December 2007 - Vol.4 No. 4 A periodic publication from the ART BASEL Discovering Southern Italian Design FERRARI & DUCATI Champions of Italian Technology INTERVIEW Prof. Camillo Ricordi SEAPORTS Ft. Lauderdale - Olbia Cooperation .4 .6 Business | Affari Business | Affari Art Basel: Discovering Champions of Italian Southern Italian Design Technology .9 Business | Affari INDEX Luxury Cars .14 .18 Events | Eventi Interview | Italian Investments Intervista in the Southeast Prof. Camillo Ricordi .20 Business | Affari .25 Olbia – Ft. Lauderdale Culture | Cultura Seaports Cooperation EUArt .27 Business Lounge .32 Trade Shows and .30 Exhibitions in New Members USA and Italy .1 Board Members Honorary President: Hon. Marco Rocca President: Giampiero Di Persia Executive Vice-President: Marco Ferri, Esq. Vice-President: Francesco Facilla Treasurer: Roberto Degl’Innocenti Secretary: Joseph L. Raia, Esq. Directors: Sara Bragagia Michele Cometto Chandler R. Finley, Esq. Arthur Furia, Esq. Amedeo Guazzini Paolo Romanelli, M.D. Staff: Executive Director: Silvia Cadamuro Business Development Coord.: Nevio Boccanera Marketing Services: Francesca Tanti Trade Officer: Francesca Lodi Junior Trade Officer: Kristen Maag Contributing to this issue of .IT Supervision: Chandler R. Finley and Alessandro Rancati Project Management: Nevio Boccanera Content: Nevio Boccanera A periodic publication from the Italy-America Cham- Krystle Cacci ber of Commerce Southeast www.iacc-miami.com Silvia Cadamuro Francesca Tanti Cover: “Vesuvius” floor lamp from Mundus Vivendi Translations: Giampiero Di Persia Cesare Sassi collection Krystle Cacci Kristen Maag Graphic Design: Vanessa Heinicke Sales Team: IACC staff (contact us at 305.577.9868 or [email protected]) Sustaining Members: ATC International CMC Group, Inc. Floris – Litta Modignani – HSBC Bank USA Napapijri www.atcsystems.com www.cmcconstruction.com Di Pietto www.hsbc.com www.napapijri.com www.floris-litta.com Avila Rodriguez Comobar 2000 Il Sandalo Orso Italian Specialty Food Hernandez Mena & www.comobar2000.com Greater Miami Skin & www.ilsandalo.com www.orsoindustries.com Ferri, LLP Laser Center www.avilarodriguez Daniels Kashtan Downs Imola Tile Overseas Transport Robertson & McGirney GTS 3000, Inc. www.imolatile-usa.com USA Corp. Beghelli USA www.dkdr.com www.gts3000.com www.overseastransportusa.com www.beghelliusa.com Italia Import & Export Center Dkappa I. M., LLC Hogan & Hartson, LLP www.italiainc.com CAME Americas www.dkappaim.com www.hhlaw.com Poltrona Frau Automation, LLC www.frauatlantica.net www.came.it Italian Shoemakers, Inc. D|K Philips Holland & Knight www.italianshoemakers.com www.hklaw.com Studio Legale Pelosi & Partners CIM USA, Inc. www.pelosilawfirm.com www.cim-usa.com Fidicom MDB Consulting & Leasing www.fidicom.eu Holtzman & Equels www.mdb-consulting.com www.heqlaw.com .IT Italian Trade Magazine does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information provided, and is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or misrepresentations. The views and opinions expressed in the articles are strictly those of the authors and may not reflect the opinions of .IT .2 Giampiero Di Persia President Editorial For the third consecutive year the Chamber has obtained Per il terzo anno consecutivo, la Camera ha ottenuto il suo miglior its best economic results ever, allowing us for the first time risultato economico di sempre , consentedoci per la prima volta di to amass a financial reserve that will consent us to improve costituire una riserva finanziaria atta a migliorare i servizi agli as- services and support to our associates and businesses. sociati e prevedere supporti alle imprese. La cosa ci inorgoglisce We are extremely proud but also aware of our heightened e allo stesso ci responsabilizza sul nostro ruolo di referente per responsibility as a representative for a growing number of un sempre maggior numero di aziende ed istituzioni. businesses and institutions. Essenzialmente, il 2007 si chiude con tre indicazioni impor- In essence, 2007 closes with three important developments: tanti: • The Italy-America Chamber of Commerce has achieved a • La Italy-America Chamber of Commerce ha raggiunto level of financial and organizational stability necessary to una stabilita’ finanziaria ed una strutturazione interna solidify its role as an increasingly incisive and “authorita- tali che le permettono di essere sempre piu’ incisiva ed tive” force in promoting commercial ties between Italy and “autorevole” nel promuovere i flussi commerciali tra Italia the Southeast United States. e Sud-Est degli USA. • According to our recent research, the Italian business • La comunita’ d’affari italiana continua a crescere in Florida community continues to grow in Florida and Georgia. ed in Georgia, come evidenziato da una nostra recente The Chamber represents a reliable partner for the Italian ricerca. Tale comunita’ trova nella Camera un partner business community both for its valuable institutional affidabile, che ne esalta il valore nelle sedi istituzionali representation and its role in enriching the community by e ne favorisce l’ arricchimento, con l’ ingresso di nuovi facilitating the arrival of new entrepreneurs in to the local imprenditori nel tessuto economico locale. economic fabric. • La nostra azione promozionale trova un sempre maggiore • Our promotional efforts are increasingly successful both riscontro sia in Italia che in Florida. Lo testimoniano i tanti in Italy and Florida, as evident by the requests we receive attori commerciali che chiedono la nostra assistenza: da from numerous commercial actors, from Fiera Milano, to Fiera Milano al Porto di Olbia, dalla Camera di Commercio the Port of Olbia, to the Vibo Valentia Chamber of Com- di Vibo Valentia a Enterprise Florida. merce, to Enterprise Florida. Mi preme segnalare anche il successo delle nostre inizia- I would also like to highlight the success of our networking tive di networking; dall’ Italian Cooking Show alle serate initiatives, from the Italian Cooking Show to the “Aperitivo” “L’Aperitivo”, che al di la’ del piacere dello stare insieme, evenings. In addition to offering a wonderful opportunity to hanno pubblicizzato efficacemente, tra i consumatori ameri- be together, these events effectively publicized our genuine cani, i nostri prodotti genuini della filiera agro-alimentare. culinary traditions among American consumers. Il 2008 si presenta ricchissimo di iniziative, che prepareremo 2008 will be rich with initiatives, which we will prepare for with con la consueta professionalita’, con uno staff rinnovato e utmost professionalism and a reinvigorated and developed potenziato. staff. Among other things, we are anticipating two important Ci aspettiamo tra le altre , le visite di importanti delegazioni delegation visits from the Apulia and Campania Regions. We dalla Regione Puglia e dalla Regione Campania. also foresee further integration among the Italian Chambers of Commerce in the NAFTA area, with whom we are organiz- Vedremo, inoltre, un’ ulteriore integrazione con le Camere ing a major upcoming conference in Rome. We will also be italiane dell’ Area Nafta, con le quali stiamo studiando una working more closely with the Italian Chambers of Commerce grande conferenza a Roma e anche con quelle dell’ area in the Caribbean--an area of prime interest for Miami--in order caraibica, un’ area di primario interesse per Miami, per fa- to facilitate mutual awareness among our associates and cilitare la mutua conoscenza tra le nostre aziende associate promote new business opportunities. e promuovere nuove occasioni di business. In closing, I wish all of you, dear readers of .it Italian Trade, a Non mi resta che augurarvi, cari lettori di .it Italian Trade, un serene Christmas and a prosperous New Year. sereno Natale e un prospero anno nuovo. .3 BUSINESS ART BASEL Discovering Southern Italian Design Interior Design by Mundus Vivendi has represented one the major contemporary art fairs in the United States, but of the major events that have animated the Miami Design also an international market for interior design. District during the week of Art Basel. Presented by the From December 5 to 9, the beautiful space of Poltrona Productive Activities Division of the Campania Region Frau was converted into a dark container, wisely illumi- and by Fiera Milano, Mundus Vivendi has had its American nated, such that the objects made in Campania were able launch in Miami, after three years of exhibitions at the Milan to shine and thus be admired by the thousands of visitors Triennale. who invaded the streets of the Design District of Miami for Fifteen emerging designers from Naples have created home the entire week. furnishing inspired by the volcano Mt. Vesuvius. The force The exhibition, which counted on the auspices of the Gen- of the Four Elements is reflected in these objects that evoke eral Consulate of Italy, was preceded by a presentation the energy of the volcano itself. event on December 4th for trade and media. At the same time, the exhibition has been a unique promo- Judging by the many articles published by American tional opportunity for the Campania’s businesses that par- magazines, it seems that Campania’s design has debuted ticipated to a trade mission organized by the Italy-America best-in-style in Florida. This event has rendered possible Chamber of Commerce. that producers that suffer greatly from competitive Asian Twelve company brands were able to present their products prices have been able to interface themselves with a market
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