CHAPTER 3 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT 3.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter identifies and describes the current condition and trend of elements or resources in the human environment which may be affected by the Proposed Action or Alternatives. Scoping and Issues Identification In accordance with NEPA, this document has been prepared with input from interested agencies, organizations, tribes, and individuals. Details of the scoping and public involvement process are discussed in detail in Section 1.4, Public Involvement, and Chapter 7, Consultation, Coordination and Preparation. In addition to the public scoping, the BLM‘s Interdisciplinary Team and the cooperating agencies were consulted to determine specific resource concerns. The issues and concerns identified during scoping, which were outlined in Table 1-2, have been considered in the preparation of this EIS. The general topic issues include the following: Energy supply to the Fallon area; Increased risk for earthquakes; Visual/aesthetic impacts; Water rights; Water supply; Water quality; Current and future management of Carson Lake and Pasture; Protection of Newlands Project facilities; Geothermal resource drainage; and Effects on operations at NAS Fallon. Setting The Salt Wells Energy Projects Area is located south of Fallon, in Churchill County, Nevada. This area lies between approximately 3,900 and 4,600 feet above mean sea level (amsl) with distinct topographic changes between the flat playas, agricultural areas, and steep terrain of the Bunejug Mountains. Climate is July 2011 Final Environmental Impact Statement 3-1 Salt Wells Energy Projects 3. Affected Environment arid with an average annual precipitation of five to seven inches. Vegetation in the area is typical of lowland and foothill areas of the Great Basin, with sparse vegetation and saline soils. Agricultural uses are prevalent in the western portion of the Project Area. Supplemental Authorities Appendix 1 of BLM‘s NEPA Handbook H-1790-1 (BLM 2008) identifies Supplemental Authorities that are subject to requirements specified by statute or executive order and must be considered in all BLM environmental documents. Table 3-1, Supplemental Authorities, lists the Supplemental Authorities and their status in the Salt Wells Energy Projects Area. In addition, the rationale that was used to determine that a Supplemental Authority present in the Projects Area would not be affected as a result of the implementation of the Proposed Actions or Alternative is included in Table 3-1. Supplemental Authorities that may be affected by the Proposed Actions or Alternative are further described in this EIS. There are no Wilderness, Wilderness Study Areas, Areas of Critical Environmental Concern, or other special designation areas near the Salt Wells Energy Projects Area. The closest Wilderness Study Area is the Job Peak Wilderness Study Area, which is located approximately 18 miles northeast of the Projects Area. The Pah Rah Petroglyph Area of Critical Environmental Concern is the closest Area of Critical Environmental Concern, located approximately 53 miles northwest of the Salt Wells Energy Projects Area. The Black Rock Desert Wilderness is approximately103 miles north of the Projects Area. These areas would not be affected by the Proposed Actions or Alternatives and are not discussed further in this EIS. Resources or Uses Other Than Supplemental Authorities The following resources or uses which are not Supplemental Authorities as defined by BLM Handbook H-1790-1 are present in the Projects Area or were identified during scoping. The potential impact of the Proposed Action and Alternative on these resources has been documented in Table 3-2, Resources or Uses Other Than Supplemental Authorities. Resources or uses that may be affected by the Proposed Actions or Alternative are further described in this EIS. 3.2 LAND USE AUTHORIZATIONS, AIRSPACE, AND ACCESS This section discusses the current land ownership and use, air space requirements, and access within the Survey Area for the Salt Wells Energy Projects Proposed Actions and Alternative. Regional Overview Land Use The Salt Wells Energy Projects are located in Churchill County, Nevada, covering an area just southwest of the City of Fallon to approximately 20 miles 3-2 Final Environmental Impact Statement July 2011 Salt Wells Energy Projects 3. Affected Environment Table 3-1 Supplemental Authorities Present/ Present/ Not Supplemental Authority Not May Be Rationale Present Affected Affected Air Quality X See Section 3.3 Areas of Critical Environmental Concern X Element is not present. Cultural Resources X See Section 3.14 Environmental Justice X See Section 3.26 Farm Lands (Prime or Unique) X See Section 3.6 Element is not present, as Fish Habitat X there are no waterways in the Projects Area Floodplains X See Section 3.8 Invasive, Nonnative Species X See Section 3.10 Migratory Birds X See Section 3.12 Native American Religious Concerns X See Section 3.15 Consulting with the USFWS, the BLM wildlife biologist, and the USFWS website for Nevada Threatened or Endangered Species X determined that there are no federally listed threatened or endangered species within the Projects Area Wastes, Hazardous or Solid X See Section 3.24 Water Quality (Surface/Ground) X See Section 3.7 Wetlands/Riparian Zones X See Section 3.8 Wild and Scenic Rivers X Element is not present. Wilderness X Element is not present. July 2011 Final Environmental Impact Statement 3-3 Salt Wells Energy Projects 3. Affected Environment Table 3-2 Resources or Uses Other Than Supplemental Authorities Not Present/Not Present/May Resource or Use Rationale Present Affected Be Affected Land Use Authorizations, Air X See Section 3.2 Space, and Access Livestock/Grazing X See Section 3.18 Minerals/Geology X See Section 3.4 National Scenic and X See Section 3.20 Historic Trails Noise X See Section 3.21 Paleontology X See Section 3.16 Public Health and See Sections 3.22 Safety and Fire X and 3.23 Management Recreation X See Section 3.19 Social and Economic X See Section 3.25 Values Soils X See Section 3.5 Special Designations and Lands with Element is not X Wilderness present. Characteristics Vegetation X See Section 3.9 Visual Resources X See Section 3.17 No Herd Wild horse and Management Areas X burros are present within the Projects Area Wildlife X See Section 3.11 southeast of Fallon. The three proposals cover an area of approximately 23,764 acres. The primary uses within the area include agriculture, the Newlands Project, recreation, wildlife conservation, naval/air operations, and ROWs for natural gas pipelines, transmission lines, and communication facilities. In addition, the ENEL Geothermal Power Plant overlaps the Project Area. Churchill County encompasses approximately 5,000 square miles, of which approximately 91 percent is publicly owned. As shown on Figure 1-1, the Salt Wells Energy Projects Area consists of private, state, and federally administered lands. The Department of Defense (DOD), USFWS, BLM, Reclamation, and 3-4 Final Environmental Impact Statement July 2011 Salt Wells Energy Projects 3. Affected Environment Bureau of Indian Affairs administer lands within and adjacent to the Salt Wells Energy Projects Area. Land management and ownership percentages are shown in Table 3-3, Land Ownership and Management in Churchill County. Table 3-3 Land Ownership and Management in Churchill County Percentage of Land Owner/Administrator Ownership/Management Bureau of Land Management 71 Bureau of Reclamation 13 Department of Defense 4 US Fish and Wildlife Service .5 State of Nevada and Churchill 1 County Bureau of Indian Affairs (Includes 1.5 Fallon Reservation) Southern Pacific Railroad 8 Private (Includes City of Fallon) 1.5 The Churchill County Master Plan identifies the following zoning within the Salt Wells Energy Projects Area (Churchill County 2005): A-5 Agricultural District – One house per 5-acre parcel with septic and well; No Planned Unit Developments (PUDs). A-10 Agricultural District – One house per 10-acre parcel with septic and well; No PUDs. I Industrial District – One-acre minimum parcel size; no new residential use unless within a PUD or under certain circumstances a special use permit; PUDs allowed. RR-20 Rural Resource District – One house per 20-acre parcel with septic and well; No PUDs. R-1 Single Family Residential – One house per 7,000-square foot parcel; PUDs allowed. As discussed in Section 1.3.2, Relationship to BLM and Non-BLM Policies, Plans, and Programs, the 2005 Churchill County Master Plan directs the County to support development and use of renewable energy sources, such as geothermal (Churchill County 2005). The plan classifies geothermal as one of the four main industry sectors within the County and calls for the County to, ―Retain existing geothermal and mining areas and promote and encourage the expansion of these operations and areas.‖ July 2011 Final Environmental Impact Statement 3-5 Salt Wells Energy Projects 3. Affected Environment The Churchill County Master Plan also outlines five policies related to energy development on federal lands. These policies are outlined in Section 1.3.2. The Churchill County Plan also addresses energy transmission and the development of corridors with consideration for other uses on public lands. The federally administered lands in the vicinity of the Salt Wells Energy Projects Area include Carson Lake and Pasture, Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge, Grimes Point Archaeological Site, the Fallon Indian Reservation, and NAS Fallon. Conservation
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