1958 CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD- HOUS_E 1549 aircraft, balloons, and even conventional re­ .11.nd to confer eertain ·authority on the Secre­ JANUARY 31, 1958. search rockets." tary of Defense, and for other purposes. Hon. SAM RAYBURN, The contrast between Friday night's proud Speaker of the House of Representatives# achievement and the preceding rivalries, The messag-e further announced that Washington, D. C. postponements, and alternations of secrecy the Senate insists upon its amendments DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I hereby tender my with expansive publicity, is in itself dra­ to the foregoing bill, requests :J. con­ resignation as a member of the House Com­ matic. Some of our national weaknesses re­ ference with the House -on the disagree­ mittee on the Judiciary. vealed themselves even as we were about to ing votes of the two Houses thereon, and Respectfully yours, make this spectacular demonstration of our appoints Mr. RUSSELL, Mr. STENNIS, Mr. LAURENCE CURTIS. national strength. JACKSON, Mr. SALTONSTALL, and Mr. CASE We hope these minor episodes will not be The SPEAKER. Without objection. repeated. We are now on the threshold of of South Dakota to be the conferees on the resignations will be a-ccepted. mankind's supreme adventure. the part of the Senate. There was no objection. Let us keep our dignity. Let us not make this moment the occasion for a faster, more maddening competition. Let us have har­ BOARD OF VISITORS-UNITED ELECTION TO COMMITTEES mony among ourselves. Let us hope that STATES COAST GUARD ACAD­ Mr. MARTIN. Mr. Speaker, I offer a. when our satellites sweep with t!le Russian EMY satellites through the abysses of space it will resolution (H. Res. 468) and ask for its be the thought of peace and not of war that The SPEAKER. The Chair lays be­ immediate consideration. wm be uppermost and outermost. fore the House the following communi­ The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ cation: lows: JANUARY 30, 1958. Resolved, That the following-named Mem­ ADJOURNMENT Hon. SAM RAYBURN, bers be, and they are hereby, elected mem­ Mr. KUCHEL. Mr. President, pur­ Speaker of the House of Representatives, bers of the following -standing committees suant to the order previously entered, I Washington, D. C. of '!;he House of Representatives: Committee MR. on Armed Servic.es, FRANK J. BECKER, New move that the Senate stand adjourned DEAR SPEAKER: Pursuant to .section 194 of title 14 -of the United States Code, I have York; Committee on Foreign Affairs, LAu­ until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. appointed the following members of the RENCE CURTIS, Massachusetts; Committee on The motion was agreed to; and Cat 6. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fish­ Public Works, HOWARD W. ROBISON, New o'cloclt and 21 minutes p. m.) the Sen­ eries to serve as members of the Board of York. Visitors to the United States Coast Guard ate adjourned, the adjournment being, The resolution was agreed to. under the order previously entered, until Academy for the year 1958: Hon. EDWARD A. tomorrow, Tuesday, February 4, 1958, at GARMATZ, Hon. THOMAS LUDLOW ASHLEY, Hon. WILLIAM S. MAILLIARD. 12 o'clock meridian. As chairman of the Committee on Mer­ , DESIGNATION OF MINORITY II "4• .. II chant Marine and Fisheries, I am author­ EMPLOYEE ized to serve as an ex officio member of the Mr. MARTIN. Mr. Speaker, I offer a. Bo-ard. resolution <H. Res. 469) and ask for its HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sincerely, HERBERT C. BONNER, immediate consideration. MoNDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1958 Chairman. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ lows: The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Resolved, That pusuant to the Legislative The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, BOARD OF VISITORS-UNITED Pay Act of 1929, as amended, Harry L. D. D., offered the following prayer: STATES MERCHANT MARINE Brookshire is hereby designated a minority employee (to fill an existing vacancy) until Psalms 46: 1 : God is our refuge and ACADEMY otherwise ordered by the House, and shan strength, a very present help in trouble. The SPEAKER. The Chair lays be­ receive gross compensation of $15,000 per Most merciful and gracious God, who fore the House the following communi­ annum. art the inspiration of our prayers and cation: The resolution was agreed to. their answer, grant that our minds and JANUARY 30, 1958. hearts may be the sanctuaries of Thy Hon. SAM RAYBURN, light and love. · Spealcer of the House of Representatives, DEVELOPMENT OF INSTALLATIONS Washington, D. C. Show us how to •.valk the way of life FOR THE NATIONAL SECURITY without fear for Thine is the strength DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to Public 'which sustains us, the wisdom which Law 301 of the 78th Congress, I have ap­ Mr. VINSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask guides us, and the grace which redeems pointed the fo11owing members of the Com­ unanimous consent to take from the mittee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries to us. Speaker's desk the bill (H. R. 9739) to serve as members of the Board of Visitors to authorize the Secretary of the Air Force Inspire us with a clear vision of that the United States Merchant Marine Acad­ kingdom of truth and righteousness, of .to establish and develop certain installa­ emy for the year 1958: Hon. EDWARD J. ROBE­ tions for the national security, and to peace and good will which is slowly and .SON, Jr., Hon. JOHN C. KLUCZYNSKI, Hon. surely emerging out of the welter of .JOHN H. RAY. confer certain authority on the Secre­ tary of Defense, and for other purposes, crisis and confusion in which we daily As chairman of the Committee on Mer­ live and labor. chant Marine and Fisheries, I am authorized with Senate amendments thereto, dis­ Help us to believe that no hope vouch­ to serve as an ex officio member of the Board. agree to the Senate amendments, and safed to our human souls is too high or Sincerely, agree to the conference asked by the holy to be fulfilled by Thy divine good­ HERBERT C. BONNER, Senate. ness and power. Chairman. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to In Christ's name we pray. Amen. the request of the gentleman from Georgia? [After a pause.] The Chair The Jour-nal of the proceedings of RESIGNATIONS FROM hears none, and appoints the following Thursday, January 30, 1958, was read COMMITTEES conferees: Messrs. VINSON, BRooKs of and approved. Louisiana, KILDAY, DURHAM, ARENDS, The SPEAKER. The Chair lays be­ GAVIN and NORBLAD. fore the House the following resigna·­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE tions from committees: THE LATE HONORABLE BERTRAND A message from the Senate, by Mr. JANUARY 31, 1958. Hon. SAM RAYBURN, H. SNELL McGown, one of its clerks, announced Speaker of the House of Representatives, that the Senate had passed, with amend­ washington, D. c. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes ments ln which the concurrence of the MY DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I hereby tender my the gentleman from New York [Mr. House is requested, a bill of the House of resignation as a member of the House Com­ KILBURN]. the following title: mittee on Public Works effective this date. Mr. KILBURN. Mr. Speaker, I ask H. R. 9739. An act to authorize the Secre­ Sincerely yours, unanimous consent that all Members tary of the Air Force to establish and develop FRANK J. BECKER, may have permission to extend their re­ certain installations for the national security, Member of Congress. marks on the life and accomplishments 1550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE Februar_y 3 of the Honorable Bertrand H. Snell at delegate at large at Kansas City in 1928. in his hometown with $150,000 to expand this point in the RECORD. He -was a delegate to and permanent scholarship programs. The SPEAKER. Without objection, it chairman of the Republican National Bert Snell served 24 years as a Mem­ is so ordered. Convention at Chicago in 1932, and a ber of Congress. His ambition was to be­ There was no objection. delegate at large and again permanent come Speaker of the House, and he re­ Mr. KILBURN. Mr. Speaker, I am chairman at the Cleveland convention in mained in Congress several years longer sorry to have to tell the House of the 1936. Again in 1940, he was a delegate than he intended, hoping he could be death of a distinguished former Mem­ to the Republican National Convention ·successful in his ambition. ber. Bertrand Hollis Snell died yester­ at Philadelphia. By 1938 his health was declining, and day afternoon at his hometown, Pots­ When Representative Snell took his with his clear vision he saw it would be a dam,N. Y. Eeat in the 64th Congress on November 2, number of years before the Republicans Former Congressman Snell was born 1915, he was assigned to the following would control the House, and he volun­ in Colton, St. Lawrence County, N. Y., committees of the House: Census, Rail­ tarily retired. on December 9, 1870. He attended the ways and Canals, and War Claims. His Bert Snell was an unusually brilliant public schools in Colton until 1884, when service on the first two committees ended legislator, and his sole objective was to he entered the State normal school at with this same Congress. During the make a constructive contribution to the Potsdam, N. Y., now Potsdam State 66th Congress, he served on the Com­ country that had been good to him. He Teachers College, from which he was mittees on Public Lands and Expendi­ was a man of fine character and rugged graduated in 1889. After postgraduate tures in the Department of Labor, but honesty. courses at the normal, he entered Am­ here again this service was confined to He had one pet measure.
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