.H.A.D.E. Generation 01:00 The Eclectic Dance Mix Party Salon C theatmosphere,foodandfunyou’reexperiencingthisweekendhereatInterconDandthensome.Whynotsaveyourselfa - Gap 02:00 Merrimack headacheandsignupnowattheRegistrationdesk?InterconEmembershipsarecurrentlyonly$20!Ifyouforgettosignup Heritage A & B this weekend, register online at www.interactiveliterature.org/E /, and keep checking back for games and announcements. 02:00 Note: Rooms may be subject - to change at the last minute, 4 04:00 check at Ops for details SUN DAY 3. 14.04 Time Slot I II III IV V VI VII TABLETOP GAMING 09:00 - HAVE BR EAK FAST... Intercon 10:00 Sunday 10:00 Revenge at the Breakfast - Broken Nose Bar Independence Bar Note: ForarelaxingtimewithfriendswhenyouaretakingabreakbetweenLARPs,InterconDwillhavetabletop 11:00 Merrimack Rooms may be gaming available all weekend in the Con Suite outside of the Hawthorne Foyer. There will be a large col - 11:00 Revenge at the The League of subject to change Broken Nose Bar - City Council of Extraordinary It’s Just a CHECK at the last minute, lection of card and board games that can be signed out. Please feel free to play a game and relax with 12:00 Merrimack OUT OF Hound’s Teeth Breakfast Game check at Ops The King’s YOUR BUY MORE Middlesex Cereals Heritage A & B your friends during down time. Please treat the games well as they are lent to us by members of our Unplanned ROOM RAFFLE for details 12:00 Vacation Merrimack - TICKETS ConCom for your use. 13:00 Part Two DrawingRoom, ExecutiveBoardroom 13:00 Closing Ceremonies and Shameless Plugs - 14:00 Salon A, B & C 14:00 - GO TO THE DEAD DOG... 15:00 CONSUITE FOOD.. THE EATING CHARACTER SHEET You will be playing the part of a Con Attendee, and as is natural for any attendee, you’ll be getting hungry at certain points in time. Whether or notyouwishtoplaythispartasanomnivoreisentirelyuptoyou.Your plot mostly centers around delicious meals that are prepared for you by other attendees of the con, which you should partake in at appointed times,accordingtoyourattachedbluesheets,andatanyothertimes,as you see fit. You should “be yourself” while eating, unless an additional character sheet says otherwise. The main action in this game should be confinedtotheuppermezzaninediningarea,soasnotto“dribbleonthe mundanes.” There is no combat in this game. 6 HOTEL LAYOUT 9 Parkhurst Middlesex Room Room AB Ballroom Salon Salon Salon Heritage Room A B C AB Ballroom Foyer C a r R lis C o le h o e m lm R s o f E o o B x m rd o e a c Service Merrimack D rd . ra rm Area Room Hawthorne R w . o in o g m Room C o n R c Foyer o o o rd m ConSuite & Table Top Gaming Pool Area Pool 8 VENDORS GAME DESCRIPTIONS Centered Holistic Bodywork A Murder Mystery Apollo '79 Mar-Vista Enterprises LLC http://www.livecentered.com/ Mark Dobson by Don Ross, Mike Romatelli, Lee Rosenberg http://www.trollbait.com/ [email protected] “AMurderMystery”isagamefor10-20playerswhotake On July 11, 1979, the SKYLAB space station fell to earth, [email protected] Julie Copp, M.Ed., LMT therolesofclichédmurdermysterycharactersinvolvedin after spending over five years in orbit as an abandoned derelict, just another piece of flotsam in space. Cathy Preble 41 North Road Suite 204 a cliché-filled murder mystery. The game is tongue-in- Sellinggamesofalltypes,gamingaccessories,LARPacces - Bedford, MA 01730 cheek, and rules-lite, emphasizing fun role-playing and It didn’t have to. sories
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