University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 1-16-1935 Sandspur, Vol. 41 (1934-1935) No. 14, January 16, 1935 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 41 (1934-1935) No. 14, January 16, 1935" (1935). The Rollins Sandspur. 416. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/416 s DRIVE 1 ESTABLISHED 40 H CAREFULLY Eoians andspur YEARS AGO Weekly Student Newspaper of Rollins College /^ ^^ VOLUME XLI (Member the United Press) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WE DNESDAY, JANUARY'A (Complete Campus Coverage) NUMBERJ*^ Mary Kennedy Prefers Library Receives CHUflCH HEADS Stephen Foster J. I, Writing to Acting Collection 10 IE! By MAXEDA HESS word, find a cold welcome. When Rollins College library has re­ 10 SPEAK IN "I'm the one that would like to I find myself sheltering some cently received from Mr. Joseph ask the questions," Miss Mary small superstition, I break away Kirby Lilly of Foster Hall, Indi­ ][D[ Kennedy whimsically told the Rol­ from it. It is bad for one's charac­ anapolis, a gift set of Foster Hall lins interviewer Monday morning ter. Stars of today value ensem­ reproductions of the Songs, Com­ ORANGLCIIY on the sunny terrace of Miss Annie ble playing very highly. And, of positions and Arrangements by Will Speak on Christian Russell's home. Graciously, how­ course you know, all playwriting is Stephen Collins Foster. The re­ Address Feature of I And Jewish ever, she consented to share s a collaboration with many artists." productions of two hundred songs Opening of Semi-centennial Relationships of her theatrical experience a^ Since early childhood, the theat­ and compositions are alphabeti­ Program January 29 author-actress. re has been Mary Kennedy's par­ cally arranged in slip cases con­ ''* Father T, Lawrence Riggs, liab­ "Living is more important than ticular ambition. She firmly be­ veniently fitted in a steel cabinet. Dr. Jay T. Stocking, pastor of le l-i Morris S. Lazaron and Reve- art," she observed, "just as writing lieves that if one wanted anything Foster's arrangements of the work the Pilgrim Congregational Church •^ rend Everett R. Clinchy are coir- what you have to say, in the way badly enough and hard enough, of others in a collection called The in St. Louis, Mo., has accepted an ''l ing here for an institute on rela- you have to say it, is more impor­ one would eventually get it. Con­ Social Orchestra is included in this invitation to participate actively "t. tions of Jews and Christian? or tant than writing to sell or writ­ sequently, at the age of fifteen gift. in the semicentennial celebration ^ February 5, 6, and 7. Beginning ing for Broadway. Art is the re­ Miss Kennedy was playing behind Mr. Lilly, the founder of Foster at Rollins College this year. Pres­ h February 5 there will be an open flection of life and is valuable the footlights of the professional Hall, has given these cabinets of ident Hamilton Holt announced. ^ - 'ing presenting the common only in so far as it is an expres­ theatre. reproductions to selected libraries To Dr. Stocking has been accord­ Is of the three faiths. Pi- sion of life." The versatile Miss Kennedy has throughout the United States and Df^. <JAy 77 S"r0CAC/A/0 ed the distinction of making the ^ Catholic, Hebrew. On the "Personally, I prefer writing to not confined herself to any one in- abroad. A thousand sets have principal address at the formal , „>.,. day the men will attend miu cflsi acting, but you speak of writing terprative field of dramatic art, been published. (Rollins College opening of the semicentennial pro­ Ikj classes and speak at an assembly as 'my art'. You mean . my but rather has she enjoyed the library is fortunate in being one gram in Orange City, Fla., on meeting at the Annie Russell work, do you not?" the modest distinction of success as an actress, of the selected libraries.) LOCAL G0IN6 Tuesday, January 29, when Rol­ - Ti.'ntre. Following this, they will Miss Kennedy asked with the true author, and producer both in The story of the founding of lins College will commemorate the with the students at the humility of the great artist. "I America and abroad. Winter Park Foster Hall is told in "Stephen action of the General Congrega­ nns and have tea at various Shattuck to Play Title Role; should never think my efforts of and Rollins College are fortunate Foster, America's Troubadour," by tional Association of Florida in de­ rriity and sorority houses. In Play Cut to Three Acts enough importance to call them indeed to have the combined ar­ John Tasker Howard. This book ciding, at a meeting 50 years ago, ,' the evening there will be a meet- . 'art', because in the end, they tistry of Annie Russell, Mary may be consulted at Rollins Col­ Phi Delt Installation Starting the second production to establish a college in Florida. ing at Dr. Holt's house for all in­ might turn out to be no art at all Kennedy, and the Curtis String lege Library; it shall be held in Jan. 31, Feb. 1 and 2 of its second season, the Student This decision by the delegates of terested students and faculty for and then where would I be?" She Quartet with compositions from the reference collection as a com­ Company, dramatic club of Rol­ thirteen struggling Congregational ' the purpose of a forum discussion. laughed charmingly and shrugged the pen of Sam Barber, the bril­ panion to the Music cabinet. Kappa Phi Sigma fraternity at lins, sent out a call for actors and parishes led directly to the found­ ' It is of interest to note, in this her shoulders. "And as for hav­ liant young twenty-two year old Foster Hall, a small stone build­ Rollins College will be installed went into rehearsal last week ing of Rollins College, during the * connection, the background of the ing regular hours for my writing composer from Philadelphia, to ing on Mr. Lilly's estate in Indi­ as Florida Beta Chapter of Phi "Hamlet," the feature production remaining months of that memor­ '• three men. T. Lawrence Riggs of . I set aside twenty-four hours open the professional series of ar- anapolis kept as a memorial to Delta Theta during a three-day of the year to be presented in able year. the Maryland family ot that name, of every day for my work and con­ tifit entertainment Miss Russell Stephen Collins Foster, contains program here beginning on Thurs­ ie Russell Theatre during ; was graduated from Yale in 1910, sider anything else an interrup­ brings to grace her theatre. a large collection of Foster songs, day, January 3. Although Rollins will not be 50 Founders' Week. years old until November 4, 1935, 1 received an M. A. in English from tion." Quite frankly Miss Kennedy de- letters manuscripts, books, piano At the installation, Kappa Sig­ Tuesday, January 8, from fifty President Holt and his associates i Harvard in 1912 and has been "In the modern thatre, artists ribes her new play, "One Day and organ records. ma will become the 107th chap­ to sixty students turned out in are planning celebrations on each I structor in English in both th realize that they must work to-, of Spring," as a fantasy and, in Stephen Foster died January ter in the international chain of Recreation Hall for tryouts, when of several significant dates dur­ I Universities. In the War gether," she continued. "Super­ the next breath, adds that it is an 13, 1864. As a tribute to his mem­ Phi Delta Theta, founded in 1848 fifteen parts were cast. On Thurs­ ing the current year commemorat­ served in the Medical Corps and stition and temperament, in the experiment. In his compositions, ory and in grateful acknowledg­ at Miami University, Oxford, 0. day actual rehearsals of the play ing important steps which made it I in Intelligence. He was ordained colloquial interpretation of the (Continued on Page 5) ment of the gift from Mr. Lilly, Today chapters are found in 43 started. The casting committee PQssible for Rollins to open its to the Catholic priesthood in 1922, Herman F. Siewart will play a of the 48 states and six of the was composed of Miss Annie Rus. doors for the first time in Novem­ j Father Riggs is Chaplain of the few selections from Foster's mu- nine Canadian Provinces. There sell, dramatic consultant of the ber of 1885. Catholic Club at Yale, is promi at his recital in Knowles Mem­ are some 40,000 members of Phi Student Company, Dr. Earl E. i nent in New Haven church work, orial Chapel Tuesday, January 15, Delta Theta, a membership which Dr. Stocking, it is announced, Fleischman, of the Rollins Dra­ and published in 1927 a transla DEBAIE SEASON CYCLERS SPEAK at 6 p. m. The cabinet of repro­ larger than that of any other will speak on "The Building of a matic Department, directing the I tion of the Abbe' Lugan's "Social ductions in charge of one of the Greek letter college fraternity. College." As Moderator of the production, and Miss Katherine Principles of the Gospel." library assistants will be on exhi­ By joining Phi Delta Theta, Congregational and Christian Ewing, dramatic art assistant.
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