H1608 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 24, 2002 decades, including those in Cambodia, Raja; Valsa Raju; Edward Rall; Luke Harris Russin; Michael Thomas Russo, Rwanda, Kosovo, attest to this fact. We Rambousek; Maria Isabel Ramirez; Sr.; Wayne Alan Russo; William R. must continue teaching our children Harry Ramos; Deborah Ramsaur; Ruth; John Joseph Ryan; Matthew L. tolerance so the next generation is Lorenzo Ramzey; Alfred Todd Rancke; Ryan; Edward Ryan; Jonathan Stephan armed with the knowledge and the Adam David Rand; Jonathan C. Ran- Ryan; Tatiana Ryjova; Christina Sunga power to defeat racial and religious dall; Shreyas Ranganath; Faina Ryook; Jason E. Sabbag; Thomas E. persecution wherever it arises. Rapoport; Rhonda Rasmussen; Robert Sabella; Scott Saber; Charles E. Sabin; We refuse to acknowledge and under- Arthur Rasmussen; Ameenia Rasool; Joseph F. Sacerdote; Jessica Sachs; stand racial and religious intolerance. Roger Mark Rasweiler; Marsha Dianah Francis John Sadocha; Joud Elie Safi; We are doomed to repeat the same Ratchford; David Alan James Rathkey; Brock Safronoff; Art Saiya; Edward tragedies again and again if we do not William R. Raub; Gerard Rauzi; Alexey Saiya; Kalyan K. Sakar; Marjorie C. constantly use our voices and our pray- Razuvaev; Gregory Reda; Sarah Salamone; John Patrick Salamone; ers for a much better situation in the Redheffer; Michele Marie Reed; Judith Juan Salas; Hernando R. Salas; 21st century of this country. A. Reese; Donald J. Regan; Robert Esmerlin Salcedo; John Salvatore Mr. Speaker, I thank the Chair for Regan; Thomas M. Regan; Christian Salerno; Rahma Salie; Richard L. this opportunity to commemorate the Regenhard; Howard Reich; Gregory Salinardi; Anne Marie Ferreira Armenian genocide. I also want to Reidy; James B. Reilly; Kevin Reilly; Sallerin; Wayne Saloman; Nolbert thank the many Armenian American Timothy E. Reilly; Joseph Reina; Salomon; Catherin Salter; Frank G. organizations throughout the Nation Thomas Barnes Reinig; Frank B. Salvaterra; Paul Salvio; Samuel R. that make celebration of terror and Reisman; Joshua Scott Reiss; Karen C. Salvo; Rena Sam-Dinnoo; Carlos hopeful that it is never done again, not Renda; John Armand Reo; Richard C. Samaniego; John Sammartino; only for Armenians, but for every Rescorla; John Resta; Sylvia San Pio Maryann Samone; James Kenneth group of people, particularly those in Resta; Martha Reszke; David Retik; Samuel, Jr.; Rena San Dinoo; Michael California for their tremendous work Todd Reuben; Eduvigis ‘‘Eddie’’ Reyes; San Phillip; Hugo Sanay-Perafiel; on behalf of the Armenian Army com- Bruce Reynolds; John Frederick Jesus Sanchez; Alva Jeffries Sanchez; munity which is an absolutely wonder- Rhodes, Jr.; Francis S. Riccardelli; Ru- Jacquelyn Sanchez; Eric Sand; Stacey ful group of people throughout the dolph N. Riccio; David Rice; Kenneth Sanders; Herman S. Sandler; James State. F. Rice, III; Eileen M. Rice; Vernon Sands, Jr.; Angela M. Santana; Ayleen I must say to the Turkish Govern- Richard; Cecelia E. Richard; Michael J. Santiago; Kirsten Santiago; Maria ment, you were not there when this Richards; Claude ‘‘Dan’’ Richards; Theresa Santillan; Susan G. Santo; was done, why cannot you say it was Venesha O. Richards; Gregory Rich- Christopher Santora; John Santore; wrong, we did the wrong thing of our ards; James Riches; Alan Jay Richman; Mario Santoro; Rafael Humberto ancestors and get it on the book and John M. Rigo; James Riley; Frederick Santos; Rufino Condrado F. Santos; get up to bat, just to use a baseball Rimmele; Theresa ‘‘Ginger’’ Risco; Dominick Santos; Victor J. Saracini; analogy? It just makes us sick when Rose Mary Riso; Moises N. Rivas; Jo- Kalyan K. Sarkar; Chapelle Sarker; the people do not go back in history seph Rivelli, Jr.; Isaias Rivera; Linda I. Paul F. Sarle; Deepika K. Sattaluri. and say that should not have been done Rivera; Carmen A. Rivera; Juan Ri- b 1630 and it will not be done again. vera; David Rivers; Joseph R. Riverso; Paul Rizza; Stephen Louis Roach; Jo- Gregory Saucedo; Susan Sauer; An- f seph Roberto; Michael Roberts; Mi- thony Savas; Vladimir Savinkin; Jack- REMEMBERING THE VICTIMS OF chael Edward Roberts; Leo Roberts; ie Sayegh; John Sbarbaro; Dawn Eliza- SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 Donald W. Robertson, Jr.; Catherina beth Scala; David M. Scales; Robert The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Robinson; Jeffrey Robinson; Michell Louis ‘‘Rob’’ Scandole; Thomas the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- Robotham; Donald Arthur Robson; An- Scaracio; Michelle Scarpitta; Dennis uary 3, 2001, the gentlewoman from tonio Augusto Tome Rocha; Raymond Scauso; John Schardt; John Scharf; Virginia (Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS) is recog- J. Rocha; Laura Rockefeller; John M. Fred Claude Scheffold, Jr.; Angela nized for 60 minutes as the designee of Rodak; Roseann Rodgers-Lang; Anto- Scheinberg; Scott M. Schertzer, Sean the majority leader. nio Jose Carrusca Rodrigues; Anthony Schielke, Steven Francis Schlag; Rob- Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Rodriguez; Richard Rodriguez; Carmen ert Allan Schlegel, Jon S. Schlissel; Speaker, we recently observed the 7th- Rodriguez; Carlos Cortez Rodriguez; Ian Schneider; Thomas Schoales; month anniversary of the terrorist at- Gregory Rodriguez; Marsha A. Frank G. Schott; Gerard P. Schrang; tacks that devastated our Nation on Rodriguez; David B. Rodriguez-Vargas; Jeffrey Schreier; John T. Schroeder; September 11, 2001. Today, I would like Jose Rodriquez; Matthew Rogan; Jean Susan Kennedy Schuler; Edward W. to continue to remember, recognize Roger; Karlie Rogers; Scott Rohner; Schunk; Mark Schurmeier; Mark and honor our fellow citizens who lost Keith Roma; Joseph M. Romagnolo; Schwartz; Clarin Schwartz; John their lives as a result of the terrorist Elvin Santiago Romero; Efrain Franco Burkhart Schwartz; Adrianne Scibetta; attacks on our Nation. Romero, Sr.; James A. Romito; Sean Raphel Scorca; Janice Scott; Randolph This list of over 3,000 names is com- Rooney; Eric Thomas Ropiteau; Angela Scott; Christopher Scudder; Arthur prised of many of the victims of the Rosario; Aida Rosario; Mark Harlan Warren Scullin; Michael H. Seaman; horrific attacks, including the fire- Rosen; Sheryl Lynn Rosenbaum; Margaret Seeliger; Carlos Segarra; fighters and policemen who willingly Brooke David Rosenbaum; Linda Jason Sekzer; Mary Grace Selco; Mat- gave their lives in an attempt to rescue Rosenbaum; Lloyd D. Rosenberg; Mark thew Carmen Sellitto; Michael L. others. This effort will continue until Louis Rosenberg; Joshua Rosenblum; Selves; Howard Selwyn; Larry J. each name on this list has been read on Andrew I. Rosenblum; Joshua Rosen- Senko; Marc Seplin; Arturo Sereno; the House floor and entered into the thal; Richard David Rosenthal; Philip Frank Serrano; Marian Serva; Alena CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. Rosenzweig; Richard Barry Ross; Dan- Sesinova; Adele Sessa; Situ Sewnarine; I urge my colleagues to join me in iel Rossetti; Norman Rossinow; Nich- Karen Lynn Seymour-Dietrich; Davis this important undertaking to show olas Rossomando; Michael Craig G. ‘‘Deeg’’ Sezna, Jr.; Thomas J. Sgroi; that this House and our Nation honors Rothberg; Mark Rothenberg; Donna Jayesh Shah; Khalid Mohammad our fallen brothers and sisters. Marie Rothenberg; James M. Roux; Shahid; Mohammed Shajahan; Gary Lars P. Qualben; Lincoln Quappe; Nicholas Rowe; Edward Rowenhorst; Shamay; Earl Richard Shanahan; Shiv Patrick J. Quigley, IV; Beth Ann Judy Rowlett; Timothy Roy; Behzad Shankar; Dan Frederic Shanower; Quigley; Michael Quilty; Ricardo Roya; Paul Ruback; Ronald J. Ruben; Huang Shaoxiang; Liang Shaozhen; Quinn; James Quinn; Carol Rabalais; Joanne Rubino; David M. Ruddle; Wang Shaozshang; L. Kadaba Christopher Peter A. Racaniello; Leon- James Ruffin; Bart J. Ruggiere; Susan Shashikiran; Neil Shastri; Kathryn ard Ragaglia; Eugene J. Raggio; Mi- Ann Ruggiero; Adam K. Ruhalter; Gil- Anne Shatzoff; Barbara A. Shaw; Jeff- chael Ragusa; Peter F. Raimondi; Lisa bert Ruiz; Obdulio Ruiz-Diaz; Stephen ery J. Shaw; Robert John Shay, Jr.; J. Raines; Harry Raines; Ehtesham U. P. Russell; Robert E. Russell; Steven Daniel James Shea; Joseph Patrick VerDate Apr 18 2002 02:16 Apr 25, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24AP7.113 pfrm15 PsN: H24PT1 April 24, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1609 Shea; Kathleen Shearer; Michael Suhr; David Marc Sullins; Christopher Pendyala Vamsikrishna; Erica Van Shearer; Linda Sheehan; Hagay Shefi; P. Sullivan; Patrick Sullivan; Thomas Acker; Kenneth W. Van Auken; Daniel Terrance H. Shefield; Antoinette Sullivan; Patty Sulva; Larry Sumaya; M. Van Laere; Edward Raymond ‘‘Toni’’ Sherman; John A. Sherry; Sean Yoichi Sumiyama; James Joseph Vanacore; Jon C. Vandevander; Rich- Shielke; Atsushi Shiratoro; Thomas Suozzo; Colleen Supinski; Robert ard Vanhine; Frederick T. Varacchi; Joseph Shubert; Mark Shulman; See- Sutcliff, Jr.; Selina Sutter; Claudia Su- Gopalakrishnan Varadhan; David Wong Shum; Allan Shwartzstein; Car- zette Sutton; John F. Swaine; Valerie Vargas; Scott C. Vasel; Santos men Sierra; Johanna Sigmund; Dianne Swanson; Kristine Swearson; Brian Ed- Vasquez; Azael Vasquez; Ronald James T. Signer; Gregory Sikorsky; Stephen ward Sweeney; Brian D. Sweeney; Mad- Vauk; Arcangel Vazquez; Peter Vega; Siller; David Silver; Craig Silverstein; eline Sweeney; Kenneth J. Swensen; Sankara Velamuri; Jorge Velazquez; Nasima Simjee; Diane M. Simmons; Thomas F. Swift; Derek O. Sword; Lawrence Veling; Anthony M. Ventura; George Simmons; Don Simmons; Bruce Kevin T. Szocik; Gina Sztejnberg; David Vera; Loretta A. Vero; Chris-
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