•#* The London ^u&ItQeb bp .autfjontp. From ^TueCDap October i6, to featurtfag October 20, 1753. Dublin, OQober 11. jesty, for continuing his Grace the Duke of To the King's most Excellent Majesty, Dorset in the Government of this Kingdom, from whose Experience of our Loyalty and Zeal The humble Address of the Lords Spiritual for your Majesty's Service, from whose just Re­ and Temporal in Parliament assembled. gard to the Honour of the Crown, and sincerk* Most gracious Sovereign, Wishes for the Prosperity of this Country, we XX7"E your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal may reasonably expect that the Business of this * * Subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Tempo­ Session will be carried on with Candour, Tem­ ral in Parliament assembled, beg Leave to repeat per, and Unanimity. to your Majesty the strongest Assurances of our It is with the justest Confidence we place ours inviolable Attachment to your Sacred Person, Dependance on your Majesty's gracious Favour Royal Family, and Government; and to assure and Protection, for the Support and Encourage­ your Majesty, that our Hearts are full of Grati­ ment of our principal and most essential Branch tude for the many Benefits and Advantages of Trade, the Linen Manufacture, which we enjoy under your just and mild Ad­ ministration ; our Religion protected and cul­ We are most truly sensible of your Majesty's tivated ; our Rights and Privileges preserved Royal Care and Goodness, in recommending to and supported j our Laws duly and justly execu­ us the Application of so much of the Money re­ ted ; our Commerce and Manufactures encou­ maining in the Treasury, as sliall be necessary raged and extended ; and all that is dear to a for the Discharge of the National Debt, or of free, loyal, and dutiful People, made the Object such Part thereof as shall be judged expedient. of your Majesty's Paternal Affection and Re­ We on our Part shall, with the greatest Chear- gard. fulneis, grant the necessary Supplies for maintain­ ing the Dignity of your Majesty's Crown and We beseech your Majesty to accept of our un­ Government 5 and we shall, on all Occasions, feigned Thanks for your gracious Intention of heartily concur in such Measures as shall appear continuing to us your Royal Favour and Protec­ proper for the Security of your Majesty's People, tion, in providing for the Support and Encou­ and for enabling your Majesty to provide against ragement of the Linen Manufacture of this future Dangers. Kingdom, that most valuable and important The true Interest of Ireland we shall ever Branch of our Trade ! make the great Object of our Attention, and es­ We humbly offer to your Majesty our sincere teem a firm and inviolable Attachment to you? Thanks, for the Instance you have been graci­ Majesty's Sacred Person, Royal Family, and Go­ ously pleased to give us of your Attention and vernment, as inseparably connected with it j Regard to the Interest and Welfare of this King- and we beg Leave to assure your Majesty, that -dom, in continuing his Grace the Duke of this always has been, and eves shall be, the unal­ Dorset our Chief Governor, of whose Abilities and Fidelity, your Majesty has had so full Expe­ terable Principle of your Majesty's faithful Com­ rience, in the several important Trusts which mons, as a just Tribute to the best of Princes. have been reposed in him, and which he has dis­ charged with the greatest Honour to himself, and i5ffif'}0-.D-.0-. Advantage to the Publick. The Lord Lieutenant's Answer. We assure your Majesty, that we will carry on 7 Will forthwith transmit this dutiful and loyal the Business of this Session with that Candour, •* Address to be laid before His Majesty. Temper, and Unanimity, which will most effec­ To his Grace Lionel Duke of Dorset, Lord tually advance the publick Service, and will af­ Lieutenant General and General Governor of ford, we doubt not, the most acceptable Proof Ireland, of our grateful and affectionate Duty to the best The humble Address of the Lords Spiritual of Princes, - and Temporal in Parliament assembled. Hen, Baker Sterne, Cler. Parliamentor. May it please your Grace, The Lord Lieutenant!* Answer, \\fi> the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in J Will take the first Opportunity to transmit this ** Parliament assembled, humbly present Jo •* dutiful and affeclionafe Address to be laid be­ your Grace our Thanks for your excellent Speech fore His Majesty. ' from the Throne ; and beg Leave to declare, unanimously, our unfeigned Joy upon your To the King's most Excellent Majesty, Grace's Return to the Government of this The humble Address of the Knights, Citizens Kingdom. and Burgesses in Parliament assembled. Our Experience of that Candour, which adds Most gracious Sovereign, Lustre to the many eminent Virtues inherent in your Grace, will not suffer us to doubt, that Xl7"E your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal j we have been, 'and {hall be, upon all Occasi­ Subjects, the Commons of Ireland in Par­ ons, faithfully represented to His Majesty by liament assembled, beg Leave to express our your Grace, as most zealously devoted to His highest Sentiments of Gratitude for the many Sacred Person, Royal Family and Government* signal Instances we have received of your Ma­ ? jesty's Paternal Goodness, humbly assuring your We sliould as ill consult our Interest as our Majesty, that we shall be always ready to give Dignity, did we not resolve fully to answer youf your Majesty the most convincing Proofs of our Grace's just Expectations, by conducting all our Loyalty and affectionate Duty, Proceedings with Candour, Temper, and Unani* We return our humble Thanks to your Ma­ mity. They are the genuine Result of our as-.
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