Hope Award East and International finalists AUGUST 22, 2015 Question authority As one big natural history museum holds onto Darwinist dogma, another plants seeds of humility ALSO INSIDE: Ministering to refugees in California MS_Blue Ad_World7.15.indd 1 7/23/15 9:35:28 AM 17 COVER.indd 2 8/3/15 4:31 PM “This is a terrifying, edifying, hopeful, and practical book for all followers of Christ.” –PATRICK LENCIONI, New York Times bestselling author IN PREPARE, author Paul Nyquist, president of the Moody Bible Institute, surveys the decline of Christian values in America, expounds the Bible’s teachings on hostility and persecution, and charts a path forward. It will wake you up to the challenges of the times and help you face the days ahead. 17 COVER.indd 1 8/3/15 4:31 PM 17 CONTENTS.indd 2 8/4/15 1:54 PM AUG2215 / VOLUME 30 / NUMBER 17 COVER STORY A tale of two museums A natural history museum in Washington o ers Darwinism with no room for doubts, but one in New York o ers a dose of refreshing honesty on what science cannot tell us about the past. Could that lead to bigger strides in intellectual honesty later? FEATURES DEPARTMENTS Friends and Joel Belz strangers Christians in Southern DISPATCHES California who help News international refugees Human Race rebuild their lives are Quotables discovering a new Quick Takes mission fi eld Janie B. Cheaney Edifying CHAT CULTURE Hope Award East region winner Movies & TV helps poor students thrive Books Charts for churches Q&A Music In the shadow of ISIS NOTEBOOK Hope Award International Lifestyle winner does its work among Technology the shattered families and Religion displaced children in Science Iraqi Kurdistan Houses of God Where are they now? Mailbag ON THE COVER Andrée Seu Illustration by Krieg Barrie Peterson Marvin Olasky g Visit our website—wng.org—for breaking news and more AUGUST 22, 2015 WORLD 3 17 CONTENTS.indd 3 8/5/15 11:05 AM “The earth is the L’s and the fullness thereof; the world and those who dwell therein.” For your tablet —P : Editor in Chief Marvin Olasky Editor Mindy Belz Managing Editor Timothy Lamer News Editor Jamie Dean Senior Writers Janie B. Cheaney • Susan Olasky Andrée Seu Peterson • John Piper Edward E. Plowman • Cal Thomas • Lynn Vincent Reporters Emily Belz • J.C. 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POSTMASTER: Send address changes to WORLD, PO Box 20002, Asheville, NC 28802-9998. 17 JOEL.indd 4 8/4/15 5:02 PM JOEL BELZ For example—and it’s a massive example whose lesson the U.S. electorate should have but has not yet absorbed—the relationship of abortion and Social Security provides a vivid illustration. Everyone has long known that the great threat to the integrity of Social Security was that there were relatively fewer and fewer wage earners in the overall system and rela­ Too tight to split tively more and more benefit claimers. That SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC POLICIES FORM was true in any case in a pyramid scheme that was apparently flawed from the beginning. But THE SAME PIECE OF CLOTH now, in our life times, those badly constructed assumptions were exacerbated Are you a fiscal or a social conservative? beyond repair by society’s decision R It’s a critical question, at least in the in the 1970s that it would be all minds of some, as folks are sizing up various right regularly to snuff out a third candidates for the presidency, and especially of all its pregnancies. the 17 campaigning under the Republican That may be the biggest example banner. available—but we’re already seeing But whichever you picked, if indeed you it repeatedly mirrored now in chose one or the other, I suggest that you were Obamacare’s habit of bad statistics. wrong. The distinction is superficial at best. At In a society where every tiny statis­ worst, it’s phony and terribly misleading. tical nuance of every cause and For in God’s order of things, everything fiscal effect known to humanity has been is also moral, and every social policy has fiscal studied and restudied, why is there implications. In God’s scheme, everything so little public discussion about the hangs together. You might say that He was the statistical validity of the myriad of original holistic thinker. programs embedded in the overall So, yes, I’d argue loud and long that Hillary For anyone to measure? Why have the media not ballyhooed Clinton, although wrongheaded in her policies how costs are higher and benefits are lower? on most fiscal and social issues, is at least pretend that It works both ways, as we have noted here consistent in holding them together and side by he or she has before. Fiscal policies always have moral and side. And the same should be said about the discovered a social implications. We humans are not just other Democratic candidates—socialist Sen. economic beings, as Marx suggested we are. Bernie Sanders, former Gov. Martin O’Malley, neat way to But we rarely make decisions in life apart from former Sen. Jim Webb, and so forth. Let’s give cordon off the economic influences. So when a combination of them credit for being consistent—even if money issues governments at different levels takes 40 or almost always consistently wrong. even 50 percent of its citizens’ earnings every Meanwhile, Republicans seem to live hap­ from the year, that taxation policy—all by itself—has a pily, if quite naïvely, with a logical disconnect. moral ones profound effect on how much those same citi­ They commonly assume that a candidate is wishful zens have left to give to their churches, to pass should be free to think whatever he wants on to relief agencies, or to invest in education. about abortion or homosexual marriage so thinking. Indeed, it is not too much to say that tax policy long as he or she is appropriately conservative helps determine whether those same citizens on financial and tax issues. Or vice versa. By develop generous or stingy outlooks on life. leaving space on the Republican slate for some­ The close interface between fiscal and moral one as crude and careless as Donald Trump, the thinking has other dimen sions as well. Ethical Grand Old Party suggests that even an explicit issues in spending the wealth of future genera­ profession of atheism is no disqualifier for tions are deep and long­lasting, even apart from public office. what the money may be presently spent for. People who try to peel off the moral layers of So for anyone to pretend that he or she has the onion so they can get down to the “real stuff” discovered a neat way to cordon off the money of fiscal and economic issues will always dis­ issues from the moral ones is wishful thinking.
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