J Neurosurg 133:603–610, 2020 Neurosurgical Forum LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Ultrasonography of the optic ICP measurement corresponds to the evaluation of a lo- cal parameter indicative of a regional phenomenon and nerve sheath and decompressive that evaluation with the intraventricular catheter would craniectomy be more useful than that with intraparenchymal moni- tors. What was the reason for not using intraventricular ICP monitoring in the authors’ study? On the other hand, TO THE EDITOR: The evaluation of the elevation of the heterogeneity of brain injury should be taken into ac- intracranial pressure is a relevant issue during the man- count, and the authors included heterogeneous intracranial agement of patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). 10 lesions (acute subdural hematoma, acute intracerebral he- We read the interesting article by Wang et al. in which matoma, cerebral contusion/laceration, and diffuse brain the authors share their experience with ultrasonography injury), which can alter the results. to measure the optic nerve sheath diameter, which they Finally, given the potential benefits of the application correlate with intracranial pressure (ICP), and identify of optic nerve ultrasound in patients with TBI and espe- the process as an accurate noninvasive method in patients cially in those undergoing decompressive craniectomy, with decompressive craniotomy (Wang J, Li K, Li H, et al: we suggest conducting studies in specific populations and Ultrasonographic optic nerve sheath diameter correlation multicentric studies to compare results that are relevant with ICP and accuracy as a tool for noninvasive surrogate in the management of these patients. We congratulate the ICP measurement in patients with decompressive crani- authors on their study despite the potential limitations. otomy. J Neurosurg [epub ahead of print July 19, 2019. DOI: 10.3171/2019.4.JNS183297]). Luis Rafael Moscote-Salazar, MD We have some questions that must be clarified to ex- University of Cartagena, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia trapolate and validate their results. First of all, the authors report that the patients underwent decompressive craniec- Andrei F. Joaquim, MD tomy without defining the surgical technique. Why is this State University of Campinas, Campinas-São Paulo, Brazil topic important? It has been established that the size of Amit Agrawal, MD the craniectomy influences ICP values in the postopera- Narayana Medical College Hospital, Andhra Pradesh, India tive period.7 It would be interesting to know the details of the surgical technique as this would add to the validity of the results and thus reduce the bias related to the inclusion References of patients. 1. Frumin E, Schlang J, Wiechmann W, Hata S, Rosen S, Interestingly, several studies have demonstrated the rel- Anderson C, et al: Prospective analysis of single operator evance of evaluating the optic nerve for early detection sonographic optic nerve sheath diameter measurement for of intracranial hypertension.4,6 These studies are not ex- diagnosis of elevated intracranial pressure. West J Emerg trapolated to the general population; cohorts of specific Med 15:217–220, 2014 populations are required. Acting as a confounding factor 2. 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J Clin Monit Comput 25:231–236, 3 2011 stable in the tissue and subdural space, we implanted a 10. Wang J, Li K, Li H, Ji C, Wu Z, Chen H, et al: MicroSensor transducer into the subdural space to moni- Ultrasonographic optic nerve sheath diameter correlation tor ICP in our unit. Heterogeneity of brain injury defi- with ICP and accuracy as a tool for noninvasive surrogate nitely influences the ICP values, but this may not affect ICP measurement in patients with decompressive the correlation between ICP and ONSD. craniotomy. J Neurosurg [epub ahead of print July 19, 2019. The aim of this study was to assess the association be- DOI: 10.3171/2019.4.JNS183297] tween ONSD and ICP in TBI patients after a DC opera- tion. There were lots of factors influencing the ICP, such Disclosures 8 The authors report no conflict of interest. as the surgical technique, the size of craniectomy, and the heterogeneity of brain injury. We intend to evaluate Correspondence the impact factors of ICP and ONSD by expanding the Luis Rafael Moscote-Salazar: [email protected]. sample size and optimizing the study design in the future. We thank Drs. Moscote-Salazar, Joaquim, and Agrawal INCLUDE WHEN CITING for pointing out these important issues, and we wish to Published online November 22, 2019; DOI: 10.3171/2019.8.JNS192114. cooperate with them in the future. Response Juxiang Wang, MD We are grateful to Drs. Moscote-Salazar, Joaquim, Xiamen Cardiovascular Hospital, Xiamen University, and Agrawal for their interest and insightful comments Xiamen, Fujian, China regarding our article. Their first question relates to the Bin Chen, PhD surgical technique and the size of the craniotomy, both of Xiamen Port Clinic of Xiamen Customs, Xiamen, Fujian, China which may influence ICP. A larger craniotomy produced 8 a larger decrease in ICP in patients with TBI. 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