Mycosphere Longicollum biappendiculatum gen. et sp. nov., a new freshwater ascomycete from the Neotropics Zelski SE1*, Raja HA1, Miller AN2, Barbosa FR3, Gusmão LFP3 and Shearer CA1 1Department of Plant Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Room 265 Morrill Hall, 505 South Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801 2Illinois Natural History Survey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL 61820 3Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, Laboratório de Micologia, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Feira de Santana, BA, Brazil Zelski SE, Raja HA, Miller AN, Barbosa FR, Gusmão LFP, Shearer CA. 2011 – Longicollum biappendiculatum gen. et sp. nov., a new freshwater ascomycete from the Neotropics. Mycosphere 2(5), 539–545. Longicollum biappendiculatum gen. et sp. nov. is described from submerged woody debris from a river in Peru. Additional material on submerged wood from Brazil, Costa Rica, Florida and Peru was also examined. The fungus is morphologically similar to members of the family Annulatascaceae. Traits which are shared include dark ascomata with a cylindrical neck, a hamathecium of long septate tapering paraphyses, unitunicate asci with a relatively large non- amyloid ascus apical ring, and hyaline ascospores. The lack of morphometric overlap with existing genera in the Annulatascaceae prompted the erection of a new genus. The new fungus is described, illustrated and compared to morphologically similar taxa. Key words – Annulatascaceae – aquatic – fungi – saprobe – Sordariomycetes – submerged wood Article Information Received 14 September 2011 Accepted 19 September 2011 Published online 13 October 2011 *Corresponding author: Steven E. Zelski – e-mail – [email protected] Introduction mata with a long hyaline periphysate neck, Freshwater ascomycetes play an impor- pedicellate asci, a relatively large, non-amyloid tant role in the decomposition of submerged bipartite ascus apical ring, long septate tapering woody debris occurring in aquatic habitats paraphyses, and hyaline ascospores further re- (Shearer 1992, Gessner & Chauvet 1994, fines the classification to the family Annulata- Wong et al. 1998a, Gessner & Van Ryckegem scaceae. This combination of morphological 2002). In our recent investigations of filamen- characters also places this novel fungus close tous fungi in tropical streams in Peru and Costa to the genus Annulatascus. Rica we encountered a previously undescribed The goals of this study, therefore, were to freshwater ascomycete with characteristics that (1) analyze the morphology of the undescribed place it in the class Sordariomycetes. Simulta- fungus in comparison to species in the Annu- neously, a morphologically similar fungus was latascaceae, and (2) describe and illustrate this also collected by colleagues in a stream in the new fungus. Brazilian semi-arid region. Members of the class Sordariomycetes typically possess peri- Methods thecial ascomata, unitunicate asci, paraphyses, Submerged woody debris was collected and a saprobic habit (Eriksson & Winka 1997, at random from various freshwater habitats Kirk et al. 2008). The presence of dark asco- along an altitudinal gradient in Peru according 539 to the procedures outlined by Shearer et al. Etymology – longi = Latin for long, and (2004). Samples were placed in double seal collum = Latin for neck, referring to the long plastic bags (Presto Products Company) lined neck. with moist paper towels and then shipped to Ascomata dispersa, immersa, ostiolata; our laboratory at the University of Illinois. In venteribus subglobosis, membranaceis, brun- the laboratory, samples were placed in moist neis; collum longum, hyalinum, cylindricum, chambers (sealable plastic boxes lined with periphysatum; asci unitunicati, cylindrici, pedi- moist paper towels) and incubated at room cellati, octospori, cum apparatu apicali bipartis; temperature (~25°C) and 12/12 hr light/dark ascosporae ellipsoidae, aseptatae, hyalinae, conditions (Shearer et al. 2004). Within one multiguttulatae, appendiculatae. week of arrival at the laboratory and periodi- Type species – Longicollum biappendi- cally thereafter for 6–12 months samples were culatum examined for fungal reproductive structures. Ascomata scattered, immersed in the sub- Species isolation was performed according to strate, with long prominent hyaline, erumpent the procedures outlined by Fallah & Shearer necks. Venter membranous, subglobose, light (2001) and Shearer et al. (2004). Protocols for brown. Necks hyaline, long, cylindrical, peri- morphological examination and embedding and physate. Peridium membranous, pseudoparen- sectioning followed those outlined in Fallah & chymatous in surface view, in longitudinal sec- Shearer (2001). Brazilian samples were pro- tion composed of 4–5 cell layers of brown cells cessed according to the procedures outlined in towards the outside, and laterally compressed Barbosa et al. (2008). The holotype and addi- hyaline cells towards the inside. Paraphyses tional specimens were deposited at the Univer- hyaline, septate, broad at the base, slightly sity of Illinois Herbarium (ILL), a paratype was tapering towards the apex. Asci unitunicate, cy- deposited at the herbarium at the Universidad lindrical, persistent, with a large bipartite apical de San Marcos (USM) and the Brazilian spe- ring, tapering towards the base; base bearing a cimens at the Herbario Universidade Estadual narrow tapering pedicel; with 8, overlapping de Feira de Santana (HUEFS). uniseriate ascospores. Ascospores broadly Single spore isolates were grown on ellipsoidal, hyaline, multiguttulate, non-septate; PYG+Ab agar plates [1.25 g peptone, 1.25 g with short, hyaline, bipolar, ephemeral, mucila- yeast extract, 18 g agar (Difco), 5 g D-glucose ginous appendages. (Acros), 0.5 g streptomycin sulfate, 0.5 g peni- Type species – Longicollum biappendi- cillin G (Sigma) and 1000 mL deionized H2O] culatum at ambient temperature with 12/12 hr light/dark conditions. Longicollum biappendiculatum Zelski, F.R. Barbosa, Raja, A.N. Mill & Shearer sp. nov. Results Figs 1–13 Among the many fungi found in our MycoBank 653241 collections was a novel fungus. Examination of Etymology – Latin bi + appendix, re- fresh material revealed a unique combination ferring to the two ephemeral apical appendages of morphological characteristics including: im- of the ascospores. mersed, light brown ascomata with a long, hya- Ascomata dispersa, immersa, 545–585 line, periphysate neck; long, septate, hyaline µm alta, 155–160 µm diam, pallide brunnea, paraphyses tapering at the apex; cylindrical, subglobosa, ostiolata; paries ascomatis duostra- unitunicate asci with a relatively large J- bipar- tus, ca. 15–20 µm latum. Stratum exterior tite apical ring and eight overlapping uniseriate cellulis brunneis, 4–6 cellularum compositum. ascospores; and multiguttulate, non-septate, Stratum interior hyalinum compressum. Col- hyaline ascospores with ephemeral, bipolar lum 315–370 × 74–82 µm, longum, hyalinum, mucilaginous appendages. cylindricum, periphysatum. Hamathecium pa- raphysatum. Paraphyses 140–170 × 5–7 µm, Longicollum Zelski, F.R. Barbosa, Raja, A.N. hyalinae, septatae, attenuatae; Asci 180–226 × Mill & Shearer gen. nov. Figs 1–13 15–17 µm, unitunicati, cylindrici, cum apparatu MycoBank 653241 apicali bipartis, grandis, pedicellati, octospori. 540 Mycosphere Figs 1–5 – Longicollum biappendiculatum from the holotype (ILL 40794). 1 Whole mount of ascoma showing long hyaline neck and light brown venter. 2 Longitudinal section through ascoma. 3 Periphysate neck. 4 Longitudinal section through peridium. 5 Paraphyses. Scale Bars 1–2 = 100 µm, 3–5 = 20 µm. Ascosporae 26–35 × 12–14 µm, ellipsoidae, septate, hyaline, broader at the base, tapering aseptatae, hyalinae, multiguttulatae, appendicu- towards the apex. Asci 180–225 × 15–17 µm, latae. (mean = 205 × 16 µm, n = 30), cylindrical, Ascomata 545–585 × 155–160 µm, scat- with a prominent J–, bipartite apical ring, 2–4 × tered, venter immersed in wood, with a hyaline, 3–5 µm wide, staining blue with aqueous ni- erumpent, central neck; venter 205–220 × 155– grosin, with 8, overlapping uniseriate asco- 160 µm, membranous, subglobose, light spores, tapering towards the base, with a thin, brown. Neck long, 315–370 × 74–82 µm, cy- elongate, tapering pedicel ca. 5 µm long, some- lindrical, hyaline, periphysate. Peridium 15–20 times extending in length in water, separating µm thick, composed of ca. 4–6 layers of pseu- from the hymenial layer, persistent. Ascospores doparenchymatic cells; cells brown towards the 26–35 × 12–14 µm, (mean = 28 × 13 µm, n = outside, subhyaline and laterally compressed 50), broadly ellipsoidal, hyaline, multiguttulate, towards the inside. Paraphyses 140–170 µm non-septate, with short hyaline, bipolar, ephe- long × 5–7 µm wide at the base, simple, meral, mucilaginous appendages, ca. 3–6 × 6–9 541 Figs 6–13 – Longicollum biappendiculatum from the holotype (ILL 40794). 6 Mature and young asci (arrow). 7 Mature ascus showing overlapping uniseriate hyaline ascospores. 8 Mature expanded ascus showing pedicel with tiny extension (inset). 9 Mature ascus apex with apical ring. 10 Bipartite apical ring (arrows). 11–13 Mature ascospores showing bipolar mucilaginous appendages (arrows). Scale Bars 6–13 = 20 µm. µm. Colonies on PYG + Ab agar immersed, Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Biological brown, comprised of hyaline to light brown Station, La Selva stream, 10°25'7"N, septate, branching hyphae. Anamorphic state 84°01'27"W, on submerged woody debris, pH not observed. 5, water temp
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