(continued) Extension Bulletin No. 63, March 1994 Bruce Seelig, Water Quality Specialist Trade and Common Names of Pesticides and Their Filtration Potential Herbicides ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Filtration Trade Name Common Name Potential ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2,4-D Amine 2,4-D L 2,4-D Amine 4 pound 2,4-D L 2,4-D Ester 2,4-D L 2,4-D LV Ester 2,4-D L 2,4-D LV Ester 6 2,4-D L ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2,4-D LV-4 2,4-D L 2,4-D LV-6 2,4-D L 2,4-DB 2,4-DB L 2,4-DB 1.75 2,4-DB L Aatrex4L Atrazine L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Aatrex Nine-0 Atrazine L Accent Nicosulfuron nd Accord Glyphosate H Agsco 400 2,4-D L Agsco MXL Herbicide E MCPA I ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ally Metsulfuron L Amber Triasulfuron nd Amiben Chloramben L Amine 4 2,4-D Weed Killer 2,4-D L Amitrol-T Amitrole L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Antor Diethatyl I Arena Alachlor I Ascend Bentazon L Assert Imazamethabenz L Assure II Quizalofop-P I ----------------------------------------------------------------- Atrazine Atrazine L Atrazine 4L Atrazine L Atrazine 4L Herbicide Atrazine L Atrazine 90 Atrazine L Atrazine 90 DF Atrazine L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Atrazine 90 WDG Herbicide Atrazine L Avenge Difenzoquat H Balan Benefin H Banvel Dicamba L Banvel SGF Dicamba L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Barrage 2,4-D L Basagran Bentazon L Beacon Primisulfuron nd Betamix Desmedipham + Phenmedipham I Betanex Desmedipham I ----------------------------------------------------------------- Bicep Atrazine + Metolachlor L/I Bladex Cyanazine I Blazer Acifluorfen I Bronate Bromoxynil + MCPA H/I Bronco Alachlor + Glyphosate UH ----------------------------------------------------------------- Brush Rhap Low Volatile 4-D 2,4-D L Buckle Triallate + Trifluralin I Buctril Bromoxynil H Bullet Alachlor + Atrazine I/L Butyrac 175 2,4-DB L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Butyrac 200 2,4-DB L Cannon Alachlor + Trifluralin I Carbyne Barban nd Cheyenne Fenoxaprop + MCPA + H/I/L/nd Thifensulfuron + Tribenuron Chiptox MCPA Sodium MCPA nd ----------------------------------------------------------------- Class 40 A 2,4-D L Class 80 A WSP 2,4-D L Class MCPA MCPA L Class MCPE MCPA I Class Trust Trifluraiin I ----------------------------------------------------------------- Classic Chlorimuron I Cobra Lactofen H Command Clomazone I Commence Trifluralin + Clomazone I Confidence Alachlor I ----------------------------------------------------------------- Cornbelt 2,4-D 2,4-D L Cornbelt Atrazine 4L Atrazine L Cornbelt Atrazine 90 DF Atrazine L Cornbelt Hi-Pen 2,4-D L Cornbelt LV-4 2,4-D L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Cornbelt LV-6 2,4-D L Cornbelt Saddle Alachlor I Cornbelt Trifluralin Trifluralin I Crop Star GB Alachlor I Crossbow Triclopyr + 2,4-D I/L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Curtail Clopyralid + 2,4-D nd/L Curtail M Clopyralid + MCPA nd/I Cycle Metolachlor + Cyanzine I Cyclone Paraquat H Dacamine 4D 2,4-D L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dakota Fenoxaprop + MCPA H/I Depend Bentazon L Diquat Diquat H Diuron Diuron I Diuron 80 WDG Diuron I ----------------------------------------------------------------- DPD Ester Brush Killer 2,4-D L Dual Metolachlor I Envert 171 2,4-D L Eptam EPTC I Eradicane EPTC I ----------------------------------------------------------------- Eradicane Extra EPTC I Evik Ametryn I Express Tribenuron nd Extrazine II Cyanazine + Atrazine I/L Fallow Master Glyphosate + Dicamba H/L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Far-Go Triallate I Farmiand Liquid Atrazine 4L Atrazine L Formula 40 2,4-D L Freedom Alachlor + Trifluralin I Fusilade 2000 Fluazifop-P H ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fusion Fluazifop-P + Fenoxaprop H Galaxy Acifluorfen + Bentazon I/L Glean Chlorsulfuron L Gramoxone Extra Paraquat H Harmony Extra Thifensulfuron + Tribenuron L/nd ----------------------------------------------------------------- Herbicide 273 Endothall L Hi-Dep 2,4-D L Hoelon Diclofop H Honcho Glyphosate H Judge Alachlor I ----------------------------------------------------------------- Jury Glyphosate H Karmex DF Diuron I Kerb Pronamide I Krenite Fosamine I Laddok Bentazon + Atrazine L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Landmaster BW Glyphosate + 2,4-D H/L Lariat Alachlor + Atrazine I/L Lasso Alachlor I Lasso II Alachlor I Leader Bentazon L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Lexone Metribuzin L Linex4 L Linuron I Linex 50 DF Linuron I Lorox Linuron I Low Vol 4 Ester Weed Killer 2,4-D L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Low Vol Ester 4 2,4-D L Low vol Ester 6 2,4-D L Marksman Dicamba + Atrazine L MCP 2 Sodium Herbicide MCPA nd MCP Amine 4 MCPA L ----------------------------------------------------------------- MCPA 4 Ester Herbicide MCPA I MCPAAmine Herbicide MCPA L MCPALV Ester MCPA I Micro Tech Alachlor I Mirage Glyphosate H ----------------------------------------------------------------- Nortron Ethofumesate I Option II Fenoxaprop H Pacer Bentazon L Pardner Alachlor I Pinnacle Thifensulfuron L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pledge Bentazon L Poast Sethoxydim I Princep Simazine I Propanil 4E Propanil I Propanil 60 DF Propanil I ----------------------------------------------------------------- Protocol Glyphosate H Prowl Pendimethalin I Pursuit Imazethapyr L Pyrazon Pyramin I Ramrod Propachlor L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ranger Glyphosate H Rascal Glyphosate H Rattler Glyphosate H Rescue Naptalam + 2,4-D L Rhomene MCPA L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Rhonox MCPA I Rodeo Glyphosate H Ro-Neet Cycloate I Roundup/RT Glyphosate H Ruler Glyphosate H ----------------------------------------------------------------- Salute Trifluralin + Metribuzin I/L Salvo Low Volatile 2,4-D L Weed Killer Savage 2,4-D L Scope Bentazon L SEE 2,4-D LV4 2,4-D L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Select Clethodim nd Sencor Metribuzin L Silhouette Glyphosate H Simazine 4L Simazine I Simazine 80 W Simazine I ----------------------------------------------------------------- Simazine 90 DF Simazine I Simazine 90 WDG Simazine I Solution 2,4-D L Sonalan Enthalfluralin I Sostrum Atrazine Atrazine L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Stall Alachlor I Stall MT Alachlor I Stampede CIV Propanil + MCPA I Starfire Paraquat H Stinger Clopyralid L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sulv 2,4-D L Sutan + Butylate I Sutazine + Butylate + Atrazine I/L Tiller Fenoxaprop + 2,4-D + MCPA H/L/I Tordon Picloram L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Treflan 5 Trifluralin I Treflan 80 DC Trifluralin I Treflan EC Trifluralin I Treflan M.T.E Trifluralin I Treflan TR-10 Trifluralin I ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tri-4 Trifluralin I Trific 60 DF Trifluralin I Trifluralin 10G Trifluralin I Trifluralin 4 AT Trifluralin I Trifluralin 4 EC Trifluralin I ----------------------------------------------------------------- Trilin 10 G Trifluralin I Trilin 4 AT Trifluralin I Turbo Metribuzin + Metolachlor L/I Weed Pro 3# Amine 2,4-D L Weed Pro 4# Low Vol 2,4-D L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Weed Pro 6# Low Vol 2,4-D L Weed ProAtrazine Atrazine L Weed RhapA-4D 2,4-D L Weed Rhap LV-6D 2,4-D L Weedar 64 2,4-D L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Weedar Sodium MCPA MCPA nd Weedestroy MCPA I Weedone 170 2,4-D L Weedone LV4 2,4-D L Weedone LV6 2,4-D L ----------------------------------------------------------------- * L = low I = intermediate H = high nd = no data / = separation of different potentials for products containing multiple pesticides Insecticides ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Filtration Trade Name Common Name Potential ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ambush Permethrin H Asana XL Esfenvalerate I Counter Terbufos I Cygon Dimethoate L Diazinon Diazinon I ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dipel Bacillus thuringiensis nd Di-Syston Disulfoton I Dyfonate Fonofos I Force Tefluthrin nd Furadan Carbofuran L ----------------------------------------------------------------- Guthion Azinphos-methyl I Lannate Methomyl L Lorsban Chlorpyrifos I Malathion Malathion H Methyl parathion Methyl parathion H ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mocap Ethoprop L Monitor Methamidophos L NOLO (TM) Bait Nosema locustae fungus nd Orthene Acephate L Parathion Ethyl parathion H ----------------------------------------------------------------- Penncap M Encapsulated methyl H parathion Phosphamidon Phosphamidon L Pounce Permethrin H Pydrin Fenvalerate I Reldan Chlorpyrifos-methyl I ----------------------------------------------------------------- Scout X-TRA Tralomethrin H Sevin Carbaryl I Supracide Methidathion I Temik Aldicarb L Thimet Phorate I Thiodan Endosulfan H Vydate Oxamyl L -----------------------------------------------------------------
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