Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU The Utah Statesman Students 12-1914 Student Life, December 1914 Utah State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/newspapers Recommended Citation Utah State University, "Student Life, December 1914" (1914). The Utah Statesman. 1296. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/newspapers/1296 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Students at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Utah Statesman by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~tuhtnt lift ~tab ~gricultural <!College I ii M!lllOlllhte ~lumber !t)e.cember 1914- ' Hiab Sobool II HUii I :StJJOPDte WJSl'.I.J.DV worK anr- e: t s J p, ~1 C 3( n ,e ;c e ,t 10 ta !J:i le 1i· PARTY SLIPPERS Compelte line now in. Be fitted while the Stock is complete. Howel1-Cardon Co. We Give S. & H. Stamps RELIABLECLOTHES CAREFULLY HAND-TAILORED A1''D FAIRLY PRICED . THAT'S WHAT WE DELIVER. NO MATTER WHAT YOU PAY US FOR THEIII, IF THEY'RE Thatcher Clothes YOU KNOW YOU ARE GETTING THE VERY BEST VALUE FOR YOUR IIIONEY;AND YOU SATISFY YOUR JUST DESffiE TO HAVE THE NICEST OBTAINABLE-QUALITY , WORJ{!IIANSHIP AND APPEARANCE. THEY'RE AS GOOD AS THE BEST AND BETTER 1.'HAN ANY $15.00 TO $30.00. Thatcher Clothing Company TIRELESS TOILERS FOR TRADE We Give S. & H. We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. Green Trading Stamps. The Farmers & Merchants Bank f][ Invites Student Accounts f][ Our facilities are good for taking care of your business " / ;, WILLIAM CU~RELL " -- WM. ~DWARDS (The Rexall Trans!er Man) Calls Answered Promptly. FURNITUR~ Phone 51-"The Rexall Store" Phone 456 W-Resldence. "LET US FEATHER YOUR Prices Reasonable. LOGAN, UTAH. NEST." PICTURES- - PICTURES FRA)IED- q~~~~FOR ~-cil ALL KINDS OF NIFTY FURNI- TURE FOR THE CLASS ROOlll, ~""·'f! CHAPPEDHANDScurs,'%, , %VJ FRAT HOUSE OR HOlllE. I ti'•:•c---> ETC . ....-:, .,. ~ c •.,.,,ttd b,- T., ,. m GIVE US A CALL. ~i I • ~rua•-~~--~ 1cdun " 30.1906,~~ Ob ~s.,;,INo.21601.~ 'I 26 SOUTH MAIN, LOGAN ~ bP!ICE 25¢ ~ Landis Shoe Shop tf1~~ Sold by goo<1 dr~sts everywhere C. TROTMAN, Prop. SHOES ELECTRICALLY RE- PAIBED WHILE YOU WAIT. fI OUR STOCK OF FUR- 40 North, 1st West CI N I T UR E, CARPETS, FREE DELIVERY CI STOVES AND RANGES CI ARE ALWAYS COM- Jack anci Jill- Went hunting flowers CI PLETE. They stopped - V\Then they' found ours . Cache Valley Floral Co. LUNDSTROM We deliver. Phone 378 w. Furniture & Carpet 702 North 9th East C 0 M p A N y Who's Your Tailor If you buy your TheCollege Tailor Furniture, Carpets 36 West 1st North And Rugs at Sponge Bath Shower Bath Ladies' and Gent's Shoe Shine ARIMO TONSORIAL PARLOR Spandefurniture Co. J. A. Dowdle, Proprietor A. J. Bench It's sure to be right Ladles' Massage Given Special Attention Special inducements to 176 North Main, Logan, Utah Students. 1,... ,I_ CacheValley Banking Co. LOGAN,UTAH Capital and Surplus $120,000.00 e Solicit Accounts of the Faculty and ) udent Body, and shall be pleased to Gave our share of the College business Special attention Given to the Scientific Fitting of Glasses frank 0. Reynolds, M. D. Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. OFFICE IN ARIMO BLOCK. Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 p, m .. At last we have a Ii'azor good enougn to Guarantee for Life ,Shumate's Tungsten S2 ..75 Sizes ::.:1d cL::.pest c Ct a:0 y :"ace a-:<la d'.'.::,t.,c to a-:y t eard. - · - · • L- Cache Valley Drug· C~.; 79 N. Main, Logan. ATTENTIONSTUDENTS YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING YOUR SCHOOL SUPPLms AND STATIONERY AT WILKINSON'S THEY ALWAYS HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. Across the Street from Post Office. OVERCOATS A bit unusual you may think for us to be talking Overcoats in October, but remember that this is an unusua l store; unusua l in the quality of its merchand ist; unus ual in the greater values it offers. tr Among a score or more excellent coats, here is the Kuppenheime r King George . Correct, dressy, beautifu lly ta ilored fr om the best domestic wooler.s and a selectio n of foreign fab rics you'll scarce be able to dup licate anywhe re at any price . $15 $20 $30 Kuppenheimer Suits New Fall Stgles $18 to $30 HOWELLBROTHERS Logan's Foremost Clothiers Bring Up Your KODAK FILMS To Develop and Print . EXPERT SERVICE PROMPT DELIVERY Cardon Jewelry.n Company The Right Goods At The Right Prices FonnesbeckKnitting Works ARIMO BLOCK, LOGAN ......:;;:- ~ President John A. Wldtsoe. Contents Page The European ,var .................................. ...... ........... 1 Julius B . Bearnson By the ' 'A" ......................................... ........ ......... ...... H. R. Merrill Ed itorial .......... ...................... ................. ....... ......... ... 10 St aff Socia l Position of Heb rew Women ......... ......... ...... .. 11 Leonard Davidson Ath letics in Colleges................. .......... ......... ...... ........ 14 Will iam Yeates Na ianda University ...... ...... .......... .................. ........ .... 16 D. Chenchiah Sobe~ J.1oments .... ......... ........... ... ................ ............... 20 Cover Design .............................. ...... .. Leonard Dav idson Portrait ........ ...................... President John A. Widtsoe State Flo" ·er .............. ............................... ...... .......... 19 \Vlnter Scenes.... ... ......................... .................. 9 1 ~bt ~uroptan111tar JULIUS B. BEARNSOX In reviewing the great Eur­ try was guaranteed by an in­ opean struggle, we look back on ternational congress. Austria's one, Gavrio Prinzip, who on attack upon Servia immediate­ June 28th, assassinated Arch­ ly invoked Russia. Germany duke Franz Ferdinand, heir to was bound by her alliance to the imperial throne of Austria­ come to Austria's aid. But why Hungary, and wonder if this wasn't she bound to respect Servian fanatic should assume the independence and neutral ­ all the blame for Europe's being ity of Belgium? That, we know ravaged by huge armies, full of not. We do know, however, that rack, ruin, widows, weeping wo­ what Germany needs mo&t, ,in men and fatherless children. addition to more territory, is a ~ think not. For when na­ ~eaport on the North Sea. This tions continued to arm, to talk would give her direct access to war and to think war, there the ocean and the rich mineral only remained the question of deposits in eastern Belgium . time until some pretext · for And this iron industry is close­ fighting appear. ly rivaling similar industries in These preparations for war the Rhine valley. have been going on for years . Austria held Servia as a na-­ And now the costly armaments tion responsible for the ass!na -­ that nations have built up with tion of Archduke Franz Ferdi­ the supposed object of protect­ nand and his wife . But why ·aid ing them in their hour of need, Austria send an ultimatum to have been brought into action Belgrade, making demands that for reasons that are indirect the Servians, if they maintain­ rather than obvious. ed their independence, could What has German militarism not admit? Probably this ex­ to do with it? Hugo Schweitzer nlains it. Austria has desired to tells us that German militarism have as much as possible of the is the defense of home and Christian territory of South­ family which has been forced eastern Europe kept nuder the on continental nations because nominal authority of Turkey , they live so close to each other. for two reasons. First, Austria Forced to become prepared for feared Russia's influence with war because of close Christian the new countries of Servia , neighbors. Was this the reason ' Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Ru­ for Germany's violation of Bel­ mania. Second, Austria wished gium's neutrality? Again, we to have as much as possible of think not. For in 1831 the in­ all this territory remain Turk­ dependence of this little coun- ish, in order that she herself 2 STUDENT LIFE. might wait for future oppor­ have saved the peace of Europe tunities to obtain parts or the for generations to come. whole of it for herself. In 1878 England and France have many interests in common and the Berlin Congress turned their mutual understanding had Bosnia and Herzegovina over developed a limited alliance. to Austria for purpose of tem­ The violation of Belgium neu­ porary occupation and manage­ trality was the immediate pre­ ment. Austria's act of 1908 is text that caused England's en­ evidence of her policy concern­ trance into the melee. In con­ ing the territory of Southern Eidering this action on the part Europe. In this year, the pow­ of the British Empire, we must ers that had engaged in the understand that Belgium rs Berlin treaty were informed by very near England and, also, the Austrian Emperor that that England has been jealous Austria had decided, for her of Germany's commercial su­ own reasons, to make Bosnia premacy. and Herzegovina a part of the The Germans seem to have Austro-Hunl("arian empire. The depended on their superb pre­ ereation of an independent parations and judging by the Albania with a German prince energy with which they took the to rule over it, was also due to offensive, the rapid prostration Austria. of France was to be accomplish­ Russia could not allow Aus­ ed before the slow movement tria to gain any more power in of Russia could become effec­ the Balkans. She is also keeping tive. They depended on the full a close eye on Constantinople. assistance of Italy, the neutral­ Not merely because an outlet itv of England, a quick victory to the sea lies there, but be­ of Austria over Servia and the cause fragments of the Slavic total unwillingness of Japan to race are scattered on the way be lined up on the same side from Moscow to the Bosphor­ with Russia.
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