•to • :'_ ""if. '::d: '' -T / 1 .. a y™—'ff--ir; HAWTHORNE Jl \ . .'.with which ias been merged the Springfield "Sun 'BuhMrtpUon H«tai trrtY OT XT "K • " Publ!ih.<l Ivwr Thurwajby trum»r PuBUhlnf Corp. ' , MHnnr~A<i<Jmir- ^15 Cents Per Copy VOL. 37 NO. 5 " ig cmter 8tr«et, Bprln»ll«l<l, N. J. O7M1 —; Up s-7700 P.O. Boi 89, BprlngHeU. N. J. O70B1 ftPRTMflPTRT.iri N J ' THURSDAYl NOVEMBER A it.OQ YtnlJ 1 Gov. ~4A irjr Springfield Edge i* To Lead Dumont Stamler Tofal Tops In Township Voting; i — Del Veichib Loses Republican Robert G. Planer- •\ •\ * and Robert D. Hardgrove wefe~ ** < tlccied- to-thf-Towiahlp-Com-p mittee ' Tuesday by margins ranglngfrpm.444 votes for Hard- grove to 8§p tor Planer. Mrs. Mar)e(Smllh, Democrat, was elected iax. collector, delect- ing the" Republican incumbent, ymHBwmnrftg?! vdUm to'3,W8; j margin of 105- votes. (All vote" totals given; »re without the sentee vottti.) ' - ""' ~ There W>» * \^^^ votes oa«t,oiH of 8,544i««bter- dt; ''Ii\;' ' ' Planer »n' incumbtnt, led in J the municipal' voting with 3,545 i1 Votes. Hardgrove, a tormer<nuiy-" f»ooivcd a,a att, Donald 11,055, and Henry Grabarz. had ... --Philip Del,-Vecchib'.. •tarmier)';•] mayor rf.Sprinj^divtau'teciOjii^r high man on tlje balfot as he re-- eclved 3,842 :yi?tei In his rifn for - the State Asaembly. lie was de-» fcated in the county totaj, how- ever^aa 196ft^roye<tfti^-b«-* _l Democratic ^ijr thro6(S«>Ut ACrTrl •tote. ' Nelson.. Senate i •tear was a second'' Democrat, besides Mr SmthT'.to carry i 3.893 for S'*«vv^ifi:%^ j&Wmto&k ^i«wNp |ttB*fc:^n«hW Coy 7J?3£g$ffljiiga®^ edi. papty_; preference Tuesday • -• '•••••- •'•"/..'v-yv-tii NO RG their verdicts .lot.' a year Wilbur G.' SHaffef, 22, igo, when'-- Ha*dgroie_lost.-...to. CityJJ was-ilned $i$q6 y Democrat Jay Bloom by 15 votes. for" driving WTtK]noregls- 'The swing districts, which may iration In his-posseksionik q Maglsagis-- .well "have decided the..: local trate 'Max Sherman presided_tn Springfield Municipal' Court,,-;_ old -daug^tCC, ~ CH*rlene, • ex* they "were too exciied'. t they .needed'.,Tpwnshir^.';CibmrMVy'!'l*^.' HSprimgfield ^Democrafe claimed—as she' stood beside-heri . Republicans l^y Vyy '^' nor dld/.'th'e.v n^ea ,added' tec•men^<of^'this^'o)CI»rience^^^^d^';•v•yl' werenlt •, even ' commlseaatlng. mother and beamed. "And I'm,' w This was-the)overwhelming-im- • They »at around their election proud. • I've- been waiting for preBsloh gained *?otn a visHfta; gin; of. more., than iWAiyotes • pro- ' JDisnnRsintf Brauri'ls"R rn lines•' ".'defeat,.,'defeat, .i'':^..' ' ^headquarters in Morrisawe.Bfe nSfTi long time," she said-. iSpringfteld^StepUbllcan ,. head- vided • lts-;own stimulation. •." . We're going USso-Horne now! quarters\.'elecSon: rjigtit,, as the "The -,two Dcmbci'aUb candl- understood hls: alleged • firing;'.of •" 'ter the results were in Tuesday : night and talked about the. fcbt- and.'. call my other daughter,! winninii g candidatesdi'dt , Kop . datea, Donald jaant,fei>and Henry, TKarle",: Smitht""deputyvjtax^coil;.'. •'/;' Planer',and RobertD;.Hardgrovc, GrabaK had ,paid • a corigratu- 'lector who will 'how. takei;oiyje^^*2;, -feirGIlttrf ^ ; "" Jacquellher~whbTls ' a. freshman! ( and their enthusiastic: campaign Jatpry visit ead-yrln thevevohing., the he id :postfT'i 'lV(rs.TSrrilth'iw6n ':'•'''' Of coiurse,' there ? University in 1 1 1 ! Workers began to savor the taste Hepublicans ...even. Wd; ,a- k,lnd on-a-sympathy,vote .! ';; tory of Mrs,. MBrie Smith, Who Pittsburgh," MrsrSmlth said. [ v 'vafi'b of victory; _jyorjyorda •.lo.forr 'thfem,uiem,: "pnbrTw thatuicii-^tuy;thou. Philip/ Del vVoc'chio,' formpr ,i:', I .won' the ...tax "collector's -post, To dome .t«nslorl arid 'the «6*petltion Tiad Asked if there Wlinje"ch,angcs -jt-HSA towns. The dne note of. sadness Was mayor' and- pafty "chairman \vhd .-"I - and-thelr faces lit up^ wherrthey mt provjded by • the' slngl.e .defeat subsided, i retired, from the Township Of....,,,_., .. talked about that; :J»Ut_the .de^. In the tax collector's offlce'when CPRINOF1ELO 1 i RUfferod'.by the murifclbal GOP mittc.6 to'run' for the •$,tato''4* i,;;: • I *~ieats of~-TpWnshlp Committee she takes over- in January, sha ^BHUNPIKC TUX oj'ganization. Tax Collector Fred ib|llcan cam- sembly,' presented !a. pictur'e.-:»t'l^ gaM— thete .-.will be "manyr candidates Henry Grebarz and Min.twyM.1 Braurr-lottTheadquarters, as. soon paign chaiiman, aulnmed up^thc Blightly mlxed-emotlons;! He -"'"'"-'' ^ Djimald Mantel they took wlth; haneos in office procedure." ' ieelings of • theTJOO men,' women beaming over the succoss o AsJjcllcatnjedlpi^hlS^djefeaOjy: ; the-qUlet" comment," "The voters Ntno-year-old David J Mantel MM, Mario Smith,, and^many of and teen-agers When ha said, local IComrrilttne candidates,>:,bift i T mi3e a" mistake," - —•_ •Qi'eiparty''"faithful! expressed_sor=. "Our'- candWates' won because still concerned over his:'fate^n'"'?.L.a - CJ^IU^—An*>uiy\ . and asked,- "Why did -y rthey.ranion a:positive:program".] .we_rj(^t:.of'.:thi!^.ieouWyr|.^lu.r^ji::'si*j:| r. a nd -a• ro»m"Bpf-Bf • the tax Daddjt2ILBut \he and' frrt^'ftk! •ggtfcctor's .office for six years,; -wei'e_'Botii siiiillS" ^Bl^.:^ f—unfavowblfe r rifSprlrigfia JbtlbWSt DavidI Liett with th^!H6 to of-hei-SWjir-Fred-JjrJicaun,- who. get * »n Ico*'criartt coney- apal-jUiBH'man this.WSSi Tirt-rui n •nffal defeat* monthly,.iianer collection drive Jhat, we gpt.jf on Sunday morriinr, aoeofd r,'_biit 's'Ull. .. , M : l'm MT excited,!' hcrT»=year ''A'ffKr^i'iWgtng 4RM doorbpll^: =^=3- JvWri-'iwas nqrin'c,ltaled-."-T Clifford'Caae':beeri lie'nked residents r::~T~"Vote^of-GontWe»e«V ' .. • i'rn-.tlred," he said—. ;-"- "TJ»J18r1)»6k book'v for ngspitaii-. "PJarrDii whpn'he rocoyerpd-=hU~" Grabarji. said he was tlre47 irrtrouble, Indications ,were, .the VOTING DISTRICTS — Thb map of SitrlnglMd votln* dls- mood might have beeji dUfercht. lied veterans, alonsr wllh their bratbreath nnftc v kissing and belrif too, and that-he would not run ' trlote U pre«ented to help reader* follow the dlairl«t-by- Both ; Planer -and' Hardgrovo ' bundle! of old newspapers and kissed by an' lmpl'esslve Optimists To^Honor again. He lost by 466 votes. dlatrlit election tally printed' on this page. were holding glasses from which cardboard., , " section of feminine well-wlsher< Mantellost %.444.: stated, "I appreciate the vote of Irwlh Weihb.org, Democratic confidence which the people of. chairman, amd Mrs. Ruth H11-. 011 P«|e 4> ., • Youth Of Township lard, county committecWoman, Distriet Tally Of Loeat REPUBLICANS • Plan* for local' observance of Mayor William F. Koonz, .have attributed the Republican • vic- Youth Appreciation week, Mon- been announced by David Zurav, tories to what, they tormed the District 1 ""--?.-,. 3 4 S fi 7 • 8 9 ,tO 11 12 13 Total WHO LOST FUED? day to Nov. H, a» proclaimed by president of .JheOptlmUt Club of (ConWnuod on Page' 4) TOWNSHIP'COMMITTEE) Sprlngfleltf. " ]• ' ' ' ' DEMOOBATf 1 'The program'is sponsored an* PLANER .255 234 asT^S? -^: 452 202 U72 250 250' 2fi5.288 25$ 3,545 HE'S ALL ALONE '• nually. by 2,300 U. S. nnd Can- INSIDE A DISHPAN. Best Art Entries adian' Optimist Clubs to give •INSIDE YOUR HARDGHOVE ....'... ;<•... 249 \ ' 274 328 284 43^183^1S5 249 245 257 270, 250 3.399.: "decent youths the public recog- (Republicnn) ~-^ Has anybody,!Hero lost.Frod? nition thoy' deserve for their SPRINGF-I ELD-LEADER MANTEIJ—7T.rT^^rr.i, 151- 170 130 153-114 222 253 29«""" " 204^342 399 309 212 2,955 If anyone hns, Fred.is waiting worthwhile deeds." i -pnti-crrtry—irrtr-dlshpan-opyp n the See Vast" (Democrat) _ ' . ' . ' "~-^-^ M d Outstanding members of each Ask Amy 18 back, porch of Mr. and Mrs. The prize-winning works of .„ 2,933 boys' organization In Springfield Crossword GRABARZ ................ 157 181' 138 159 127 223 2S6' 294 198 34B 35(r-294 210 Sldnoy Miller, 114 Jefferson »rt »«lectod at the Oct. 10 nrt will receive trophies at the tor, JPred, JUst in case niiyon* •how.of the SpilnRricltl Asnooln- Death Notice* 27 (Democrat) . .' • • ' . "~ ,'l'ownshtp' Committee^ rrtocting Entertainment New* i..... 24 TAXCOIXECTOR , might' not kfcow, is a turtle, ' tlon.of Creative ArW ifreriow'on Wednesday' at 8:30 p.m. at Tnwn 280 204 307 231 340 394 314 194 3,271 display In the front, window of Family Life Today ' MRS. SMHTH .............: 195 207 194 180 171 described by Mrs;.. Miller as 1 Hall. Zurav urged all residents by Phyllis Greer ....... 1R speckled nnrt nbcWsix Inches - the J. J.-Newborry-Oompnny In to attend. .....'. (Democrat) : J the General (Urcone Shopping Feminine took . BRAtJN .....209 1118 217 312 ,242' 388 195 149 225 ' 247 240 268 2?fi H,m •ion«. • '...•••, • Chnlrmnn for the Youth Week by Trudlita Howard ..... 21 She kno\vs~ho must be Frod.i •' Center. The entire collection will obscrvniices'ls James M. Cawley, (Republicun)' ' • ' : b* transferred to the Creatmont Gaudlneer Menu 4 boeuuse' his name la painted who Is Springfield township at- Leader Profile GOVERNOR '. ' • , ' . '.,•'•• across his shell. Mrs.. Miller Savings and Lonn Assdclntlon torney, lieutenant governor of Robert M. Black Jr 4 (Mortis ave branch) tomorrow. the Ni J. Optimist Clubs and a HUGHES ,..'.... 182 215 1B4 150 152 265 2G* 354- 203 372 428 338 270 3,347 reports, that sho was washing Real Estate News 2S dishes the other day, looked , Th« outdoor art* exhibition was. member ofthc board of govern? RelUlou) New* ....,,....,' 28 '' ' DUMONTT" ?;.:..: 207 176 247 327 255. 378 174 102 240 192 195 212 188 2/.89S : • out." arid, saw Fred mfirchlng Interrupted by a sudden down- ors of Seton Hall University.' Soelal New*' ;..
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